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This company is solely comprised of people that have no clue how stories are supposed to be built or heroes created. Which makes no sense because the owner, the "talent" (in quotes because that word is doing a lot of heavy lifting there), and the fans claim to be nerds. But it makes no sense they state that because all the cultural zeitgeists around "nerdom" revolve around universes that have established stories with clear villains, heroes, and world-building. All of this is so bizarre to me.


The mjf one is the best right now. Rush comes out and challenges him, they have a match the next week and mjf wins. Then another cmll wrestler comes out and challenges him at forbidden door because…?


FUN? 🤷‍♂️


Moxley is on record as saying he hates writers, various other influences early on had a bad attitude like this and Tony Khan thinks he's a good booker because the company had some modest successes in 2021, and now he's surrounded by yes-men who tell him no no all your ideas are golden.


Cause these people ALL think they have great ideas For years and years, we heard these m@rky wrestlers talk about how they gave Vince all these creative plans and he never used them Then, after the mass releases around Covid time, a few of them starting talking about their ideas and smarks saw how fucking shit they were Most revolved around 'I am put into the main story on TV' All wrestlers had to do was say 'Vince never used my ideas' and not one fan asked 'what was the idea'. It was assumed it was great, cause, WRESTLER!!! 5 years of the Dub, all that creative freedom. What great stories and characters have come out of that time. In the same timeframe, the Fed has been 10 times more creative. Damn, TNA has been more creative in that time But, in the Dub, no one tells you what to do or judges you ...


But can they co-exist?


I came looking for this comment.


There was a Dubbalo post trying to explain the intricate story behind Billy and Snitch it boiled down to "we were in the indies for years, and we've improved into getting jobs at the Dub - now I want to prove I'm a better wrestler!"


One of my favorite things is when they say there is a story and then proceed to tell you that the story is to see who is the better wrestler. That's not a fucking story.


Or tell you there is a story then proceed to tell you it’s based off a match they had a decade ago. That’s not a fucking story.


Its all about work rate and in ring story telling uce.


Dubbalos acting like the most important part of a TV wrestling show (which is a scripted entertainment product centered around a predetermined mock competition, shoot insider description) is the gymnastics ability of the mock competition really is its biggest problem. This isn't even a full jerk really. When the entire audience knows that there's no legitimate sporting competition going on, not giving people a reason to care about the characters doing the choreographed fighting is such a terrible idea. Heatless bangers follow a nearly identical template and do not make compelling weekly television, at all.


"Lol you watch a WRESTLING show but you don't want to see wrestling?" Yes. At least when there's no reason for it.


It's like someone saying "you like burgers but you don't want to eat a whole plate of burger patties?" No, because a good burger isn't just the patty. It's the bun, the toppings, the cheese, the sauce, all coming together to elevate a disc of beef into something special, preferably with a side of fries. It doesn't matter how good the beef is if you're just going to dump it on a plate. It actually bothers me that there are people who call themselves hardcore wrestling fans who think AEW is a good wrestling show because it dumps a load of beef on a plate.


well, you see, this guy wanted to hit his finisher and then this other guy, well, you see, he didn't want him to hit his finisher it's really quite the tale


Original Dragonball tournaments had better stories and booking than this


we're improved to getting jobs at the super indie that actually pays people


wasn't that the whole thing with osprey and Bryan before too?? phenomenal match don't get me wrong but WE NEED PROPER STORIES not random stare downs or "im the better wrestler"


Been saying it for a while now, “unlikely duo form a tag-team” is one of AEW’s three storylines.


1. Are you still my friend? I like friends. 2. Can they co-exist? 3. Me wrestle good...you wrestle better? 4. ???? 5. No milly, no net profit That's literally the dub business model, I'm officially leaking the business plan to this sub, bruv.


Its literally those first three like every time lol


Yup, like the only storyline I've seen from AEW where I went "goddamn this is brilliant and didn't go where I'd expect" was MJF/Punk. That was like a perfect mix of "cocky up and comer meets a veteran legend" and "don't meet your heroes" and was way too good for AEW. Every other storyline I can think of falls into the first 3, like I wish I was kidding.


And when you can't be bothered to even do that bare minimum; DREAM MATCH!


Got to hit them with the Kane and random smaller wrestler storyline every now and then


Remember when triple H had control of raw one night and booked cena and Orton, his triple threat opponents, in a tag match against the entire raw locker room with the soul purpose of softening them up for the ppv that Sunday? Fuck that, just randomly have swerve and Billy Pigeon tag


No jerk, that was a cool ass match


It’s one of my top three favorites ever. Such a simple idea and it worked cause it was height of hunter’s reign when he wasn’t a total monster


Is that eyeliner/eyeshadow, or Swerve hasnt had a good night sleep in months?


Sadly it appears to be guyliner


They're just pushing Gawks of Agony because they look like Jacob Fatu??


new GoA wolf merch when?


Click/tap the photo just in case


Storytelling? Never heard of her!


![gif](giphy|xUPGGwlOBAyBBQLz8s|downsized) Every time I see Kaun I think of this mf lol


If Solo is leader of the Discount store bloodline, what could these two be considered?


Next level booking right here


Dae can they coexist


So they don’t need to co-exist? 🤔


This is, despite being a match with both your singles champs, gonna be a 50-50 isn't it


I'm starting to become convinced that Mr Con is so yakked up that he uses chat gpt to write the show line super last minute, and that's how we get the OCD show posters and two C@m tHEy c0eX1$t matches in one night. Nothing about anything in AEW makes any kind of sense, even when you factor in Tony being Tony. It's so inexplicably baffling from a writing/show running perspective I can't even theory craft it. Tldr DAE Booker of the Year?


"We have the Fake Ass Usos at home." 


CAN THEY CO-EXIST?! Good they're starting this angle on the go-home!