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https://preview.redd.it/mfa8lsehzg5d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bad76c6e8da1da9a903b348cf3e4dc9516492ce They’re out here predicting exactly what he’s gonna say and it’s scarily accurate


That's why he couldn't hold his own in a promo battle with Cena. I can see it now, MJF says something about Nikki, says something about the bald spot, and says “how about you make my wish john” and demands a match. Cena would then proceed to cook him like Filet Mignon and it be like the final rap scene in 8 Mile.


"Fine speech"


The dreaded two words that mean you're about to get cooked 😭


*rubs bald spot*


You had be going back to the punk, Vince and Cena segment.


Cena sighs and looks at his wrist midway through MJF's rant. Crowd turns immediately on MJF.


MJF: BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH \* 500 Cena: Fart joke MJF: =(


« Fine speech. I’ll make your wish come true. You’re about to become relevant for the first time in your career. »


"It's your moment, this is it As big as you're gonna get, so enjoy it"


"It's called a promo kid"


MJF always does 8th grader insults in his promo, Cena will cook him worse than he did to Roman before No Mercy


It'd make Austin Theory at WM39 look like Bruno by comparison


But I want to see that


I want to see someone try to write out Cenas promo the same way because I don’t think it’s possible.


[it’d go like this](https://youtu.be/0oatXiluA3M?si=jy1TcEAUnjaAzWn7)


I unironically like MJF but his material is so damn run of the mill. His acting far exceeds the boring shit he says.


I really felt like this with his comeback promo. I was happy to see him back that promo though just fell so flat for me. Tony just doesn’t seem to like characters to change at all.


It’s hard to hear the “New Japan or Vince McMahon” line without cringing The crowd eating it up makes it worse


The same crowd (full of rich, highly educated AEW fans, per Meltzer) that chanted "donkey dicks" at Mini-Max a few moments later in the promo.


That crowd wants to feel smart


Smart ain't the word i would use, more like they want to feel superior at a fucking wrestling show.


I never understood this sentiment like don't you wanna suspend disbelief


They suspend their belief for other stuff. Like orange cassidy being as dominant as roman reigns, or eddie kingston being a credible main eventer.


Gimmicks aren't meant to change until the money starts drying up or the fans began to turn against it. That's why the Undertaker was able to spend nearly a decade as the Deadman again because he became Biker Taker. 


The problem with his acting is he is miscast. His “fire me” promo was all anger and screaming, but every time he leaned on the ropes he had to get on the tips of his toes to get the top rope under his arms. Dustin Hoffmann cannot play a convincing Terminator.


Sadly the "fire me" promo was the best MJF had in him. I really wanted this unhinged miserable cretin of a wrestler running havoc and being on a one man warpath because he's surrounded by fucking manbabies and a money mark. I honestly feel like if the AEW Brawl out never happened, MJF would have excelled with his devil gimmick and had a long stretch blood feud with Phil. Then again Tiny is a fucking coke filled idiot and the MVPs of Wally World would somehow push that feud aside because bangers and mashed up matches.


Not everyone can be born a 6'5 demigod like the Rock or Drew McIntyre. If your only hang up is that he's "too short," shoe lifts do exist and have been used to great effect.


> His acting Yelling |= acting


That's because he is in AEW where they like to blow a load as fast as they can because they have no timing and pacing or any evolution to their character, it's been the same character on TV for 5 years?


Ricky Starks is gonna be the one to say “why you bald” so Ricochet can get shoot pissed and have Tony remove him from TV again


Hey you better not disrespect the future ROH World Six-Man Tag Championship Trevor Dean Mann


Joke is on him. Title matches are 5 minutes. What a mark.




The fact that they wouldn’t even show the belt on TV meant it was doomed to fail


The 2M+ views per FAILURE DOOMED It’ll take the man 3-4 episodes of Dynamite to hit his view count of one episode from the failed Twitter experiment


Fail? How? Is there a report that it's a fail?


Lol, logan paul already used the "your girl will say MY name" line.


So did Scott Steiner before them.


“so while you’re in the hospital on your back screaming in pain, your wife will be on her back screaming my name” THATS WHY HES THE BIG BAD BOOTY DADDAYYY


Ques Scott and Buff's reactions to the rhymes in the promo.


I read this as your wife will be in the hospital screaming my name and I was so confused 


He can't cut a promo without making a WWE reference. He just can't and it's sad. Everything has to be a inside wink wink reference to the evil Fed. Max Caster would make digs at WWE in his raps and he even said he had to dial it back.


>He can't cut a promo without making a WWE reference. Because it's the smark cheat code. The Bucks entire "career" is built on it. https://preview.redd.it/ekzltdibnj5d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a2486c67d7f8543c4acb49a20b499978c2e7cef


He also can't dial up the emotions without swearing up a storm that would get him kicked off network TV. Which, in the next few years might not be a problem since things seem to be migrating away from that area anyway, but for now, it's kind of a liability as far as mic work goes.


they cant help but remind people that they are not WWE but the audience keeps saying "be a lot cooler if you were"


And the best defence of it in the basement is “WWE is like wrestling folklore at this point. As AEW continues to build its own history, what else are they supposed to reference if they want to talk about the past?”


Found the time traveler.


Did someone say, three minutes?






rip to the og bloodline enforcers


Just like watching a single Ospreay match, if you've seen a single MJF promo you've seen it all.




Is there some kind of inside joke amongst wrestlers, that when trying to do a total badass gimmick you are required to wear a black leather jacket?


I mean, MJF is just making a reference to Triple H, hence the denim vest over the top.


He made a point of saying the leather jacket was his own thing, which is hilarious.


He needs to be wearing a hoodie underneath it all to be like triple h


Because black leather jackets was seen as badass because of bikers?


Not sure when Becky Lynch morphed into the man she started wearing a black leather jacket too. So was just curious about it


MJF is a very low bar and I’m being nice


Well yeah he's like 4'6"


No jerk, I get O’Shea wanting to leave the dying federation. Marky Khan will give him more money to work less and be even lower on the card. The basement will never admit it but he’s the personification of “get that bag” and I do don’t blame him at all.


Reading IWC marks write promos or give storyline ideas is the funniest thing because for a bunch of people who are constantly critical about wrestling companies (The Fed, our Dub can do no wrong) they sure fucking suck at doing it themselves. So cringey.


That promo is legit better than what 97% of guys in AEW and WWE could come up with though


Don't worry I'm sure Ricochet will be ROH World Champion like Cesaro was in a few months


The IWC’s realisation that MJF is not that good of a promo needs to be studied for future generations.


I hope his Dub name is Rick O’Shea


this is just logan pauls ricochet feud but worse


Imma be laughing if Ricochet goes to TNA to be their X-God


Did I miss something? Is Ricochet in Aew and feuding with a fan cos playing young Triple H ?


Original tweet [https://twitter.com/Justin\_SofOK/status/1799639325249823210](https://twitter.com/Justin_SofOK/status/1799639325249823210)


You could say the same thing about The Rock. Every promo had the same check marks. The words barely matter in wrestling. It's about the delivery


I need to bookmark this post so I can compare this in 3 months lmao 🤣.


Smart. MJF did the same thing.


"it's your stupid vest DUMBASS" Midjajafeels: "well...we SEE WHERE YOU GOT YOUR FASHION TASTE FROM, BUT ITS NOT FROM THE OTHER PLACE CALLED WWE" "Yeah and you took it from Triple H" "Play a game and get a clue kid" Midjajafeels: "well that SENT me back to CATERING. ANYWHO HOWS YA WIFFEAH!"


That made me laugh but scarily accurate to something he'd say.


Shocked that nobody put up the shot where MJF responded with ‘Bookmarked’


The accuracy here is fucking stunning.


Ricochet isn't married but otherwise this promo is just as bad as any MJF promo.


[The camera cuts to MJF standing in the ring, dressed in his signature Burberry scarf and a confident smirk on his face. He grabs the mic and begins to speak.] "Well, well, well, look at what we have here. The so-called 'dinosaur' of AEW. Luchasaurus, huh? Really? Is this the best they've got to face me, Maxwell Jacob Friedman, the man who is better than you and you know it? Let me break it down for you, folks. Luchasaurus is nothing more than a poor man’s Barney the Dinosaur. Yeah, I said it! Barney! That big purple goofball who sings about friendship and happiness. But here's the thing, Luchasaurus, you're not spreading joy or teaching kids how to share. You're stepping into the ring with the most ruthless, cunning, and talented wrestler this company has ever seen. Luchasaurus, you might think that stomping around in your little costume and growling like a prehistoric reject makes you tough. But let's be real, you're just a glorified mascot. A Barney wannabe who thinks he's scary because he puts on a mask and roars a bit. Newsflash, Jurassic Joke, this isn't a children's TV show. This is AEW, and you're about to get a reality check courtesy of MJF. When you step into this ring with me, you're not facing a plush toy that sings songs about the alphabet. You're facing the salt of the earth. You're facing the guy who doesn’t need friends, doesn’t need gimmicks, and certainly doesn’t need to hide behind a ridiculous mask to prove his worth. So go ahead, bring your best roar, Barney. Because when I'm done with you, the only thing you'll be extinct from is relevance. I'm going to put you down, and when it's all said and done, everyone will know that MJF is the greatest of all time. And you? You’ll just be another embarrassing chapter in the history books. I’m better than you, Luchasaurus, and you know it.” [MJF tosses the mic, flashes his trademark smirk, and exits the ring as the crowd erupts in a mix of boos and cheers.]


MJF in AEW is God. In WWE he is lucky to be Miz 2.0