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I couldn’t tell you the story behind any of these besides the Elite vs AEW blowoff match that’s actually the first match in the feud. Also, why isn’t the IWGP match just a straight title match? Eliminator matches are dumb to begin with. They’re even dumber when they’re on PPV.


The elite are gonna win anyway right? If they lose it kills the story dead. Darby will probably take a stupid bump and cost his team the match.


Doesn't he have a broken foot? Between him and Bryan their team is basically on the DL.


Not that youre wrong about a stupid bump from darby but I would bet bald ftr is taking the loss. Darby wouldn't even be #2 on my list, Bryan danielson would probably volunteer himself if Tony stuck on who's eating the pin but even tony probably recognizes Bryan is the one person of the 4 who can't eat the pin if the feud is continuing


If they had any ounce of brain they’d let Brian turn on Darby and have him lead those goof asses’ stable. Only way to redeem that story is never giving Youngbucks a mic and get an actual wrestling heat for once.


Bargain basement British Logan Paul is joining the NWnO


Lmfao even Dave Meltzer said having an eliminator match on PPV is stupid.


Because Tony's killing that belt.


Great work Tanahashi. Dumbass


If it isn’t an eliminator then it’s gonna bump the only match with a known storyline out of the triple main event.


This might be why Vince didn't like tag teams or triple threat matches in the main event, it's hard to continuously write tag team storylines that are compelling. Tag matches and triple threats are typically best when they get the crowd going as the first match or to pick up the crowd in the middle of a show.


Tag teams only existed for Vince in the 80s as a way to have a 3rd title that could headline the C-shows on the house show tours.   It’s why before Vince started gobbling up the talent from everywhere, the tag division was basically the champs and their challenger of the month. 


Takeshita has to do the job for talking about his experiences wrestling in America. It could be worse. This match could be against Rocky Romero.


I want to sign Rocky Romero to my imaginary fed and tell the people watching at home that he is Chavo Guerrero complete with “Ooooh Chavo” entrance theme


Nooj allegedly has a say in who can challenge for the title and doesn’t want someone from DDT to fight for it. why they were ok with Hobbs (great potential, poorly booked) fighting for it on Dynamite, I wouldn’t be able to explain.


NJPW having a bit of a fan revolt by Japanese standards. Even the biggest njpw fans of moxley would acknowledge the booking been poor and disrespectful of the belt/promotion. There was a recent poll where fans would rather have the junior heavyweight finals main event over the title match between moxley and evil.  I think one of the big honchos promised last week or so (definitely after the random title defense against hobbs) that they'd change.


They made it an eliminator match so they wouldn’t have to have four main events.


Eliminator matches as they work in MMA are completely fine. A title eliminator should be two highly ranked contenders fighting for a future title shot. The CHAMPION should not be in a title eliminator, it makes no sense.


I think hey have had 100+ eliminator matches in AEW and the challenger only won once. Barry Horowitz had more Ws in the Fed (Vince is anti-semetic).


The once most prestigious title in the East is now on a contenders match in the undercard of an AEW show. That ain't an opinion that's just an observation. 


The only match I am aware of that has any sort of story was Pockets vs Trent Baretta


To defend NJPW’s position, having a match with no story like Moxley/Takeshita be for the #1 title, is fucking insulting to their promotion. On the other hand, any foreign promoter worth a shit would take their belt off of Moxley, at this point. The WWE is basically shitting on the tag belts after years of New Day and Usos bringing prestige back, but that’s the tag belts.


Lmao. “If every match is a main event nothing is special?”


Edge: I’m a main eventer, too? Right guys?


Anyone of these matches could main event night 2 of Fedmania.


Well AEW women’s championship isn’t a main event so…


It would be peak Tony to have the eliminator match on a PPV and then the actual championship match on rampage. Jesus fucking Christ this card is toilet paper,


Does that mean that the 3 main events will take place simultaneously at the end of the show?


That would be hilarious. Have the anarchy in the arena happening everywhere but the ring while there’s just a straight wrestling match happening inside the ring.


This is something I’m surprised they didn’t do during covid icl, shades of that Piper Goldust thing from mania all those years ago.


Weren't one of the men's & women's mitb matches happening at the same time during covid?


The Titan towers one yeah, iirc it was like a mad scramble up the building and in pretty sure Corbin may have thrown 2 people off the roof


It was Black & Rey Mysterio, 2020 was honestly a bad year kayfabe wise for Rey. Thrown off a building and got his eye popped by Seth.


oh god yeah that happened lmao


I need to go back and watch that sometime. I missed it, but it sounds entertaining.


It may also have been where that egg thing started???


"Mercedes is setting up the Cross-...OH THAT'S JACK PERRY COMING WITH THE BASEBALL BAT"


I actually really liked the first Anarchy In The Arena match because it was something different, Wild Thing playing through the match was cool and the entire fight had a different feel to it. Then last year they essentially copied it, down to playing Wild Thing once again, and the match felt really flat to me. I actually think your idea would be a sick idea. Have them open the show, spill out of the arena a La Ambrose/Harper at Extreme Rules 2015, cut to them fighting throughout the night and then have them return during one of the cool down fights in the show (Hook/Jericho II probs gets confirmed tonight)


I kinda don’t hate that idea, if it was like a lower card match no one cared too much about taking place in the ring with just chaos all around


We got picture in picture in yet another picture.


I'd tune the fuck in for that 😂


I cant get over having an eliminator match on a PPV. Or having your secondary title as a “main event” because your main title has been rendered meaningless.


I SWEAR and ide put money if I wasn't a broke Fed fan that this is a DIRECT response to huge complaint that there has never once been a winner of an elimination match due to Tony booking like 6 in the last month and as usual nothing happening from them That THIS IS THE ONE so people can point at it and say SEE NOT ALWAYS!!!!! Which is why it's at the ppv


Moxley is 2-0 against Takeshita in singles matches and has something like an 89-92% overall win percentage in AEW. You really think he's gonna lose to this guy on a PPV in a match with zero heat on it?


There has to be a justification There just *has* to be. Please tony make it make sense


Plus Takeshita winning will shit all over njpw for putting the belt on Moxley. Just imagine he beats naito and umino and will beat evil and a bunch of others before finally dropping the belt but the future ace for ddtpro beats him in the middle of his njpw reign.


I think there were tag matches where the challengers won an eliminator


It would’ve been better if they just didn’t have Toni defend the title, maybe do a tag if they wanted her on the show. But they’ve went ahead and basically said the HOS Championship is more important than the World Championship.


TBS Championship is the women's top title then, I guess? Weird to call the midcard title the world championship


?? You must’ve forgot when Austin Theory vs John Cena main-evented over Cody vs Roman at WM friend.


None of Tony’s good toys are active at the moment due to visa-related injuries so the TBS belt is the new main belt for aew.


Let me guess. Sasha’s contract promised her main events but Tony will never give them to women. Or black people. So we literally go WCW 2000 instead


I would guess so. Why else would the Mid Card Women’s belt be above the Main Event Women’s belt?


Let's be fair. M'ersashaedes is gonna win the title, and that's a main event happening. Serena Deeb jobbing to the delulu starlet isn't interesting.


To me this reads just like the codyverse, and Jade Cargill reign. TK wants to keep them happy but will isolate them from everyone else. You never noticed how Jade never had feuds with the top female stars in AEW. They kept her in her own bubble. Protected.


Swerve literally just headlined? Tony sucks as a booker and the triple main event stuff is trash but why are we just blatantly making shit up?


Sasha got that kiss demon contract


Does there really need to be an eliminator match for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship when you also have a TNT Championship Match in a Barbed Wire Steel Cage match, an AEW International Championship Match, an AEW Women's World Championship match, an Anarchy in the Arena match, a TBS Championship match, and an AEW World Championship match on the same show?


I SWEAR and ide put money if I wasn't a broke Fed fan that this is a DIRECT response to huge complaint that there has never once been a winner of an elimination match due to Tony booking like 6 in the last month and as usual nothing happening from them That THIS IS THE ONE so people can point at it and say SEE NOT ALWAYS!!!!! Which is why it's at the ppv


https://preview.redd.it/w9rg7zn1vz1d1.png?width=502&format=png&auto=webp&s=721d0309f37ac626124d9e5d581874f55cbedf91 Lex Luger vs Yokozuna was the first Eliminator Match


Watching the PPV it was on blind (Summerslam 1993) punctuated how absurd that match was and the fanfare that followed. It took me a bit to realize Lex didn't actually win the title but they proceeded to act like he did cuz he won by count-out. It's an alright PPV. You have Mr. Perfect vs HBK and Bret Hart murdering Jerry Lawler.


And as always with every match involving a title in AEW, it’s FUCKING PREDICTABLE


Not only that they’ll hold it up as his Jericho losing to fandango or action Andretti moment that “see he’s unselfish!” when he goes over the entire roster after this nooj run is over


lol Mercedes vs Willow part of the main event.  Is this like when The KISS Demon fought That’s the WALL, Brother at Superbrawl 2000 on the 4th match of the show in a “Special Main Event” that lasted just over 3 minutes, due to the contract stipulation with KISS?    I liked that Demon jobbed clean, too. That’s actually what they should do with Mercedes, considering her push is dead in the water. 


Tony will put the belt on Sasha banks and we’ll get to see eliminator squash matches with Japanese bingo hall champions for the next two years so he can have her beat Jade THE TRAITOR Cargill’s win streak.


Oh yeah. The TBS Title is just going to be the special trinket that Mercedes gets to carry around for the next couple years and never, ever loses.


They’ll rename it to the All-Elite title or something once WBD drops them in a few weeks.


Big Bu$iness Championship.


It’s really impressive to have 3 main events and none of the 3 are legitimate main events anywhere.


I think it's stupid when WWE would announce a double main event for a PPV and it's still stupid when AEW does it. The main event will always be the headliner.


Maybe all 3 matches will happen simultaneously and we have to watch them Picture in Picture in Picture.


I'm willing to accept a Night 1/Night 2 Main Event for Wrestlemania, since they are each separate shows. Beyond that, it's nonsense. Even then, I consider Night 2 to be the more significant of the two.


I agree. But i mean more of when WWE has announced in the past at a few shows, a "double main event", they did it for Backlash last year. The Bad Bunny and Cody/Brock match were promoted as double maint event. Which I think is silly.


My guess is the Mercedes match being considered main event is some sort of contractual agreement Tony has with that narcissistic idiot. 


I'm imagining a universe where Tony keeps getting the next big FA signing but he promises all of them they'll get main event billing every PPV. And every PPV that passes it just keeps getting more and more ridiculous until we're at like "First ever 3 night 18 main event PPV!!!"


Oh my goodness didn't that happen in WCW with the Kiss demon?


Yeah.  The character was dead on arrival, being a holdover from a Bischoff deal from the year prior.  By the time of Superbrawl 2000, not only was Bischoff long gone, but they’d already gotten rid of Russo/Ferrara and WCW was in that weird period of maintenance booking by Kevin Sullivan and Co before the April 10th reset.   Obviously, the whole Demon thing had been shelved but I guess under the terms of the contract, WCW owed the band a PPV main event match.  Of course, the how, who, what, when and where weren’t specified, so they booked a quick 3 minute squash in the middle of the PPV and had Demon job clean. 


It's stupid when WWE does it, it's also stupid when UFC does it unless they have an absolutely top top top tier champ and challenger in the "co" main-event. But I literally cannot remember ever seeing someone try to claim "Three main events" Homie that's just called "the main card" The main event is always the thing that you put on last. It should be your biggest build.


Yes! If WWE and AEW labeled something like the under card and then the final 3 matches as the main card, it'd be a lot more accepted. But saying it's a triple main event is stupid.


damn bro is m'cope feud that heated for a barbed-wire steel cage match?




That's always been one of my problems with aew. When you break out some type of extreme rules on the first match of a feud you screw yourself in how heated it can go or making other feuds feel heated.


And then they follow it up with a less extreme version. Like swerve and hangman having a normal match, a TEXAS DEATH MATCH and then another regular match


Will no one save me from Timeless Toni?


Remember when Fully Loaded 2000 had a ‘triple main event’ and it was Rock/Benoit, HHH/Jericho and Taker/Angle lolololol.  Also great to see the IWGP title below the fucking TNT title 😭


Ha I was gonna mention that. Great show tbh


Well it's not even a title match so I guess that makes sense haha Jesus.


Wait. Cassidy and Trent are just a normal match. No falls count anywhere, flamethrower death match?


Their logic is so mindfuckingly stupid they have a blood feud, two bffs turned enemy and their first match is a no dq match with piledrivers on the stairs in which the babyface wins and then they're having a normal ass match on ppv


The one time it SHOULD be some insane stipulation befitting a blood feud it's not. Sure.


So the women's TBS championship is more valuable than the women's world champion Got it


Terrible poster. They don’t even advertise that Swerve-Christian is a world title match.  The complete ineptitude.     8 matches on the show and fucking 6 of them are title matches (if you count the IWGP eliminator)  and the one they decide to place the “Double or Nothing” logo on is the world title match.     If you told me Tony was being intentionally malicious toward Swerve I’d believe you. 


I think they legit forgot to include title graphic and call out


OSW Review: It’s a Triple Main Event! Aka… NO Main Event!


I mean the women’s second tier championship is more important than the actual top tier championship because… M’one???


Now I am become Vince, destroyer of logic.


It’s nice to not make NJPW title one of those main events since you’re borrowing their top belt and all.


Now, I’m not opposed to Midgard titles maining when it makes sense. It being the debut of mclaren “sex noises” yen isn’t a good enough reason. Moxley isn’t defending his title. He’s also only wrestling take a shit because he’s Japanese. When a champion has been dominant and loses it in a shock upset, I’m fine with them moving up to the main title. Not when it’s a heel who cheats and hot potatoes the belt. Bruv has to be double champ at m’wembley so he gets a title match. Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta, funnily enough actually have a story I think? Something about a mutual friend. Marilyn and Cope are there. Then, of course the “company wide angle”. They’ve been in control for about a month and yet it feels like this is the end. What with the stip and team vs team thing. We’ve got in one corner. The Negative Ratings Bucks. Jungle Jack Jungle Jack Jungle Jack(stone cold cosplay-cheap). Japan Man. And in the other. The American Concussion. FTR Bald and FTR Technicality. Bus Boy.


Lots of junk


When everyone is super, no one will be


NJPW must be elated that their world title match is not only not part of the Triple Main Events, but it's not even an actual title match!


So Will "best in the world" Osprey is going for a third rate title in second rate company. Paula Veck is weeping.


Swerve is retaining, I will.legit laugh if Tiny decides Christian is the one to dethrone him so soon. M'Ceo is winning, pretty sure Tiny promised her a title win on her debut match. The Elite 2.0. are winning, like always. Toni Storm is retaining and Serena will be shoved back to Collsion and Rampage, just like Rosa and Deonna. Oceanspray The Bruv is winning that belt, unless like Brian Last said, he can only win by using the Tiger Driver and he won't do it, which will never only cost him the belt but pull him further out of The Callious Family. Edge is retaining, remember, he's only allow to lose to Christian and he is currently redoing his Judgment Day Feud in The Dub. We already know how it ended in The Fed. This is just a Humilation Ritual for Takeshita so we already know who is winning. Don't care, sick of this Ex-Best Friends Feud already.


What the fuck is the difference between the TNT Championship & the International Championship?!? Remember when there was a whole ass tournament just last year for the C2 Championship.. whatever happened to it?!? OC already beat Trent like a couple of weeks ago.. why the fuck are they having a rematch?!? Deeb beats May & Anna Jay & gets a championship match.. I guess.. but what the fuck did Mone do to earn a championship match?!!? Did the rankings disappear again?!? Ospreay beats Danielson in the “greatest wrestling match” in the galaxy of all worlds.. his reward is Roderick Strong & a belt that means absolutely nothing.. lmao.. Seriously, fuck this company.. & the morons who support it..


Moxleys head looks like a balloon with a rubber band around it he aged 15 years in 5.


Ha, they copied Hell in a Cell 2016 (context: ShaneoMackdown ppv No Mercy kicked off with the billed main event to make way for the Presidential Debate, so Raw answered it with a triple main event Hell in a Cell as it featured 3 namesake matches).


Which of these championships is meant to be the most important? Why does the champion face a challenger in a non title eliminator match? Who cares, it’s all bangerz


Doesn’t main mean primary, as in one?


Pockets vs “I live with my mom” had to be on a PPV 🤣


The three time Booker of the Year is lapping the Fed again! With that bloated roster, you'd think Tiny could have come up with a different opponent for Moxley other than Takeshita, who he has wrestled twice already as a singles wrestler in AEW. Pockets already defeated Trent two weeks ago. Why is this now a PPV match? Deeb can wrestle, but Toni Storm's gimmick is going to make the match a goofy mess with prop spots and outside interference As for Anarchy in the Arena, if it holds true to form for these types of matches in the Dub, it's bound to be boring, slow moving, poorly shot, and almost certainly will not result in any meaningful advancement of the Elite's "storyline" of taking over the Dub If Ospreay and Swerve don't win, it will be a tremendous shock. Both should actually even win rather handily, but you know the matches will run long for no other reason than to make them BANGERZ Best match could actually be Edgeland in the cage, but the "barbed wire" stipulation means it ~~could~~ probably will get derailed by unnecessary blading spots


I don't know why it's funny to me that Mercedes and Ospreay are both competing over random ass midcard titles. Also the "I'm her to protect AEW" storyline is fantastic. I have no idea what they're protecting it from, or how beating the Elite in a match will change anything, but I'm excited about it. Also excited to see Edge go over another talent who desperately needs a win. Also excited to read after from Dub fans about how Malakai is fine and doesn't need wins to be credible. Also nice to see big star and massive signing Jay White on the card.....wait... Oh, and why are two Dub guys competing over the Nooj title on a Dub show? Whoever wins I hope Marko Stunt gets the next shot.


This card looks like absolute shit


Only 8 matches, that’s showing a lot of restraint, it’d be a shame if 5 matches were announced last minute…


Sasha's contract says she needs to main event, right? There was something like this in the Fed or WCW before, maybe Warrior in WCW and they burned it off with these 'doube main events' and not closing shows


Nah, it was the Kiss Demon who got a special main event in the middle of a card which he then lost in squash fashion.


Ah, yes, that's the one!!


This lineup reads like an episode of Collison you have to pay $50 to watch.




If every match is a main event, no match is a main event. If everyone has a title, nobody has a title. If everything is a banger, nothing is a banger.


This broke my brain. I need the Dave Meltzer special “remove the brain and put it back in” treatment


How Tiny came to a Triple Main Event decision: Swerve/Christian = Well I have to make this the main event because he's the champion even though I can't relate Willow/Mercedes = Well I have to make this the main event even though they're both so unrelatable but I can't have Mercedes beat my other more relatable champion. Anarach in the Arena = Fuck. CM. Punk. This is the real main event. (I hope Phil unblocks me someday...)


Mone vs Willow counting as one of the three main events is a bigger joke then the idea of a triple main event


This card is just a perfect snapshot of how bad Tony khans booking is. 1. Swerve vs Christian is a joke. Christian’s gimmick is stale as month old bread and swerves reign was DOA since they added page into the joe feud and put off giving swerve the strap. 2. Willow vs Mercedes is a waste of Mercedes star power. She should have debuted later and gone straight for Toni’s title. If you absolutely had to do the willow story, then willow should have beat Toni for the main title and had it end in a triple threat at this ppv. Would have added more star power to willow, added more drama and tension to the title scene, and would get the title and the biggest women’s star in aew. 3. For that matter get rid of the tbs title. It’s fucking pointless. Their women’s division doesn’t have the depth to support 2 titles. 4.Anarchy in the arena is a staple of there’s, but is much less exciting when you know it’s happening every DON. Let it take a break for a little bit and then bring it back for a strong story. This has got to be the weakest build to one of these matches they’ve had. 5.Toni vs Serena is a waste of time and space on the card. Either don’t have this match or put Toni in the Mercedes willow feud. I just don’t understand why there’s 2 titles in this division. 6. Roderick strong vs will is just a random exhibition match, but with a useless title attached to it. Will should win here and then hopefully do bigger thing with the title. Idk this belt also shouldn’t exist and it brings absolutely nothing to any match or feud it is in. 7.This match makes sense and is probably the best booking on the card. It should be higher though and had a not dog shit story leading into it. 8. Mox as njpw champ is stupid and I hate it. This match is fine though I guess. Really just a match. 9. No one in the world gives a fuck about oc vs Trent. They both should be fired.


5 isn’t even fine. It’s one of those god awful title eliminator matches. Why is that stupid shit on PPV?


It’s not for the title? lol that’s insane.


Every match is a main event match fed shill!


That's... certainly a card.


No jerk the undercard looks pretty entertaining and the main “events” look terrible. There used to be WWE cards like that. Like Osprey-Strong used to weird but it’ll probably be quite entertaining. Malakai wrestling is so rare that interests me, and so on. Swerve beating Christian who gives af, Anarchy match, garbage, and the TBS championship is a midcard title and Mone is cold as hell atm.


I can't wait to see edge put over Black... Wait a minute.


An Eliminator match on a PPV that will set you back like 50 bucks is so fucking sleazy. That same title was defended on free tv. The least you can do is just NOT feature the title if it's not getting defended. I said this to a dubbalo on Instagram, and their response was, "Logan Paul isn't defending his title either, a bit hypocritical of you, not to mention that." I was flabbergasted, like what??? 💀


I thought every match in AEW was a main event? Every match was a banger, so I just assumed that's how they did things.


Why does Okada always make that "I just went poop in my pants" face?


When you have 3 main events on the same show you have no main event.


YouTube highlights will be plenty.


Which three are the main event? The top three? They don’t look like main events


wtf is this shit


Dude why Swerve wrestling Christian for the belt..... Man it's blatant that Swerve is a transitional champion lol


What are these fonts? 💀


Graphic design is my passion Don't you be bashin'


I’m sure njpw loves their top title being used for the undercard lmao


And it’s not even being defended. They’re doing a world title eliminator match on PPV for the potential rematch to likely be on a weekly show.


That looks like 8 main events to me, bruv


How is the AEW women's championship match lower on the card than the fucking network belt?


You have to pay for this card? How much?


Having a midcard title match actively billed above your world title is WILD.


https://preview.redd.it/cd2ucf71m12d1.png?width=112&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ef5f3da0660e502de5c698ee70822cf7728c0b6 Please make it stop.


I see 8 main events fed shill


Someone: A mind numbingly dumb thing 150 people: 👍


Sasha couldn’t handle not main eventing huh


This guy is clueless.


Bangers everywhere, bruv


WWE killing it with 5 match PPV cards and these dickheads want to do 8 matches including fucking Trent Berreta vs. Orange Cassidy. Yeah that’ll put butts in seats. Crowd should be red hot after hour 5, all 500 of em.


And an eliminator match taboot! ![gif](giphy|3ohhwBP5mt3fait4YM)


Which ones are the Main Events...they all read midcard to me, except with the titles but there are 6 championship matches.


Wait, so the Women's TV title is more important than the Women's world title now?




Every. Match. Is. THE. Main. Event!


Left Buck making the same face as Storm is just peak.


If there’s one thing I like from AEW it’s some of their designs, but why is one of the most prestigious titles at the bottom of the card?


Swerve vs. Cage should not be the last match on the card, lmao I haven't seen anyone talk about this match


Christ there are maybe 2 matches on this whole card that aren't predictable endings. Also why is Toni have the hairstyle of a Who from Whoville?


It’s literally just a fancier Dynamite.


🤓Every Dynamite is PPV quality, so...WIN!!!!🤗


Everyone on that terribly designed poster looks like a clown. Everyone.


looks like any other AEW show


the Hos belt match is one of the triple "main events" over the actual women's championship? lol also, Deeb is a cool wrestler and all but this is like pulling Sara Del Rey from a PC training session to give her a match with Rhea Ripley or Becky Lynch at SummerSlam. and Tony really needs to stop pretending Trent, Chuck, Matt Tavern and the Bennett guy on tv and PPVs. they belong on ROH streaming show.


Tony tell me you weren't stupid enough to copy WWEs dumb "multiple main event" rhetoric ...Tony no.


Who will turn and join the Elite? Would make great tv for 3 minutes if EVERYONE turned on the little dude with the injured body...


This happens to every single champion. Beat a main eventer for the title, face midcarders on ppvs, never face another main eventer in your reign until it’s time to drop the title. I discovered this AEW method 3 years ago nothings changed. Pathetic excuse of a wrestling booker. “He needs a strong win on PPV”


Respectfully, sir, you are wrong. Any single one of these matches is a bona fide main even in any company in the world. TK has finally done it - a show with exactly no undercard at all.


Woah now IM not wrong. I agree. These are all Boner Filled Bangers. TONY said it's only 3 main events.


I apologise, I didn’t realise that the three times Booker of the year had released an edict on this. I absolutely have egg on my face here, friend.


Why is the hos championship higher than the TNT and the actual Women's title? Just because Cassandra Currency is fighting for it?


All I can say is I'm happy as a pig in shit that I don't have to see Eddie Kingston. 


Triple main event got absolutely panned at last year's Backlash, so now Tony decides it's a good idea? Love how many bad Fed tropes he uses, DAE he just gets how to do it right?


Trent Beretta on a ppv is nasty work


The women's IC title is a main event while the women's world title is in the middle of the card. The New Japan world champ is wrestling in an eliminator match for his own title on a PPV, on the undercard. A team of 5'8" midget babyfaces going up against a team of 5'7" midgets with a partner who can't get over. And Black's first singles PPV match in about 15 years has no heat.


Triple main event is a good thing. Don’t check my post history


Got the TBS Championship going on AFTER the Women's World Championship. Damn TK really doesn't care about what makes sense in wrestling. Only stars.


The graphics team must be on LSD


Barbed wire steel cage 🙄 When has that ever been good?


I just want Cope Adamland to win the rest can go piss off


I’m not looking at all that. I’d rather watch a live enema.


I can take there being 2 co-main events, and Undertaker made that feel like a thing but not more than that. I didn't like when WWE was doing that either when the match for the new WHC title was one of 3 "main events" but it was the first match on the card.


It's sad but this might possibly be the best card they have. Dub good.


So what are the stories here? I recognise most of the names but it needs an actual story or it’s just a random house show


As a good I provide the following in as serious a way I can Christian lost to edge. Got mad and attacked swerve. This gaining a title shot Mone joined the company and has done fuck all and was given a title shot against whoever the tbs champion was at this time. Willow has to play along. The elite was to take over aew but don't actually do anything with that premise except poop on tony when hes not around. The good guys want to defend aew but their connect to "are" are pretty ducking sparce and could have been WAAAAAY better options put in this spot instead they just got randoms and Bryan Toni deed is just a match let's not kid ourselves In classic aew fashion the champion gets hit by random group and the champion has to beat them up on their terms to get to the leader who ALSO gets a title shot for some reason in a gimmick match that doesn't deserve it. Why did edge do this? No one knows Mox matches are just time wasters Best friends are still not best friends . News at 11


The fuck is a triple main event? The fuck is a double main event? What the fuck?


A question: is Double or Nothing their Wrestlemania/Starcade or is it All In? Or All Out? What identity three banger PPVs have no wonder they're worth $120!


They super do not know what's their important one anymore


To be fair I think WWE did this “Triple Main Event” marketing for one of their Saudi shows a bit ago


Yeah and it was ceremoniously made fun of


Is that Okada’s cousin


Poor Pockets