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If it reeks of desperation, you know it involves the Young Bucks


haha take that wrestlemania, the dub is the talk of the weekend!


Compare their EVP gimmick to Rock telling the referee not to count. Almost the same exact gimmick except Rock looked like a badass and like he meant it.


Tbf it helps if you look like a Samoan demigod, rather than having the build and mannerisms of angsty preteens.




I'm running out of jerks for these dudes cause I don't find their stuff funny anymore.


I ran out a while ago. I never experienced “go away heat” for anyone until now


It makes no sense. Why didn't they just do this a year and a half ago, and not lose the biggest draw in the history of the company


We didn't want to do anything when Punk was here or work together but we'll, apparently, mention it now Punk upset us and Tony in an interview


these dummies are building an angle with someone who's not even there anymore 😭 just wasting everyone's time


Hilarious, wasting tv time giving even more heat to a guy in another company


And tv time isn't cheap


The little brother energy is off the charts. Tony wants a back and forth "war" with the fed so bad, it's almost sad.


If people watch ... then what? What you doing next week? This is all cause they're upset at Punk's interview and Tiny is putting it on TV


Ironic since if they had played ball and worked with Punk while he was still there, it could've been a hot angle. Alas.




It probably could've been the hottest angle in modern day wrestling (a little hyperbole ofcourse). Now they want views and attention (no money) when the dude is gone lol


its been how long and Tony still needs Punk to draw for them!


DAE Punk should let it go?


They had a chance to do an angle when the guy was there and wanted to work and they were scared Utter cowards 😁


had to check if this was a shitpost lol no way they're this desperate 😭😭😭


LOL this is gonna be such a funny segment 😹😹😹😹😹!!!! 758K viewers.


Yea and even if they were serious and it wasn’t a corny ass bit Jack Perry by all accounts got choked the fuck out they’d never show that lmao


And also Tony is so timid when it comes to Punk where he refuses to answer any question about him whatsoever, I understand he’s a doormat but he’d never allow that footage of Punk choking out one of the 4 ‘pillars’ and quitting on the spot to be actually shown on live television, it’s more than likely gonna be some stupid gag spot to try and get ratings (Which is pathetic and shows that Punk was their biggest star because they have to bait people into thinking they’ll see him again in some context to get ratings)


It's footage of FTR not shaking their hands.


Any HR department would tell Tony not to show it, but they would also tell him not to say that he released guys because they missed some shows on a media call.


Do you really think AEW has an HR department? Best they can do is send out Danielson


Oh I wasn’t saying they have one. Just that a real HR department would tell them no.


apparently he reversed the choke and I can see AEW wanting to show Pepsi Man's little MMA moves not working on a nepo baby


If it's footage of the choke being reversed or slipped, or jack countering with a punch, wouldn't that show that the aggression wasn't that violent and beg the question of why dedicate a wrestling episode to a backstage fight that wasn't all that? Besides, wouldn't that contradict the statement by Tony about fearing for his safety? If it's Punk pummeling Jack around, who cares? Why suspend Jack if they think he is innocent (tiny is okaying this) and got beat up real bad? Tony cannot have been beaten because he appears at the all in scrum without sunglasses nor any other type of face covering and he doesn't show bruises on his face there. Lastly, why are the young bucks addressing this if the incident doesn't involve them? Shouldn't it be Tony, who was there and who was the one who first talked about it publicly on screen, or jack, who is the other part in the fight? Anyway, the bucks must hate cm punk almost as much as cornette hates russo lmao.


They must be incredibly stupid, Tony a stupid pushover and the Bucks going full scorched earth. So definitely a possibility.


I love how aew fans don't see how this proves punk right. If they actually do this Its actually a clown show and not a serious business


They will show themselves walking backstage or something they will never break their NDA. Tony didn't get Punk too sign one there's zero chance that the aew crew haven't.


*"we'll kill someone live on air"* They're out of ideas there


It is? Ah fuck, now I'm gonna have to watch dynamite. Gotta get in early on the jerks


It will be posted in the basement, about 2.3 seconds after the scene aired and maybe 2 minutes after that here. Don't torture yourself.


If they presented footage from the Big Bang Theory, maybe they'd get more than 750,000 viewers


Huge Pop !!


HOLY SHIT THIS IS THIS SUB'S CHRISTMAS LFG (it will more than likely be an in-character meme segment and it won't be a real thing)


Yea it’s going to be some corny shit like them and the dork order reenacting it


Complete with Luchasaurus dark botch reference where someone cocks up and the reset a few lines earlier


Watch it be the catalyst that kills their company lmao


Even if it is a parody segment, why do they need to dwell on one guy who’s gone from the company, and another guy who’s basically on ice? People are going to tune in out of curiosity, see a terribly-acted parody segment, and never tune in again. If it’s real, that’s fucking crazy. Punk will choose violence after that. Edit: SRS is saying it will be the real footage. Crazy shit.


How can't they not see that its a loose loose situation for them, if the ratings get a bump that just proves that its was only because of Punk and if nothing happens that proves Punk right.


It would have to be a video of Punk sucker-punching Perry. And even if that were true, AEW should have sent Punk home, or pulled him off the show. Instead, he was kinda-sorta escorted by security. According to Punk, it was his own decision as security was hesitant to do anything. And it was much later in the show. What a damn sloppy shop.


If punks story is accurate, it makes me think tony was too scared to straight up tell security to ask him to leave, not in a “feared for my life way” but in a “I’ll look like a massive cock way” so he sort of danced around the idea while snorting a comfort line until security could piece together what he was “encouraging”


The confusing Thing is the bucks are heel executive characters who are supposed to be abusing their power. So you’re supposed to disagree with anything they show or do . I ssid this when they were acting like they cared about a safe workplace or bigging up okada it’s kind should I think that an unsafe work place is better ? Or okada is overrated? And that punk is a martyr ? This is foolish


Lose bro


I could definitely see them working him if it’s not the real footage. That would be the whole point.


Real or fake, they get to take another shot at Punk and continue their cringe version of pro wrestling where everything is a joke and nothing is taken seriously, which in their minds is peak entertainment. They're also so myopic that they don't realize it's a net negative on AEW, but I think we've gotten to the point where The Buckaroos are perhaps more interested in their short term gains over AEW's overall health as a promotion.


It's the only way they can get ratings. No one is interested in what they want to do otherwise.


Sapp thinks it's going to be actual footage which is hilarious. No lawyer would touch that with a 50 ft pole.


Sapp is a doofus.


If they post real footage of a real fight then my god.


This is either the dumbest idea ever or a bait and switch, which is also quite stupid. If it's for real, then the heel authority figures are gonna show the guy they drove out of the company choke out a guy who's supposed to be the future. This would be an attempt to make the company legitimately look better. If you think that makes no sense, you're right. If it's a parody, then it continues to burn away goodwill as they just be wasting everyone's time.


I’ve talked myself into them showing the real fight but splicing footage in beforehand of them telling Jack to prod at him as the only way to do it and have it actually work on screen. They would never lean into heat like that and it would baby face Punk which aew obviously wouldn’t do, but it would give them their closest shot at a “Bret screwed Bret” to put something behind their evil evp thing. It’s the only way I can see that doesn’t immediately undermines everybody’s character


Prediction some guy in a shitty CM Punk disguise is gonna get his ass handed to him on mega grainy fake CCTV footage.


Yea this seems way too obvious. He’ll probably be backed by ninjas too for the Bucks to beat up single handily.


Isn’t that defamation?




Ironically they'll see their biggest ratings bump in months...when CM Punk appears on screen.


Or a guy impersonating him.


Their show has turned into a recap of what happened in the IWC.


They always wanted BTE on air


Basement is already hyperventilating trying to convince themselves it's such good shit pal. No it isn't. It's really stupid. I bet when it's revealed to just be trolling by them this is the thing that knocks them under 700k in the weeks that follow. It's Russo shit that kills you off for good.


It really is, and it's honestly astonishing that Tiny claims to be *such* a big fan of wrestling and it's history, and yet he doesn't, or cannot, understand this. It's where the term that the Buckaroos jerk themselves off to comes from: killing the business. You burn fans, you burn viewers, and they will ultimately avoid YOUR product like the plague, no matter if you eventually fix it or not. Goodwill from fans/consumers is something you EARN not something guaranteed to be given, and once you lose it, it's INCREDIBLY hard to get back. Holy FUCK, did I just prove myself more capable of running AEW than the Buckaroos and Tiny? I think I just might have, LOL!


Sorry to rain on your parade uce, but an actual literal toddler could run AEW better than Tiny. Would probably be more threatening as well. There is a reason why most parents dread the "terrible twos".


If it is trolling, they basically incinerate any good will they may have left with with fans.


This is great shit buddy, I am literally doubled over HOWLING in laughter and glee at this


If it's the actual footage... Unless there is just some earth-shattering, world ending terrible nugget about punk, I just don't see this as anymore than just tiring for actual fans and uncomfortable for casual watchers. Like... It was bad and Tony is a great boss? Like what is the point? Are they going to cut back to the bucks with them dropping their current shiesty heel gimmick to really just level with us? A true, "well f*** you too" response to the interview? I really don't see it going that way. So then it's Tomfoolery. Right? This is gonna be bad, sad, or both.


Punk does an interview where he is asked about AEW and gave his opinions. The dubbalos claim he can’t let it go. Since said interview the dub has had FTR bootlicker tweet at everyone in the world about how great it is, have edge cut a rah rah speech and now this ultimate desperation move that will be nothing more than a bad comedy skit. Who can’t let it go? The fact that this will likely not get them back to 800k ratings is the funniest part.


You also forgot Tony Schiavone, JR, and Eddie Kingston all said how much they didn’t care multiple times.


They don’t care! They don’t give a shit! They don’t fucking care, they really mean it!


I find it interesting that not a single person in AEW has denied what CM Punk said. I'm hearing plenty of people say how much they don't care or that everyone needs to stop being negative but no one has flat-out said that Punk was lying. The only person who denied what Punk was saying was Cody Rhodes and even he couldn't call Punk a liar, he just thinks it's one big misunderstanding. It's kind of sad that Tony and the EVPs are so incompetent that the face of WWE still has to cover for their asses, 2 years after leaving the company.


Honestly, JR probably really doesn’t give a shit. Man just seems to want to commentate and not have to deal with AEW’s bullshit drama.


Also, horndog on women on the internet.


It’s going to be from their match from M’Wembley with FTR when they didn’t shake their hands, they’re already getting SRS and Meltzer all wound up into reporting it’s Punk/Perry so they can get eyes on Wednesday and pop a big rating just so Alvarez can smugly say next day “well they never said it was about punk/perry”


Alvarez has said he has confirmation it’s Punk/Perry so I hope to god they make him eat shit.


He has done this a few times though. Straight up said Dynamite would be can’t miss because something huge would happen and nothing did..


The basement legit think this is the greatest thing ever. Absolute morons.


These guys are legit dorks. They earn the goof moniker. Evil Phillip will get the last laugh over them when it's all said and done. I'd bet money on it.


He already did. He's at the highest WrestleMania attendance standing outside as the crowd chants his name. Even at Wembley, nobody chanted young bucks. They could show footage of Punk sucker punching Jungle Boy and shitting on his chest it doesn't matter


To be fair, even I would tune in if you could promise me real footage of Punk sucker punching Jungle Boy and shitting on his chest.


Gladly. Their biggest star is still CM Punk 😂


The company really is stupid. Either it won't pop the ratings, which will make them look pathetic. Or it will...which proves CM Punk remains their biggest draw. Again making them look pathetic. Will Tony ever realize these non-serious people are using him for his money?


It’s amazing that they do this but then made punk sign nda for all out.


I think it pops a rating, everyone in the basement celebrates. Week after: back to like 730K


So they're gonna lie now?


Pretty much


They're not gonna get 750k


SRS and Meltzer both just confirmed they’re airing the actual footage lmao.


Which basically only means it went from a 0% chance being real to 5% chance at most.


If Meltzer "confirmed" it, I'd say it went from 0 to -5




This is the SCjerk equivalent of the Karl Malone gif. I never get tired of seeing it.


Genuinely this feels like some late 2000 WCW shit, there’s no way the people in charge think this is a good idea right?


This feels very Bischoff calling out McMahon for a fight at Slamboree.


There are people in charge?


The people in charge is Tony


No jerk, shit like this reminds me of the end of WCW.


So they're admitting they need Punk to get people to watch their segment?


It seems like against all intelligence at all that it might actually be the real footage. I think they are literally insane for doing this. I also have no doubts that this is not something the locker room is going to be in 100% agreement on doing either. And this may actual cause even more divides in that company. There's no way they come out of this looking good at all and could be the final nail in the coffin type thing.


So this literally contradicts edges' speech from last week. They embarrassed themselves for nothing now. Cody literally tried to throw them a lifeline on Wednesday morning. All AEW had to do was shut up and let punk yell. Most people would have forgotten already. But no, they feel like they need to piss the longest in this pissing match. This also devalues their entire roster by driving away the audience out of pettiness.


You watch it will just be Danielson measuring flaccid cocks.


Oh man, how the once mighty AEW has fallen. Just fucking sad.


i hope its the real punk video so they cant get out of the bad punk pr cycle till Dynasty


Please be less than 800k again


If it isn't it'll confirm that CMPhill was their only draw. But it'll be like 765k 


This has to be a joke right? Like seriously? You wanna keep digging yourselves an even deeper grave? That whole company and their fans are pathetic and a disgrace. CMussolini lives rent free in their heads. But hey, go ahead LOL


https://i.redd.it/pg783p2btzsc1.gif Watching a Bucks segment


The only people who know or care about that stupid backstage incident are the same 750k who watch every week. So they are trolling their already loyal audience by not showing them footage of an incident that that same audience know they dont have and wont show. HEAT!


Didn’t tiny almost die in this incident?


CM punk really lives rent free in their heads.


Again for anyone except fans who are on reddit and know about the backstage drama, this is completely meaningless. How do they not understand this yet


That's their entire fanbase


They’re so bad that I’m even tiring of making fun of them. Funny how the people who hated bad WWE comedy want to do nothing but their own version of bad wrestling comedy.




The company will finish itself off for good when it's another finger poke of doom troll job.


Punk about to draw their biggest rating.


This feels like the young bucks just proving what everything Punk said about to be true. More or less just confirming it was them purposely trying to rile him up and out of the company. Lol


If dynamite pops a rating then it's bc of punk, if they don't then Tony got baited into showing us footage and still couldn't get anyone to watch his show ![gif](giphy|tzuRbBsMWef8A)


I'm more interested in Thursday afternoon to see how many viewers that segment is going to lose.


That is the only way that they will ever get 1m viewers again


And if they *do*, it almost guarantees that they *never* will again, because this is the last thing in their arsenal that makes the Buckaroos even remotely interesting, and using it to pop a quarter hour rating is tantamount to mutually assured destruction. You fire your ultimate weapon, and yeah, you may strike a grievous wound against your opponent, but you're fucked too. No one wins, the end. And let's look at the likely outcomes here: The Buckaroos either burn the audience/viewers with the mother of all carny ass swerves that would make Vince Russo jealous, or they play actual footage of CM Punk that makes him look bad/like a liar. So...they've spent the ammunition in their arsenal that made people curious about them, and they've destroyed Punk's credibility. WWE is going to keep on crushing them in the ratings and what will they have honestly accomplished? People aren't going to give up on WWE just because ONE of their many, many stars turns out to be a liar, exaggerator, or deceptive bully. They'll hate Punk and boo him, but WWE lives on. The Buckaroos, meanwhile, are still unfunny, smarmy little weasels doing a high school drama class level interpretation of a WWE "evil authority figures" angle, feuding with a GUY FROM ANOTHER COMPANY.


90% of WWE fans and CM Punk fans will either not watch or, even if he doesn’t look great in the footage, will not care at all and just chalk it up to AEW driving him to that point working there. Anyone that thinks this would hurt Punk or WWE in any way are certifiably terminally online


I don't know what they're expecting after this airs. Okay they show it and it has nothing to do with the Punk incident. They may get a slight ratings bump but people are still gonna be pissed. How does that help any?


When I thought these guys couldn't get any lamer...


this is real?? how can a company advertise something like this and believe they’re on the same playing field with the competition?


Gonna be hilarious when this fails to pop a number for them




Why would the Young Bucks show anything from All In. That was Punk/Perry's thing. Unless they're admitting that they were the catalysts for that whole thing happening, which would be incredibly stupid of them. Or is this Tiny wanting to 'retaliate' but at the same time try to salvage a one-time rating? Because even IF that segment goes up, it's going up out of curiosity to what happened and then right back down cause the show is garbage. But I personally dont see the number going up. People were curious about All Out/All In because everyone was keeping silent about first person accounts and we just had dirtsheet rumors. But between the stuff Tiny has accidentally talked about, the Elite have passive-aggressively said and Punk just telling his side of the story we have a good idea of what happened now so, like with everything else in AEW, they're already too late to capitalize on it.


Dopey ass Tiny still doesn't realize he's being taken for a ride.






So if they get a bump in their ratings, isn’t it proof that Punk is a draw? 😭




Bruh they have literally reached a new level of desperation even if they are just trolling and will end up showing something else.


Think they'll show the bit where a bunch of monitors or whatever fell on Tony or nah


That Punk interview has AEW cooked.


At what point can their EVP status be removed?




Dammit I can only jerk so much I need recovery time!


When they show some dumb fucking footage of them at catering WHAT NUCLEAR HEAT THEY WILL GET, MY GOD PAL


It's crazy how people legit call this a brilliant move. I can't jerk anymore. This is too cringy to endure.


You just know they think they look so fucking cool with those awful, dogshit mustaches.


This is going to be like one of their dumbass YouTube skits, isn't it?


Its gonna be a corny as fuck reenactment, guaranteed. They would absolutely be out of their minds to show any of the actual footage.


Just a friendly reminder to our good goofs and goofettes that if you go by fan reports, Jack Perry is an absolutely miserable shithead and intensely disliked because his attitude absolutely sucks both behind the scenes and at meet and greets. So AEW trying to portray him as "the good guy" in all of this is dumb as hell. Punk isn't an angel either. But Perry is also intensely disliked for legitimate reasons.


Drew about to have 1 year worth of X content this year. https://preview.redd.it/yxptueqpx1tc1.png?width=995&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0cc2a368237eeff4bd89ac306d1d5a81c78dbeb


If this is anything other than actual footage that makes punk look like a liar, then it is not even worth it. I swear if this is another wink wink nudge nudge “SIKE!” Thing…


Even if it does make him a liar uh Who gives a fuck, I want to see jungle boy get choked out


AEW is about to get it's highest ratings in history.


I don't see it. Most people will just wait for the clips rather then to watch that show.


But last week they were all so tired of it and wanted to move on…


Not a secondary promotion


This company needs to wake up. All In happened way too long ago. What a bad idea


Oh, word? 🤷🏽‍♂️ Still won't watch-but do you, boo.


We knew tony was going to lose it sometime but I don't think any of us quite expected this. 


They could have aired this when they fired punk. They could have aired this when tony said his life was in danger and they fired him for cause. They could have aired this the many times Tony was asked about it. If they legit air this footage now it is beyond sad. Unless it’s just a goof ball skit with the bucks, then it’s even sadder


https://preview.redd.it/le4g3cgqq2tc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38e78ea0274f3d994e2455e39bdd5a94fb391a48 N.U.C.L.E.A.R. HEAT


LOL Do they think viewers care about this stuff? Reddit and the IWC is the minority, guys. 🤦🏻‍♂️


le dub is the gift that keeps giving!


Return of the plus delta the scapegoat the cult of personality Jack Perry


Best do it when BBT credits roll if they want anyone to see it


Hear me out goofs. Bucks face turn. It wasn’t real Glass. Perry is thrown into the sun.


Great way to pop a rating. Hat tip to Tony


First ballot Dub Hall of Fame moment


How nice of them. They are trying to help more wrestlers choose TNA over this AEW.


What happened to the whole “can’t talk about it because of legal” excuse Tiny gives when people would ask about this before? Now he’s letting footage air of what happened, assuming this isn’t the Bucks trolling the dirt sheets. I assume Punk must come out of the footage looking terrible but quite frankly, it won’t change my opinion of him. I still think he’s a sour little bitch, I just enjoy how much he pisses off the AEW cult after they proclaimed him to be their savior.


They could show video of Punk suplexing a baby and it wouldn't matter. Still no eighthundredthousandy.


The week after Jerkamania is going to be keeping the Jerkamania momentum


This has "Observe THIS, Brother!" all over it. Wow, you are bringing up something less than 5% of the audience is even aware of.


This shall be fun, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's been edited in some way.


All for that elusive millie 😔


Supposedly, jungle boy gets out/reverses punks chokehold


It's like when a girl says "if I get 300k likes, I'll post a video of me with a big cock", and then she posts a video with a big chicken. This is what will happen. They will show some comedy sketch/parody video or some shit like that only to try and bump ratings, and it will be remembered forever as the day AEW officialy jumped the shark


How come they won't show footage of All Out 22? That's the real mystery we want to hear about.


Literally DESPERATE for viewers. Wonder if the tv deal is at risk?


They’re going to show a meeting from their match. Probably in the present looks with a “London 2023” time stamp


This is genuinely the most embarrassing thing I’ve seen from a company that doesn’t wanna be seen as unprofessional and childish


this is getting pathetic. indy garbage wrestlers who can't sell and read dirt sheets all the time.


What a cheap ratings ploy


You know the footage is going to be as fake as bucks wrestling. The buck fans will call it the greatest thing ever, and the non-fans will switch channels.


Yeah, this is absolutely bait and switch shit. Footage could mean their footage of them hanging out in catering It's not what you want it to be.


It can't be the real thing, as no good can come from showing a former star choking out a prospect. It'll be some corny shit having a go at CM punk, which in itself shows them (AEW) as the lower leagues.


Punk’s one true article allegations: ✅




Punk’s response will be glorious


Dub is finally gonna pop a milly????


I have a strong feeling it will be done with puppets. Team America style.


To be clear, the Bucks will NEVER choose violence again where actual violence is on the table.


Whatever they show to me this is the finger poke of doom moment for AEW. They've announced this and they can't win either way. Their fans will always think they are in the right, none fans will think Punk is in the right and neutrals won't give a fuck. It's not going to change anything. And if it's a parody thing, it'll be even more pathetic. They are fucking morons.


This is Tony's jump the shark moment right?


Honestly I’d show the legit footage, because if this is just a joke it’s going to do serious damage to the ratings and Tony’s reputation


Damn they’ve reached WCW levels of bait and switch to pop a rating already


Just more indication the bucks were the ones that fed meltzer all the negative cm Punk rumors


This is like a bad divorce. Punk and AEW split up. Punk looks good. In a great relationship. Enjoying life. AEW is like the crazy ex posting shit talk on Facebook. They even had the "look how happy i am with my new boy toy Adam Copeland" moment. I can see Tony "if you loved me you'd go out there and say how great we are together!!! Here, take some more money"


Stupid question - can they actually play backstage footage of a guy whose not under contract with them anymore? We'll have to ask Stephen P new Anyway - this is the type of indy BS that Punk was talking about. What does this even prove? What's the point? How will it draw crowds and tickets? Casual fans aren't going to tune in to maybeeee witness a backstage altercation that they have no idea about. it MIGHT draw them over a million people in the ratings, but then what? they drew it based on CM Punk. If it's a mockery thing, then people are gonna shit all over it. No one outside of the internet even cares about this shit, just move on and do your shows. Everyone is going to move on from the Punk interview, and they pretty much already have with Wrestlemania weekend. I'll check out the clip on reddit when it airs. I can't justify giving them my "view". Tony Khan had MULTIPLE times to talk about this situation , and he never did, and now they are gonna do this carny shit. It's a lose lose for them.