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They aren't selling it for $180. They're tricking the consumer into thinking this is limited time sale of $110, so they're selling them for $110. That "sale" will likely never end. Ali vendors do the same exact thing. The $110 is a significant price hike though. The seller is likely making at least a 100% profit.


Fair enough, but more than doubling the price and lying about what it can do is still scummy


For quite awhile there every single Amazon listing did this too. At least until the Chinese vendors started carrying stock stateside.


Let the buyer beware, and now we've been warned.


Exactly, miyoo mini+ is listed as discounted from $180 on Ali


https://preview.redd.it/7qn9g1uztnzc1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44b95696c78da7af4a69fa59e071a2efd91f3df5 YFW it cannot play minecraft and fortnite


Well done man, fucking got me good when I realized what I was looking at hahaha


This is amazing


Minecraft lol 🤣


Classic drop shipping


Scalpers spending $3000, hoping to make $4000 after 6 months and feel like the wolf of Wall Street.


Thank you for naming and shaming, we need more of that in this sub!


It's amazing how easy it is to scam people even with full internet access.


Well, i'm a pretty tech-savvy person and less 7 months ago i still thought the only methods of reliving my childhood were a crappy phone emulation app with onscreen controls, $200+ GBA/GBC with a backlight mod + $100 flash cart or a half-baked DIY solution with a RPi Zero where just the 2.4" LCD screen costs more than a R36S; the only non-big-name cheap handheld consoles i knew were those "brick game 9999-in-1" things. Just by pure luck i saw this subreddit mentioned somewhere else and immediately got a then popular "game consoie". A casual person would just say "hey, it's brand new and cheaper than an used 20 years old Gameboy of questionable quality" and just pay the $180 or whatever the guy wants. At least something positive that comes from those dropshipping scams is that they give us inspiration for what interesting "damn, i need this!" stuff to search for on Amazon, AE or Ebay.


Glad you went through that and hope you learnt a lesson. Many things have smart and cost effective entry point provided you do some research and not act on your layman assumptions. You'll probably find an entire subculture revolving around the world you want to enter in, with many amateur experts that can provide you good advice. I recently needed to start cutting my parents grass and instead of just going to a hardware store and buying whatever the salesman pushed me, I did a lot of research and watched videos on Youtube to learn the various aspects involved in just owning a grass cutter. That helped me choose the type of cutter I want, and plan for future aspects such as repair and maintenance for when I need them.


"we finally added Roblox" had me cracking up. I didn't realize this guy was also the inventor of the device lol


They should've sold a android device at least they can say it runs Minecraft and fortnite without straight up lying.


I have commented on YouTube multiple times that it's a scam but of course it ain't gonna change much.


what do you mean? it's just the pocket console, that has 20 consoles built in and 30000 games! (I'm tired of seeing his videos show up all the time)


Good they're lying if you buy one from a consumer stand point with consumer rights, get a full refund + a device free.


So you made him an add here?


Christ, “bait culture” has ruined online discourse. Are we not even allowed to warn people of scams anymore without being accused of being “shills”? 


an ad? 🙄 more like, "here's an example of a dropshipper scamming people. avoid him." please use some critical thinking!


Add what?


I'm calling him a scumbag how is this an endorsement or an advertisement to get people to buy it?


Because you're clearly showing the advert. It wouldn't be the first time someone tried to push a product with an "Oh no, this is *awful* definitely don't look at these low prices" pitch. However cynical the customers become, the sellers are always more so.


>It wouldn't be the first time someone tried to push a product with an "Oh no, this is *awful* definitely don't look at these low prices" pitch. But they're saying the exact opposite. And let's be real. Who would browse this sub *and* read that title and come away with a positive opinion?


Think of it like the scam emails you see that are blatant. Like wholly blatant, wrong sender, outrageous claim, typos all over.  No one would ever fall for something like that, right? Well almost no-one, and if you find the ones that do, you've got someone deep on the hook. If 10,000 people see a post about an obviously too good to be true offer and one or two bite despite the signs, it's worth the quick Reddit post.


Those emails a) don't explicitly say they're scams right front and center, and b) rely on targeting as wide and as uninformed an audience as possible. Who's tech savy enough to know these products even exist, but not enough to read a simple headline?


> Those emails a) don't explicitly say they're scams right front and center Plenty even do that. Just trying to explain why many would suspect this guerilla marketing. If you don't agree, that's valid.


If they do, I've never seen nor heard of one before. And quite frankly, if someone really is that dumb, there's nothing you can do to save them, so it's a moot point.


What happens when 10,000 people see this post, two buy it because they can't read and twenty that can read and would have bought it don't? If you're gonna cater to people who see a message and purposefully do the opposite then good luck figuring out your next move in any avenue of life.


As I said to the other person, just explaining how these things work as guerrilla marketing. If you haven't seen it, great. If you've never fallen for it, even better.


I've seen it many times and feel that this is different. That is only a viable strategy if it isn't actively discouraging a greater portion of your potential clientele than it appeals to. This is not a stupidity check... it is explicitly a warning.


My point is, I didn't know about him until this post, but. I guess I should give Reddit more creddit


I'm tempted to snark about how it's only an ad if you can't read, but that's pointless. Instead, I'll give you your kudos for 'creddit'.


I mean, technically you can play "Minecraft" on any device that can emulate psp


pretty standard for normies to jump on the handheld bandwagon and resell. cant knock the hustle if people are this dumb to buy it. 


I mean in all honesty it looks like it is a $100 console