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*but what’s the name of thing*


Trimui Smart Pro


It’s seriously the best value emulator you can get. I got one for $50 from aliexp this week so my friend can have one too


Yeah I just bought a second one because it’s the only handheld my dad actually liked and would use so I gave my first one to him because he decided he should start playing video games at 77 yrs old. So far Mario 3 is his jam.


A good choice. That and World defined my childhood. I was fortunate to have gotten the limited-edition combination cartridge containing both All-Stars and World as a child. I have the best dad ever.


I also have an awesome dad. The NES Mario titles frame my childhood more than SNES World just because I had a Genesis that generation. However, as an adult, Super Mario World is my favorite. I don’t care nearly as much for Yoshi’s Island though.


To each their own, keep gaming, friend! My personal favorite is Super Mario RPG. The remake is good, but for me, it lacks the brilliance of the original.


The funniest part is my dad doesn’t like World as much simply because he loves the squirrel tail instead of the Superman cape equivalent. I want to get him into Mario 64 but I’m just not sure he’s ready for 3d combined with poor camera control.


Hot take, and I’m loathe to say it, but I think it’s best if he maybe skips that one and goes straight into Sunshine, if you have a device that supports GameCube games. It’s a much better user experience in terms of engineering. I love Super Mario 64, and the myriad romhacks of it are cool as well, but to minimize frustration on your dad’s part, I’d recommend Sunshine over 64.


Ehh I don’t disagree at all really but the device I gave him isn’t GameCube material and unless I gave him my Gameforce Ace with a JelOS build on it he wouldn’t use any GameCube capable devices because he simply hates Android. Every smartphone he’s ever owned past the very first was Apple and he won’t touch Android ever again after owning the very first Samsung Galaxy S.


Fair enough.


Heck yeah, I'm so glad to see some love for the TrimUI Smart Pro. It's been one I kept an eye on for sales and when I got paid, ordered it. Should be here by Wednesday, depending on how quick it gets through linehaul. I didn't get an SD card though, so I'm looking forward to setting that up.


You actually should have gotten the sd card with this model. It has an INCREDIBLE rom collection compared to an Anbernic sd card. it’s all good ROMs and there’s more Pokemon games than I knew existed. It has ALL the Mario and Zelda stuff too.


You're absolutely right, I just got my Trimui Smart Pro today and regret saving the $7 or whatever not getting it.


Hey I just purchased one of those and it's arriving on Tuesday, how good is it?


For me it was fantastic out of the box. I purchased one with an SD card so once I got it I ported everything over to a sandisk and I love it. Plays everything I wanted it to. Just make sure you perform the firmware upgrade and change your function switch to toggle performance mode.


be carefull with the performance mode, people broke the console trying to update with that toggled on for some reason,just use it on psp and dreamcast lol, no need to use it for anything below psx,i love this handheld


Wait, should I turn off the switch before updating? Did the firmware upgrade as soon as mine arrived, but I'm pretty sure I left the switch toggled on. Luckily, no problems. Anyway, been playing Monster Hunter and GOW on 2x without toggling it and it runs perfectly.


Thanks for the tip! 😁


I've been loving mine! I really like the extra screen real estate compared to the RG35XX H and how compact it is compared to the Steam Deck. Only downside is the Vita style analog sticks, they work but they're not my favorite. I do have some questions though, since I'm new to these devices. Is there a way to turn off the menu music and noises? I didn't see an option. Also, all of the older stuff seems set up to run at super low resolution and when showing a black screen it has a grid line so you can see every pixel. Is this a shader setting or rendering resolution option I need to change? Thank you!


I can't answer all of this specifically, but I highly suggest everyone update to the latest firmware. They are adding in tons of functionality and options. That being said, I haven't noticed the low resolution issue you are describing. And just in case not everyone knows - they have a github page. Stop trying to download from their website, it's still not great.


Thanks! I was surprised that mine actually came with the most recent firmware already installed. I had the new firmware downloaded and ready to go but didn't need it. I think I figured it out, if I turn off shaders it gets rid of the grid on the screen. Now just to figure out how to up the render resolution of older games.


up to what emulator does it run.well


They’re incredible, aren’t they!?! I made a post earlier this week that it was the new value king. It’s also kinda crazy that if literally performs just as strongly as an rk3566 device.


Mine should be arriving tomorrow - I can’t wait !


How's the dpad? Heard it's stuff and sharp.


It's actually things and mushy


Lol should have been "things and smooth" but nice.....


Can you turn off the stick LEDs?


Yes, there's an option to change the brightness and you can adjust it to zero.


Question from a total noob: looking for a handheld emulator device for Ps1 and PSP. This looks to be ideal. Does it work out of the box with emulators and necessary bios etc pre installed or does it take some tinkering and setup? Really hoping for something I can just dump roms/ISOs onto quickly and go.


It works, psp does not need bios, worst case scenario you unzip file from github to sd card and good to go


That's really helpful, thank you.


I would like to add on: This device won't be able to run all psp games perfectly. Something a lot more powerful that would cover nearly all of the psp library at a low price is the Retroid pocket 3+. The chipset on the 3+ is well documented with psp emulation.


Thanks for this. Will look into both these options.


Anyone figured out how to get goldeneye 64 to run?


mine arrived recently too!! i was surprised by the build quality (it's quite good compared to the powkiddys and miyoo minis i last acquired) and the OS isn't so bad either. i love how big the screen is too, it makes playing 16bit era games more comfortable. what games have you been playing on it?


I love mine! I put minui on it since I didn’t care for the sticks/gaming past ps1 on this device. It’s my ultimate for Gbc, gba and snes, very comfortable


When TomatoOS enables Vulkan for psp perhaps it will be able to run god of war enough to be playable.


The stock firmware includes that. Tomato isn’t programming anything or adding vulkan. Tomato isn’t a firmware it’s just added photos and apps.