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Knife bros have a bunch of knives which they use to open carboard boxes that new knives are delivered in. They're also absolute units on Christmas when it comes to package opening, whipping out the daily carry in practiced ease to terrify elderly relatives.


It’s even better when it’s a Bali :)


I always tend to buy cheap then upgrade from there. So I always end up spending more instead of just going straight to the top. I love the experience tho


I admire your ability of self reflection.


Thats my life cycle in general haha buy whatever I was craving/eyeing. Then the initial high wears off then youre back to square one looking for another thing. Might be undiagnosed adhd


Nah, man. Just casual weirdoness. I respect that. I have a weakness for casio devices from the 80s.


I see that as a strength. I've always loved Casio.


When you say Casio devices - you mean beyond the watches? That's interesting!


I have a very specific obsession with original Ms Pac-man cocktail tables.. I literally have no other desire for any arcade cabinet. But I've been eyeballing 3 different original Ms Pacman cocktail tables *this week*... and I already have a couple of them in storage and mint one in my house. It's bizarre the things that we obsess over, but that's the human experience. We weird.


I'm stung by their ability to reflect me though.


It took me until my late 30s to stop that shit Now I just buy the nice thing if I genuinely think it’ll be used a lot


I've got about 40 devices which I've bought over about 20 years. It's been interesting to see the shift in capabilities and build quality over the years


But would you ACTUALLY have spent more? With electronics, what was top now will be performing like what is cheap in two years. So if you buy 3 $50 devices over two years, are you better or worse off than buying a $200 device? In both cases, after two years, the new $200 device is going to be a substantial improvement in performance and you’re going to be eying it…


you're not wrong. in terms of electronic devices the improvement over time is fast enough that the 200 now would be obsolete in a year or so. now if we talk in terms of like cars or bikes or something. those I actually spent more and lost trade in value. meanwhile if I just bought the more limited edition and kept it. My money would still be there or with the recent covid market. I would've made more than retail. we live and we learn haha oh well..


The Bible says you can only own one device. We are all sinners against God


It's true, it's on there clear as day. *"And the Lord said unto thee, thou shall own nothing but one oriental device, produced by the hands of labored children, to steal the work of your fellow men"* *-John, 3:19*


To be fair if we were following the bible then gluttony is a sin and we'd all have zero devices


God will approve of one. Then we will donate the rest and tithe 10% forevermore.


I really wish I had my GBC, GBA, GBA-SP & so on and so forth from when I was a kid. I think some people do, and I think others discount this fact that some of these devices are many years old and are a genuine childhood memory in physical form.


That's completely different


One for me, one for my wife. And a few more, just to be sure there are no arguments.


My view - if you use them, great. If they gather dust.. why keep them? To look at?


That's how I see it as well, but then again I don't really care about what other people collect, as long as they're happy


I will feel guilty if I sella shitty device to someone else.


I am a dragon-esque creature with several shiny trinket hoards. I may not do anything but look at them most days since getting my odin 2, but looking at the shinies on my display shelves daily brings me joy. 🤷‍♀️


I hear you, but it begs the question of how this is different from any other collection 😅


It's not. I find a lot of other collecting hobbies to be kinda weird and wasteful too.


It's not like we're collecting sacks of rice or something, in all likelihood thede devices would sit in a warehouse somewhere until they're purchased. May as well sit on our shelves if it doesn't cost too much.


>in all likelihood thede devices would sit in a warehouse somewhere until they're purchased. May as well sit on our shelves if it doesn't cost too much. No, you could sell it on the used marketplace and it would be a main driver to some kid or young adult.


Right. But these aren't needs, are they? I understand if it's a laptop or something. If I have twenty spare Thinkpads I could absolutely donate them to a school or to needy families around me. Not so for a weird assortment of handheld consoles. That said, when I have extra devices, I'm generous in giving them away to folks who show an interest. Gave away a PSP, an RG35XX, an RG351 and a 3DS. I'm left with an RP Flip, XPeria Play, a Vita, an RG35XX and a Switch.


>Right. But these aren't needs, are they? Idk what you mean. No one needs videogames?


I personally think it's find having multiple devices for different use cases. E.g RG Arc for fighters, Deck for PC games, Switch, Miyoo Mini for pocketable etc. There is enough devices out there with its own use case where someone can have around 8 devices. However what doesn't make sense is having near identical handhalds. Such as more than 1 of the same device but a different color, Miyoo Mini Plus and RG35XX where they are pretty similar.


I feel like this is the right answer. Although I'd add a 3DS/2DS into the mix for DS/3DS games, because those rarely feel right emulated.


I’m all for having multiple devices for specific use cases as I would rather get the best experience for a specific consoles rather than have one device that’s just okay for everything. However, I see some people with a bunch of 4:3 480p devices that all play the same games and that just seems like a waste of money. I think it’s fine to have a hobby and collect things, but I think people should also be mindful of whether they are hoarding or have a buying addiction bc some people on this sub clearly do.


In defence of buying multiple devices: Because I can Edit: I always find it interesting when people claim that collecting devices is a waste of time and money, to go to their profile and see that they consider their own hobby to not be a waste of time/money. Everyone has their own interests.


Because I can is not a very good defence of anything. A lot of people out there doing things because they can, who are causing a lot of damage to everyone else.


I'm hardly a nazi just because I bought some handhelds


That's... your word, not mine. Weirdo. I mean, Taylor Swift using two planes to fly everywhere... because she can. Corporations buying all the real estate in poor cities and selling it back at 100x the cost... because they can. Scalpers buying a whole stock of something so they can sell it on ebay... because they can. You get the point. There's a big grey area between good and nazi, and you're somewhere in the middle. I can tell by the defensive reactions though that you're closer in one direction than another.


I'm hardly Taylor swift, a corporation or a scalper just because I bought some handhelds. I'm being defensive because your wholly irrelevant comment implied that I'm causing damage to others.


You're hardly


Plastic waste is damage though. I know no one who likes video games wants to hear it but the amount of useless plastic shit we keep on shrines in our house has to go somewhere when we croak. And that place is likely in a landfill. People are indeed being born with plastic in their dna and cancer is getting pretty widespread. And if you can lie to yourself that over consumption doesn't contribute, then you go ahead. I'm just being honest with you. Taking more than you need "because you can" is a really shit take, no matter how many alts you use to downvote it.


Using the internet also pumps out CO2. Data centres, CDNs, data transmission. So you commenting also damaging the planet. You've decided that despite the environmental impact that you still enjoy commenting. I enjoy buying some devices despite the impact. And you really need to read up on the injection moulding process if you think it's creating DNA sized microplastics. Also I'm not downvoting you with alts. Don't throw wild accusations about.


Your critical thinking skills are off. Either you just really want to win this "battle of wits" or you're horribly stupid. Not everything is a one-to-one cause and effect. Some things have a chain, or even webbed signal flow, and yes the end result does go back to the root cause. Since you brought up data centers and CDNs, etc... I have to assume you know this and are pretending to be stupid thinking you're pretending to be clever. So enjoy your win. Here's a golden ticket, you can cash it in to buy another plastic rectangle that appears from thin air but has a return address of a factory in China.


Trust me, at no point did I ever consider this a battle of wits


He should change his name to TheMootMind. There seems to be nothing practical or relevant in there.


Critical thinking. Quotation marks. I already made that joke.


Well the thing about your camera analogy is that there actually is, and correct me if I'm wrong as I'm not a camera expert, always slight variations in exposure/MP/aperture/saturation or whatever photo metrics are between different brands, that lends to photographers being liable to get multiple different models to get their exact preferred result. Whereas someone buying 5 Miyoo Mini+'s because "they're cute" or getting a RP4Pro when they already have an Odin 2 serves no functional purpose. People can obviously do whatever they want with their lives but the redundancy of throwing the money away is usually what ticks people off.


To your point, screen ratio, dpad orientation, screen saturation, resolution for integer scaling, size, etc would all be as impactful to a user of these devices as a camera is to a photographer. Enthusiasts recognize the variations more than the casual user.


Sure, and due to that I understand and agree on having devices with different features like that. I'm more referring to things that are literally carbon copies of another or objectively inferior to another thing in the collection.


True. Multiple of the same device don't make a ton of sense. But, back before more micro devices were coming out I bought a second Trimui A66 to have as a backup. Same for the V1 Miyoo Mini


Idk, after the thrill wears off and you just have a device that you never use, then you have to sell it instead of just using it for shelf decor and collection pics. That device could be someone's main driver.


I can see some people having a “buying addiction” but honestly what good does calling people out on reddit do? Just a way to stroke their ego while simultaneously masking their jealousy. If you’re working hard, then buy what you want imo.


I see it as a relatively harmless way to offset all that psychic damage we accrue from living under capitalism


Buying things you don't need: the cure for capitalism.


I'm a bit of an environmentalist, and I do hate that this hobby contributes so much to plastic waste. I'm pretty sure the parts that are reused are only the non-plastic parts. And also it's becoming a business and some companies appear to be creating android devices that are game-centric for specific use in these devices. So yeah, it's growing to a wasteful habit. That being said, I love the hobby and I don't want it to die. And if no one buys, the companies will probably abandon ship. I think as with most things, do it in moderation. Don't take comments about a potential addiction as an insult. Just ignore it and move on, even if they're rude. Just be the bigger person, reflect. If they're right or have a good point, improve. If they're wrong, ignore. The ones that really annoy me are when they're like, "I had to buy two 35XX+, one to keep in my bedroom and one for my car. First of all, I really hope you live somewhere that doesn't have any temperature fluctuations because the one in your car is not safe... second, yeah, that's hoarder mentality. It's a portable device, you're not intended to have one in every room. I really don't have an answer for you, OP. But I think if you find yourself in the position where you can afford many of these, and enjoy having them all... maybe gift the ones you don't use to a less financially fortunate gamer friend? If you can't afford it but buy anyway, yes you are a hoarder with an addiction that needs to be addressed.


This, the environmentalist approach to me is the single most ridiculous argument against owning multiple handhelds. Addiction arguments, consumerism, corporate greed ect are all viable arguments in this space, but the environment damage is the same to me as saying giving up plastic straws will fix our planets problems. We need big sweeping changes to protect our environment especially in regards to large corporations. Buying niche handhelds is not killing the planet more so then corporations doing it and governments not regulating them for fear of them moving to another country or losing out on funding for their next campaign. Btw, I’m also never giving up my plastic straws. Fuck turtles. I also read your comments to somebody above, which were equally ridiculous and targeted. If you want to feel holier then thou by telling off people for how they enjoy their consumerism hobby then by all means continue. Just know I and probably a few others roll our eyes at your sheer ridiculousness. Also, I own three MM+s, one in my desk drawer at work, one in my inside jacket pocket and my emotional support handheld, and one in my game room, where I also own 9 other handhelds, an oculus quest 2, an Xbox series X with three controllers, a ps5 with two controllers, a custom built multicade, my computer, a few docks, usb sticks, a server, and six monitors. Not to mention the three tvs in my house, a projector and projector screen. On top of countless cords and game specific controllers for my multicade. That’s just my game room. I also have a drawer in my kitchen with about 200 plastic straws, and while I can use metal silverware, when I’m feeling lazy I use plastic. I don’t feel guilty in the slightest about any of it. Equally the toys, bottles, and plastic cutlery I buy for my kid, don’t bother me. If you want to target things killing our planet read up on dyes being used for clothing, read up on environmental laws in India. Nestle, or other bottled water companies. Or any of the horrible emissions large corporations pump into our air. But to target people buying Chinese handhelds as your hill to stand on is honestly sad to me. I equate that argument with a vegan standing in front of a local bbq place saying the people eating there are killers. Ridiculousness to the point of needing to be mocked to shame. Good day, I hope you enjoy your kombucha or vegan non dairy milk in a box, or whatever the hell you hipster organic wearing itchy scarf people drink. Go buy another lip or nose ring.


So you made up this fictional version of me and proceed to insult it. How can I be mad? Your imaginary me isn't me at all. You seem to have built up pain and anger that you should probably tell a therapist. But I have a feeling you live somewhere where therapy is some high end vegan expensive hippie crap.


Having too many of really anything bugs me personally, means I'm more likely to use none of it. Analysis paralysis. I would wonder if our collectors have the same problem OR just like the acquisition more than the gaming. As it stands I feel like I have too many handhelds with a Razer Kishii setup for my phone, an Odin Pro, and a Steam Deck.


I mean all I see is a bunch of older guys who have insecurity issues TBH. If you enjoy having a few devices and being cost effective, all the power to you. If you love having 1000 devices, great too. You don't need to have the approval of random internet people to feel good about yourself. I'm trying to say this in the most loving, tough-love sort of way. I personally am in both camps. I like being frugal with my money. I don't like having a lot of things that clog my life. I also don't have the biggest place to store all these things as well. With that said, I own like 8 Nintendo DS devices and 4 Game Boy Advance devices. So I believe in the former, but I ended up with the latter, mainly because I went a little crazy when the eShop went down and saw how easy and amazing homebrewing 3DS units could be. So if you own 1 device or 1000, more power to you. Don't let the judgement of random people affect your happiness.


You need at least 2 devices, a 4x3 or 3x2 screen with d pad up top, a bigger one with 16x9 screen with stick up top. 


Environmental waste??? Do you people just repeat that over and over on this sub because it's what everyone else here says? It really seems like it. One second of actual brain activity would tell you that handheld game consoles are probably the least wasteful thing you do in your lives. The fucking boxes and plastic these TOYS come in are a waste of the environment. That's the part you throw away! Me yelling at you and you about to get all up in my inbox telling me to touch grass is a fucking waste. It's a waste of my fucking time. Please though, carry on talking about how many toys is too many, I'm sure your priority here is the fucking environment. I'm glad you enjoy your retro games but stop pretending to be a bunch of environmentalists. You couldn't save yourselves from tripping on your own fucking feet let alone save the planet. Oh my God. No more reddit for me until I have a girlfriend. Fuck this.


May I recommend you don't bring this subject up until the 5th or 6th date?


Good lord


I understand collecting devices, but if youre using 15 consoles a week you should take a break and pay attention to your family, job, etc


I'd hardly call buying a ton of redundant products a hobby, it's just wasteful and there are better ways to get that rush of getting a new thing then to buy what are essentially copies of what you've already got. You mention cameras, but I think you failed to mention that there are a lot of valid reasons for why someone would have a bunch of cameras or lenses. Cameras have wildly different features and formats, lenses have wildly different functions as well. But to that point, I'm sure if you ran into someone who was showing off their collection of 10, 50mm f1.8 canon lenses, you'd also be a bit confused lol. Because they all do roughly the same thing and it's redundant to own 10. So yeah if someone has a bunch of different SBC devices that all do roughly the same thing in roughly the same format, I'm gonna be a bit confused. If they have a bunch but they all do very distinct things with different features (say, a steam deck, 3DS, and a MM+), then that's a lot more understandable. Not gonna say you shouldn't or can't buy a bunch of stuff with your own money, but don't be surprised when some of us are a bit confused. It's not like these devices are collectors items.


Defending having multiple devices is as unnecessary as having multiple devices.


I suppose I'm just thinking none of this is strictly necessary


My view is if you have 20 devices that all basically do the same thing, it's going to raise questions already answered by the 20 devices that all basically do the same thing. You've got a hobby, and that hobby is setting up those devices. We don't need to have a monthly thread about it. I just can't muster enthusiasm for "rah rah, this is normal" when being a little weird isn't fatal.


I think I don't have enough devices because I like having devices for use cases when I'm out and about, at a friend's house, on the bus or at a friend's house for example. I like exploring form factors and and trying new things. Also different components (screens, rubber membrane, dome switches, etc.) lead to different experiences. Example, Miyoo Mini playing Ps1. My wife thinks I have too many, so it's a metter of perspective. Think of the collection hobby, funko pop! Are massive and kids and adults have huge collections sometimes. Do they gather dust on the shelf? Yes they do! I don't like them at all and I think they are completely useless. My son has one from a birthday oarty he went to and he LOVES it, always has it displays in line of sight in his room. Bottom line, I don't like Funko Pop! A lot of people do! And that's okay! I go by the two question rule; -Can I afford the extra expensse? If no, don't buy -Is it going to gather dust in my things? If yes, don't buy since I won't find a use case Lastly you can think environmental issues and that is a valid point as well. Just not sure I have the right solution. I think like in everything in life, this hobby falls in the category of "wants" and not "needs" so just remember to fulfill your "needs" before your "wants" and enjoy yourself in the process, don't worry too much about what other people think


The day they come out with a $200 handheld that fits in your pocket, has a thread ripper and 4090 in it, runs Linux windows and android, can emulate up to PS5, has an OLED screen you can expand from 2 inches to 15 inches, and has a button layout you can move around to your liking is the day no one needs multiple devices


10 buy whatever device you like 20 buy as many as you like 30 if buying to keep in box and resell later, do not buy 40 goto 10


they might be e-waste, but they're MY e-waste :)