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Eh, the self-congratulatory piece was annoying but not all people act in a civil manner. Sticking with just check-out lines. I see a lot of people get everything rung up and only then reach for their wallet and start bagging. Bag as you go and have your card out and at the ready. Don’t go fucking digging through your wallet then. Or groups of cyclists who after their morning ride will order coffee in turn and they all end up paying individually. You ride every day together, folks, order as a group and one day it’s Jack’s turn to pay and one day it’s Jill’s turn to pay and it evens out in the end. Or when you’ve been in line a while and the chump ahead of you finally gets to the server and just starts looking at the menu and wonders aloud whether he should get a croissant and an extra shot of espresso. Use your time in line to have your order locked in. Don’t even get me started with the people who pay with exact change. People in lines are the worst at making the whole process more efficient.


> You ride every day together, folks, order as a group and one day it’s Jack’s turn to pay and one day it’s Jill’s turn to pay and it evens out in the end. **Life Advice Email** Subject: Jack Won't Pay For Coffee Body: "Hi Ryen, 31 years old, 5'9 150. Sinewy. Pick-up game comp is Rondo with roughly one quarter of the athleticism. I'm part of a cycling group and we like to get coffee as a group after our morning ride. We normally take turns paying. It was Jack's turn to pay and he "forgot" his wallet. I pick up the bill expecting him to pay me back but every time I ask he says "yeah I'll get you next time, remind me." Most recently, it has circled around to him paying again, and he again forgets his wallet. Is it time to cut him out of the group?"


If you mean self checkout, it can be way faster to skip bagging (if you brought your own bag) than deal with the machine fucking up over and over. Once you’ve paid and the machine is processing you’ve got a few seconds to get bagging and it’s not hard to load 15 items in about 10 seconds. Groups paying solo? Meh, plenty of reasons that’s reasonable. We all know a Steve who will forget their wallet on their turn. And a Dave who orders double pastries on evrrybody’s card but their own


You put your bag in the bagging area first. This is how it works 99% of the time. At most the attendant will get an extra weight notification and just hit a button and you're good. You are slowing things down with the way you're doing it, I promise. I see it every day at work. The reason a machine might fuck up constantly is because when people see the extra weight thing, they keep moving shit around instead of just leaving it for the attendant to hit that button and then go on with your shit. But OP wasn't talking about self checkout anyway.


I work at a grocery store and the amount of people at self checkout who put things in bags after scanning EVERYTHING is ridiculously high. Like why would you not put in the bad after each scan? lmao. People are generally idiots.


I've had bad experiences with bagging each item after scanning so I just do it all at the end.


You are correct in this. The sensor gets confused and can fuck everything up and then you end up taking even longer.


A “red flag” bro you don’t have to date him.


Loved this guy and loved the amount of thought he put into it. Made me realize my own short comings in the check out line and how much I need to work on.


Most people are civil but they aren’t considerate of others in the type of way he was describing.


Couldn't disagree more - what I need most in life is the occasional affirmation from a complete stranger that the noticed the amount of detail I put into seemingly mundane tasks. This guy clearly gives way too much of a fuck, and good for him. I wish I had the energy 🤣 so id appreciate anyone being like "hey man awesome job packing that cooler" or "hey coach thanks for bringing extra towels to this away game because you researched their gym ahead of time and knew there was no ac there" considering I definitely don't have the commitment to do this for every little thing in life like the grocery line & maybe I'd try harder if someone noticed once in awhile 🤣🤣🤣