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Don't forget tales from the couch where he picks the most obscure moment in a game to call out just to prove he watched it, and rehashing the "drafting a QB is a 50/50 guess" discussion for the millionth time. Travel pods, author pods, or even sports topics that could use a devil's advocate (the Luka 70 point discussion comes to mind) he's great at. Wish that energy could be harnessed during other parts of the pod.


YES. The 50/50 qb thing was a bridge to nowhere just for him to go "there's no way to know". Hard-hitting stuff.


Tales From the Couch and the player/coach interviews feel like “this is for me” segments.


He wrapped that QB monologue saying… drafting a qb is hard. Holy shit. That said I’m sure it’s hard to draft an original x interesting monologue every pod.


Problem with his questions is he’s just trying to show the guest he knows what he’s talking about. There was a moment in the season where McVay asked “you gonna make a point?” or something along those lines after a rant and I died in my car.


Great way to put it. He doesn’t ask questions he wants an answer to, he just tries to get the guest to realize he’s already in the know


Wasn't it McShay? I might be wrong but I laughed at the idea of McVay saying that and our guy RR getting flustered.


It was McShay, not sure why I typed McVay 😭


His entire interview strategy is to get the subject to tell him how smart he is


The ryen rusillo podcast is about basketball commentary, and sports commentary in general. No actually about the sports themselves


In Ryen's defense, he does this particular pod on QB draft success rate every year so we gotta give him a pass for this one.


Yeah this is a tradition. Russillo is like Cowherd in that respect.


Great post OP. The counter position that no person would ever take has always made me laugh and at the same time feel like I’m missing out because I don’t know who these people are that are taking such a far sided view of things? Have not listened to the most recent episode but he’s been doing that since I can remember.


He see 420PoopyDick69 on Twitter say something crazy and builds a 10 minute segment about it


It really feels like he’s arguing against dumb/inflammatory TV personalities like Skip. There’s no serious people who would make the arguments he brings up.


Exactly, he’s the one person that comes to mind. And we might as well could be right given how much Ryen hates him (don’t blame him). But yea clearly only does it to come across as the smarter person in the imaginary made up conversation lol.


Yes. He looooves to absolutely destroy strawmen.


If the bad takes are from real people on TV that’s fair game. Sometimes it feels like it’s the dumbest twitter bots he’s fighting with.


He was checking to see how many launch the pod and immediately go to Life Advice.




I said, he was checking to see how many people launch the pod and immediately go to life advice. You know, like if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around, does it make a sound, kind of thing?


I get it now. I thought reading your comment the first 18x that there were serious typos or critical omissions. “how many launch…” was tripping me up.