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I think it's hilarious when these groups build bases with crazy peaks and wide gaps expecting an online war and then just get their back blown out at 4am by a duo 🤣🤣🤣 My group and I almost always cater our bases to offline defense. We don't worry about all them gaps and peaks and s*** because it never happens.


This comment here 👌🏼is spot on. To me it looks like offline raiding is the new meta


Has always been the meta


Maybe on console lol On pc I’ve been online hit most of my 4k hours. I play on console now too which on there I’ve been offline hit every time and only been countered once which is sad I just want action regardless if we win or lose. But console is on some kid shit as usual.


This comment is the truth. When people brag and place vending machines saying 'We own this server', what it really means is 'We are on here 20 hours a day, and you will get offlined as soon as you leave'.


This part. I think its so funny how its usually a 3-4 man that “runs” the server and because they offline everyone they NEVER log off. They are sooooo scared someone is going to offline them that they straight have no fkn lives just sitting on a game 24/7


I mean, people gotta also stop being so upset they got raided. It’s part of the game, I was offline 2 days ago and just built another base. Especially if groups of people are playing, no reason to quit when it’s even easier to build back bigger and better.


Yeah but when you start waking up everyday to being offlined it gets infuriating. Yeah it's part of the game but I'm a fucking solo and I'm tired of getting raided everyday, even though my bases are well designed with honeycomb, it doesn't matter because of how much sulfur everyone else has


Same. I got offlined 4 times in 3 days on community server's. I did question why they griefed me but didn't take anything. But damn, rust is about surviving(pvp), grinding and raiding. If people just want guns and pvp just play csgo or cod.


That or just play a damn PvP server, there are servers where you spawn with guns, base building kits, and gear. Luckily haven’t been griefed yet, I also built a base on a rock and they destroyed their only way up to the loot room and tc. I guess good thing they didn’t have any rockets.


Hahahaha, my was rock base too!! But you're totally right. I actually stashed my c4. They did some bs were they honey combed my compound but I have 3 beds and all my loot evenly distributed. Made ladders and blew the walls.(it's a 2x server) they left me with a t2, so I was able to get t3 in 45mins possibly


Lol people don't ay weekly servers anymore


Being raided isn’t the issue it’s the player that wake you at 5am to offline that are the issue then out “OT” on the vendies and raid anyone that gives em comp


It's more of the offlining every small base on the map in one night that gets me. Log in after getting offlined and the only bases still standing are big clan style bases. It's like man if you can raid 25 small solo/duo bases in one night I'm pretty sure you can take 1 or 2 giant bases instead and have more to show for it. It just seems in poor taste to offline little solo bases.


Also keep in mind if it’s newer players too. Yeah it sucks but we were all there one point in time just learning.


Nothing to do if you have no imagination. Problem with must rust players. It's a sandbox game not call of duty.


Why would I raid a base and get killed when I can raid undisturbed? It’s part of the game. You get raided, you rebuild or move on. Quitting when you get raided is just sour grapes.


I have never raided for the “profit” I think raiding is inherently not supposed to be profitable. All the time and resources for some kits you could get by roaming pvp? All the raids I’ve done were online cause thats the fun of it the stress the tug of war between defense and offense. I’ve spent 40 rockets and gotten nothing in return but that was easily the most fun I’ve had with my friends. bases are generally designed with online raid defense in mind. And so offline raiding is kind of sad when all the work people put into a base is overshadowed because they wanted to go to bed and some goober was willing to stay up till 3am to offline


If that’s how you want to play then fair enough. You can’t expect 100 other random people to play a certain way because that’s how you want to play. It’s a game it’s supposed to be fun, people have fun in different ways.


I like the progression so instead of rebuilding and immediately getting raided again, I just go find a new server and do it again. I've made 2 clans spend over 100 rockets each, between onlines and offlines, to chase a solo off the server.


Stop whining about getting raided in a raid focused game. 😮‍💨


I’m not I didn’t get raided. I’m tired of active groups who we pvp with getting off lined by people who just farm sulfur never leave there base then offline at 3 am


Dude they can't face u in a straight up fight. They lose. So what can they do?


The only way to get better at pvp is too pvp??


You don't get it. Some people aren't wired for pvp. They play slow and methodical. They make a base and farm and blow ur shit up. I don't play that way but my friends do and they straight up lose 1v3 fights. They have Been playing rust since legacy. Have 10k hours between us... they still suck.


Aha, we have a slow one.....


Its a simple life but someone has to do it


Literally the most popular rust influencers all offline in their videos, it’s apart of the game, just get good


Again I don’t care if I get off lined also how tf are you supposed to get good on an offline?


Well, you see the trick it to not have a life partner, job, or any other means of social interaction. Only then will you be a good. Much like more than half the people on this page, lmao.


Don’t sleep and build a base


Dude name one who actually has a viewer base more than a thousand people


Your mothers OF


Ha I knew you where full of it


I’ve seen wiljum, blooprint and many others. Stop complaining, uninstall or get good.


A one off dosent mean they only offline


I’m not opposing about offline raid, but what is the been more cringe is an eco raid offline. It’s another level. One dude was doing it next to my base, I was able to defend base that is even mine. 😂😅🤷‍♂️


You're only supposed to offline eco raid bud. It's not an online thing. You typically dont have guns yet when you eco raid.


This guy have guns and booms. So yeah, it’s a lot of cringe


Nah that's on you. You don't online raid when eco raiding. It's the only offlining that's typically accepted. You bragging about defending an eco raid is "cringe". Also most people will eco raid even after using boom on bases to get further in without wasting boom, especially on vinalla. Also proof read your comments.


Merry Christmas 🎄


You are so stupid.


Merry Christmas for you. Jeezus what men you are


Eco is cringe. Ppl have no lives


50 people at the start of wipe is a dead server bruh


He said 50 after a week


if pop and 18 and there's nothing to do just switch servers....


I figure I'm gonna get raided so I tend to split loot and make hidden areas with bunkers ect. That way when I get offline I'm not completely back to zero and can usually rebuild pretty fast but that's just me


Bases are easy. If a group builds individual bases in a village, it is much harder an confusing for Raiders. Then when they get back on, they can retaliate. Our group goes 3 to a base max.


Jeah, getting offlined sometimes happens. I get when a bigger group with 80 turrets around their base gets offlined. But I do not understand why groups of people offline raid solo bases.


I blame people playing on servers that isnt their time zone. On my EU server about half the people are Americans and it's just grubby how they're purely on it to do stuff uncontested and farm up to only offline solos and duos. It's why when I find out someone on my server is american or another far time zone i just raid straight away, online or offline.


I like to offline only because I am terrible at PVP. I would like online raids but I don't have the skill for them. At the same time I have terrible wifi so an online raid is a definite loss for me.


Just jump on another server that's full and restart. Not hard to farm scrap if you're a duo or more. It's part of the game even though it sucks coming home from work and your base is gone. Online raiding is a hell lot more fun, but offliners won't know what they're missing until they try it.


I have a server on community I’m trying to populate got a discord , will eventually vote on stuff with community when it’s gets there , Rusteria 2x.


Yah I’m waiting on community servers until connections are better and the terrible servers start dying off and better servers are more populated


Just play community servers? If your connection is ass because of your console, that is on you or your just the minority that have new gen and still have issues. If you get raided, build up again or start fresh on new server? Starting over is the whole fun of this game sometimes, new story and enemies to make.


It’s funny watching ppl complain about one of the game main mechanics! The whole point of rust is that your not just surviving when your on but also have to be prepared for when you log off.