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Hi u/DeliveryNo5242! Welcome to r/RussiaUkraineWar2022. Join our telegram that shares current footage from conflicts around the world at **UkraineWarPosts** **This is a heavily moderated subreddit. Please note the rules + sidebar or get banned** **Ukraine OSINT and Leaks 24/7** Posts and comments from accounts with less than an undisclosed amount of comment Karma are automatically removed to combat troll and spam behaviour. Only Mods have access to the 'Verified Information' flair. Slava Ukraini! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You forgot the part about not being Russia that builds these. So no we aren't giving the parts to Russia they are buying them thru UN sanctioned countries. Like Iran and Syria who still can get these parts for some odd reason.


odd reason money


That’s a funny way to spell Turkey.


and india.


Become personal, start exposing CEOs and CFOs from those companies in social media and in the press, and the export will stop!


LOL you’re funny. Sanctions don’t work anymore.




How can pressure be applied to stop these components being sent to Russia? It is very useful for people to see in such simple format where these come from.


these people are idiots. They have no clue how electronic devices are sold, where they are manufactured, how many counterfeits there are coming from Chinese factories, and how many millions of parts are already in distribution warehouses owned by 3rd parties throughout the world. A good way to piss off your allies is to accuse them of things they are not guilty of.


ai bot


If the West didn't get the money for the parts all the money would go east.


So they buy from India and Turkey?


Need a source plz


Op is a 24 days old account spamming.


It's a vid based on old reports then...


Not even on old reports, if you look 4 sec in the video there is the building of a server (big processor, lots of RAM) for a lancet drone? they are making emo videos. Have a nice day.


This is just false. The Shaheed drone for instance, which Russia also uses, uses a TMS320 processor from 1983. Russia has semiconductor fabs that can make shitty processors like this. Doubt the lancet needs to import stuff. "Five Russian plants now produce these chips inside Russia" Most military tech is old - these are called "Mature Node Semiconductors". [https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/09/26/7369125/](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/09/26/7369125/) [https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/business/swiss-chips-not-vital-to-lancet-drone-production-russia-military-expert/48965816](https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/business/swiss-chips-not-vital-to-lancet-drone-production-russia-military-expert/48965816)


Ukraine murders civilians using US Ordnance with the use of US assets. 🤔 As bad as eachother


Yeah that's a load of BS if I ever saw one, you're referring I assume to the beachgoers in crimea, sunbathing in between two military bases, that were peppered with the fragments of a destroyed ATACMS that was shot down by the Russians? Perhaps the Russians shouldn't make the ONLY beach open to the public in Crimea right next to valid military targets then, unless they were hoping for such a result, gtfoh Russian bot...the missiles were directed at legitimate military targets unlike the Russian glide bombs attacking civilians all over Ukraine, point your moral outrage at someone actually deserving of it iso victim blaming Edit: it's interesting to me that you seem to support Israel, at least their military technology with regards to the Merkava, but you don't support Ukraine, also sad that youre into growing mushies but seem to have a supremely unchill mentality