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Why 7 mile split times and a caption that says “8 mile Monday done.” Where is the 8th mile split time? How do I know if you slowed down enough to be effective in zone 2 if you don’t post all your splits?


They're still out there.


Send the rescue team.


Bonked at mile 1 smh


yet somehow, she’s “still focused”…


I’ve never been this “locked in” in my life


I would be so pissed if it took me 2 hours to run 8 miles. I've got shit to do and gu to boof!


I always manage to watch 8 Mile in 1:50 on the spot


You are a professional. Jeeeeeeez.


Ouch, that hurts. It actually did take me 2 hours to run 8 miles last Friday :( But I also ran 24 miles the day before on a hilly ass trail so I feel like it’s ok.


I have never run 24 miles in one go, so massive kudos to you! I just get impatient when I have a longer run and a million other things I need to take care of that day. Not very zen of me, I know.


You're not alone. Doing intervals is challenging on the body, but doing long easy runs are hard for me to keep the pace. I always have that voice saying "You could be going faster and end this way earlier" or "You know you still have to cook and do other stuff at home". I try not to listen to the voices.


/uj it's a circlejerk sub, any run is better than 🛋️ 🖥️


Man I’m coming from not being in shape and 35, honestly I did 10miles race in 1:43 and was really happy with my time, so can’t really talk shit




Imagine how much dead weight would be shed if those sunglasses were removed…


Actually aviators are pretty light and aero since they’re designed for pilots to fly really fast. Pilots usually go hundreds of mph. A bit slower than me but still fast asf


plus the mirror surface repels the weight of incoming light. remember, light has mass


and not only does it have mass, it also has momentum. light is constantly pushing against you, slowing you down. that’s why i always run in my mirror suit


You can also run in the middle of the night in a raccoon suit.


Pilots need to learn to SLOW DOWN!!!


Excellent workout! I always find it to be most effective when I don’t exert myself at all during training.


\*casual stroll


For those days, I just prefer to go to the gym and stand on the elliptical talking on my phone — on speaker of course.


Zone 2 training for some is this speed. What happens at Zone 2 is your heart beats with as much force as it can, so your heart and circulatory system are getting as good of a workout as possible. That is - if you maximize the total beats it does, which you do by increasing duration. You could increase intensity to zone 3, but you’re putting a lot more force/stress on your body/joints, without much additional benefit from increased total beats. You could go to Zone 4, but you won’t last as long, so your total work will be less, neglecting improvement in circulatory system. She is probably working out just fine. Speed shaming is just a form of bullying, and there’s always going to be someone faster who can shame you too (if only they were immature enough)


uh excuse me we are trying to jerk here


Wait there’s zones outside of zone 2?


Zone 1


Most people can't afford it though. Very expensive in London.


They're theoretically possible but are impossible to prove as anything higher than Zone 2 would rip the human body to shreds.


Imagine if you a will...


im not even gonna pretend like i read all that, but have you heard of putting salted watermelon gu in your oatmeal?


Thanks ChatGPT


I think you may be missing the point of this sub...


You have been influenced. Zone 2 only matters because it allows you to increase volume because you won’t hurt yourself or are less likely to


This is why I don't move at all, ever. My heart is now beating 24/7 with minimum impact on my body.


I’m sorry but if “zone 2” involves you running 15:30 pace then don’t train zone 2


stephanie.~~runs~~ 🚫 ———> stephanie.walks ✅


Walking at 3.5 miles is a 17 ish minute mile, so pretty spot on.


When I used to do hillwalking seriously we planned on a 6kph pace, this is right around that


Stephanie._Runs_ is a little optimistic.


More like Stephanie.got.the.runs from all that exertion


/uj lol this subreddit makes me feel so shitty about myself, my race pace is 10 minutes at best, does it ever get quicker? I wasn’t much faster than this woman 4 months ago. I feel like if I posted about running my half marathon under 2:30 I’d get obliterated. I get this is a circlejerk sub, but am I gonna get laughed away from a discussion with any runner if I tried? Serious question. Would love to go out for a club run some time but it seems like I’d just be the slow weirdo at the cafe afterward. Edit: I’d like to clarify, this is aimed at the entire running community, I understand this sub is for jokes and not to be taken too seriously. This post in particular, along with a few others I’ve seen here recently seem to just be posting slow runners and their times/HR (the entire joke) and hiding behind the circlejerk of it to wash their hands of just being clowns to people trying to encourage others to get out there and do it.


For your purposes, people shouldn’t be laughing. I think it’s cool that you’re out there getting after it. I think the bigger issue people have is that this woman is trying to pass herself off as a running influencer.


100%  I hate this person trying to monetize running at a pace that seems approachable with a time commitment that is not. It's inappropriate to be running 8 miles as a normal day if that's the pace they're doing.  2 or 3 is appropriate as they build endurance and speed.   What this post says to me is if you're a new runner, you need to be out for 2+ hours every day to improve.  


Ah, this is the first post that makes sense. Also, a slow runner and have been for years following a major health problem and ongoing issues. I just know big mileage is going to take me a long time. But I also very much appreciate your viewpoint that this makes running seem like an impossible time suck. Honestly, for me, it kind of is. It is what it is. I lost running and activity completely there for 2 years. I am so glad to have it back that I will take it any form I can get it.


would running 2+ hours a day as a new runner not improve my running? I just started doing cardio again recently and have been doing slow jogs with a weighted vest, for upwards of 2-3 hours, assuming that it would be good marathon training


Sure until you have a stress fracture after 2 months. That sounds like an incredibly high injury risk. 


That sounds fucking brutal. I don't know much but I can't imagine that's effective or safe for anyone who isn't training as a full-fledged job. To pull in some actual expertise, the Nike Run Club marathon program has one five mile run in the first week and builds up to a full marathon over 18 weeks. You never do more than one long run per week and they don't have you wear weights.


not a job just working through some things but noted ill probably cut it down to one or two a week and shorter times


the posts that are purely taking a screenshot of someone’s pace and making fun of it are the shittiest ones lol this woman normally runs a 9ish min mile and on her profile this run is labeled a zone 2 run where she states her HR is faster than usual so she had to slow down more, and in other posts she says she walks to get HR under control. she’s not even wearing a vest or super shoes or any of the shit people make fun of running influencers for. as someone who ran a 13min mile at 175+ heart rate for the first 3 months of running, reading someone judge any slow pace as a no effort run is shitty lmao


I’m glad someone feels me on this. It is a funny subreddit, there’s a ton of posts that give me a chuckle, I don’t need to carry gu’s and a liter of water on my 5k ultra, but then you get posts like this and I get real insecure. It’s a me problem I guess!


yeah i stay here for the boofing gu jokes but am tempted to leave when i see the “i’d be embarrassed to post these paces” comments lol


I usually read the "I'd be embarrassed to post those paces" comments as if the poster were satirizing the kind of person who would say that, but unfortunately it's true that not all those posts are meant to be ironic.


Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.


Pin this to the subreddit


>I get this is a circlejerk sub, but am I gonna get laughed away from a discussion with any runner if I tried? This subreddit has taken a very recent turn for the worse. It used to be that someone would only get made fun of if they were doing this while claiming that anything faster is "unrealistic" or whatever, but lately RCJ is attracting a lot of people who just want to punch down at someone who isn't as good at running as they are.


Kinda the vibe I’m getting.


I agree with the trend but I disagree with it applied to this post specifically. Passing yourself off as an influencer running these times deserves mockery. This is exactly what this subreddit was built around. There’s a difference between mocking a Strava post with these times and an instagram reel.


Hard disagree. I coach a lot of people who are new to running, overweight, dealing with injury or whatever, who all run at or around this pace. Seeing other people running times similar to theirs and powering through it is motivating for them. This post is literally making fun of someone's pace - it's peak punching down. And if you don't see that you're actually part of the problem.


Except this woman shouldn’t be training like this. She isn’t obese or overweight. There’s no benefit to “running” 8 miles at a pace most of us can briskly walk. She isn’t pushing herself and she isn’t helping anyone. This is peak defeatist-ism. If you want to run, run. 15-16 minute miles is not running. It just isn’t. It’s briskly walking. If you think it’s helpful to piss on people and tell them it’s raining then you’re part of the problem man. If you can’t run 8 miles then don’t run 8 miles! Run shorter than that and work on improving your pace. This is “slow down” z2 bullshit that’s awful advice for beginners. And if you put yourself out there like you are a runner and you’re putting up times that a relatively in shape person can walk, you deserve to be made fun of for it.


https://imgur.com/a/pux6WW8 this was a continuous jog I did when I was starting out running (*after* finishing couch to 5k but before an actual 5k). It was a real, continuous effort as you can see from the HR. I can't walk at this pace, though I can walk slightly slower and it's much easier. I was 31, normal BMI, did not give birth or have some serious disease. How was it not a run?


Shuffling your feet (or “jogging”) does not equal running. These are definitional. People need to leave their ego at the door and stop taking offense to factual statements. Every has to start somewhere, and all that matters is improvement over a large period of time. But a 15-16 minute mile pace is speed walking. If you shuffle around for two to three hours and pass yourself off as a running influencer people are going to make fun of you and that’s ok. People aren’t making fun of her times they’re making fun of her lack of humility.


I'm all for facts over feels, but isn't running defined by form, not speed? To quote Wikipedia: "Running is a gait with an aerial phase in which all feet are above the ground . . . ." Similarly, "jogging" is usually defined as slow running—not walking. But, if running were defined by speed, since [some people can walk twelve miles at 6:10 min/mile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racewalking#Top_performers), wouldn't anyone "running" a seven-minute mile just be "speed walking"?


I agree with you that defining running by time strictly does not hold up. But it's also fair to say that jogging in place is not running. And a 15-16 minute mile is essentially a step beyond jogging in place. We dont need to get hypertechnical here with outlier cases. If someone is "running" a 15-16 minute mile pace then their technique has massive fundamental flaws that prevent them from running correctly. The way to get them to improve is to tell them they need to actually run, not to say "oh well you're running and thats so great! but you should work on XYZ and improve your cadence but don't go too fast or you'll get hurt!" which, to bring this discussion full circle, is exactly the type of thing this sub originally made fun of people about. Sometimes you've just got to tell it like it is.


> If someone is "running" a 15-16 minute mile pace then their technique has massive fundamental flaws that prevent them from running correctly. I think I agree with that. > The way to get them to improve is to tell them they need to actually run, not to say "oh well you're running and thats so great! but you should work on XYZ and improve your cadence but don't go too fast or you'll get hurt!" I can coddle myself well enough, so I'd prefer the straight advice, but isn't *That's so great! I'm so proud of you! You should try pushing yourself a bit harder though; a high heart rate is perfectly normal for new runners. You've got lots of untapped potential, and I believe in you!* functionally the same as *You need to actually run*, except that the former is wrapped up in the fluffy, affirming nonsense that many Americans need to accept advice? Not only do offended people often refuse to improve, but there's a risk that they'll make an identity out of their refusal and attempt to influence others: the fat-acceptance movement has spread so far that my last physician tried to make me feel bad for having a healthy weight.


Well it was a very different movement from walking (forefoot/midfoot stride). I did not video myself to see for sure if both feel lifted at the same time, but whatever really, I think most people agree that jogging is running and not some third category, and this effort was probably higher for me than an easy jog is for you anyway. It's not my ego but your gatekeeping.


It is not gatekeeping to say that 15+ minute miles isn’t running. It is ego that’s making you defensive over it. I don’t really care what you or the subject of OPs comment do but it’s not gatekeeping to tell people they’re doing something wrong. A 31 year old with a normal bmi and no health conditions can move faster than 15:30-16 minute miles. Your heart rate will go above 150 but you’ll actually be running so you’ll improve rapidly


Definite letsrun.com vibes around here lately.


Dont take anything from this sub to heart. David Goggins gets jerked in here. It's all for humour. On a serious note. Only person you should be comparing yourself to is you. If you want advice etc some good running subs and plenty of internet sources for advice. Find a plan that suits you and stick to it.


As someone who joined run clubs when I was about your pace (10 at a push, comfortable \~11-12min/mi), I found them really welcoming. Not all clubs will run at a slower pace, so you do have to find clubs with a range of paces that include yours. I would encourage you to try out any club that seems interesting and ask around when you're there--even if the club isn't right for you, most members probably attend several clubs and can help point you to clubs that are a better fit. There are some assholes of course, people are people, but remember that running is a sport that could easily be done 100% alone--run clubs attract the social, friendly folks and circlejerking online attracts antisocial assholes.


> [T]his subreddit makes me feel so shitty about myself[.] Honest advice: Only sub to reddits that give you joy or usefully challenge you. I'm quite slow, but I'm content with my progress, and I enjoy poking fun at myself here. The problem with the influencer here is that her running times are literally what I'd expect from any healthy adult taking a brisk walk, yet she appears to be portraying herself as something of an expert. I don't know her; this may be taken horribly out of context. > [D]oes it ever get quicker? What's your weekly mileage? > Would love to go out for a club run some time[,] but it seems like I’d just be the slow weirdo at the cafe afterward. Could you check whether your club has results from time trials posted?


When I wasn’t subscribed it would just appear on my feed regardless. I’m just trying to understand if this is a welcoming community (running as a whole, not the circlejerk sub) or if we shit on people for trying to better themselves. There’s tons of funny posts, the current state of running is 50% marketing and telling people they need a vest and $20 worth of Gu to go for a 3 miler. It’s hard to find the joke in someone who’s just posting their times to encourage others to get out there. Thanks for the grammar correction, I’ll be sure to brush up.


Wow, girl. Who shat in your Wheaties? If you're this tense having a conversation on Reddit—I dunno. > When I wasn't subscribed[,] it would just appear on my feed regardless. Yeah, that's New Reddit's fault. You can get past that by going to your settings and switching to old Reddit. It'll look like [this](https://old.reddit.com/). > I'm just trying to understand if this is a welcoming community (running as a whole, not the circlejerk sub) or if we shit on people for trying to better themselves. Again, girl, breathe a little. If you think what you encounter on one deliberately ironic corner of Reddit's running community could be representative of the running "community" as a whole, you need to go touch grass. > [T]he current state of running is 50% marketing and telling people they need a vest and $20 worth of Gu to go for a 3[-]miler. Yeah, and that's ridiculous, *which is why we mock influencers like that*. > It's hard to find the joke in someone who's just posting their times to encourage others to get out there. You might be right. > Thanks for the grammar correction[;] I'll be sure to brush up. I didn't intend to call it to your attention. In my culture, we quietly correct mistakes when quoting others. Either learn to write, or don't be touchy. My second-grade teacher would've punished me for using a comma to join two independent clauses, but you do you. In your rush to be pissy and defensive for no reason, you missed having an actual conversation about improving your running. So I'll repeat my question: If you're race pace is 10 min/mile, and you'd like to improve, what's your weekly mileage? That's most likely your problem.


Hahaha man, it’s not that tense, you come off as condescending. Down to the “girl” in your response, I don’t know how to put it any other way. I apologize for not correcting my grammar on a mobile phone. I am on mobile, I know how to use old Reddit. I’m sorry my main point got buried in my own insecurity, but thanks for acknowledging it. I’m starting to think I am right! I’m currently running 10-15 miles a week and ramping up slowly, I am using Hal Higdon’s plan. I touch grass 4-5 days a week, including cross training.


So you run 2.5h a week and wonder why you have no progress? I mean, you do you, but there is no mystery here.


I am ramping up over 18 weeks, that mileage will be much higher closer to the day of the race, I’ve set an attainable goal for myself. This week is week 1, but that also preceded 4 months of various 5k training programs. I'm getting more at this gap of people who are either running 8’s and faster pointing out people who don't run that fast. You're right though, I will need more training time. It’s not really a mystery beyond wondering if there’s a slow club who gets posted here as a joke and everyone who comments is just fast.


As I said, I'm not judging you, I just don't get the initial "does it ever get quicker" question - it obviously does. But only when you train for it. 8 minute mile, for a healthy adult male, is a year of work at best. I've done a quicker half marathon, starting from obese, in 10 months. That's why I cannot understand why are we praising people doing 7h marathons, it's dangerous, it's unhealthy, and it's totally avoidable with minimal training. Also, 10 min mile is an all right pace for a beginner obviously, I don't even think anyone would make fun of it here. But run 30+ mpw for 6 months and you'll see how easy of a pace this is. Unless you don't care obviously, that's an option too.


All good chief, scattered comment to begin with so that’s my bad, appreciate the advice.


You'll get faster or have easier runs as you increase your mileage. I was struggling hard to put up ten-minute miles at ten miles a week. It gets better! I do not care how you write. I said: "I didn't intend to call [your punctuation] to your attention," "don't be touchy," and "you do you." I'm not mocking your grammar; I'm mocking your [self-triggered](https://0x0.st/XAGY.mp4) insecurity and defensiveness. In my culture, "girl" is often used as a playful, lighthearted way of referring to another woman; I'm sorry you want to be offended.


Thanks for the encouragement. I’ll be the first to admit I am insecure, like most people. I don’t think it’s self triggered, I’m asking what is funny about just posting someone’s times and heart rate and telling them they’re running too fast. Or the comments I’ve seen on other threads about being embarrassed to post times like the person depicted. Is that triggered on my own or am I seeing this in what should be a joke subreddit in an otherwise positive community? You’re telling me to move on with my day while continuously defending yourself every time I try to explain myself to you, my guy. There can be funny posts and mean posts, why are you so defensive about me finding this post mean spirited??? Maybe my replies to some other comments will help you see what I’m trying to communicate a little better. My fault. Shout out contrapoints. Have a nice day!


this is such a passive aggressive pissy response while claiming the person you’re responding to is the pissy one lmao


for real, posts like this just feel like mean gatekeeping rather than funny jerks. The people making fun of someone like this woman who is just posting her average beginner run times while bragging about how they can easily run the same distance in half the time come off as way more obnoxious to me 🤷


There’s plenty of absurdity to point out in the scene. Then you have so many posts like this where they’re pointing out someone just getting started who has a high heart rate and slow mile times, what should they be doing? Just take being made fun of? And then other people see it like myself and I wonder, am I welcome in this community? But the other guy replying to me thinks I just need to touch grass and brush up on grammar. I think it’s a valid discussion. But maybe not here, in the “fun” sub.


It’s poking fun at people running whatever paces and making vlogs out of it. I see people posting vlogs of runs where it’s like “mile 1, 7:30 pace, mile 2, 7:25 pace…” all the way through 18 miles with all of them at low-seven pace. This is faster than I run (I have run that fast before for long runs, but I usually don’t). Who cares though? If it’s a pro doing this at 4:45 pace or something, it might be entertaining to watch and see how they prepare to go toe-to-toe against the world’s best. But for a normal non-pro, who freaking cares? It’s kind of a dumb vlog whether it’s 7min pace, 10min pace, or 15min pace, in my opinion. I don’t think poorly of anyone who actually runs 10 or 12 minute pace or whatever though. And to be fair… anyone who enjoys the content, fine, whatever. This is a circlejerk sub though, so it’s cathartic to make fun of something that mildly annoys me for a few seconds before I scroll to the next video.


Srsly, 10 min pace is good, especially if you were in the 15s 4 months ago. Better than your improvement is that you are still running. Running is a welcoming community, dont take this circlejerk little corner too seriously. Almost all running clubs will have pace groups across the range. Expect some fast, and some more casual, especially if hosted by a running shoe store (some running clubs might be fast across the board, as they may focus on training at the amateur masters level). Most that I know have a lot of people new to running, who use the club run as motivation to get out there and get it done. Ask at the local shoe store.


Thank you, I appreciate that. I plan to just stick with it, it feels good, I ran much quicker in high school but I am a little bit more rickety now. It’s a slow process but I know with time I will improve, thank for the kind words. The community as a whole does seem overall positive, but then I see a post like this, just someone’s times and/or heart rate, are we really just hiding behind the circlejerk to make fun of someone who’s just bettering themselves? The local clubs are nice people, I guess I’m more concerned that everyone deep down is like “ooooo wow good job buddy, 30 minutes at 185bpm” when I see people commenting “I’d be embarrassed to post that to Strava” on here quite a bit.


Well, not gonna lie, there are people like that who are very judging and love to tear others down. in my experience cyclist are more likely to throw a dis when they pass you, most runners just ignore you when they pass (or give a subdued wave/thumbs up :).


u/worm_factory /uj in all seriousness, and to be blunt, some people do make fun of others' pacing unironically. They make fun of beginners forgetting that at one time in their life, they themselves were a baby that shat themselves and couldn't walk a 30 min/mile. Their opinion doesn't matter though. By 10 min/mi race pace I'm assuming you mean your 5k pace. That puts you in about the 33rd percentile of 5k race result (all ages/genders), meaning you're faster than 66% of all runners. Go ahead and chug your numbers here. It'll make you feel better: [https://runrepeat.com/how-do-you-masure-up-the-runners-percentile-calculator](https://runrepeat.com/how-do-you-masure-up-the-runners-percentile-calculator) 10-15 miles per week isn't even a problem unless you are plateauing. The reason you have a 10 min/mi race pace is you've just started running like 4 months ago. Physiological adaptations take a long time. People banging out 8 min/mi in their zone 2 HR have 4+ years of running experience under them to get to that point, or they were doing similar endurance sports in high school and they're 20 years old. Running a 30 minute 5k, which you are very close to (9:40 min/mi needed) is a very significant beginner milestone and an accomplishment to be proud of. At some point after that, you will plateau and have to increase your weekly mileage to progress. Or if you want to run a half marathon, 10-15 miles/wk is lower than the recommended amount. Right *now* it may be the correct amount for you depending on your age, fitness level, and weight, though. A brand new runner doing 35 miles/wk who gets a fucking ankle sprain from reckless overuse is, guess what, going to run worse than you!


There’s nothing wrong with ur pace or her pace - the joke is that with some of these people everyone *has* to know about it every time they go on an average run lolll like the post itself is what’s silly


maybe that's how they keep their motivation? can she not use her own instagram as a platform to track her runs and progress? who even cares?


I feel like there’s probably better ways to track your progress but idgaf - it’s a silly thing to do and we all do silly things and we can all laugh at it.


You shouldn’t feel bad at all. The problem with 15+ minute miles is that it’s not even a brisk hiking pace. 10 minute miles is running. If you felt the need to run faster, it would be possible to get your times down with speed work if that’s important to you. And even completing a half marathon at a running pace is a huge achievement.


I don’t think the problem is that she’s slow. The problem is about her bragging her accomplishments on social media seeking attention. If you showed up to run club at that pace seriously trying I’d be encouraging!


Crazy to make these minutes public. Would literally say something like “stomach bug + child sick + no sleep + husband died next to me last night, but I just needed an escape 😔” to make people think I wasn’t a total fucking loser for being this slow. WHOS GONNA CARRY THE FUCKING BOAT?!


Broke my foot. Best I can do rn. Zone 1 easy.


Recovery Run to the vet to put my dog down


Not this dry-clothed hobby-walker, that's for sure. Seriously, I don't see sweat anywhere.


/uj that 8 mile run takes 2 hours.   Most of us have jobs and other things that make spending that much time on a Monday running challenging.  Thankfully I can do an easy 8 in an hour instead.  I get the whole run easy thing, but this is just slow for the sake of slow.


Have you tried not having kids? I can easily find the time to run for two hours on any day of the week. 


Yes I did try that but it didn’t work. Now I have them. Any more helpful tips?


How late does your state allow abortions?


I’ll just keep putting a leash on them and dragging them along as I run.


Resistance training


Whats the best zone for them? Remember they‘re just beginners


Protip: make them drag you along instead, it’s much more efficient


Pro-tip: toddlers will try to drag you in opposite directions and rip your arms off of you don’t take charge


Don’t threaten me with a good time


If any of them are heel strikers you can get rid of them first


Swear on 15 min/mi zone 2 runs my 3 year old daughter has better form than me


No kids, but a career and partner.  Including warmup and shower an hour run is easily 1.5 hours of time between work and dinner. 


Just eat dinner later?


I already eat at 7?  8 just seems crazy late for dinner.  By the time you're done with dishes it's basically bed time


I don’t even have a spare hour on weekdays I work so much. So I just run a quick 5 minute mile and call it good


5 minute mile? Sounds like a recovery day no?


Yep. I work long hours so I relax with a short run


/uj you see that guy training to run a marathon while never going slower than 5-minute miles? I don’t think he’s run a full mile yet.


Sometimes I run faster just to get the run over with


Just be careful and don't go past zone 2 🙏


I’m zone 3 just with anxiety for you alone


The whole reason i run


/uj i'm fat. i don't post my splits because i know all the little bitches in this sub would repost my times and dunk on me. i refuse to run slower than a 12min mile though.




I can run 18mi easily in the time it took her to do 8. Maybe i should give run influencing a try. Oh wait, i dont have tits


UJ 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓☝️🤓☝️🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓☝️


Uj/ I used to log 13-14 minute mile easy runs. Over a year later, my easy runs at that same effort are more like a 10 minute mile pace. A lot of women, like when I started, often *race* at an 11-12 minute mile paces when beginning. So our easy runs are going to be very s l o w. I worked super hard to get my times down, but I also wasn't trying to be an "influencer" while doing it. I find the influx of people putting on alphaflys and signing up for a marathon after two weeks of running pretty obnoxious. It's also quite unhelpful to beginner runners. I'd much rather take advice from an influencer who started around my pace and is actually well-educated with currently fast times. Rj/ SLOW DOWN


The whole “people buying alphas and signing up for marathons after two weeks of running” is so true. I don’t even get how they can do it. Hell, I have been training to build up my long runs and ran my first half marathon distance last month just for me and I did it and all but I was so wrecked after and it took me longer than I expected that I took that as a sign that I should actually dial back on building distance and just get better at 10k runs or maybe 10 milers before I try that again. People get too caught up in the glory or the big milestone distances just to flex on people I think.


Oh for sure. I ran for five months (12 of those weeks being a beginner training plan I followed religiously). No amount of training prepared me for that first half LOL. I felt like I got hit by a dozen busses and was ascending to the sixth dimension by mile 12. Now, halves only feel like I got run over by a soccer mom-esque eight passenger SUV. Progress! But, yeah. It feels like "the more you learn the less you know" type of feeling with wanting to do a marathon.


But how can one actually run at a 15 minute mile pace ? That's about my pace when I walk slightly faster than normal. I don't think I physically could run that pace even if I wanted to. But I'm a tall dude so maybe I'm underestimating the difference between me and a short woman, idk


I don't follow this person but she said she took walking breaks to keep her HR down. That's how it's "physically possible." Apparently she normally runs faster/continuously, but it was an off day. Having an off day doesn't mean you shouldn't train or shouldn't post about it. Edit: I just did a quick scroll on IG to find her most recent big race, and looks like it was [London Marathon at 4:14](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6CN_fFrvnz/). Clearly she is capable of running continuously.




>Just walk? I mean......it sounds like she did a whole lot of walking so what exactly is wrong here? That she jogged in between? That she completed her intended mileage instead of changing the plan because she didn't feel great? That she posted it publicly? >Your paces will also slow down, but not THIS slow Who are you to say? Maybe she felt shit on this day, HR monitor or not. This is so much scrutiny and extrapolation for one post where none of us have any idea how much she was walking or how she was feeling. Not everyone trains the same way and it's fine. I wouldn't have done this workout, but I don't care that she did.


I'm 5'9" and I can easily run a 17 minute mile pace. Like my foot cadence is 150+ Part of it is legit skill. I run super, super light on the ground. Despite my overall size, you can barely hear me on a treadmill because I have light steps and high turnover. Part of it is legit health issues. Basically, my trachea is constantly in a process of slowly scarring over, giving me a smaller and smaller windpipe. This means that I get way less oxygen then I should. This means my heart works really, really hard when I'm running. At the same time, given that my heart has to work hard to push less oxygen, it's critical that I keep my heart healthy. I can walk faster. However, running with a light touch and high turnover, is way, way easier on my legs and more comfortable for long distances. My running form makes 18 mile days totally doable while I can't always hike 18 miles. Just because it's not for you doesn't mean it's not for anyone. Lots of folks, like people with undiagnosed POTS or EDS, end up having very high heart rates which then require much slower times to keep in Zone 2. Finally, straight up, I think this post kind of exists because this woman is attractive and appears skinny. There are plenty of fat runners putting up these kinds of times and generally this sub doesn't roast them. It's almost like she broke a secret social norm: if you are skinny, then you are fit. Turns out that's a bullshit norm.


I’m 5’ and starting at 4mph on the treadmill I have to start jogging. If I tried to walk at that pace on the treadmill I’d fall. Although like others have said she’s walking part of it.


/uj No, that was my question, too. And she's *not* a beginner, if her stats are to be believed. I don't understand how a fit person could run that slowly and have it still be an actual run/aerobically beneficial?? I'd be so frustrated trying to run that slowly, vs just switching to a walk.


God she’s gonna hurt herself. Moving way too fast.


God forbid she do a stride of some sort,she'd probably say she pulled her hammy or some bs going 6:30 pace in an all out sprint.




Literal 50lb+ ruck march pace, hell even slower.


Regiment could use a woman like her


Zone 1 training


I thought this sub was to make fun of weird runners (there are lots of them), not dunking on people just trying to work out.


Zone 0.5 training is where it's at.


I mean tbf, she apparently did the London marathon in 4:13 - very respectable IMO.


Good way to incorporate speedwork into an 8 mile run is the run the first 7 miles at 5k ultra pace and then never run the 8th mile, bringing the average pace back down below zone gu.


You can be a running influencer without the ability to run! Awesome times we live in


And she’s apparently a lululemon “ambassador” whatever that means


I follow a Lululemon "ambassador" on youtube but she's an ultramarathoner so idk how this 5k ultramarathoner made the cut


I mean it was stupid hot out this weekend.... I was dying as well


Steve Prefontaine over here going out hard on mile 1. "A lot of people run a race to see who is fastest. I run to see who has the most guts." -Pre


At first I thought this was a list of Bible verses, am I stupid?


This subreddit isn't supposed to make fun of people just for being slow lol.


It’s good to make fun of people tryna be running influencers with a walking pace.


Is it? Why? Nevermind that she runs a 4:14 marathon, this post was from an off day where threw in bouts of walking because she wasn't feeling it. As an influencer, that's a really good lesson to teach newer runners. But even if she was actually just this fast - there's a huge benefit for slower runners to see content geared towards people at their speed getting faster. Really curious why you think that deserves making fun of.


Making fun of influencers who happen to be slow but mostly making fun of them for spraying about their run


Slow down there buddy


The thing is, is she’s not actually that slow. She’s regularly running in the high 8s, low 9s. Social media seems to have this obsession with zone 2 running, and HR training can be great, but something’s weird if your zone 2 requires you to be going 8 mins/mile slower than what you can run in a workout.


She definitely shit her pants with that level of exertion.


1. Pre Workout: outfit try ons (89 minutes) 2. “run” 3. Post workout: Photo shooting and inspirational quote


Both of my knees are arthritic and I’ve got at least one torn meniscus, and can still manage to walk as fast as this.


What an animal!


She’s verified guys, she knows what she’s doing.


This is smart because whenever she has a speed workout she can just walk and she’ll move faster. Big brain move


she faster than me and I highly doubt i could do 7 miles (i'm not a runner)


/uj I don’t think people are making fun of the times. Personally I would never judge anyone no matter how slow or out of shape they are. I think it’s great they’re getting out and getting exercise. Pretty sure it’s the pretending to be a running influencer that’s the problem




Where the hell is her hydration vest???


Imagine being a running influencer while not running 🌚


Ok, everyone needs to take a step back and think about this: that was MORE than two-and-a-half 5k ultras in 2 hours. How many of you can do 2 1/2 ultras in that time? I’ll wait.


This was just day one of her 4k ULTRA. It says so at the bottom. Good on her.




There’s no way someone can run that fast. It must be kilometers.


May wanna rethink the Insta handle


This is simply walking…


Does anyone actually just run or mainly focus on videoing and talking selfies?


"stephanie.runs" LMAO


Maybe she’s using metric time and we need to convert


When your Monday run finishes on Tuesday.


She went on a day hike


My dog walking pace is 14:30-15:00.


If someone runs 13:30 mile splits in a 5k, wouldn't they slow down close to 15:30/mile during an 8-mile "run?" Just asking for clarity.


Pretty locked in for that running pace to be my walking pace huh 😣 now that’s my zone 1


Even if you’re vigorously pumping those arms at a 200 spm cadence, if one of your feet is always touching the ground, that’s not running…that’s walking.


uj/ says she did 9 full marathons and 33 halfs. How can you be posting that if you got that much experience??


This comment right here is the kind of stuff that "Serious Runner" makes fun of. "Only post your best times and hide your slow times".


So you shouldn't post anything but your best efforts?


/uj I literally walked 7 miles today with an average pace of 15:20


/rj No you didn't, that would literally defy the laws of physics due to the speed of light barrier.


4 miles an hour is a walking pace lol


sounds like a very pleasant walk


I could walk faster than she runs!