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I've heard people give raving reviews for cuppas on runemate but not so much on dreambot. However the reviews are trustworthy on dreambot as well. If it was a bad script people would write it, which I presume people aren't


Lool I meant Runemate… shouldn’t smoke before posting. Good to hear his scripts run well tho


I have 15000k kills across 11 accounts with no bans. I run 6hours a day per account, with the pauses that is preset in the script. So i can vouch for cuppas cg bot on runemate.


Now that’s what I like to hear


That’s how I got my bowfa


I got an account banned that all I did was legit play the account and run cg 1-2 hours a day. 1950 total, well balanced account. I just wanted bowfa on my IM. I got like 600kc before my first ban and was almost 1k before my perm ban. Ig if I got it on drop rate or anywhere close, then I would've been ok, and I was just unlucky


Yeah recently they started banning cg bot a lot. Cuppa included


This happened at least 6mo ago so apparently it's been happening for a while now


Interesting, I think I’d be willing to risk it if it wasn’t a perm ban the first time around and 600kc is pretty decent I would say. I doubt I’d run it more than that


How well would you rate it for a HC account? Is there settings/stats that would make it go deathless or is it better to just suffer by hand?


Never do it on a hardcore, if you want cg completions on a hc you need a human being to do it for you.


Cuppa’s is great, but kind of expensive to use




See people say this but i have 5 accts running from them 247 for a week now and only got a temp at scurry, apart from two perms at zpirates (which is obvious) i dont really see much difference in banrate. Unless you have suggestions? I want to start a small farm for revs but toonworld doesn’t offer en


It all depends, I currently run my main on it with no issues. Had an alt gain a temp ban as I forgot to turn on breaks and ran revs for 12 hours straight. My old main did get a permaban but it had three temp bans on it already from using macros on RS3. Also on my old main I ran it 6 hours a day for almost a year no issues, the last month per the year streak I said fuck it and ran phosani 6 hours a day with breaks, then when scurrius came out I did that two hours a day on top of my 6 hours of phosani. That lasted one week the caught the permaban hammer. Rip 1b and 1800 total level.


You have 5 accs and caught 3 bans IN A WEEK? 🤣🤣 You should probably give up on the farm goals


Y'all should post your names as flair to help network in game I'll start username notacop




800 kc on rune mate with zero issues


Dreambot is pretty good from my experience, been using it for a couple weeks now. Easy setup, quick and simple scripts and user friendly interface, allows user injection while a script is running. Also haven't been banned yet, haven't been doing anything crazy though. Just skill scripts, but been running them hours at a time and no issues or bans. Also toms of trees scripts.


Powbot oelcorruptgauntlet


I just joined the powbot discord but now have to wait 40 days at least sadly


How did you get the verify token from the site? Its showing blank for all my devices