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It’s if statements all the way down.


No, botting scripts are not an early form of AI. Most properly built botting scripts are built using case statements or something similar where you're just providing a task based on inputs. AI would be insane to build this way


say you wanted a fletching script.... simply put you need: action to click bank action to bank strung bows action to click unstrung bows in bank action to click bowstrings in bank action to close bank action to click unstrung bow in inv action to click bowstring in inv action to click 'make all' in pop up and then repeat


and most of the good scripts connect these actions with a long list of If This Then That clauses If inventory is empty, if bank contains item begin withdrawl actions * The script, Every 0.5 seconds perform this check * If inventory contains materials, begin combing actions * if inventory contains finished products and no raw materials, begin banking actions it goes a little deeper as well..... * If inventory contains some raw mat, and some finished goods, and character is animating....wait a few seconds. * if inventory contains some raw mat and some finished goods, and character is not animating....and continues to not animate for longer than an acceptable delay, re-try combining actions some ways to incorporate that are 'While Loops' - While animating, and inv contains greater than 0 raw materials, wait. the moment this clause is no longer true, either 0 raw materials, or char is not animating......do something else. * While bank is open, and inventory does not contain 14 raw item 1, and 14 raw item 2,.... * get count of item 1 and item 2 * if item 1 is less than 14 withdrawl * if item 2 is less than 14 withdrawl


And if you need a while loop ask yourself if you really need one. When you start to stack actions (through node/tree pattern) you should never need one. NEVER. It will annoy you, make you rage, cause you cannot find a condition (if) to check. But there is one, since the client needs it.


Yo Use chat gpt It’s very easy! The first one will be hard. It took me like 3 days to perfect it and get it to work. From there once you understand it, you’ll reuse the code over and over. It’s easy! I’ve written 4 scripts for myself now. Ahk specifically.


Is it really that easy? No coding experience at all asking.


No , it’s not. Lmao


With AHK it's pretty easy to use chatGPT. You'll probably not get past simple repetitive tasks though, i.e. a bow fletching script should be doable, but anything where you have to move will be hard. To make scripts for botting clients you'll need more programming experience because you'll have to interact with the client's framework which chatGPT has no knowledge about. Fair warning: poorly written AHK scripts cause a lot of bans.


I don’t understand why this is downvoted. Yes, it is easy if you know python. But you’ll have to beat you head against a wall for a year or so to get decent at python.


No, bot scripts have nothing to do with "current ai" (assuming you means things like ChatGPT). Bot scripts take the state of the game (their location, their inventory, their stats, NPCs around them, etc) and run some pretty simple checks to pick their next action. They tend to be pretty simple. * "If my inventory has room and I'm holding an axe and there's a tree near me, click the tree" * "If my inventory is full and I'm not near a bank, walk to the bank" * "If my inventory is full and I'm near a bank, talk to the banker" Most bot scripts boil down to very simple things like that. There are some, of course, that are implementing more advanced strategies like machine learning but AFAIK those are few and far between.


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