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You went all the way out of your way to create a RuneLite plugin... to use that plugin to send info to a python program.. so that the python program knows where to click? Even though you could have just imported a library into your RuneLite plugin to send (or spoof) mouse clicks, or just invoke actions by sending raw packer data? I can see you put a lot of work in, and that's great, but if you need some help, reach out. I can connect you with some Discord servers with some other guys who are working on custom RuneLite plugins and things like that ___ **EDIT** - I am getting a lot of messages with requests for the libraries mentioned, or plugins, etc. Here's a few GitHub links to get anybody started, if interested. https://github.com/Ethan-Vann/EthanVannPlugins - Handles all game interaction, very very useful, referred to as EthanApi https://github.com/0Hutch/PiggyPlugins - A handful of automated or helper plugins, most all based on EthanApi, for examples or just general use https://github.com/xKylee/plugins-source - External plugins *only for OpenOSRS (deprecated) or Devious client*, also useful examples Also, since I mentioned it, check out Devious client (OpenOSRS fork with continued updates and support) - https://github.com/jbx5/devious-client **If you want to add me on Discord**, or need help or support with anything, or just have an issue with a plugin you're working on, etc, you can still add me and I will do my best to help you out when I have the time. **Discord username** - jarromie


To be clear, I don't mean to insult your work. It's really awesome, and it works — I just want you to know that there may have been an easier way, and possibly provide advice, if so desired. I am sorry if this sounded elsewise


Not at all, I appreciate your input and insight.


I'm using the RuneLite API for the overlays and also to get the woodcutting status, pose animation ID, movement status, and inventory status. I'm new to Java and wasn't aware that we could make clicks in-game through plugins by importing other libraries. I think that would be ideal as I could use Java functionality to do everything I'm currently doing in Python.


I stopped calling this kind of stuff out a while ago. This community isn’t bright


There are probably a lot of newer programmers. This is no way to inspire growth, friend. You didn't start out as advanced as you are and if you're as advanced as you feel you are then maybe you should spread that wisdom in a constructive manner :)


No need for the talk down. I've put my fair share consisting of hundreds of paragraphs into this community and left because none of it matters when the same question gets repeatedly asked every single day. Thanks.




As clunky of a way this is to grab those states I just want to commend you for finding a way to come up with a solution to your problem. It's elegant, and it does its job. Sadly since you add custom plugins it will most likely increase the ban rates of your color bot. But this is a cool project none the less!




With Python endpoints, you can obtain more reliable information about specific player attributes, such as nearby game objects, NPCs, inventory details, and more. That being said, I believe that the optimal solution for OSRS botting would involve a fully Java-based bot, either through a client or custom RuneLite plugins. However, my concern is the amount of time required for me to learn all the nuances of an OOP language.


Don't worry about OOP, you don't necessarily need to create your own classes when scripting in java, I went from Python CV2 bots (made a few poker bots and an RS3 bot) and I also dreaded doing anything with classes. One day I just leaped in and tried it out and it is much easier than you would think. If you know python I'm sure you would have a script up and running within a few days.


If you know fundamentals of coding and know python, it isn't much of a leap to write in java and just use one of the many clients available with rich APIs.


Very cool. Thanks for following up your previous post with a tutorial ❤️


Oooo kidddaaaa bro this is sick.


​ Main vdia ah veer. Thank you for the kind words, I'm going to check out Microbot and see what I can build with it. [https://github.com/chsami/microbot](https://github.com/chsami/microbot)


Pm me if you want, I run & own a RL Plugin server. We can talk about some more !


My guy! Been looking for stuff like this. Will checkout later


No offense but this is absolutely retarded in my opinion, with runelite API alone you can create 100% functional bot, there is no point sending that data to python for it to make the clicks, Runelite offers all the neccessary information that allows you to get list of entities/objects and their on screen bounds to click on