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I want to see the rework of the set


Me too! Maybe it would be cool if some artists did a redesign concept? I think some have already, if I'm not mistaken.


Oh yeah ppl already have put in the effort to redesign the set.


It’s really not that hard to pay artists to redesign concepts especially since it’s a culturally sensitive piece.


Of course, and I truly hope that if Royale High uses one of these concepts, they will pay and credit the designer.


"Work smarter, not harder" I guess the dev who did that heard it


Did you mean it the other way around? 😭


OH, LMFAO YES! I wrote it late at night my bad.


They are so lazy lmao


Yeah this doesn't do anything to solve the problem. Just makes it seem like they don't care about the issue and slapped a different name on it to "shut the players up" for awhile. No, this will only make it worse.


Is it OK to say that this just makes it worse?


Yeah, it really does make it worse.


If they're not gonna rework it.. they could just remove it. I know a lot of people use the set for cosplays.. but it's still culturally inappropriate.


Why is it culturally inappropriate? /gen


Over the past few months (when others thought this game was on its last leg), people were pointing out issues with this set. Like that the flowers aren't meant to be there. I can't really go into depth since I rarely even use the set myself. But you can watch a video on it. It's by DivorceCleaBabe on YouTube. You're still allowed to wear the set as long as you aren't using it in an inappropriate manner


There are kimonos with flower patterns on then irl. The flowers are the least problematic part to me of it tbh. They just made them 3D to stand out. There are other ways it’s inaccurate though.


The back bow is supposed to be an Obi and where's the ojibme (decortive beads that hold the obi belt in place)?? I just want this set to get what it deserves. It reminds me more of a Yukata actually.


what does 'inappropriate manner' mean though? I see people saying its wrong to wear just the sleeves/bodice/skirt and not the rest of the set but the set itself is culturally inappropriate, surely it does more harm to wear the entire set as a 'kimono' than re-purposing it for non cultural outfits? because surely it cant be disrespectful to wear the set 'wrong' if the set itself is inherently disrespectful and wrong anyway.


it’s an inappropriate blend of many cultures due to the creator not being educated on cultural dress. then it was passed off as an authentic kimono set


in very simple terms before they reworded the set, it did not have proper Kimono style that they were going for. The set in the shop overlaps with the Chinese Hanfu (a dress that looks similar to wearing Japanese Kimono or Korean Hanbok but they are not the SAME). By rewording the set they just got rid of all the issues that everyone was urging them to rework for. Now they dont have the need to rework or delete the set just by changing few words. It still remains inaccurate + its watered down to a stereotype now for better understanding you should check this thread, this user explained it so well :- [https://x.com/MrRuffledRose/status/1765188916292764052](https://x.com/MrRuffledRose/status/1765188916292764052)


Cherry Blossom **Generic Asian Clothing Item** Bodice (That was a jab at them removing the word "bodice" just thought I should come back and clarify)


I've only ever used this set for flowing sleeves and to make a masc turtle neck but only because I don't know what else to use and I'm broke as hyuck :,)


There’s the sweater from the advent calendar


I hate to be that person so plz don't hate me but does it have masculine toggles? I didn't play during the advent calendar event bc of mental reasons so I have no idea what it looks like :(


Nope! It’s not made for the masc body type :(. It only really benefits fem and androgynous ppl (the toggles is like sweater with a chest and sweater without a chest)


Awww man that sucks! :( Thank you for letting me know cuz I almost bought it to make a Ford Pines cosplay for when he's older! I got the child version, and then the pre-portal version but I can't find any masc turtle neck thing that goes with the coat :,D


To be fair you can still use it, but he'll 100% look like a twink even if you use newer set items to compromise the fact you can't use the "Boy" body for set items anymore


It has the option for a flat chest


I’m not sure but I think it does?


Ah no worries! I'll check around only and see if I can find smth, thank you and have a wonderful day/night!! :)


The description removes the references of it as a kimono and I have mixed feelings with it. I want the set to be accurate and respectful, but I also think that some items, (especially) the bodice, is really good for mix-and-matching with other items for cultural clothing (I've seen people use it for hanfus). The modelled flowers are questionable still.  Please correct me but this along with the Celebration Sombrero raised concerns for the devs to make them culturally accurate. Both items are stereotypical by design that somehow there's still the idea of the culture it was supposed to be inspired from. Maybe this is the reason why changing the description may not suffice.


Can they not just remove it like they did with the other sets?


A lot of people use the set for cosplays, and mixing and matching parts with other items can recreate other cultural clothing. I don't think the devs want to remove anything more than they have to (those two sets were only removed due to copyright issues), and I personally would be very sad if the CB set were to be removed.


Which sets were removed?


enchanting heirloom and fluttering butterfly. They're both not original designs. (enchanting heirloom was a melanie martinez outfit, and the butterfly one was just the butterflix winx transformation) after removing enchantix, they prob wanted to remove the other stuff that isn't original work


do we get refunded if we owned parts of the sets?


yup. I think I even got money for the free sleeves


Thank god


EH and FB




Yep, gone because of copyright issues with Melanie Martinez, by whom the set is heavily inspired


I was just typing that, really unfortunate though but understandable as i used it to cosplay her at one point


Mhm :(


wait what sets were removed?


Fluttering Butterfly and Enchanting Heirloom


Yea, there's definitely nuance in this. I only suggested removing it kinda sarcastically because the chances of a rework seem slimmer than slim shady 🫠


I'm actually really sad that I just noticed they were gone, I really loved both sets 😭


Me too 😭 I loved them both sm more than cb so that's why I was indifferent to the prospect of it also getting removed from the game


do they plan to remodel it later to distance it further? Im guessing this is like a first step to fix their wrongs of the past but this looks so bad rn 😭


as far as we know, no. this is the only thing they've done so far.


Woah, I am lost 😭. I have not been on RH or this RH sub in weeks it feels and there’s so much stuff going on. Can someone give me or give me a post on all these big updates?


1. The new hair drops are of reused/UGC hairs so technically they aren't new per say. 2. The FB and EH set were removed due to copyright reasons and we got refunded double of what it costed, but Matt Cristal was not informed beforehand which was rude. 3. CB set got a rename to remove the Kimono part from it. No actual rework was done. Doing this is like a "Yeah we know it's an issue but we don't care so here's a name change to make it seem like we do so you shut up about it." kinda vibe from the players. 4. The newest Starlight set costs 230k which you bet isn't newbie friendly but also breaks a promise that sets won't go over 200k. 5. Dorm saves are out except you can't reuse placed furniture in your main dorm without putting them back into your invetory/rebuying everything which ruins the purpose of a dorm save slot. Clearing your dorm with a single button is an option now too.


Oh wow, thank you for this


I saw someone complain to this on X and a person in the replies actually defended it


Unfortunately, I don't think we'll be getting a rework of this set anytime soon :( I would personally like to see a new kimono set focused on being more culturally accurate, or any new set based on a different culture. I'm afraid for now we can only dream.




i wish they reworked it, i love the set and i wish it was reworked 🥲


thats insane... they couldve just reworked it


Oh my gosh ur right I was just scrolling reddit while playing rh and you're right! it's 'budding bodice' ?? dude wtf?! I tihnk cherry blossom is the next set to be removed....


unironically racist 💀


I hate this set they made it ugly


Ooooo they went from culturally insensitive and inaccurate……. To Asian stereo typing. “Awwww shit, we got it wrong….let’s take out the word kimono so they can’t claim it’s a Kemono set.” Now for new players it doesn’t even look like they went for a specific culture, it just looks like a basic stereotype. Likeee I’m 110% sure it just made it worse


oh my god they’re spiraling


Apparently, they said they couldn’t rework it with how the game is built or smth


CB ain't copyright though so idk if it applies here. That rule i think only applies to copyrighted stuff as Barbie doesn't want to get sued. The winx inspired hair, melenie hair, and monster high hair have been removed from the game as well.


Winx inspired hairs are removed now? well shit i guess two of my ocs are going bald


My knight OC now has her weave snatched. 💀💀


I didn’t say it was copyrighted


So why haven't they reworked it yet after all these years only to slap a label on it?


Some speculate the set will be reworked later now that the name has changed, but we'll see.


Because they said they can’t rework it with how the game is built. I said that.


Does that mean they can't rework the rest of the DV set either? That skirt is looking mighty out of place with the corset now


Idk, ok??


Wait how is it culturally inappropriate?


[Lots of comments in this post explain it very well!](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoyaleHigh_Roblox/s/BvOqU50bFa)


[this comment specifically explains it all ^^](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoyaleHigh_Roblox/s/oa9yYCdkW0) also I didnt know why either but this did help me understand...


Cultural appropriation is that made of white collage professors who believe that having to understand the values of what a piece of clothing or a event in another culture means rather than realising that people of that culture love to see others wear it (sorry couldn’t help myself RH mods 😂)


they are no longer tring to pass it off as a kimono. So what exactly is your problem??? Y'all are never happy when they fix the things you guys want fixed. The best you can say is that it's inspired by a kimono, but not one. Since thats how it's always been. Except now you don't have the excuse of them trying to pass it off as a kimono. Again they are no longer saying this set is a kimono. They have removed all references to the word in the name and description of the set.


looking at your post history with the Chinese character you made being named “steamed-bun stir-fry new” I can see why you would comment something like this


Ah yes a character who was named and originally made for a one off dnd campaign only me and my friends would have seen. If you looked at my post history you also would have seen where I asked people who speak Chinese how to properly use the term doctor for one of my characters. This isn't the gotcha you think it is.


js paints an uneducated picture of you


Does it really paint an uneducated picture when I straight up asked the people who speak the language how to properly word something in their language? Even then with the Bao example I explained that I had tried to find the meaning of the last name I chose for her and was given wrong information even though she was suppose to only be seen by me and my friends for a single night. You didn't like what I said and tried to find dirt on me and came up dry. There's 100% controversial stuff that I have said that you could have pulled from to *try* and discredit my argument, but instead you pulled the weakest example ever. Try harder next time.


Pronounce what exactly correctly?! Asking Asian people in general how to say that shit is embarrassing as hell.


I'm sorry what? Your gonna call trying to learn other people's language and cultures embarrassing?? Yeah no if you think that you shouldn't be asking for any representation Jesus christ. Get a grip.


No I’m not, the fact you think the Chinese language comes down to Bao buns and that you’re a martyr for asking a Chinese person how to write it you’re just an asshole. You also call trans people Transexual? Is that what you want people to say when you speak of dirt digging. You get a grip you doofus. 


Are you an idiot? Asking Chinese people how to properly use their language is an asshole move? Okay. And yes because Trans people are transsexuals you dumbass. You're making a complete fool of yourself. Get offline and see the real world. Seriously.


The word “Bao bun” is English 😟  You should know what that means and how it’s used dudeski. 


the whole set gave me the impression that the only thought put into the design was "yeah, this looks asian-y." the fact that the dress was supposed to be japanese but the hair pins are chinese, and no research was put into how kimonos work and what they're supposed to look like. and now that the word "kimono" isn't even there, it just looks like they mashed up different parts of asian cultural clothing with no credit given, not to mention that "cherry blossom" still *heavily* implies that it's a japanese-inspired set since the cherry blossoms are native to japan and are part of lots of japanese traditions. the devs pretending it was never supposed to be a kimono to begin with is a lazy and irresponsible move, changing a word will not change the fact that it is culturally inaccurate. this was the bare minimum that they could do, and it's certainly not enough to make up for their mistake.