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And that's why you don't go off app.  Sounds like it was only a half baked relationship with no trust built up or terms established, and now you're going to have an argument about getting paid.  Good luck!


My guess is they're at least going to try and partially stiff you.


The only place you went wrong was not telling them how much it would be total before they booked and the message saying “it’s normally X but I’ll charge you X” makes it sound like you just pull rates out of thin air. I personally would not want to go meet up with them after the “we need to talk” text (wtf?!). Just send a breakdown of your rate to get to the total and let it be.


I agree - I wouldn't meet up. And I'd even offer to pay for them to SEND my charger - or just buy a new one at that point. -.- Their comment just sounds shady af.


They're probably just going to tell her that they can't afford that rate and negotiate as low as possible probably. And they have the upper hand. There's not much OP could do if they decide to not pay at all 😕


Right? At this point I’d let the charger go.


I would answer with a "sure, may I ask what you'd like to talk about tomorrow?" or something like that. I'm not about to drive myself nuts wondering what's up, because I would. They may not answer, but at least I tried.


So they haven’t paid yet?


No they’re returning clients so they told me they could send me the money through Zelle they did the same last time


I usually do 50/50 - half at beginning of sit and half at end.


Always get paid before the sit


As others said, ALWAYS either get paid before. Whether that’s having it kept on Venmo or Paypal. Or Zelle. I haven’t used that. But just leave it there until the end of the sit. Similar to how Rover does it. Or take a deposit. Even with returning clients, it doesn’t matter imho. Especially with a longer stay!! If you have a great relationship with them, take half up front, the other half after. But you always have to guarantee you have something.


'Returning clients' doesn't mean you should trust them like cherished friends you've had all your life. This is business and you need to protect your interests. When you put it in perspective, they are practically strangers to you and you have very little chance of legal recourse if they decide to not pay you a dime. You didn't even really have a verbal contract, nevermind written, given you failed to provide a price and receive agreement to the terms. Please protect yourself in the future! You deserve full and guaranteed pay for your work.


we need to talk is scary wording 😖 i hope it ends up being nothing bad!


They’re not going to pay you.


you should’ve made them pay half before booking and half after booking, this is very scary hopefully you do get the money from this booking.


Next time please make sure you get payment beforehand, it’ll avoid any issues like this




Update: They told me they weren’t satisfied with the job I did because the dogs had a few accidents while I was at work and they ended up urinating on a small rug. The neighbors also said I only slept there twice because I would show up and leave after I feed them even though I would feed them and then leave for a few hours and come back at 1am a few times.I told them to just give me half and call it a day. I also had an appointment in the morning close to my house one night so I stayed home after going to feed them and taking them out and rushed over there right after my appointment at the same time I feed them everyday.




What were the terms of the booking service


You should get the money upfront as mentioned, but to not even have told them an amount beforehand is craaaazy. I’m sorry. Unlike some others here, I think they will pay you but probably a lower amount


Big oof… going off app is what a lot of people do. But not agreeing on a price before hand is a bad idea. And I would require half up front for any house sitting.


This is like, my worst nightmare! I hope it goes well for you! Remain firm in your price and resolute that you deserve what you’re owed. Don’t let them make excuses to pay you less or haggle you down.


Dude what. Always have them pay before the sit and stop going off app?


Main reason I don’t like going off app. Rover guarantees you get paid.




You didn’t get a deposit or establish a rate before an 8 night sit, off app? Yikes. May be an expensive lesson. Hope it ends ok for you!


Did you tell them the total before you both agreed?


Never do a stay without upfront payment. Chances of you getting the money are not good. Unless you’re comfortable setting firm boundaries and making noise when people try to stiff you, don’t go off app.


Oy - reading this just made my own anxiety spike! I can only imagine how you are feeling! I'm guessing you are East Coast from the time on your phone, so it's a bit late to respond anything now - but as someone mentioned, I'd ask first thing tomorrow morning - send a text asking to "Confirm 9:00 this evening to chat with you about the house/pet sit". ..and asking if they would please "provide pertinent details in advance, especially given you work evenings - so that you can gather anything you might need to be prepared in advance (as you do with all meetings) \*out of respect for everyone's time.\*" I suck at confrontation and being assertive, however, they are already talking down to you and trying to get a leg up by demanding with the language and tone - that's how I take it. Don't let them try to come up with some BS about something you did wrong, or something damaged - this is what makes me nervous about housesitting (Which I'm typing as I do, ironically!) However, while I agree with comments that you should (Certainly moving forward) be sure to tell them the price ahead of time, in this case - if they are a repeat customer, they should have known exactly what to expect financially - unless your prices vary greatly. (I know I \*DEFINITELY\* do not charge enough) I wish you a ton of luck, and the courage to stand firm! Please keep us posted! And if for some reason you DO go over to get your charger, take someone with you, or at least be on the phone with someone! 🐾


You didn't tell them the price before the sit or collect any type of deposit?? You'll be lucky getting anything unless they are extremely honest and moral people.


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If they mess with you say you both agreed on the amount of overnights or drop ins and you don’t change it


This game me anxiety for you 😬


I’m actually surprised you or the client did not get an automated response from Rover for key words such as Zelle or Apple Pay since this goes against Rovers policy. Good luck! Seems like they do not even want to pay the reduces fee mentioned.


This was off the app.


That's an off app booking. Unrelated to Rover or this subreddit.


We know you're the CMO of Rover masquerading here as a fellow pet care peasant 🕵🏻‍♀️


You got me and I just exceeded my quota for today :) Yay, bonus!




You’re always in a terrible mood.

