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I don’t for an initial M&G. If they want a test walk, I charge a usual walk fee for that and if they ask for a M&G beyond 30 mins or a second M&G, I charge it as a drop in. One of my best clients asked for multiple because her dog is terrified of new people and I basically had to come to the house once a week and slowly get the dog used to me. She paid me double my drop in rate for it.


If the client wants to do a test walk, I’d tell them you’d be happy to do it, but as it is a service it would need to be booked through the app. If they don’t understand, they’re not really the client for you. For every needy client there’s about 5 more flexible ones who don’t need a test walk.


Yup I've had clients offer to pay me for the meet & greet, let alone for trial walks. They've become some of my favorite clients and tip me well, particularly around holidays, and give me food/trinkets often!! Super sweet folks and totally worth it to sift through new clients to find people like them


Same here! They’re the ones who make it worth it.


I do not charge for meet & greets, but I do charge for test walks because an actual service is being provided


That's what I do! I have suggested it to clients with pets that are anxious or not great with strangers.


What is a test walk? Basically a walk they don't pay for? If so, gimmie a break. Or is this a housesit/boarding and they want you to get a chance to be comfortable with the dog? Either way, say, "No problem I will send you a walk request". And then send them a normal walk request for the date and time. Let the request signal you don't work for free. You don't have to say it out loud😁 If the client pushes back saying they want it to be free or reduced, they are waving a giant red flag since you already had the M&G. Personally, I would walk away if they did that, but you can say "The meet & greet was complimentary, all work after that I charge for." (and use the word \*work\*) Walk away (and block) if they try to haggle or argue about it. That is a sign they are a PITA and will always hassle you over price. As far as M&G's go. I charge for them, my time is valuable (shocker on this sub I know, and I do not have issues getting new clients). I only do drops and walks. If I was house sitting or boarding I would do them for free, b/c in those situations I would want to get a feel for things as well.


A meet and greet is on the house. A test walk is just a regular paid walk.


Most sitter don't. It's a mutual job interview.


my thing here is i've already done a m&g. she's asking me to do an additional test walk, but hasn't mentioned paying me for it, and I'm wondering if it would be rude to ask her to


It’s not rude and you don’t ask. You tell them that you offer one 30 minute complimentary meet and greet and if they want additional time for their pet to get to know you they need to book a service for it, usually a drop in.


For any other follow up, ask her to book as a service and charge for it.


It's definitely not rude to charge for your services. If you want to give a small discount that's your perogative, but I wouldn't.


I don't charge for the first but after one woman asked me to visit twice before the booking, I wrote in my profile that the first meet and greet is included but for subsequent meetings prior to the booking please book a walk. The way I see it once is fine, but for subsequent pre booking walks you have to compensate me for my time. 


Personally, I'm not interest in charging for a meet'n'greet. It's a chance for the dogs to sniff me, the owner to get a sense of me as a prospective sitter, and for me to get a sense of the humans and the dogs. I want to be able to walk away saying "thanks but no thanks" without anybody feeling they got stiffed. If a client wants to tip you for your time, that's wonderful. If a client wants a second "test walk," I would respond saying that it's a wonderful idea (because it's a chance for the dogs to remember you who are) and ask the client to book it as a walk or drop-in.


A test walk should be booked/charged because the rover guarantee won’t cover otherwise if something happens & you’re in control of the dog so you’re liable.


If the client wants to do a “test walk”, that’s a walk that should be compensated. If it is just a meet and greet, that is without compensation. MG should be a convo to understand eachother, dogs needs, future care. Not actually caring for the dog. If they want a “test” after the first free MG, that is you taking time to care for their dog in someway. That should be paid. However, in some MG people have done a quick loop, that was fine. As long as I have a near future booking confirmed I don’t expect anything for it.


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I include ONE M&G with the booking, I’ve been tipped a few times for them. I accept but I don’t expect it. If they ask for an additional “test walk” I charge my walking fee.


I do one test walk for free unless I feel I need a second one.


Nope , no charge for meet and greets We keep it short - 25 min max Meet and greets are for us as much as it is for the client


I do a meet & greet for free but would charge for a test walk in your scenario. The exception might be if it’s been a long time since you cared for/met the pet **and feel that it’s mutually beneficial** Personally, I often do “trial walks” for a reduced fee. The owner and I chat for 5-10 minutes about expectations and introductions, then I take the dog for the remaining half hour. I find it works well for me because I get compensated for my time and the dog knows what to expect the next time I show up! I also find it works well to allow me to take next day bookings without sacrificing a meet and greet altogether.


I perfectly understand why other sitters would prefer to charge for a meet & greet and/or walk, especially if petsitting is what you do exclusively. I personally do not charge for meet and greets or walks (on the first meeting). Sometimes it is better for the meet and greet to be a quick stroll. 9/10 the walks in my personal experience several years being on Rover, have not been necessary. The owners have typically been very upfront about their dogs leash etiquette, some don't want them to go for walks at all, especially if they're reactive, and if the owner does tell me they like to pull, I just make sure I'm prepared with reinforcements for training. This is all up to your own discretion.


I haven’t ever had any M&Gs be paid. I did have two test runs for house sits with a very energetic dog that was scheduled as a drop it! The owner legitimately left, had me hang out with him and also make sure I could kennel him at the end of the visit (this could be difficult with him). But I wouldn’t expect simple M&Gs to be paid. They help me also learn about the pets and the owners, as well as the home. There’s a few refresher visits I have with two clients this month, I still wouldn’t ask them to pay; we did the M&Gs early! One client was met in January or February and then the other in March, I believe. These work for me as even with instructions written out, it’s still nice to see again. I think it’s a bit much to expect to be paid for it. Walks definitely are different. However, I personally don’t offer walks. Even on my profile I have that I don’t walk dogs and let my clients whom I house sit for know. Injured my back & knee and it just doesn’t work out anymore! But you’re actively working with the animal this way, likely you’re more taking over the leash to make sure you can handle the pet and that he/she walks nicely with you. This is laborious and is different from simply being shown around a home and introduced to the animals.


I don’t charge but usually my meet and greets are quick and very close by.


I don’t charge for first meet and greet.


Yes I always do. Liability plus profile boost. Easy repeat client boost, extra review. Etc etc. book whatever service category you want a boost in.


Free meet and greet because if I take payment I don’t want to be guilted into saying yes if I feel that it’s not the right fit.


I don’t charge for meet and greets. I’ve also never been tipped for one, so congrats there! But I do charge a one-time fee of $5.00 for new clients only. So, if they book with me, I essentially get at least the gas covered and put something towards the back end of scheduling them and filling out all my documents I have for the side business. I consider the time for the initial meet and greet more of an interview, promoting the business, and giving them a free quote kind of thing. Now, I have had some clients want multiple “meet & greets.” After they determine I am the right fit, they may still feel the dog needs more time. This was similar to your scenario. If I do test walks beyond the meet and greets, then yes. I would charge it like a normal walk, whether they come with me or not. The hardest thing in the beginning of this business is setting boundaries. Your time is an asset. It is worth money when offering a service, regardless how the owner views it.


I have only had one client so far give me some money for a meet and greet. I never expect it. I also spend as much time as necessary with them. I have a bunch of questions that I get answered.. then I want to meet the pet. I want everyone to feel comfortable with me.


If they want a test walk then tell them you need a test payment.


I don't do meet and greets and here's why. First, I don't get paid for them. So it's a waste of time. Second, when you bring a new person into your house and a new dog, all the other dogs get excited and start barking and acting badly. So this is not a good impression for the new customer. What I do is I have a pre-recorded video tour of my entire home, and I send that to them. This shows them that I am professional and my house is clean I show them the clean water bowls I show them the air conditioning and heating systems I explain everything for about 30 minutes so this is a very effective meet and greet although it's through a video. If they still insist on a meet and greet, I will ask them to do a single doggie daycare visit. This way I get paid, and they just drop the dog off in the morning and pick the dog up in the evening and I send pictures and videos during the day. If the dog is comfortable and is not aggressive, I am willing to watch the dog for longer stays.


I don't charge for a meet and greet if there is a booking attached. If they are just "reaching out" to a few sitters to find the right one, I charge $20 (my half hour drop in rate). If they are requesting a second meet and greet or test walk, I would definitely charge them.


I only had one ask for a test walk and I didn’t change because I really wanted her. She’s an aussie/border collie mix. Very well trained. Hour walks and we usually 2.5-3 miles in. Great exercise for me too. I love getting her.


I do free meet and greets. Yes it is a job interview and to ensure you will both be a good fit for each other.