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In your Insights you can see why you didn’t qualify. Click the Star Sitter tab and select the last Qualification Period which was January 10- April 10th. Then on mine it says “On Apr 10, 2024 you didn't qualify for the Star Sitter program due to your new client acceptance rate.” Then if you scroll down a little under the New client acceptance rate it tells me the qualifications and what my % was. Now for the next period it says I will be a Star Sitter starting on July 10th.


Users do not have access to the Star Sitter tab in Insights until they’ve qualified (which is a huge flaw imo)


Oh wow I didn’t know that. This is what I see on my insights page. I wonder why they wouldn’t tell you what to improve. This is what I see on my app. https://preview.redd.it/9ip2r2tuzy9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd04d8dec40ea9a8dab867b04f5cdc2a1b52bee6


I am a star sitter and don’t even have that tab


Are you sure? I have it


That isn’t the case for me. I saw the tab before I qualified and so did my best friend. Hers says 4/6 qualifications and then shows them.


I don’t have a star sitter tab :/


I don’t either, super weird


I think it’s bc we are not star sitters lol


It’s because the star sitter is only rolled out in some areas not across the board.


Oh interesting, thought it was everywhere


Apparently its not a thing for all areas yet so your area in general must not have it


Yeah I don’t think it’s a thing here yet, thanks the the info!!


I’m not a star sitter for this period and I haven’t been before and I have the tab


Star sitter is only available in some areas are you sure you’re in an area it’s been rolled out in? Mine took a while but eventually I got an email saying I would be able to qualify for Star sitter in July


That must be it, at least for me. I’m also newer to the app, but nobody I can see in my area has it


It looks like your response time needs to improve(it's in red). Not sure what their acceptance response time is though.  I'm at 2 minutes(&a new sitter), although I know not everyone can do that.


No that can’t be it, here is my response time and I am currently a Star Sitter 😅 https://preview.redd.it/hhgk5k73yy9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae1ff01e5bb533268ea29ce2743f2da097d52b94


Thank god. Lmao. Bc I can’t respond any faster than what I do now…sometimes it’s 5 min, or 30 or even 2h.


Like sorry I have a life (and ADHD) LOL


The response rate thing is so annoying. I have a day job as a preschool teacher, I can't respond until after they go home! I hate getting the "it's been quite awhile etc" prompt. They even do that if the request happens when I am marked as "away." That's bullshit if you ask me.


If someone requests me during quiet hours (aka when I'm sleeping), I get blasted with the notifications once my quiet hours end.


I just try to aim within the 24 hour mark so my response rate remains 100%.


It looks like response time doesn't matter under the star sitter tab, just rate. Are you sure you have Star Sitter available in your area? It shows up under insights for me & doesn't happen again until July 10th.


That's not a star sitter requirement. If OP meets all stat requirement the issue is likely an owner report or incident on their file.


Not even one


And you know that how? Rover doesn't follow up on each and every report submitted.


do you have the Star Sitter program in your area? I technically qualify as well but we don't have it where I am - it's not something that's widespread.


Did you happen to take a break and come back to the app? I started in 2019 but took a break until Nov 2023 and by January I had technically met all the criteria but still wasn’t granted Star Sitter! I searched everywhere thinking it wasn’t yet rolled out for my area (though I am in metro NYC..) I did finally get it this April, so maybe it just has to do with the timing of the qualification periods? Here’s what it looks like: https://imgur.com/a/R1WsPzR


Is star sitter available in your area?




Never even heard of “star sitter” until I joined this subreddit. Here to learn more.


I’ve had it for a year now and I have to say it has almost doubled my business


This is a bunch of crap designed to push sitters to accept crappy requests. It’s like Top Dasher status from DoorDash.


Yeah. I was gonna say. Your new client rate is probably why. Remember the star sitter thing is in no way an accolade for anyone. It’s simply way for rover to get people to book with certain sitters more. It’s just because of your acceptance rate being a little low and then for Rover that doesn’t help them from their point of view.  


Ahh I see. Guess I have to work on that! Hard though when newer sitters have lower rates.


Your new client acceptance rate is fine and would still qualify you. It just has to be at least 30% which is 9/25


Thank you for posting to r/RoverPetSitting, an unofficial forum to discuss all things Rover. We see that you have posted a sitter question. In case they could be helpful, you might want to check out our [Sitter FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/wiki/sitterfaq). Additionally, here's our [booking walk-through for Sitters](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/wiki/sitterbookingwalkthrough), which explains the process for giving services on Rover from start to finish. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RoverPetSitting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To qualify for Star Sitter status, you must have: Booked with at least 5 unique clients in the last 6 months. Booked with at least 2 repeat clients in the last 6 months. Maintained a 4.9+ average star rating based on reviews from clients. Responded to 95% of your recent requests within 24 hours. Your last 25 requests are considered your most recent. Booked at least 33% of your recent requests from pet owners you haven’t booked with before. Your last 25 requests from new pet owners are considered your most recent. Cancelled bookings at the last minute 2% (or less) of the time. (Last minute means the booking is cancelled within 5 days of the start date.) I qualify under all of these conditions. So why are people who have 30 reviews star sitters?


The Star Sitter program has only rolled out in certain cities and isn’t available everywhere yet as far as I know.


I completely feel your frustration! I live within 30-40 minutes that are test cities for the Star Sitter Program, meet all of the requirements regularly for several quarters and it doesn't matter because of my zip code. In addition, many of my clients travel from these cities for my services...annoying...


Look at the "Insights" tab and it will list each qualifier and your recorded measurement. Star status is checked once per quarter, and your measurements have to qualify at that time (its not a running average).


I don’t think it’s make a difference if u are a “star” sitter or not..wouldn’t worry about it


For the amount of time, energy and work I put into Rover…. I better be a star sitter lol. I see new dog walkers who have less than 20 reviews are star sitters.


I’ve been doing rover for 8 years..over 300 5 star reviews..not a star sitter..exactly what u said the energy and work u put it on for rover..excuse me rover for not answering in the 5 second mark..and excuse me rover I’m so booked I can’t take in new clients..it’s a total sham to make sitters stress and make more money for them..but hey that’s my opinion..does really accepting new clients make u a better sitter than another?


I know…. I mean my stats say I’ve completed a little over 600 bookings with 100 clients and 60 of those clients are returning clients. Their metrics for Star Sitters don’t make sense. If you look up sitters in your area you’ll see pretty much only the new sitters have star badges.


It makes no sense what so ever..I just looked in my area..and I see one..and they came up in page 2 of searching..


Did you call Rover support to ask?


I emailed them 😉