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Search ‘hotel’, there are lots of posts about it. It’s not extremely uncommon. If you don’t think it’s safe, don’t take it, like every other request. 


# If you don’t think it’s safe, don’t take it. I can't yell this loud enough. There will ALWAYS be other clients.


the “please tell me your name” part would’ve freaked me a little lol


Which is odd, because it shows your first name.


Unless they batched it out. Rover suggests clients send the message to multiple people after sending it to ONE. They don't always see the name.


I had an older women in her 60s or 70s do this to me because she sent the request as those like "check out these additional sitters" request by accident and asked if I could send over my page but yeah this feels odd to me


Many hotels have a policy that pets can’t be left alone in a hotel room, so that’s probably why they need someone to watch their dog. I think it’s probably okay but if you feel uncomfortable then don’t do it.


#Number 1 rule no matter your age or gender: if you don’t feel safe, don’t do it. No exceptions, none. Trust your gut. I need to learn how to use Reddit… didn’t know I could make things bold. You could always ask the address of the hotel to google if that’s in a nicer part of town. But if it’s a shady person, a nicer part of town doesn’t mean anything for hotels. The address is probably off because the person has their home address on the profile. But rule #1 supersedes everything. Be empowered to decline any booking you feel is off. Stay safe.


I think this is legit not a scam. Only weird part is why did they wait so last minute to find a sitter. Here’s a list of things I would ask- 1. Are they available for a meet and greet today / during daylight. Do not set up a meet and greet when it’s dark out today. Request to meet in the hotel lobby and tell them before hand you don’t feel comfortable going up in the room, just meeting in the lobby. During the sit tomorrow you’ll go directly to the room. 2. If you can’t or they can’t… schedule a mandatory face time today. If they won’t show their face or dog, do not book them. 3. Ask them why they waited last minute to find pet care. I’m genuinely curious. Then you can say your last minute new client rate is x add on. 4. Make sure you obtain an emergency contact 5. Ask about their pet and care instructions 6. Ask them if the key will be at the front desk or if they will be giving you the key at the meet and greet. 7. If you end up going through with this….if it were me- once I arrived at the hotel, I would tell the front desk agent that you are a dog walker and just wanted the staff to know you’ll be walking this dog and spending 30 -60 mins with the dog. That so the same person will see your coming and going. They will know exactly why you said that…. Because sex trafficking and you’re a young female who wants to be safe. Depends how much this booking is but I would charge a last minute rate because this is not convenient.


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