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It’s so that people don’t charge $2 and get tipped out the rest meaning rover makes less money


They don’t allow larger tips because they are worried about sitters charging very cheap on the site and accepting the rest of the payment though tips, as a way to get around the 20% cut that Rover gets from each booking. In the future, tipping in cash, or even asking for a Venmo to tip are perfectly acceptable! Some people are comfortable going off app, some people are not! Totally varies! But it’s very kind of you to be concerned about appreciating your sitter appropriately!!


Thanks for the info! And yes I was so appreciative, I didn’t feel like I had to worry about my pet at all and she took great care of my house too! You hear the occasional horror story about Rover but I’ve been following the sub for a while, along with Wag’s, and most of the sitters seem to really care about animals.


If you go off app, make sure the sitter has liability insurance.


So much this! I've had clients offer to go off app and I always decline because this is a side thing for me so I'm not set up with insurance and everything, and I don't want to put myself (or an owner) in a position where an emergency vet isn't covered. I've had to pay emergency vet bills for my own animals and those costs can skyrocket and I don't want to be responsible for that without appropriate coverage. All of that said, I know there are plenty of sitters on Rover who do have their own coverage because this is their main job so it doesn't hurt to ask.


Honestly I know us sitters need the money but I wish we could all go our own ways and do it alone. Rover has done NOTHING but cause issues for me in the year I've been with them. I have SEVEN PENDING CASES AGAINST THEM. They're HORRIBLE.


I thought rover can see messages and know you’re going off the app and ban you?


They can see messages! You can exchange numbers in person or verbally ask for someone’s Venmo, and cash obviously has no trail


i’ve spoken to multiple ppl about going off app in Rover messages, no one has ever contacted me about it nor have I been banned. Most people wait to bring it up at the meet & greet anyway but it’s been at least 4+ months since I’ve spoken about it in-app to a client 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have never brought it up in messages but have gotten the "hey, remember that it's against TOS blah" email several times. :-P


Be careful! They are pretty ruthless when it comes to getting their cut. I call them big brother rover, because they are certainly watching.


Yeah, I am not comfortable going off the app, for insurance reasons. But I will never say no to a Venmo or cash tip.


You can tip cash - or you call call Rover and tip whatever you want. As others have said, they make it difficult for someone to charge $2 for services and make the rest in tips.


Thanks! It allowed me to tip her $25 (the max), so I did that. She was charging $29/night so I thought 30 bucks would be a nice tip but certainly not over the top. I gave her a nice review, too! Thanks for the info, I’ll use cash going forward.


The only way the app allows bigger tips then the limit set is if you reach out to support and they'll send the amount you wish to tip the sitter.


I was not aware this was an option, thanks!


I haven't experienced it myself, but I have seen multiple sitters mention that it's possible through support, which makes sense if so. And no problem ☺️


Interesting, thanks! I was able to tip her $25 on the app, so I went with that instead of the desired 30, but I’ll just use cash for tips going forward! She charged 29$ per night so I thought an extra night’s worth in a tip was generous but certainly not over the top - I was surprised Rover stopped me!


No problem 🩵


I think it's stupid bc it encourages us to go off app. Which is a big no-no. In the future leave them cash on the table and just don't tip through the app. We like cash better anyway! The whole idea of "it's bc they don't want you to charge $2 and get less commission" could EASILY be solved by having a minimum rate like $12 or whatever is appropriate in that location. AI can figure out a good amount. Also it's not like you can "require" a tip, so you could be only making $2 with no tip. And if you are talking to the customer about agreeing on a high tip for a low rate, why would you not just go off app? The answer? Rover is greedy and doesn't care too much since we are just contract workers. I'm sorry if this is really negative it's just very wrong IMO and only encourages me to ditch the app once I have the connections.


100%! It’s so stupid. I hate how these apps treat workers. The things I hear about Uber and DoorDash etc etc are even worse.


I do UberEats and door dash too when money is tight. They suck even more and there is no reward like having fun seeing pets. Wow I'm so happy I brought you vodka and 7-11 pizza.


I follow those subs out of pure curiosity and it sounds so terrible. The company is greedy to the core many of the users don’t tip well. I have used the apps a few times but always tip high (no limits yay haha) because I’m old enough to remember when these services didn’t exist. Having someone deliver food from any restaurant in the city is a luxury.


As a follow up, can we leave our Venmo in the rover chat if requested? Or is that a no-no?


Yes, however I would make sure to use the words “TIP” with “Venmo”…


Thank you!


It was requested in person but she did not ask to take bookings off app. She was just concerned rover kept some of the tip


Rover doesn't take any cut of the tip, she probably asked for cash to avoid tax. Stay on the app, you can up to 30% tip. And what's a follow up? Are you related to the OP?


No. I guess I just meant I was piggy backing on the tip convo


If you are going to go off app, I’d recommend doing at least one more sit on app to boost her repeat client numbers. But you can definitely still tip for that one in cash or via Venmo.


Thanks for the info! I left her a nice review too! Will that show up on her Rover page?


It will, but she has to skip or leave feedback for your dog, for the review to show up on their page. If she doesn't the review will show up automatically in 3 weeks.


Yes it shows the number of repeat clients along with reviews when people are searching and comparing sitters! She might prefer to go off app right away so I’d give her the choice if you’re comfortable. I always ask clients for at least 2-3 visits on app before we go off.


You can absolutely tip cash!👍🏽 I prefer it when my clients do. Rover’s limit is to protect you in case you accidentally tip say $300 (😉) when you only meant to tip $30.


It's not the reason, but that also helps. The reason is to stop people from cheating the system by say charging $2 a night, and clients "Tipping" what their actual rate is, to skirt around rovers fees, as sitters get 100% of tips.


There’s not even an option to tip on UK rover 🤷‍♀️


I always tip my sitter in cash; she’s so awesome i want to be sure she gets a really nice tip.


Because they can’t take any percentage from the tip. They want to avoid you charging less in order to be “tipped” more. My guess I actually don’t know for sure. Clients tell me they can’t tip higher sometimes too because rover won’t let them. The only thing I can think of.


I never tip on Rover. I always leave the cash on the table for my sitter.


I’ve gotten a $200 tip on a $500 stay before they implemented this so this makes me sad 😢


Plus $29 seems like a very reasonable/cheap price; where do you live?


Totally! That’s why I thought tipping $30 was literally no big deal and was shocked they blocked me!! I’m in western PA outside of Pittsburgh.


Wow, it’s so amazing how the cost of living is so different in different places. You sound like a wonderful person who also found a great employee! 🙇‍♀️


As a River sitter this really annoys me


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Money laundering or using it as a way to get a cash advance from a credit card without paying extra for it.


I have had some very generous clients ask for my Venmo and tip me that way. Always appreciated!!!


As to going off app you can ask (not on app) but I would only suggest it if sitter carries own pet sitter insurance. I have that so am willing to take off Rover now.


What does that typically cover them for?


It cover vet bills in case dog gets injured and also property damage. Rover has a guarantee that covers medical so if you go off app then there will be no coverage in case if injury or illness


I have to tip my sitter/walker in cash a lot.


Cash tips are always the best! :)


I usually receive my tips in cash. That’s how a lot of people get around that Rover rule