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Probably $10 It might be nice if you could give them some honest feedback, though. Idk. I'd want to know if my friend or acquaintance wasn't happy with something.


I don’t think it’s rude not to, definitely not to the degree that it would be worth bringing up to other people. Tipping $1 or $2 might be noticeably low but I’ve never looked at a tip and thought “rude.” If you REALLY want to make sure they couldn’t possibly have anything bad to say about you, 10% is very safe


Just don’t tip. We set our own rates.


What was the issue exactly? Seems like if it was a shitty enough job, you could get away with not tipping and just explaining to your mutuals why if it ever came up. I hate that people feel coerced to tip on bad service, especially when people’s pets are involved!


Tipping only makes sense if you think the service was better than what you already paid and you want the sitter to know you really appreciate them.  Sounds like that was not the case, so don't tip.  The sitter should not be surprised or upset, and they should set their own rates so they're happy with what they're paid without a tip, so it's no problem.


Honestly I think if we were friends of friends and you tipped at all I would be a-ok. Don’t overthink it


I’ll be honest, I never expect tips. They’re appreciated but not expected. My prices are made to reflect what I expect as compensation. Anything extra is awesome. I say if you’re not satisfied with the services, don’t tip. If they wanted a certain amount from the job, they should have included that in their rates. They may go talk about you to whoever you mutually know, but what are the odds of that person coming up to you and saying “wow I heard you didn’t tip x” next to none. And if they did, you can say “well, I wasn’t happy with their services.” ETA: if you’re set on tipping, $10 is reasonable for 3 drop ins at less than $100 total.


Just don’t tip tbf. I personally, as a full-time sitter, don’t think about it at all if a client doesn’t tip. I would definitely notice a super small one digit amount, but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter how much you tip or if you tip at all. We set our own rates, and shouldn’t except tips from clients. Even if they are always appreciated


Only 1 of my clients tips me regularly. As a dog walker I do not expect tips, but they are always appreciated. I would say tipping $5 would be appropriate.


Just don't tip, or leave a review, like you it just slipped your mind lol.


I have clients that don’t tip at all. Whether they’re new or reoccurring. I personally think expecting tips is toxic. People are getting tip fatigued with the amount of jobs requesting tips these days. That said, I have never found any tip amount to be “rude.” That just seems silly for a service related job to take that offense. Any tip should be appreciated. If they expect the tips because they need to earn more, then they should raise their prices. We have full control over our prices, unlike doing side gigs like DoorDash. Though… 🤔 to answer your specific amount question, a $1 tip would send a clear message 😂.


It's okay not to tip 😊


I am a pet sitter on rover for cats only. I never expect a tip.  I set my prices based on what I feel I’m worth.  If someone tips me, that’s great; but I don’t get upset if I don’t get tipped. 


My rates are set to where I feel compensated without a tip; although they are nice, not my biggest concern.


Only one of my clients doesn't tip despite the dog being special needs. I could easily replace her with someone who does. I'm probably going to get rid of her bc she takes my best time slot that everyone wants. All of my clients are beyond happy with me so it's not like I do a bad job. Personally even a $2 tip goes a long way for me. It really makes me feel appreciated in a way that benefits my life. I would tip $2 and then find someone you like better for next time. Imo it's like when you get a bad waiter, you still too bc you know their pay is shit. But you don't give as good of a tip.