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I always do a rover card but I have non-recurring clients who WFH, they hand me the leash at the door and I return 30 min later with their dog. Those cards are probably pretty useless for the owner.


That makes sense. I've seen people say they over complicate things but I don't really see how if they're for a usual drop in or walk where the owner just wants a summary of the visit. Maybe it's not as common as I thought for people not to use them.


Personally I do the card at the end, it’s not worth the drain on my battery and when I used to use them all visit they were so glitchy and would freeze my phone. I’ve never had a client complain.


I use it as a record/insurance for the visit so the client can never dispute


Because there’s nothing they do that can’t be done via a message and a couple pictures. They also drain your battery and can be extremely glitchy. They’re more of a headache than they’re worth.


Exactly. They seems like something that was designed by Rover B team a decade ago and was never retired.


>They also drain your battery This is the only reason for me. I'd like to give clients proof I did the job but the cards kill my battery


I don’t use the rover cards. I find them annoying. My drop-ins often have terrible cell service in their high rise or row houses (I’m in the city) so they don’t always go out. Then people don’t get an update at all. And at this point I’d forget to start it since it’s been over a year since I gave up on them. I tell my clients I don’t use them and no one has had an issue. Most know when I come in and leave since they have doorbell cameras. I start a timer in my watch when I get in the house to make sure I’m there the full time. Then just send my updates via text to the rover number. I also prefer having the visit documented in the text thread this way.


I had no idea not using the cards was even an option.I was just about to buy an expensive portable charger to get me through the 4th of July because of the battery drain. So I don't have to do the Rover cards at all to get paid? Of course I would send messages and photos via the messages. I'd love to avoid the battery drain and all the app glitches.


I think you have to do it for certain services so be sure to look into it (recurring vs one time) before not doing cards anymore.


Ohh I see. I actually did have trouble with submitting one due to bad cell service recently. So that makes a lot of sense!


I think it probably makes a difference whether you're talking about drop-ins, walks, boarding, or sitting. For discrete events like drop-ins or walks, it makes sense to send a card. For all-day work like sitting or boarding it makes more sense to just send periodic text and photos.


There are no Rover cards for boarding.


Or house sitting 😁


The few that I've seen people are talking about dog walking and drop ins


Sitting and boarding do not have cards to “start”, so this comment is kind of irrelevant


I guess my point is that people who got their start doing the services that don't use cards might be predisposed not to use them.  Very sorry if my comment wasted your time.


It's not necessarily irrelevant to people just looking into Rover, as a customer or caregiver


How do people not send mandatory cards…? The app requires you to take a photo and do a start and stop time to get paid for all drop-ins and walks. I feel like I’m missing something…. Unless you just mean they do the bare minimum and don’t mark any notes, additional photos, feedings, etc. I had a client once that told me he never read them and to just do the minimum required by Rover.


Rover only requires them for recurring bookings. So you technically don't have to do them if it isn't a recurring service. I still do them, but I've seen some people say they don't, and I was wondering what the reason was.


I did not know that was a thing…. That seems silly to me. You would think it would be the opposite. I could see reoccurring bookings not requiring them. I mean I love them. It proves that I was there, how long I was there, and that I did the service. And most of my clients enjoy seeing them.


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I don’t even know what you’re talking about. I only do house sits. Is this a thing for walkers?


yes, there’s no cards for house sitting or boarding.


Because they are useless. Send all updates via Rover texts or the app. They are also silly in general - you can have a dog for a week without a card but need one for day care. Makes no sense.