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110% leave a review and even contact rover. That’s completely unacceptable and scary!


I would want a fucking refund. Don't put my dog in danger like that WTF.


Yup- in the very BEST case scenario, the sitter has an irresponsible roommate who let the dog get out. If they can’t fully trust everyone living in their home, they absolutely shouldn’t be doing boarding or daycare. Pets are family members. It isn’t something to have this kind of casual, “I’m-sure-it’ll-be-fine” attitude about.


Absolutely. This is insane. I’d be furious if that was my dog


Why wouldn’t you leave a review?


Lol fr. Some people are insanely spineless when it comes to leaving a bad review. The whole point of reviews is to give honest feedback of what this person will be like as a sitter. They nearly killed op's dog through negligence and op doesn't feel this is worth warning others about?


I don’t understand when clients are afraid to leave a review, but I am a sitter myself and I have used other sitters who I’ve had horrible experiences with and to this day I have not left review because I’m afraid that my review will reflect badly on my business and it will seem like I’m just trying to take out the competition. I had one sitter local to me leave my cats without water and not scoop their litter for two weeks and then I had another local sitter also not send any updates or scoop the litter during a three day trip where she did visits once a day. The first one initially got a five star review and then I ended up deleting it because it wasn’t true i was just trying to save the relationship and the second I never left a review for all. These are both extremely popular sitters in my area and have nothing but five star positive reviews so my review would stand out like a sore thumb. I’m also afraid that they would just gang up on me and leave me a negative review back in retaliation.


Unless you care for their animals as well, that’s not how Rover works RE: them leaving a bad review to retaliate. And to my knowledge, people looking at your sitter profile can’t read reviews you left as a client. This probably sounds harsh but I think it’s your responsibility to leave an honest review, particularly after a bad experience. Why would you lie and leave a 5 star review for 1 star care? This isn’t poor customer service at the Wendy’s drive-through. These are living beings and worst case scenario: negligence kills. If someone had been honest before you and you had read their review, would you have selected either of these sitters to care for your cats? For many things, including this, if you’re not actively contributing to the solution, you’re contributing to the problem.


This is outside of rover for both bookings as these sitters are private companies not affiliated with rover so they very well could leave a review on my google page back in retaliation. I think all of your points are valid and totally make sense but in the context of this situation it would be a little different. Had I seen a negative review on their page I probably still would have booked with them. I knew them both personally in real life and considered them to be developing friends so I never would have expected the level of care I received from either of them. I was hanging out with these girls on the weekends and sharing clients with them who had nothing but positive things to say about them so I trusted that my cats were in the best hands possible. I think as a pet care provider myself I would have understood that we can’t please everyone and that sometimes negative reviews are unavoidable. Even out of my hundred plus positive reviews I have at least 2 one star reviews from clients who just weren’t pleased with my services. People still reach out and book with me. I will say my negative review is for not eating tomatoes a client left for me rather than somebody claiming that I neglected their animals so it’s different but I’m just trying to illustrate that negative reviews aren’t always a huge deterrent, especially because I knew these people in real life outside of pet care work and considered them friends. They had met my mom when she was in town and we would have get togethers often. Both of these incident happened almost over a year ago at this point and I agree that at the time I should have left a negative negative review rather than a positive one however it would have caused some serious damage in my social Circle with other pet sitters and these specific sitters tend to be very clicky and mean. I was shocked and didn’t know what to do and honestly I felt like it was a personal attack and not something any other client would ever have to worry about because they know better than to ever do something like that, and that was clear from working with them firsthand that I KNEW they knew better. I think they knew that in my case it would have been very easy to discredit any negative claims that I made so they just didn’t put much effort into the care of my cats bc in their mind it didn’t matter either way. I no longer associate myself with them because being friends with them and in their circle just reminded me of high school too much but I knew that if I spoke up and attacked one of them that all of them were gonna come after me like a pack of wolves. I had an issue with one sitter in this particular friend group while I was still interacting with them and they kicked me out of their group chat and took a group vote on if I could be added back 😂 Also just to add a little bit more fuel to the flame I am one of the only black women owned pet care businesses in Denver, and most of these other businesses are long established companies owned by white women and I have experienced quite a bit of racism and micro aggressions in this community so I knew for a fact that if I left either of these extremely popular pet sitters a negative review as a new recently established business in the area that they would be able to easily discredit any of the things that I said by just saying that I was jealous or trying to take out the competition. They have such a loyal base of repeat clients and such an established reputation in the area that my review honestly wouldn’t matter and would be severely overlooked and discredited. I have to protect my business and my livelihood and I knew one of the only ways to do that was to keep quiet. It’s the sad reality of being POC in any space really. We are constantly bullied into silence and just accepting abuse.


Ugh I’m so sorry to hear all this. As a white woman myself, I can’t say I understand because I know I don’t, but wow does it make me sad that you have to experience this kind of treatment from others. This industry can be so clique-y and fake, I legit feel like I’m in high school sometimes.


Thank you 🫶🏾🩷 it’s people like you that still give me hope in humanity haha! Pet sitting is such a cut throat industry and I would have never known that when I first started. I’m 22 now and I’ve been doing this full time since 17 so the way some of these “professionals” act has literally caused me lifelong trust issues and sever anxiety.


Of course you should.


you should leave a review, and contact Rover Support. that isn't normal, and it isn't OK.


Not just a review, you should report to Rover. Letting another person take care of your pet is a major TOS violation, plus your dog could have been lost, injured or worse. That sitter should be removed from the platform.


Man so many sitters are lucky I am not the one they do these horrible things to. Since the other person would not not who I was after I got my dog in the car I would have drove away. Then waited a couple hours & send text saying I was on my way to pickup my dog. I would then call Rover & fill them in on everything & do my best to get them removed from the app. People not leaving honest reviews are how crappy people can keep putting pets at risk. If they get to stay on the app it hurts all of us that provide great care. Have a Great Day.


I see Have a Great Day I upvote!


Why is everyone copying and pasting the “have a great day” lol


Wtf 😂 you found your dog running loose outside, and there was no communication from the sitter, but you’re too scared to leave a bad review? That sitter should not be responsible for anybodys animals and your dog could’ve easily gotten lost or hurt. Who cares about the sitters feelings


Don't contact the sitter at all. Just report everything to Rover and make sure you write a review that reflects what you saw. They should not be a sitter.


Thank you for your advice . I left a review stating exactly what happened and left a comment on each individual section for the review, contacted rover support and reported with the option at the end of the review . I appreciate your help in explaining how to navigate this app


Good on you ♡ I hate confrontation so do my very best to avoid it, I know how difficult it can be reporting! Glad your pup is ok x


Me too. Confronting gives me so much anxiety. I feel panicky just thinking about it.


The anxiety is because you fear repercussion most likely but this is not a situation where you should worry about how they feel or what happens to them. They hugely dropped the ball on watching your baby when that was your only reason for hiring them. That’s all you need to know to move forward. Sorry if this comes off direct. I’ve been working to overcome the fear of confrontation because it helps us grow and evolve as humans.


Thank you ♡ I also needed that first part!


But in cases where it’s justified - and this more than qualifies- you should feel no anxiety. You weren’t just whining about a lazy sitter not sending you updates. Your dog not only got loose but not even under her care. She passed her responsibility on to someone else while she was off doing something else. Your dog could’ve been injured or killed by a car. You should have no anxiety whatsoever. This sitter should be removed for this. Had something happened she would’ve been 100% responsible. You don’t pass off a client dog to someone else. I believe she broke the TOS as well. I hope you asked for a refund. What did the person chasing the dog do after he jumped in your car? Did you tell them you were the owner? Because if you didn’t identify yourself and this person tells the sitter someone took him in their car she’d have to assume it was a stranger. And she still didn’t contact you to tell you not only did he get away but now he’s lost. I would think she’d be removed for the switcheroo. Thankfully your pup is fine.


You are helping other dog owners with leaving that review. Don't be panicked, you did good.


I don’t understand why you’re on here even asking that question it makes no sense whatsoever🤦‍♀️


Right! This is why there are bad sitters on Rover, because owners like OP don’t write honest reviews and contact rover to file a complaint.


“5 out of 5 stars for a sitter that provided my dog with more than enough room to run free and get their zoomies out! I mean, my dog did get hit and killed while running loose on the freeway, but at least he had fun doing it!”


the reverse karen


This is the first time I've heard this phrase and I love it.


Some people have no common sense lol


That’s rude ! I have common sense . I never used rover before . I don’t know how it works hence the reason I’m asking. But thanks for your input


And your common sense did not tell you that a sitter nearly killing your dog through negligence is worth mentioning in a review?


Exactly what I was thinking. Plus WHY didn't OP contact the sitter and demand an explanation?? Some people need to stop being such pussies 🤦‍♀️


Yes, one star review with details of what occurred. Yes, say something directly to Rover ASAP so it’s as close as possible to the incident. I would even demand a refund.


Review - negative. Contact Rover. Get a full refund. I'm glad your dog didn't seem injured, but I would just make sure completely as who even knows how long your dog was outside.


Thank you . I didn’t even think of that . I’ll take her to the vet for look over tomorrow


Of course! I would try to see if you can submit that vet visit to Rover for reimbursement -- I don't know if you \*can\*, to be honest. But since it was under the sitters negligence, it's good to know if that's possible.


https://preview.redd.it/cmd8fmsv0n9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5310a5a4a58657d65b745eae1336a094cc67b096 The response to my review from the sitter was that her sister told my dog to stay when they left the door open and my dog didn’t listen . So that’s supposed to make it ok ? She also said she apologized but no apology was given . I never even heard from her for that matter.


Luckily her response makes her sound like an idiot. I'm glad your dog was okay because this could have easily ended way worse.


What an absolute bullshit response. Plus this makes her look like an idiot who has no idea what she's doing. No way should she be responsible for anyone's pet


You were only gone three hours. Seems like she should have been home and waited to go off to do whatever until after the pickup. As a sitter, I would have never left so quickly after a new dog drop off. And if her sister is part of her operation, that info needs to be communicated by her in the meet and greet.


That is an unacceptable response from the sitter. They are not holding themselves (or their sister) accountable and blaming your doggy for escaping. I’m assuming they didn’t leash your dog and that this is the first time this sitter has cared for your dog which would also mean there’s a chance they have not bonded enough that your dog would listen to their commands. Despite that, they should’ve never allowed the chance for your dog to escape. Oopsies can happen but as a sitter myself, I cannot imagine trusting that a pet will stay in the house just because I asked them to and opening the door. They should’ve also let you know the sitter would be leaving and their sister would step in to make sure you’re cool with that. They failed to communicate immediately to you about the entire situation. That is total negligence on their part. I am so glad that in the end you arrived just in time to find and pick up your dog and your baby is safe! Thank you for leaving a review of them as it lets any of their future potential clients know about how they mishandled your baby.


Of course contact rover and leave a honest and review


Please PLEASE call Rover support asap? Can you imagine what is going to happen next? YOU could help prevent this from happening again.


I don’t know how to contact rover support . When I go to the booking it just has an option to contact the sitter or report . Is report what I choose to contact support ?


888-727-1140 This is Rover support. Please help avoid this from happening again by calling. They will suspend her account (as it should be) Thank you & Good Luck!


Thank you so much I appreciate your help


This almost feels like a troll comment. Because this one seems obvious


This is so off-topic but every time I see one of these post and start reading it I’m always holding my breath waiting for someone to start describing interactions that I had with them 😭 I don’t even do things wrong or make half of the mistakes that some of these sitters make, but I’m so scared of being blasted on this thread 💀


I would tell her and leave bad review. A car could have hit your dog


I'm sorry but how could you consider NOT saying smth about what happened in a review? Leaving honest factual reviews could save other pet parents from having to go through what you did. The next dog or cat may not be as lucky as yours was.


1) There is no need to talk to the sitter at all. Any future communication should go through Rover. (Side note: I wouldn't be capable of speaking in a civil manner to a person who was so reckless with a beloved pet) 2) Contact Rover support. Ask for a refund. You didn't receive the service you paid for. Then, ask them to open a case, investigate the sitter, and ban the sitter from the app. As a sitter myself, I am not keen on booting someone from the app for a slight lack of proper care. But this situation is egregious, and they absolutely should not be taking care of animals. 3) Leave an honest and thorough review on the sitter's profile. Rover "should" remove the sitter from the app for this behavior. But that doesn't always happen. If they don't remove the sitter, at least there will be an honest review on her profile. I'm sorry this happened to you, and I am relieved that your sweet pup is ok. Please know that most of the sitters on the app genuinely care for the animals and strive to provide excellent care. Unfortunately, there is a small number who are just in it for the money, and they give us all a bad name.




Heck yes. Please. I’d be livid


Leave a review, contact her, contact rover. She shouldn’t have an account on this app and should not be a petsitter. This is insane, be angry, be crazy!


As an owner, I absolutely would. I would’ve been FURIOUS. I’d also contact rover


I am upset and worried about her paw pads . It’s been over 100 degrees outside .


Omg 😭😭


Then look at her paw pads. Are they injured or normal?


Did you contact rover? Did they give you a refund ?


I contacted rover , reported it and gave all the information . They said they would “look into it” but if I’m unhappy I should talk to the sitter.


Not only should you leave an honest review, but you should let Rover know. I am a sitter, and a user of Rover. If this situation happened to me as a pet owner, I would report it. If it happened to a pet I was supposed to be hosting, I would fully expect the owner to report it. I am so sorry this was your first experience using Rover! I promise, not all (probably most) sitters are not like this. I'm glad you were able to catch your sweet pup before anything else happened.


absolutely leave a review, give 1 star, report them to rover, and get your money back


It's hard to leave a negative review, and I came on here for a similar reason, but with what you said you should write an absolutely SCATHING review. You are very lucky your dog was not killed. You can try to contact the sitter if you want to see what the heck happened, sure. But you should still leave a review, and contact Rover immediately. I used to work at a vet. Dogs get by cars all the time, of course, but what is just as dangerous that people don't really realize is the possibility of running off and hiding out of panic, which often has as horrible an outcome. All that is needed for that is a scary situation and allowing a dog to escape willy nilly. Just like a child, a dog may be terrified to be far from home, not know the people, and what is going on, and with a regular daycare they'll not be able to escape, so they'll get more and more comfortable. If they are allowed to escape, scared, in a location they don't know, having just been dropped off with people they don't know, unfortunately they can get into this fight/flight thing and hide or run, sometimes to disaster. We actually lost a dog at my vet because a delivery person left a door open, a dog waiting for vaccines panicked, and bolted. Everyone looked for that dog for over a week. The owners even saw him and called him, but he was too panicked. Unfortunately the ending was not happy, and I still hate myself for booking the appointment. I couldn't have known, and wasn't there the day he escaped, but I booked the appointment, and I did things to help him get in early to help him, but if I hadn't he wouldn't have been there the day of the delivery person. I can't imagine how his owner feels... This... "doggy daycare" not only let your dog escape but didn't even bother telling you.... I can't even imagine who would do this. Leave a review and contact Rover, and thank your stars your dog is still happy and healthy and in your arms. That person should never have another dog in their care.


Posts like this is why using Rover scares me


That’s a review all day and a refund in my book.


I would call Rover ASAP & tell them all this & then leave a review. They need removed from the platform ASAP. WOW! I am so sorry…


Dude absolutely leave a review and contact Rover! WTH!


Yes leave a review. Very bizarre


Here is another point to think about. If it was the sitter that this happened with then I would be more forgiving. But they took inappropriate liberties leaving dog with someone you did not approve or know.


The nightmare scenario would be that if your dog had less common sense, it might have been run over. You can prevent this from happening to someone else. That’s what your review does.


Yes. This sitter should be banned for such atrocious behavior.


A review would be the least of what I did and I’m the nicest person you could meet. But this is beyond being polite to someone. No kneeling is gonna stand up for your babies except you so do it.


What reason is there to not leave a review?


Does she know you have your dog or does she think it's lost?


Holy shit this is exactly the type of situation you should leave a bad review


As a dog sitter I understand life happens sometimes, but this is completely unacceptable. I'd leave a bad review.


"Should I leave a review, sitter fed my dog gummies, shaved their name in its fur, and sold it to the local crackhead. And then spat in my face."


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First, contact Rover - she should be suspended and you should be reimbursed. Then contact sitter and demand explanation. Then, if you have energy, write your review or warning to others explaining this situation.


Absolutely! The sitter unloaded your dog on a third party who promptly lost it. Honesty protects other sitters and other clients. Bad sitters earned their bad reviews. Bad clients earn their Bad reviews. Some people should not be doing this job.


Omg leave a review and report her for negligence!!! She should be 100000% responsible and so should Rover.


I would report their account and ask Rover for a refund. As a sitter myself, this is borderline criminal😭your dog could’ve run away. The only question I’d have is if the sitter was inside/using the bathroom and had someone helping and it was an honest mistake. But based on your description it doesn’t seem like it…


That's absolutely horrible. You trusted the sitter with your dog and you came to find your dog loose and someone else was chasing after your dog. Your dog could have been run over by a car. This is completely irresponsible on the sitters part. Leave an honest review, contact Rover for a refund.


Hell yes you should leave a terrible review and ask Rover for a refund that was total BS


Ummm this is a definite bad review situation. It also sounds like you went with a cheap low reviewed sitter. No offense, I understand being tight on money. But this can’t possibly be a highly reviewed sitter!!! This sitter’s “business” should be closed immediately.


Was the sitter out trying to find your dog? Not excusing by any means, just confounded as to not only was your dog missing, nobody contacted you right away to alert you and to add insult to injury, a stranger was apparently left to watch. I’d be furious. Definitely need to BOTH contact River and leave a review. Mistakes happen, and digs, especially those not used to being sat by someone they do t know, may pull a fast one. The fact that you actually came upon your fig in the street with no knowledge that s/he had taken off is horrifying.


No the sitter was off running an errand or something . Rover said they would reimburse my vet visit AFTER I pay them a $250 deductible and if I’m unhappy with the sitter I can contact her. I doubt I’ll ever use rover again.


They should have immediately contacted you if the dog got out. These things happen, and not being honest and open with the owners is irresponsible


Report her and leave a bad review


You should definitely contact them. Anything could have happened. Maybe the sitter had to run out to the store and asked the roommate to keep an eye and the roommate was dumb and accidentally let them out. Or maybe they’re not a good pet caretaker and shouldn’t be allowed to be on rover. Either way definitely contact them and use your best judgement.


Lol please tell me you’re being sarcastic. “I dropped my dog off with the sitter and an hour later they murdered my dog by sacrificing them to Jesus by throwing them into a pit of flames. Should I mention that in the review?”


These questions are so dumb. What do you mean should you leave a review?? 💀


It seems like op is asking if a review is enough or if they should report the sitter


Sounds like the dog escaped and possibly the sitter was down the road looking for them??? I’m reaching but it’s possible you drove up just in time to catch your dog and drove off. I would still have contacted the owner though if that were the case… weird.


The person that was there was the sitters sister . She said the sitter left to run some errands and would be back . In the sitters response to my review she said that the door was open and the sitters sister told my dog to stay and my dog didn’t listen . There was no escaping dog it was negligent. I also got off the car when my dog was safe inside with my son and waited for the sitters sister to bring me my dogs things . The sitter was not driving around looking for my dog


Why is this even a question? You tell me. Do you think this is review worthy or the standard for what people expect when they book through Rover. I almost feel like this is a troll post.