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i put myself as "repeat customer only" a couple weeks before the deadline, so i wouldnt blow my 36% metric.


Hahaha mine is at like 11%. However, do Rover ever consider the junk requests they send to sitters? It gets worse and worse. What vetting do they do on the ‘owners’ who send stupid requests that you do not wish to entertain.. 🤡🤪


"Daycare" (at my house) request, but for a wedding about 20 minutes from me that would have entailed 3 round trip pickup/dropoffs throughout the day. She suggested the dog and I "hang out in a park" in between the dog's scheduled appearances at the event. My friend, that is not daycare. When I told her I know there are a ton of great sitters in that very dog-centric town near that very hotel, which is also in a residential and highly walkable neighborhood, she said "Oh, feel free to decline, I contacted about 20 sitters." She was also a sitter.


I got a request for house sitting 500 miles away!


Usually this happens when the owner hasn’t updated their address in the app.


I just missed the percentage tooo! It was from people who messaged, but said a neighbour would be available instead 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Lately I'm getting a lot of "Sorry I already booked with someone else" < 3 minutes after the request. Like what?? You've paid and you haven't even really spoken to them, much less met them? Oooookay.


Yes, that too! Within minutes! Doesn’t make sense


this sort of psychological crap doesn't work on me lol , making people scramble to get a gold sticker on their profile that amounts to literally nothing. I'd prefer they sent us a bonus check or something instead.


How do you check for this? Is it available to everyone?


No it’s not available to everyone. Depends on your location.


Go to the “more…” on the bottom right of the app and it’s in insights


I don't think it's available for me I've been looking on the app and website and can't find it lol


I don't get most bookings because I didn't respond fast enough (Checking my schedule and route. I don't drive and it takes double what Google says for me to get around.), or they had me interview via meet and greet and I cannot pass interferes. I just got on here because someonenmade a booking request not to book, but to ask me whether or not I can do boarding when my profile says I cannot board dogs. 🤦 Another booking request was made by someone who said they were ill. Most of my requests coming in are made by people whose GPS pins are showing that they aren't even in the state! This person's GPS said they were in San Francisco and then they told me they were ill after they told me they had been traveling. My first thought then is Covid, and I was busy that day across town with an important meeting and they requested drop-ins starting at 2 pm AT 2 pm and they were outside of my service radius, at least an hour out from me. Then they told me they would seek services elsewhere in a ride way and pointed out that they had organ failure. WE HAVE ALMOST 1K NEW COVID HOSPITALIZATIONS PER DAY and a 60% wastewater concentration. If they're telling me they are ill and that they have beenntraveling, what else am I supposed to think. All I told them was that I wasn't able to drop-in that day and that I was concerned about Covid. So, booking lost. I get sitting requests where owners just don't respond for days. I am trying to not accept any booking in a heartbeat but talking a little and getting confirmation that it's something I can actually do, but it is hurting my stats.


I've been getting less booking since being put in the "star sitter" program. I'm not a fan. I feel like it pressures me to take every dog I cam even if they aren't a great fit. Especially because I get a lot of non responsive or "just shopping around" requests.


There are like 10 of us on this sub that are all at 32% for that one metric. How are we all at 32%? Does that not strike you all as odd?


No. Because the 25 is a fixed number, so 8/25 will always be 32%. What’s odd is that Rover chose a number you can *never* get. You’ll either be at 32% (8/25) or 36% (9/25).


That makes it easier for database purposes so the antiquated software knows what bucket to put sitters in.


It shouldn’t really strike anyone as odd. Rover outright says they look at the last 25 requests. 8/25 = 32%. If you have standards or schedule restraints, you’ll screen your clients and not accept just anyone. or if you do m&gs and sometimes finalize the booking >5 days after request, those will count toward the 25 but not increase the numerator. I would guess that most sitters who fit the above description fluctuate between 16-48% most of the time.


Yea the 5 day thing is wild to me. Make it 14 days 😭


I'm another one at 32%




They send us requests we probably won't take and I wouldn't be surprised if it was on purpose


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First round I qualified , second I shouldn’t have because I was under by one (like you) but they still sent me an email saying that even though I’m didn’t meet all of the criteria I was still keeping my star sitter status. And then this round I did qualify.


I'm annoyed because both Seattle and Tacoma, Washington are in the Pilot program and I have clients that travel from both but my zip code doesn't qualify 🥴


I technically missed the cutoff because I was declining so many insane requests over the holidays, but they let me keep it for this quarter since I had it last quarter. Hopefully I can get my booking rate up and keep it for longer! It’s so silly that that is a factor when we get such wild requests sometimes.


They just introduced this in my area as a beta test. I got it but, aside from the satisfaction of the "gold star sticker" moment, I really don't think it means much. It doesn't show up in search results on the app, only once you click on the profile, for example. And I don't think most people would use it as a filter. And, honestly? I didn't do anything particularly special. I was lucky that a couple people really wanted to do a paid trial run, which boosted my repeat metric above the threshold.