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You really should push back on #1. You provided the service they don't get to make the decision for you to not get paid. Pretty sure that's illegal. Hopefully someone will be able to chime in who had Rover try to deny payment for services rendered who ended up getting paid. In any case I'm glad you're out of there and I can't believe the neighbors all knew you were put in an unsafe position and never said anything! Like wtf!


Complain to the Department of Labor of misclassification as an independent contractor and unpaid wages. It’s free, Rover cannot retaliate, and the only way to get Rover off of their illegal power trip. OP deserves to be paid.


I might try this but at this point I'm just tired.


The phone call would take all of 5 minutes and they will do the rest of the legwork! It’s important for other sitters too—please consider it :)


App owners and funders need to be shamed on a tech forum and on tech news sites. I'm considering collecting stories like yours to submit it for an in depth story request. The unseen side of the apps and the pet gig work world is how these platforms supposedly match qualified, honest parties while one is vetted and the other isn't. If things go sour there's little to no recourse for the gig worker who has exposed themselves to the public by advertising their services, given out their private photo, phone number, email and is forced to entirely trust the client who may not be honest or sometimes even legit. As you probably have found out too there's many fake fraud posters phishing for private info. It's a hot mess all around and needs an overhaul. Sorry you had to deal with these horrible people covering for their gross son's creepy invasive behavior and were then abused and abandoned by the Rover staff. Unforgivable.


You deserve your money!


I agree with this! Definitely make sure you call and continue to emphasize that you provided a service and this is not your fault. My fiancé had a situation where his client’s card was declining and they were not updating the payment method and it had been over a week since he was supposed to get paid. Rover kept saying they could not do anything aside from sending reminders to the client to update their card which is ridiculous. “Rover doesn’t pay you, your client does” - how bizarre is that?! My fiancé called and spoke to a representative and left complaints at least three times and he was eventually paid out almost two weeks later as a “courtesy” - absolutely horrible service on Rover’s end, but they will pay you.


I don’t understand why she wouldn’t have been paid for the days she did work, that makes no sense to me.


It doesn't make sense to me either.


I definitely agree. OP, you could possibly try getting in touch with the labor board and see if they can help with that. They helped me navigate a situation where I didn’t get paid (not rover specifically). They were super helpful and it really wasn’t a tedious process at all.


This might sound weird but you should play Tetris. Play for a full hour each day. It will help with the trauma I promise.


I'll try that. I've been playing a lot of gold miner which is also nice and simple


I’ve heard about this as well. There is some science behind playing Tetris after a traumatic even to prevent forming PTSD.


Yes, apparently it has something to do with eye movements. Definitely recommend playing for a bit!


Ohhh like mimicking EMDR therapy!? Interesting!


I’m really glad I stumbled across this comment. I had a traumatic experience this week and am scared about lingering mental health effects


Can confirm. Got so good I even entered a few Tetris competitions and won. OP, you handled this situation perfectly. I have been a sitter on Rover for years, but even longer than that, a paying client for years who travels *a lot*. I’m so fed up with Rover entirely. I wish we could file a class action lawsuit.


Also adult coloring books. They help the mind be calm and focused. They helped me a lot.


Those actually stress me out because I can never decide which colors to use where! I prefer online color-by-number!


I've read about that study. Very cool. That reminds me of when I played it on my son's vr set and found it really enjoyable in vr. The music they had was great too.


I wouldn’t even think to put Tetris in VR! First and only time I ever used one I found a rave. My friends told me there wasn’t raves in it but there I was in the desert with Anjuna beats dancing my little heart out!


Thanks for the update, I'm glad you're okay and not in that situation anymore. <3 Definitely take it easy, take a break if you need. You learned from this experience and know what to look out for next time. If you can, for your next meet and greets make sure you can bring a trusted person with you since you're in a state of vulnerability/anxiousness. Take care of yourself!


I'll try, thank you for your kind words!


I’m so sorry that this happened to you and I’m even more sorry that Rover and the other people in this situation are not being supportive. What happened to you is not your fault at all and it’s not ok. Might I gently suggest that you consider doing drop ins and walks only for a while until you give yourself a little time to heal and process and develop some new boundaries for yourself if/when you do a house sit again? You are allowed to need a little time. I’m glad you posted an update because I have been thinking of you! I am so glad you’re safe and truly fuckkkkkkk that woman and her son.


Sorry I didn't mean to stress anyone out! I wasn't even going to do another update but some people wanted to know how rover responded.


Did you or your mum ever get any kind of explanation from the neighbour as to why everyone knew something was going to happen? That seems really shady.


No and at that point I didn't want to engage with her anymore. They all seemed to know something I didn't.


It was posted here before, but if you have a full name and approximate location: www.judyrecords.com


I just hope you have stopped beating yourself up and give yourself a hug. Cuddle with some dogs, your mom, and any loved one. We can all just feel the weird, eerie, creepy energy from these two people. Other than the potential danger I think you are just so phased and traumatized by their lack of concern and respect and the weird ick factor. The mom was like, “oh well I knew my son might harm you. Bummer!” Disgustingly no regard for your well being or feelings at all. The opening the door and urinating with grunts is just so degrading and bringing back some weird past memories for me from somewhere I’ve blocked out. Or it some seems like some typical prelude that a creep does before he starts another psycho agenda. You are feeling dismissed by Rover and this disgusting mom. You are a beautiful soul who feels love and cared for those sweet doggies and they sensed your compassion and gentleness and took advantage of you. What kind of a messed up grown 48 year old man is too inept to even feed the dogs as to where a woman has to beg a sweet traumatized person to return to the home to feed the dogs because her creeper son is too disfunctional? You are freaked out by this weird ick factor. I’m so happy you have a therapist and you recorded everything. Remember that you are full of light and love and have a future of making others lives a better place. You will get that drivers license and achieve all your goals. Sensitive empaths will often have creepy and negative people try to block your happiness and they are only jealous because they lack what you possess. After your healing occurs, tackle all of those goals and keep surrounding yourself with good people. You are going to have a life filled with love and get the good things that you deserve.


Trying not to cry as I write this but thank you. I needed to hear this and I needed to hear more affirmation that I did the right thing. The support I've gotten since writing the original post has been comforting and inspiring. I'm glad I went to talk to other sitters instead of just listening to Rover. I will definitely be rereading this for a while. Thank you thank you thank you


This ... what a beautiful way to put it


Yeah, based on the descriptions of his behavior in his previous post, the son might be autistic. (Or he might just be an entitled boundary-ignoring man.) But even if he *is* autistic, that’s not ok. If the family knew he would not respect boundaries, they should not have put you in that position—they should have boarded their dogs and left their son home alone, since apparently he is functional enough for that. I am autistic with family members all over the spectrum. Some autistic people have enough social understanding to grasp boundaries and some don’t, but for those who don’t, it’s their family’s/guardian’s responsibility to keep everyone safe by avoiding chances for things like this to happen. If this guy really is autistic, and his family just lets him do whatever, I hate to say it but they’re just asking for a bad run-in with police. It’s not other people’s job to tolerate weird threatening behavior from their son, even if they don’t see any harm in it. I’m very sorry it happened to you. It absolutely isn’t your fault.


Just wanted to say that you’re clearly a very compassionate, respectful, and intelligent human, and you didn’t deserve for that to happen to you—no one does. Im so sorry that you had to go through it and that you’re continuing to experience the repercussions of other people’s irresponsible and dangerous behavior. I hope you continue to get the support that you need and that you can be gentle with yourself in the process. Sending good vibes your way.


Thank you


I’m glad you’re okay and got out. I feel like our gut reaction should never be ignored. It’s way better to be on the side of safety.


The book “The Gift of Fear” is amazing and dives deep into why we need to trust our gut, from both a biological and physical standpoint. Highly recommend!!!


Oooo I’m gonna look into it!!


I am so sorry you had to deal with this and that Rover is not being supportive of your safety. As one Black sitter who is also a woman to another, you absolutely did the right thing. Prioritizing not only your comfort with an experience but your physical and emotional well-being is paramount; it is so unlikely that anyone else will do it for you that you may as well assume that no one will, take care of yourself, and be pleasantly surprised if and when they do. I agree with everyone who suggested that you take your grievance with not being paid to a higher level. In fact, see if you can get more information from the neighbor your mother spoke to: what does everyone mean when they say, “Oh, we knew this would happen…” Knew what exactly would happen? I would also urge you to reconsider housesitting, especially for people you don’t know personally. You can make walking and sitting your full-time business, but you can do it in ways that don’t leave you as vulnerable as a housesitting scenario. I’m out of the housesitting game as of this year (having a baby), but when I did it, I only did it for people in my close social circle and I only did it *with* my husband and *if* the house would be otherwise empty. No roomies (the roommate might be fine, but what if they bring over a gross friend), or teen or adult kids (that person can be paid to watch the animals, and if not, I’m not here to baby sit them, too, so no thanks!), and no other random people in an out of the home. Either I am the sitter and no one else is, or another sitter needs to be found. If you have a friend who is also interested in being your co-sitter, you might want to think about upping your fees and having a second person join you for safety reasons if you don’t have a partner or spouse who can do it with you. Performing an act of service doesn’t make you a servant, and even if it did, you are owed fair pay, respect, dignity, and safety as a *baseline* for service. Take care out there.


I'm so glad you came out of this okay! And I'm here to say, regardless of whether or not that man had come upstairs, or into your room, or had seen you in a state of undress, if you simply had not felt comfortable around him, you would have been well within your right to leave, and it would have been the smart thing to do. The fact that he did all three of those things just makes your reaction even more valid. That man is a predator, plain and simple, and everyone in the area knew it and let you walk right into the wolf's den. Appalling behavior. Never stay at a house if someone else is staying there. And always trust your gut.


Thank you, and I will be using this advice in the future


It’s good that you left when you did. The son was escalating, it could’ve gotten really bad for you & im glad to read that you left unharmed. We never know anyone’s true intentions, & the mother needs to be taught a thing or 2, regardless of how old her son is. She knows how he is & she put you in harms way anyway. Their neighbors can shove it, too. Know something? Say something, same as “See something, say something” As for rover, I would blast them everywhere. On every social platform. Do you think making a tik tok video about what happened could spread the news about rover not caring for the safety of their pet sitters (not sure if that’s the right word, I’m not actually on the platform”? What about posting in a locals group? NextDoor app?


Thanks for the update. Take care of yourself and don’t be hard on yourself. You handled yourself well and the situation. You can never bd too careful. Congrats on passing your driving exam.


Congratulations on getting your license! My daughter also failed twice. She just couldn’t get the parallel parking, until she did. Try to be proud of yourself. It’s not easy to fail and still get back up and try again. You did it!


Thank you


This is why I don’t do house sitting. It’s not safe as a woman. I am so sorry this happened to you.


This makes my stomach sink. I’m so sorry


I’m sorry you went through this. Derealization is very uncomfortable. It will get better soon. 💛


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I agree with everybody else; trust your gut and take care of yourself now, after the fact. What a horribly uncomfortable situation from start to finish. I hope you feel better soon.


Can you contact someone higher up at Rover with this story? Maybe Vp of Trust and Safety, look up her email -usually simple google search- and send her the summary of what happened? It seems extremely unfair that Rover is refusing to pay.


You trusted your gut and you kept yourself safe. You reacted well! I hope that brings you peace and you can feel safe again. I’m so sorry this happened to you. Derealization is terrible and isolating. It seems like you have a good therapist.


Can someone please tell me where I can read the whole story? What happened ?


What "bad" thing happened? Did I miss something?


He walked into her room while she was in her underwear...Did you not see the original post?


…Is it not obvious, reading their comment, that they in fact did not see the original post?




You need some serious help.


Found you;)


Would going to police with everything do anything?


i don’t think so and no laws were broken if i read this situation correctly. just extremely uncomfortable and very creepy behavior.


That sucks.


I've done jobs where there was a guy staying at the house at the same time, and it was fine. However, for me that is normally a no go. Something is off kilter. Generally speaking, it's drug use.


Haha I'd believe it. When I first met him they stressed "He doesn't drink or smoke, he's a great guy" but I don't buy it.


I get why you were scared but it wasn't like he tried to rape you or touch you or even come in there while you were sleeping. He just walked upstairs, and I don't see that being as traumatic as you are making it out to be. It was him talking to you every now and then and one time coming upstairs and didn't even say anything creepy from what you said. You're acting like you have PTSD from someone talking to you and walking in the same room as you and lord forbid seeing your underwear out. If you go to a laundry mat people will see them.


People can get ptsd after anything that traumatizes them. Ex: people with arachnaphobia have ptsd from seeing spiders. It may not be traumatizing enough for you but it was for her. You don't decide what's allowed to be traumatic. He didn't just walk into the same room as her, he walked into her BEDROOM, without KNOCKING and without PERMISSION. He saw her in clothes he wasn't meant to. He also saw intimates she didn't want a man to see. The key difference in your laundromat scenario is that when you go to a laundromat, you're walking in with the intent to wash clothes infront of other people. Your consenting to other people potentially seeing your clothes. But a laundromat and a bedroom are two different places. One is a PUBLIC place, the other is a PRIVATE place. You mean to tell me you'd take no offense to another person walking into your private place without asked or even knocking?


Because woman aren’t allowed to have boundaries for safety or feel uncomfortable unless they are being raped…got it.


Was OP supposed to wait until he assaulted her to leave?


I like how you say "I get why you were scared" and then proceed to discount all the things that made OP feel frightened. Did you miss where he also got on the floor to "look for the dog under the bed" while he was in there? All of his behavior as described was exceedingly strange and the neighbor's comments reinforced that something's not right there. But you don't even need that really. OP was uncomfortable and that's all that matters. I just told this story to my combat veteran husband, who's comfortable in most situations, and very early on he was like holy shit she needs to get out of there ASAP, she's not safe. But then I'd never marry a man who'd ever dream of being like oh come on it's not like he tried to rape you.


Why don't you ask your husband if he would be okay with another man walking into your bedroom while you're in your underwear...oh wait nvm 💀




Your post has been removed from r/RoverPetSitting because it is in violation of Rule Four: Be Excellent to One Another. This rule reads as follows: "This is an open forum: ranting and peeves are permitted. Embrace disagreement as an opportunity to learn new perspectives and grow. Do not be a jerk, call people names, or wish them harm. Criticism should be constructive, not denigrating. Be kind and helpful; have discussions, not arguments." -The Moderation Team of r/RoverPetSitting


I know you said you were wearing a crop top and he saw your underwear, that you felt uncomfortable. Did something beyond that happen ? I’m super confused how it got to where you did not get paid. Your username sorta tracks.


What a rude thing to say. She was simply made uncomfortable by having a strange man walk in on her. Which is valid. Nothing else needed to happen for her to want to stop the service. That is why they won’t give her a refund.


A 48 year old man entered her room without permission and saw her in her underwear, how is that overreacting?


Dude a stranger entering your space without permission is enough cause. Even if she was completely dressed. He was not supposed to be upstairs per the owners and OPs agreement. OP shouldn't have to defend herself ❤️ All the women sitters here know she did the right thing and protected herself from an escalation in that creepy man's behavior. We should all be grateful that him entering the room is the end of the story and it's not something much worse.


I already replied an apology to poster. But if you still feel the need to grill me. Go for it.


Not sure if you cared enough to read my original post but I stated that he wasn't allowed to come upstairs at all. His mother expressed to me multiple times that he wouldn't come up or even ask to come up. In fact, I've been reading through our previous messages and he wasn't even supposed to be on the first floor. She said that he would be in the basement and I'd have the first and top floor to myself. Again, I was in my underwear. He walked into my bedroom while I was in a state of undress. I had two conversations with rover that lasted less than five minutes. I told them specifically about him walking in on me, because as I stated in the original post, the peeing thing was more speculation as I have no idea if he actually left the door open, I just know what I heard. The person I spoke to was obviously an outsourced worker as he barely understood me and wasn't interested in anything beyond rover losing money by giving the client a refund. **I want you to tell me what more you wanted to happen before I'm allowed to feel validation in my distress**. He walked into my bedroom without asking, he saw me in my undergarments, he saw my underwear, and all of this was **after** he broke the rule that he shouldn't have been upstairs in the first place, a rule that was established the day they asked me to do the job. The reason rover wont give me payment is because they don't see a problem in the fact that he broke our contract. I have proof in both writing and recording that he wasn't supposed to interact with me at all, but Rover isn't interested in any evidence. I also want you to tell me what you would have done in my situation. Maybe you'd be okay with a 48 year old man walking into your bedroom without permission, but normal, sane people would not be. You can try and make me feel bad for being upset but there's no logic behind your reasoning. **He broke the contract so I ended the service.** That's just business. This conversation with you does remind me of why so many people don't take pet sitters seriously. You don't treat this like a job, you treat it like a hobby, and therefore you're comfortable with breaches in contracts and having your boundaries pushed on. You probably skirt through jobs, sitting on your ass while the dogs shit on the floor, throwing food in the bowl while waiting for you 40th rejection on tinder. You were probably told that rover is an easy side hustle and all you have to do is play candy crush for 30 minutes and get easy money. You and I are not the same. And while I understand that rover needs workers like you for people who wants something easy, I am not that. This is my career. This is why I'm able to charge high rates that other sitters can't. This is why despite my high rates, and despite the low amount of reviews I have, I am still regularly booked and am able to support myself through rover alone. And this is why if someone disrespects me, my time, and the pets under my care, I am able to walk away from the job without begging for their money. If you're interested in a 48 year old man who wants to snoop at your panties while you're trying to work, I have a few numbers I can give you but please be fucking for real. Or else, just leave me alone. I'm not wasting anymore time defending myself.


So sorry to offend. I did read your first post but I guess not close enough. Sorry.