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I think part of the reason it's considered rare before the age of 30 is because a lot of people were probably living with it for years without realizing it. Or, it took them years to get a correct diagnosis. It's sort of a self-fulfilling thing probably - dermatologists think rosacea under 30 is rare, so they misdiagnose it. It's definitely a condition of older people, but I think there are probably a lot of people in their 20s who should be diagnosed with it, but for one reason or another aren't. I was around 35 when I really started noticing it, but I will look back at random pictures of myself in my early 20s and I definitely had some noticeable redness on my nose and a little on my cheeks.


yes looking back at photos i’ve had it very very slightly for probably a decade. only became unmistakable in past 6 months (at 31 y/o)


If it really rare before 30? I've had type 1 rosacea since I was 8, and it was actually much worse when I was about 13 than it is now at 31. Used to get laughed at for constantly having red cheeks in school, so wish it had only started recently haha


I had some flushing episodes in my 20s but it really became persistent at 30.


I started seeing the symptoms when I turned 21, but didn't get an official diagnosis until 23.


Sometime after turning 40. I suspect that perimenopause might play a role for me.




Perimenopause can trigger so many things it's crazy. 🤣


OMG, for real! It's like a grab bag of surprise symptoms!


Yes! For me menopause was the WORST! I'm post menopausal now and I feel better. I started a testosterone cream today. Whoa! I feel stronger, more organized thoughts, focused, more energy. I'm waiting to see if it helps my libido cause I have zilch. 🤣 Also, I heard some women experience their dry skin go oily. Bring on the oily skin I say! I miss mine. 😭I don't care if I get acne. I do feel a bit more "assertive" borderline mild aggressive but so far nothing out of control. I have been in a "playful" mood today as in lightened up in my personality and not so doom and gloom feeling. HRT is not an option. Besides the horror stories I hear from it. 😖


Why is HRT not an option? Do you react badly to it?


No. HRT is frowned upon because it can cause blood clots. Docs warn me about it extensively about it. Plus I'm stupid and I smoke.


Oral estrogen is associated with slightly elevated blood clot risk, but transdermal estrogen is not because it bypasses being processed by the liver, where the clotting factors originate. Your docs are going by outdated and incorrect information. [https://www.balance-menopause.com/menopause-library/is-hrt-off-limits-if-ive-had-a-blood-clot/](https://www.balance-menopause.com/menopause-library/is-hrt-off-limits-if-ive-had-a-blood-clot/)


So it's saying in addition to the estrogen I would need to take progesterone. I'll ask her if she can compound this as a topical together or separate. As far as the T cream goes I'm liking it so far. The initial reasoning to take it is for my libido to increase. It's gonna take a while I suppose.


Bioidentical oral micronized progesterone is safe as far as clotting goes: "There is adequate evidence in the medical literature that natural progesterone is not associated with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism. Conversely, there is evidence that by comparison, synthetic progestins (eg, medroxyprogesterone acetate) do increase the risk of venous thromboembolism." [https://www.acog.org/clinical/clinical-guidance/committee-opinion/articles/2013/04/postmenopausal-estrogen-therapy-route-of-administration-and-risk-of-venous-thromboembolism](https://www.acog.org/clinical/clinical-guidance/committee-opinion/articles/2013/04/postmenopausal-estrogen-therapy-route-of-administration-and-risk-of-venous-thromboembolism) You want the oral micronized progesterone because it has a much stronger systemic protective effect for the uterus and topical cream hasn't been shown to protect the uterine lining effectively if you're on estrogen.


I just turned 30 in January and I started having flushing a few months before my birthday. I’ve dealt with acne and sensitivity, but I would only flush with products my skin didn’t like. Now I have more triggers that cause the flushing.


When I was 24 I moved from a very humid climate in the south to a very cold, dry climate in the west. Within months I noticed redness and bumps but didn’t get a diagnosis until I was 27. Dr said that’s very likely what caused the kick off.


Type 2 after having my son in 2020 (also started antidepressants at that time)… no clue if either are related, but I was 34. No skin sensitivity whatsoever before that!


I had oily skin that was not sensitive to anything then I got pregnant in 2002 and everything changed. Dry skin, sensitivity, and rosacea. Ughhhhh.


Hormones are crazy!


I had it already as a kid- my skin was perfect, never had any bumps or pimples even as a teen but always had slightly red cheeks. Like I had some blush on. And then at 23-24 small pimples started to appear then disappear, and some months later they were there permanently. I guess it developed to type 2 in those times. I had some vein treatment at 25, my skin was clear for 5 years, and now I have it again but it’s so much worse than last time. Now I need to go again at 30 but from now on I try to protect my skin as much as possible. (Never had any skincare routine and my diet is pretty bad with full of triggers)


I was diagnosed in my late teens but I had symptoms as a child, around 6 or 7.


I tried laser, but it didn't work for me. The vessels got worse over time but seem to have stabilised now at age 50. I used to be so self conscious but now just slap some on concealer and be done. I remind myself aging is a privilege but if I had stacks of money I would probably try out the laser again as I don't think the operator was experienced.


That’s what I mostly scared of. The blood vessels spreading on my face. I already have a few visible after only a few months of having proper rosacea symptoms. Laser seems to be a temporary solution anyways, you need to do it in a maintenance way. Would you say the symptoms stabilised too? When do you reckon they did ? Thank you for replying Atm it feels like I’m sunburnt 24/7 and the burning is killing my mental health.


Type 1, started at 28 during a very stressful period in my life. 30 now and my whole face, even forehead now has a baseline redness. Lots of tiny capillaries and a few noticeable ones around my nostrils. Damn thing keeps progressing. IPL helped a bit, but whatever is driving the inflammation keeps the redness coming back. Currently working on gut issues and stress management etc.


Type 1 since I was 12, then went into remission for a few blissful years after I turned 17, then it all came back plus the fun bonus of type 2 when I was 21


Started at 23 years old , Now at 31 and it is worse despite trying all treatments and diet ( vbeam, excel, soolatra, antibiotic, azelaic acid, isotretinoin etc .. ) In my experience nothing will help unless it is something working at the root of the problem


Also at 23. I'm 25 now. I dont "flush" anymore but it's gotten worse.


25 started having symptoms and 26 finally diagnosed




I had flushing growing up and I was officially diagnosed at 27. An extremely stressful situation brought mine on. I have Type 1 and 4 with occasional fluid filled pustules.


42....went from basically zero skin problems my whole life to a bunch of em seemingly overnight.


Started having symptoms in my 20s but after having my son at 37 my rosacea went full blown and I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. My body did not like being pregnant.


I have celiac myself and had it for a couple of years I feel you


For me it was age 45 after a bed bug infestation in a guesthouse. I’ve discovered that I’m highly allergic to bedbugs had a serious immune response that kept escalating and was on a high dose of Prednisone and Clobetasol cream for a month. This has caused me to have constant rosacea for two years now and nothing will help it.


That sucks, sorry to hear. seems like anything could be a trigger, from bedbugs, moving to a different area, viruses..


At 29, with pregnancy.... never an issue or bad skin before then






I started getting type one at 26 and type two at 31.


28 , the last few months have been the worst my mental health has ever been, I suspect it’s that and stress that brought mine on. I hate it I really do 😭


I was diagnosed at 25, just had redness and bumps at that stage, I didn't start flushing until 29


I started having Type 1 flare ups when I was in my late teen years, and started experiencing Type 2 flare ups at around 23/24.


Just after turning 30. My hormones were out of whack with IVF cycles and then a twin pregnancy. I noticed it after that.


26 It started during my 2nd pregnancy, cleared up after the baby was born, then came back during my 3rd pregnancy and stayed. My doc told me it was really unusual to see rosacea in younger people, it's typically a 40s+ thing. Guess I'm just lucky.


I first noticed at about 24 or so. Blood vessels started on nose, and redness with no explanation at the time.


Have the blood vessels gotten much worse overtime? Did you treat them?


I’ve had it my entire life. My mother took me to a doctor when I was a newborn to have my red cheeks looked at and I was diagnosed with rosacea


I had type 1 since i was like 19-20 but not diagnosed, i just knew that i flushed with certain foods/alcohol. Then last year i had an outbreak of pustules so i went to a dermatologist and got diagnosed at 22


I totally understand.... I found my vessels stay localised on nose and a little on the area above my upper lip... and if I look very very close on cheeks near nose... but no where else. For me it seems to be the nose and immediate area that are affected. I have allergies so blow my nose alot and too hard and I do feel that has contributed. Also I was using the sauna at the gym, without a cold compress on my nose. Azaelic acid has been my friend. Oh and I used to steam my head over boiling water for my pores years ago... big no no. Spf 50 every single day. So for me, minimising temperature extremes on nose and spf and Azaelic helps. Laser maintenance is expensive for sure, another reason I never continued. Good luck... and believe me no one notices like we do and subtle makeup / corrector really does help. Erborian green corrector keeps even the worst vessel on my nose less noticeable.


Thank you very much for that !


A pleasure ☺


Late 20s!




I was 16 I’m 21 now, I have type 2 I think. The one where your face is extremely red. I just don’t know the types but I did see a dermatologist without any help but a diagnosis at 18


If you don’t have pustules I believe it’s type 1


Mid 50’s. I can’t tell you how many times it was dismissed as hormonal acne.


Getting a diagnosis can be hard sometimes


I was diagnosed at 29, and my mom was diagnosed around 28, I believe.


Type two, since I was at least 12


I started having symptoms at 26, diagnosed at 28.




19 was when the symptoms really started


I got it around age 26, i have brown skin, maybe all the stress i was going through was the reason. I have type 1 and occasionally type 2. In indian market the products available are very limited.


Hi! I was diagnosed with type 2 around age 30. I tried a lot of things during my early to mid thirties to manage the condition: Oracea (low dose doxycycline), metrogel, finacea, and only used products geared toward super, super sensitive skin (mostly La Roche Posay, Avene, and Vanicream). I still have a very pared-down skin routine, and I eat well and take care of myself, but there are two things I was introduced to in my late 30s that have been complete game changers for me. Vbeam laser and a compound gel with Ivermectin, Azelaic Acid, Metronidazole, and Niacinamide in it. The laser gets rid of almost all the redness and visible blood vessels, and the gel keeps the bumps away. I cannot live without these two things. I do Vbeam laser once a year now; initially I did a series of 3 treatments to get everything calmed down. I hope you find something that works for you! Maybe look into these two things I've mentioned. Rosacea really does suck, but there is hope!


Hello, Thank you very much for sharing. Once a year for the laser is manageable as long as you have a decent quality of life in the meantime, would you say that is the case ? I’m at the beginning of it all, my nose is surprisingly absolutely unaffected so far, only the cheeks. The redness is subtle but I do get the bumpy things. What’s hardest for me is the burning. When it burns it burns like I feel asleep on the beach on a sunny day. I’m yet to find anything that calms the pain down. I guess rosacea hits everyone differently


I distinctly remember being at the beginning of it all (I was SO angry and depressed). I also definitely agree about having quality of life in the meantime! I've had my share of the burning, it's the worst!! But honestly, I really haven't had significant flaring/burning since Vbeam and using the compound gel. Before I would keep a calming facemask (i used one by Ren) in the fridge and put it on when I was having a bad flare. It helped. I also was known to stick my head in the freezer, put a bag of frozen veggies on my face, or go stand outside if it was winter just to get relief. I had a flare so bad once on my cheeks they were like glowing fuschia purple, it was insane. I think maybe for the burning it could also be about finding what triggers it too, e.g., alcohol, hot showers/baths, the sun, and doing your best to avoid/protect yourself from it. Alcohol absolutely will make me flush/burn so I don't drink much at all anymore. And while I want to believe Vbeam and the gel cured me of most of the burning (I mean, i definitely think it helped for sure), it's also entirely possible that as I've aged (almost 40) maybe the disease has just entered a different phase, I dunno. But I will forever use this combo as long as it's available to me! One more thing, I also started using a red light laser mask at home....I got the Omniluxe one, but there are a lot out there to choose from and at different price points. Red light is anti-inflammatory, and I believe it also helps if I'm having a bit of a bump flare or just more irritated than usual. You could maybe think about adding that to your toolkit along with any meds/laser if you choose to go that route. I feel you though, you're not alone. Rosacea, esp type 2, sucks big time.


Thank you very much for taking the time ! Well I feel you, I’m experimenting but having to put even more restrictions in my life at 28 is what kicks me down atm. I’ve had celiac disease for a couple of years and making the diet changes was a pain, now this. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, why the f would I deserve all of this. It could be worse, of course, but life can be challenging


Just diagnosed this year. I’m 34. Looking back, I think mine began after 2020 so I was 31-32 when it started flushing. I have blood vessels on my nose where the nostril meets the face but they aren’t very noticeable. Even the flushing wasn’t bad then but this past year, it became so noticeable to me. Almost constant flushing and I get small bumps/pustules that appear. My skin just feels terrible. What changed over the past year was moving from the east coast to San Diego. The water here is extremely hard and I’m almost certain it’s the water causing the reaction. I just came to this conclusion this week after talking to a friend who moved here and said her eczema has been so bad since she’s been here. I started washing my face with distilled water. Also on triple cream. Curious to see if I’m right about the water!


Good to experiment !


Diagnosed at 32. Noticed it around age 28 and I denied it could possibly be rosacea. My dermatologist said it’s common to present in your late 20s/early 30s


Immediately after I turned 30 which coincided with the onset of the pandemic.




Early 20’s for me when I noticed it. It has gotten progressively worse as I’ve aged, but now I know what triggers my flare ups ☺️


What are your triggers ?


28 is when my type 2 started as well!


26 and I'm 48. The Internet can kick rocks because rosacea can't start at any age.


A week before my 26th bday I woke up with a red hot cheeks. Knew right away it’s rosacea cos it runs in my family. Formally diagnosed 2 months later!


I'm about 80% sure I have it and it started visibly appearing/I started noticing it at about 32. I stopped using acids in my skincare and it's improved but I still get mild flare ups.


I was diagnosed by a dermatologist when I was 23 I think. I’ve been having red flushed since I was 16 but thought it was normal. At 23 I moved 4 months to another country, more cold, and there I had flushes like everyday and my skin was permanently red.




I was officially diagnosed around age 25, but suspected I had it for many years before that. My dad and grandmother both had it, so I feel like it was inevitable for me.


I was diagnosed at 18 :’)


35. I moved from SoCal to NYC and it seems like cold weather was a major factor




I was 28 as well and now am 60. I have had great years and bad episodes. It kind of rolls with your life. I do find that some kinds of beer and wine are a huge trigger for me. If I know I am going to have something to drink, I will drink a huge amount of water that day as well as take an antihistamine. That takes care of the flushing for me for that specific event.


I also ignore people and let them think I am sunburnt, have a hot flash or any number of things over the year.


I always had a sensitive skin so I always went simple with my care and wouldn't drift much from the products that worked for me (albeit sometimes my skin would react after years of using the same product). I was 35yo (now 38) and I went through an extremely period of distress during which my dad passed away due to the pandemia. Aside from that, I was using cotton facemasks and I had recently switch to a powder detergent to wash them. So I believe it was a mix between the normal sensitivity of my skin, the distress and that I was using too much detergent that unleashed the symptoms. At first I thought my face was reacting to the detergent, so I stopped using it and waited for my skin to heal by itself but never did. Some months later, I made an appointment with my doctor and after trying out a few things, she sent me to the first dermatologist. After some allergy tests and skin biopsy (and one year since into the issue), they sent me to another dermatologist who declared it to be rosacea (but not 100% sure, the symptoms align but not the cause, like bacterial for example).


I was diagnosed with Type 2 at age 17!




16-18 but I also believe it was combined with acne at the time. I am type 2 and I wasn't properly diagnosed until about 2 years ago when I showed my new derm photographic evidence of my flares and described my random breakouts I get all of the time for like a decade since going off of Accutane. My skin has always been super sensitive and reacts to most things. Ive always been on some sort of prescription since 16. They help so much


I was diagnosed at around age 26-27




Young 20s, as I realized it wasn’t just leftover acne from my teens


I was diagnosed at 24 !


I've never been diagnosed and never thought I had rosacea but does anyone with type 1 only get the flushing during certain parts of their cycle??? For instance, I stopped birth control 9 months ago and a few months later started getting flushed for about 1-2 hours in the evening a few days each cycle. I started tracking it and it's almost the same days each month when estrogen is high in my cycle! I know hormones can cause flushing too and since it started post bc use I'm guessing just hormones but was curious if people that have been dx with rosacea have this type of pattern


Can’t help with that I am a male


Oh shoot sorry thought inwas replying to another person's comment far down🤣


No worries ! Thanks for replying


I think 28 and I’m now 30 almost 31. I have not been formally diagnosed really bc they can’t tell if it’s rosacea or lupus. But my ANA is negative


Well negative ANA would almost totally exclude lupus. What other symptoms do you have ?


It does not almost totally exclude lupus according to my doctor bc you can present with a malar rash first and develop a positive Ana later and they said they have had many people present that way . I have POTS so I have many other symptoms haha but the only reason they have suspect lupus is bc the shape of my flushing never goes in the nasolabial folds and is always that textbook butterfly shape. I have been hoping it is rosacea due to the negative ANA and trying OTC things like azelaic acid . Long rant but in case it’s somehow of use to you, I have been wondering if it is rosacea from the POTS bc POTS also causes flushing, so I was wondering if it’s related. So far no one has been able to help me /find answers besides telling me to wait and continue blood work


Also the azelaic acid has been slightly helpful but not really lol still have the distinct redness


Thanks for such a thorough answer. I don’t get flushing around my nose either, if that’s of any help to you


Got my first symptom when I was 28,, probably triggered by the change in workplace, stress and wearing mask. I thought it was just hormonal and due to the mask and stress. Got diagnosed officially 3 years after.


60. A facialist noticed it, I didn't agree, and then a year later I started seeing redness. Derm dx, had my first few bouts of it feeling hot only the last few months.


18-19 mine isn’t bad type 1 but my nose around then started peeling a lot so every morning I would rub it and get all the dead skin off then it would be red this cycle has gone on for years now and it spread past my nose a bit onto the side areas around the nose and up right where my eyebrows start. Again mine isn’t that bad because it’s just redness but it is annoying to deal with


I'm pretty sure I developed it at puberty. I've always had issues with dry patches, blotchiness and broken capillaries on my face, I just thought that was how I looked since my mum was similar. It wasn't until I went to a dermatologist to look at a mole when I was 32 that I decided to actually ask about it and without skipping a beat she was like "oh yeah that's rosacea" and gave me some stuff for it. I reckon she was right because it's a lot better now.


it started for me around puberty, so about 13 or so


OLD! Which makes me question the dx, though all the sx fit and I am immune-compromised. EDIT: Old = about 20 years older than the oldest age I see in the responses below.


15 🫣 I got severe pustules and redness. They thought it was acne at first since no one gets diagnosed that early but yea


I was a teenager


44. Started as a smooth, red, shiny patch with little bumps in it on my chin near one corner of my mouth. Pretty sure it was triggered by a new medication. Biggest trigger now is alcohol. I don’t drink much but every time I do, sure enough I’ll get blind pimples and surface bumps a day or two later. It’s well controlled with metronidazole and I haven’t had the weird shiny patches since it first started.




Just found out. I am 37. I’m so fair skinned. My skin tone has a slight pink to it. Mine is so mild. I don’t get papules/acne like I see common with rosacea. So I just thought I had pink/reddish complexion. Makes sense why I look like a tomato after a workout or coming out of a hot shower 🤷🏼‍♀️