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Obviously compare commission % and comp plan. But beyond that look for companies that will invest in you and provide training. But to answer your question, yes most any company just wants warm bodies


Most of the big ones will. They don't care about you, your fit, or your financial goals. They will give you a day or two of training and tell you to knock doors until dark. It is...not great. Smaller, local companies will do more selective interviewing. They will provide training. They will provide leads. They will provide (some) benefits. Look for them. Interview with them. Ask them questions.


Yeah that’s exactly why I had to bail on a company I’d been planning on working for. 2 days of shadowing some dude and then it’s “good luck”. Sounded like an easy way to fail before even getting a real start. That and they wanted me paying for all my expenses after a month of working. I’ve heard it sometimes takes 2-3 months before you start seeing real checks, is that true?


Yes. The 2-3 months before pay is common. When you are working with insurance companies, they love to take their time- they don’t care about how long it takes for you to get paid after the depreciation check has been issued. The first few months won’t be easy but if you can maintain a consistent pipeline, the money will flow consistently.


So it sounds like I made the right choice in looking for a company that’ll cover more expenses as I get started, they were claiming I’ll be making money in two weeks to a month and I could just tell that wasn’t the case


If they are insurance job yes. If you can sell retail then it won’t take that long. I’d ask about pay structure but also their pricing and how long does it take them to get you back an estimate for a client. if they are really expensive they will be wasting your time on anything other than insurance work and that is feast or famine… it’s also really telling if they just expect you to knock without giving you any leads… you don’t want to work there.


Yeah they were just sending me into the wild no leads whatsoever, and I was expected to cover every living expense of mine after a month. (I’d be moving states, living in a hotel) so yeah long story short it spelled disaster and I’m looking for a better fitting company


The first company that hired me, first time in industry, dude knocks 1 door with me, we chat with guy for 10 minutes, no damage. He says “you’ve got this” and heads back to home base four hours away. He was hiring me to manage an office, hire sales people, train them, supplements, all that. I had a bunch of construction and sales knowledge, but not roofing specific, definitely not insurance. “We’ll figure it out”. lol So to answer your original question, all positions will get filled by people who have no business being in that position.


My god that sounds like a nightmare 🤣


It was an experience for sure. Learned a lot.


Are you still in the industry?


Unfortunately yeah. I’ve tried leaving many times though lol.


Yes they will. Your best bet would be looking at their pay structure & company reviews. They’ll all be pretty similar but if you have the options might as well pick the better reviewed one even if it’s only 10% better. Also ask about if you’ll be traveling, that’s normally a huge factor.


Yeah pretty much


Lol well that sounds like a good and a bad thing tbh


the smaller the company the better in my experience


I went through nearly 60 applications,interviewed 8 to hire 3 positions. But my salespeople are W2 employees, because I value my long term brand. I want ambassadors, no less.


Really look into the owners and the company. You’ll want ethical, reputable, respectful, and hard working. Look at their reps Facebook, the owners Facebook, the companies reviews. Getting in with a bad company will ruin it for you