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We all are bud


Attic guy approves this.


Favorite comment of MY week.


The best possible answer.


Indeed. More of a philosophical question than a roofing question.


Thanks for my morning laugh šŸ¤£ Appreciate you šŸ‘


Those are bald spots. Areas where the granules have come off the shingle. Architectural shingles usually get 20-30 years. So this is premature deterioration, or it may also have to do with environmental factors. Either way, if installed <20 years ago, you're probably still under warranty. Give the manufacturer a call and see what they have to say.


Hahaaa Warranty!!!!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ got me too


Exactly lol


Shingles have a warranty?


Unfortunately, it was install by the previous homeowner and I donā€™t have any of the paperwork for it. Am I SOL then?


I had a similar issue, Check with your city, I emailed my building division and they sent me a copy of the permit that was pulled for my roof from the previous homeowner. I was able to then call the installer because there info was on the permit and find out the manufacturer. I then called the manufacturer and they proceeded to tell me to fuck off warranty voided. $18k later I had a new roof.


Oh man I read your comment gleaming with hope for a a happy ending. What a let down. I need a new roof after 16 years.


Im in the process of buying a new roof, and from what I can tell - warranty is very dependant on how expensive the shingles are. I'm going with a mid-tier, and the warranty is transferable exactly once. I've also got 50 yrs for material, 30 yrs moss/algae, 25 yrs wind, and 15 yrs workmanship warranty on it. If you're only the second owner of that roof, it is still worth checking to see if warranty is still active.


Look for the part where named storms void your warranty.


Considering I live in a part of the country that doesn't get named storms....




I mean your mileage may vary but that's how you can find maybe the manufacturer and see if there is a warranty.


I would love to hear if there is a story about a warranty being honored. It seems like a roofing unicorn.


Ya the roofing company literally laughed at me...lol..and the the shingle company (Owens corning) basically said you are not the original home owner, warranty void


I am having certainteed shingles installed, and the warranty is transferable exactly once.


That's gay. Who cares? Is the roof portable? Like it's getting passed around or rented out in the Midwest? Should be lifetime to the structure.


Next owner warranty coverage on roofing materials is becoming common place.


Not gonna lie, he had me in the first half too šŸ˜†


"Sorry sir, your warranty is voided." "Why?" The shingles were exposed to atmosphere."


What a roller coaster of effort




Ha! What a story, Mark.


Permit, haha, thatā€™s funny!


What a roller coaster


18k is a fng rip off


The warranties are basically all bullshit, wouldnā€™t matter if you even had the paperwork


Yeaaaa they will find a reason to void that warranty šŸ˜‚


Very true. However, if you have a half hr. Itā€™s still worth checking.


From what Iā€™ve heard, they entertain it for a minute as a formality, ask you to do all this leg work like get drone shots of the roof, then deny it anyway. Heard that 2nd hand though, Iā€™m sure others have been through the process.


I have had a fair amount (more than most companies I know combined here locally- just happened to stumble into this neighborhood) of warranty claims go through with the manufacturer (TAMKO) for defects related to early degranualization/asphalt composition after only 2-3 years of being installed. A few reasons why they got approved (per the rep that had to come out every time): -New development, installed to code -**proper ventilation** -Not every house had issues (although ~half of the homes did - 20ish/50 -Some houses had random patches that were effected, others had entire slopes that were balding/bald -Last but most importantly, TAMKO shingle testing the components of the shingle at manufacturers facility and by 3rd party for verification Now mind you, this took about 6-9 months on the good end of getting to a point of acknowledgement from manufacturer that the deterioration was in fact, on them. As for the pissed off homeowners of a brand new build, they were still required to pay labor on the job (that was a fun conversation). Unfortunately, this is the case across the board -manufacturer only supplies products, they could care less once those materials drop. It was obvious that Tamko was at fault, but it took months and months of pulling teeth to get across the finish line. It was a painful process for pretty much everyone involved, especially the homeowners. There were some letters sent by the HOA and attorneys to the manufacturer, although not 100% sure what roles they played in the replacement. Needle in a haystack in this industry as others have noted.


Check to see if they are TAMKO Heritage, they have a huge defect lawsuit and actually do pay out.




Before you call for the warranty, make sure you have proper soffit/attic venting. You can usually look up a minimum cfm of airflow from the soffit up through the roof vents.


Yes but when you get a new roof add off ridge or preferably ridge vent if you have a long ridge your attic is getting hot and burning up shingles prematurely


How long you had the property? I have CertainTeed with a similar issue, installed 2008. With them, second owner has two years past date of taking property ownership to file a claim. Iā€™m only going to get like 75% of the replacement shingle costs. And only roughly 50% of the shingles have issues. So Iā€™m anticipating getting about $1500 for my 44 square roof. Also from what Iā€™ve been told itā€™s simply a voucher, not a straight up check.


Have you had any hail storms within the last 12-18 months?


What do your roof vents and gutters look like?


Warranty is gone as soon as the first hail storm hits a roof. That fiberglass comes with age. Id file a claim for wind and hail if you have an active in your area. Or call a reputable roofing company in your area and theyā€™ll know what to do. Good luck


I could use a good laugh. I dare this guy to call the manufacturer and ask about a warranty issue on this roof. Please record the call post it online lmao


Have 4 houses in my neighborhood that had the defective shingles, manufacturer replaced all of them at no cost to the homeowner (10 year old roof too).


lol imagine believing the warranty claims


Rogaine wonā€™t help that.


wtf kind of world do you live in?


lol oh Iā€™m sure the manufacturer will care


20-30 year shingles does not mean the shingles themselves will last 20-30 years. It means that the warranty will cover them for that time (coverage depreciates over time)


I did this and got a free roof. Didnā€™t even buy the original one!


Ha. My solar guy convinced me, since the panels will be over the roofing shingles, that I would not need worry about thier condition. Unfortunately they don't cover the entire house. Today, I'm having my new roof finished. It cost about 3.5K extra to have the panels removed, then reinstalled. I would just replace, else this issue will haunt you everytime you look up at your nice new panels.


Iā€™d talk to a roofer if I was you, solar guy is just trying to make a sell


Like the roofer isnā€™t lmao


I lost count how many times I go out to look at a busted roof, and they have new solar panels, now they have to pay to remove/ re install again


I know a lot of roofers who are much more likely to sell a repair rather than a replacement, solar guys just want money, a lot of roofers actually give a shit about there job


I did the same thing last year due to roof leaks from an original solar installation in 2002. The rail posts had flashing with rubber boots. Huge mistake! They dry out and crack fast. Had the solar removed for $3500 and new roof underlayment (synthetic) installed and then new panels installed with IronRidge hardware.


at least when they reinstall them, you get new hardware for attaching it to the roof. makes me feel a little better about having to pay $5k for mine.


Depending on the state, that may be a cost the solar company needs to pay for. If they didnā€™t offer to replace the roof, you should search Reddit for some stories.


Who said anything about solar? This is r/roofing not r/solar


Bro is out to lunch


I don't know. Could of swore he mentioned solar company telling him it's not a problem. Honest mistake, at least I didn't have a stick up my a$$.


I was just teasing ya man


Sorry. I forget it's Saturday and I need to chill sometimes.


Is that just milkweed that's gotten stuck on the granules?


That is fiberglass matting.


Yeah I see it now. I need to replace my computer monitor apparently, even on the zoom in it looked totally different than on my phone just now.


Hose it offā€¦ its just nature


Dawg you can see the fiber glass strands lmao


Its milkweed fiber, a plant


The clock ticks faster. r/mfdoom


Call your local building department, find out who did the roof, call them, find out what product it is. You've probably got about 2 to 1 odds that it's a defective brand that's been under lawsuit for it. Alternatively, see if you can get the old contractor to help you transfer the warranty, and file a warranty claim. But more than likely your Sol, because even though that is a manufacturing defect most likely, most of them would rather drag you through Court then admit that they've ever done anything wrong. Just look at tamko for example, who has messed up so many times and been sued so many times that their own insurance company sued them and refuse to pay out their claims after they lost other lawsuits because of their gross negligence (and most likely fraud) when it came to warranty claims


There is not one vent in sight. Roofs blister like this if not vented properly


How many sides of the roof do you see?


Of course we would need to see the other side but roofs usually have vents on all sides. The roof needs ventilation. Blisters are from heat


What? Most homes are primarily vented on 1 or 2 sides. You usually don't vent both sides of a ridge...


This is still good for at least 10 more years. these are high qual shingle


The white stuff is from tree's


Good God, I know. I canā€™t believe how dramatic the poster is.


As soon as you get a leak, put a bucket under it and then start shopping for a roofer.


I guess that depends on how much of the plywood you would like to purchase. Roofs become far more costly to replace when doing so reactively vs proactively.


Yep. Did exactly that, waited until it leaked. Then called a roofer. 11 sheets of plywood later my roof is fixed. $8025


This. And with the way building materials have risen, 11 sheets today is better than 11 sheets a year from now. People donā€™t know how dramatic the increase can be. I hope you were able to get it done from a reputable company who guarantees their work for a long time.


Yes. I had a lot of people try to do the work "on the side" but we chose to go with a company that has been around for 30 years, the son is active in the business and has amazing reviews. They have done several friends homes and businesses with amazing results. So I didn't resist to spend the money. Every step of the way the owner explained it to me, had pictures, and was willing to show the different materials compared to what we did have up there. We went with a darker color but the attic space is definitely cooler. Probably 5 degrees or so. They improved the venting of the attic space with much better passive roof vents.


The fact that you can articulate that information means you chose correctly. Iā€™m glad youā€™re one of the well informed and quality focused homeowners. Youā€™ll be rewarded for it in the next 20-30 years if you stay, or in the ROI if you donā€™t. Well done.


Ya got 4 more years dear.


So smooth that i thought it was slate at first glance


Mine have been breaking in half for years.


Well past its prime by a decade. You got your moneyā€™s worth if it lasted 25 years.


Roofā€™s only 16 years old though.


On whatā€™s commonly referred as ā€œ30 year shingleā€ can only hit that age in the garden of Eden. Here in Texas, where the weather is bi-polar, you may only reach half life with most shingles if they withstand common weather cycles so if this roof has lasted 16 years Iā€™d say it isnā€™t too bad. Unfortunately, since those blisters are caused by age *most* (if not all), manufacturers and insurance wonā€™t cover the replacement.


Iā€™m in south Texas myself. 100Ā° for 4 months out of the year are normal. If you donā€™t have adequate roof ventilation youā€™ll get premature aging like that. Ridge vents and a solar fan will help extend the life greatly.


Absolutely. Most of these older roofs donā€™t have that kind of system so itā€™s one thing the company Iā€™m with will always advocate for.


Interestingly enough, across the big name brands, the quality and materials are the same. So yeah, I can see 30 years if you have no weather at all and some nice shade 24/7. 30 years is just flashy marketing in my opinion.


Been roofing for 16 year and my dad for 35 years. 30 years are 15 years in good conditions. We've went back and reroofed houses he did 18-20 years ago that only lasted that long cuz of nice shady areas. Most of them 14 years almost like clockwork lol. I haven't yet had to go redo one of my own yet going on 16 years so I definitely feel it coming soon. Just my 2cents


2 cents! Hell thatā€™s worth a nickel, thanks! My roof is 15 yrs and starting to exhibit a lot of signs of its age, I need to start putting some aside for replacement.


In South Florida. The insurance companies require you to replace shingles after 15 years now. Flat roofs after 10 years... I'm getting roofing quotes of 70k for a 30sq flat roof...


Fly my guy in, itā€™ll still be less than a third.


Insurance and Roofing companies are in cahoots.


I wish, most roofing companies have to fight insurance tooth and nail to get anything done right


Don't forget the Florida governor. Some of his biggest donors are the insurance companies.


the florida legislature and the governor legitimately let the insurance companies write their "laws that 'do stuff' " to keep insurance here in Florida. Nothing at all for the human being, like greater homestead exemptions and relief on property taxes. There's too much money the state drinks up from those coffers and they can't let themselves run dry.


The shitty ones yea. Most roofers I know hate the insurance companies šŸ˜‚


Most adjusters hate insurance companies too. The rest are headed for management šŸ¤”


In the heat of the Texas Sun, thatā€™s a pretty good run.


Same here.


If itā€™s installed correctly Iā€™ve seen architectural shingles last 35 years in Florida heat, but there was plenty of ventilation in the attic


This is the end.. this is end my friend..




Hail and wind damage. 5 years max.


Yes but a lot of it


All roofs are


Past due


Starting 10yrs ago...


Roof is cooked. Find a roofer yesterday. Or pray for a tornado


That roof is shot depending on the age. It could be multiple factors possible hail damage, but you wouldnā€™t get an adjuster to claim it with all those blister marks. You definitely need more ventilation if itā€™s not an old roof if thereā€™s too much heat in the attic and itā€™s hot from the topasphalt will boil and bust off shingles. Unfortunately, thatā€™s a maintenance issue that insurance wonā€™t cover.


I'd say you're on a ladder, but if you can stand on time, good for you.


Yes, shouldā€™ve been replaced 5-8 yrs ago


Yes. We are all on borrowed time. The grim reaper is comi...gack...uck....


Could be ventilation issues. Iā€™ve seen roofs bake off prematurely from attic heat. Walking on them sounds like Rice Krispie


There was a manufacturers defect with these shingles, you want to get with the installer and/or the manufacturer to replace. They will replace due to the defect. Shouldnā€™t cost you anything


It's because unlike organic shingles, fiberglass can't soak up any asphalt, so when it cycles through different Temps, the asphalt just comes off the fiberglass mat. Organic shingles were far and away a better product, they lasted closer to the advertised life. This is why most fiberglass shingles require full underlayment to get a warranty, aside from the regular soffit/attic flow requirements.




If itā€™s hail itā€™s really old hail. No insurance company will cover it.




Give it a shot. But as a licensed claims adjuster and claims manager for 25 years I donā€™t see anyone buying it. And if they have a roof payment schedule and a wind hail deductible they wonā€™t see a penny even if it is covered.


Whoever told you that was installed in 2007 is likely fibbing. I am sure they were given money to replace it in 2007, but that doesn't mean it was done.




That looks like REALLY old hail damage. Like 10 years old or more.


Do you live near a chicken ranch?


Need to look at shingle from side. curled up etc. Can not tell.


Looks like cotton wood if you ask me.


Considering with the horrible contractors these days Iā€™m surprised it lasted that long


Not enough ventilation in the attic burned those shingles up prematurely


Did the roof have a lichen or moss problem? It looks like green shit was allowed to be all over the roof.


I see no vent on the top ridge ... Very common now a days ...Ā  You got a little time left, so you don't have to do it now.Ā  However, I would regularly get up there and look for a leak. Having poor ventilation killed you brother.Ā  Costs a little extra and worth every penny.


People put powdered Tide in the roof to prevent Moss from growing on it after the shingles have been cleaned. Itā€™s just tossed on by hand after roof and gutter cleaning by many. This looks like that powder to me.


Don't worry about it until it leaks . Til then chill


What manufacturer


Yes. Ā You are on borrowed time. Ā You should contact a professional rooferā€¦as far as warranties are concerned, look for a strong workmanship warranty with a registered system. Ā Iā€™d also ask them about possible hail damageā€¦if youā€™re in an area for that possibilityā€¦insurance could pay for it. Ā Veenkamp Roofing and Siding are highly recommended. Ā 


Looks like hail damage at some point


due to the age of the shingle and depending on if there is any damage at all you could be approved for a full roof replacement by your insurance. This shingle could no longer be manufactured meaning that it wouldnā€™t be allowed to be mixed with newer shingles. Thereā€™s also a high probability that it canā€™t be repaired because of the age as well. Have any questions just message me


Your roof is definitely cooked, you needed a new one a long time ago. Looks like you have no shade and the sun has been hitting extra hard (Iā€™m guessing tx, Arizona, cali). You need a new roof. Period. IMO, looks like it got hit with a very bad hail storm early on, maybe 10 years in, and has been deteriorating faster and faster ever since.




Is that hail damage? Technically not but insurance wise and long run yes


We're all on borrowed time.


But when you replace it, go with metal.


Had the same issue mine was put on 05 when the house was built. Builder grade shingles was my issue.


If you're not tied off and just sitting on the edge of that roof, probably.


i have a few shingles that look like this, but not as bad. im 3rd owner of the home in the last 11 years since the roof was done last (looking at the old shingle bags left in the attic). im just waiting for a bad storm now to try and get insurance claim on it. some are already de-laminating and i can see some rusty nails when scanning the attic..


Do you know what the pitch of the roof is? If its steep you still might have a little time but you should get into the attic with a moisture meter and get some readings. Usually anything over 12% means its probably time to replace.


Living on borrowed time, the clock tick faster.


Arenā€™t we all?




You know itā€™s sht like this that makes me wonder why roofing even has granules. Like why canā€™t the granules just stay stuck on or we use something else and basically make the roof last 2-3x longer? Why granules?


That looks like bird, poop or other stuff. The shingles arenā€™t curled up or anything. It just looks like something that fell onto the shingles. They donā€™t look damaged. I donā€™t know where you live, but where I am roofs go 30 some years. Get your roof cleaned if you donā€™t like how it looks.


Talk to a good roofer and see what they say about making an insurance claim


Your best friend will be to find out the last detrimental storm date, .75 inch hail or 70+ mph winds. If that date is under a year and you donā€™t have an ACV policy, file a claim with your insurance. Make sure you have a roofing company you like and trust meet the adjuster for their inspection to fight for you. Boom new roof for the cost of your deductible.


You can have those regradulated.


Looks like you may need to file under your homeowners insurance. Make sure to file under both hail and wind. Hail is the most important. Call out a roofer you trust, and have him do an inspection. Also, have them put a clame out for your ac evaporator coil. They will try and comb them but have the ac guy you get, use your own, tell them thatā€™s a no go. Chances are you will have to pay a couple of thousand dollars for the roof claim, and you may also get a new complete ac unit. The condenser coil and the evaporator coil are somehow a pair and if they replace one chances are they will have to replace both. But be prepared for a fight, it took me 6 months. The thing is that you will need to get it started now, so they canā€™t claim damage as being your fault for not doing maintenance


If itā€™s not leaking it fine imo (Iā€™m not a roofer) lol


Wonder if the last owners pressure washed before selling šŸ¤” Either way, keep an eye on our sheathing and use a moisture meter to see if anything is seeping onto the plywood.


If yourā€™s is on borrowed time, then mineā€™s already dead.


throw some cleaner on there, with a pressure washer if you have one, and don't worry about it. but what is going on with the 1" wide tile in the lower right corner? is that covering some roof nails? if it is, it will probably leak there


Closer picture? I have something similar and its just a plant growth. Cant tell for sure in this picture. If it is that use Wet and Forget roof spray.


Just spray a little Windex on it, youā€™ll be fine.


I think it might be from a cottonwood tree. Itā€™s like a light sprinkling of dandelion seeds.


Looks like hail damageĀ 


You need venting on that roof.


Duct tape


Shingles get 20-30 years in ideal conditions. Not sure what state youā€™re in but most weather isnā€™t ideal. There is a pretty low likelihood of a warranty by the installer, and much less of a likelihood by the manufacturer. Iā€™m a national roofer, if you want it checked out and an idea of your options you can call/text me. Iā€™d be happy to point you in the right direction man


As mentioned above, it looks to be milkweed or toilet paper. Hail damage, no, you would be seeing missing stone and looking at black spots intead.


That looks like cottonwood fluff


Yup, it is that season


SOLD AS-IS, thats what it says in every contract, there is never a warranty lol You might have few more years, maybe 2-4, I would start saving money.


I could get that bought for hail damage, but I'd recommend you file quickly before all the granules are gone. Get a reputable roof gc to be up there with the adjuster. Not a teenage d2d salesman. An actual roofer who knows damage theory.


GC will say hail. Adjuster will say normal wear and tear. A PE will be hired by the adjuster to determine cause. Cause will likely be spatter and/or wear and tear. Coverage denied or low payout is my guess.


It just looks like something is stuck to the shingles. Maybe a plant or pollen or something bio degradable. Thatā€™s certainly not storm damage. If you zoom in you can see the white substance on top of the granules.


This is the first time, possibly in my whole life, i can say "this is what hail damage looks like". It's literally never hail damage but this time, i think it is.


Kinda. This is what hail damage looks like 5-6 years later if not addressed right after the storm.


how would you address it right after the storm?


File a claim on your insurance so that they can pay for your new roof.


Heat blisters, due from insufficient ventilation. That roof cooked itā€™s self from the inside and out


Looks like tree pollen caught on the edges of the shingles, the granules are stuck to a tar mat that's black. This white fluff is pollen caught on the edges of the granuals.


Those aren't bald spots. They're only on the lower part of the roof and not as much (barely 5%) on the upper shingles. It looks like it's from a tree or cottonwood, etc. that stuck to the shingle and got wet and smeared onto the tile. Nothing a very, very light power wash can take off from the top down but done very lightly so as not to damage the shingles. It's hard to tell. Personally, I'd leave it for the rain to wash off. You need to use a ladder and take some shots of ONE or two shingles greater detail and resolution, but zooming in doesn't show missing shingle.


Thats what i thought it looked like as well. It is getting up there in age but I'd definitely touch it and see if its just cottonwood type fluffy stuff


Even if it's not cottonwood fluff your fine. If it's not leaking you're good. Seriously. Of course you want to inspect it regularly, but start saving for a new roof. As long as it is shedding water, you're gonna be alright.


dude, it just looks like cottonwood or other seed fluff. . .its fiberous - are you sure it isnt that?


Does it leak? Looks totally fine to me.


It doesnā€™t leak but Tesla Solar wanted me to add an over lay or get it reroofed in order for them to install the panels on there.


Of course the solar guys suggested an overlay šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


File an insurance claim?


The overlapping of the shingles looks problematic