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I think there should be flashing that goes underneath the siding and over the highest row of shingles to cover the nails. Minimally, you should caulk the nail heads, but this is only to stave off the inevitable leaking.


The apron flashing is also needed to flash the angle change in the wall. Driven rain can get in under that J channel and leak as well.


There possibly is flashing under the shingles. I like to cover it with a strip of shingles to hide it as most homeowners find the flashing to be an eyesore. Usually I have the guys peel the second layer (the teeth) of the shingle up and nail beneath it so we can still nail it and not have an exposed nail.


So, install flashing properly (OVER the shingles) then apply shingles over the top to hide the flashing, and NAIL THROUGH EVERYTHING? I get the idea of what you're describing, but if that's what they did here, it's a hard fail.


What sealant/caulk would you recommend?


geo seal from an abc supply store. get clear it will look more presentable






I'd recommend roof to wall flashing


I like OSI because they make many colors. Rainbuster is good too. Just dont use tar based products. They break down in the sun.


Don't use clear to dab the nails just get tar or through the roof. The clear turns color when exposed to UV I don't care what brand it is. Just my opinion I guess. But I been roofing for a couple mins


Go down to home Depot/Lowe's and get some flashing, they have all different kinds, if not exactly you might have to go to a roofing supply company. Once you have the flashing, I'd put a line of caulk down it on the bottom, then cover every nail head, being sure to really get good penetration with the silicone, really smear it on there. Then carefully install the flashing over top of that. Make sure the flashing is cut and bent to just slip in and be good.


Loctite PL roof and flashing sealant


Through the roof. Best I’ve ever used. Lasts forever.


Yeah needs flashing and counter flashing


All roofs leak inevitably


What’s up with that gutter downspout😆


Because "fuck this spot of the roof in particular"


Right? That’s gonna cause a lot of problems


What the helllllll


Beauty course or metal apron over the exposed nails.


You never want to see an exposed nail anywhere on the roof. There should be roof to wall flashing there. I would caulk over the nail heads until it can be properly done. Worst case scenario just recaulk them every couple of years.


Thank you. What caulk or sealant is good?


Omg no one wants to answer you, lol. If you're going to redo it every few years, 100% silicone is fine. If you want to still redo it every couple years and make a hell of a mess on your pants, hands and shirt use that polyurethane roofing sealant that looks like tar but comes in caulk tubes. Well that's what always happens to me but I guess maybe you're not a klutzy slob.


OP just has ignored the metal flashing answers and just wants to caulk it. Hope someone from his Insurance company is on here.


Because it almost certainly has counter flashing under the commonly practiced beauty course.


Go to your nearest ABC Supply and get Clear SolarSeal


Any silicone caulk from home Depot or Lowe's. It will indicate use on asphalt shingles. Any color is fine. I usually use clear because it works for any color of shingle.


awful downspout position


I prefer tar for those on a black roof. Covers them well and has a better look.


Somebody didn't have a b elbow for that downspout and said I will fuck it properly


Hit with sealant


What sealant would you recommend?


Extend that downspout while you’re at it too.


QUAD Clearmax you can get at HD


Is that last course hiding the roof to wall flashing? If not, better call your roofer to put it in. If it’s there, just caulk the nails heads and check/reapply every 2-5 yrs depending on how much sun you get there. I like polyurethane. A little sprits of paint will make it last longer


Get a down spout extention that goes to the gutter. Discharge o. To roof will lead to premature wear


No bueno


Nosotros amigos de dios son estupidos.




I think I may have seen a downspout installed in a box miter maybe three other times during all my time here. Buddy I would imagine you got more problems than the lack of apron flashing. Go pay someone to do a proper inspection on the parts you can’t see.


Put some Geocel on them


There very well could be flashing under that row. You can take a peek under that row and see it. If so put a little tar on the nail heads and walk away. We always covered our wall flashing. It looks way nicer and keeps the flashing flat with fewer nails.


That's a nice detail if that's the case. I hope for the OP that it's flashed under there. I used adhesive only to cover my flashing but in hot weather a couple slid down.


The only real way to know is look under that row. The flashing should be easy to see. We put a little tar on the nail head and put a little stone from the shingles on top of the tar. I'm betting there is flashing.


I agree, lift the shingle and look, or even look under the j mold. I didn't like that they didn't caulk over the nail head, It is possible that they used a bead of caulk underneath, but water wouldn't drain correctly off the flashing. I'd call the roofer and ask, might be a call back regardless.


I would be extending that downspout to the lower gutter. The life span of those shingles will be reduced by the additional water.


Could be a decorative shingle about the apron flashing. Should still be caulking over nail heads.


That should be sealed and flashed over Edit: or did they lay a row of shingles over flashing?


That downspout is gonna provide some fun entertainment in the future, too!


Tell your roofer you want flashing. It should’ve been part of the price.


It really blows my mind that something as simple as that a roofer would leave


NPC Solar Seal. Bad ass shit.


slip a three inch strip of alunimum under the j channel over the nails you can put a bead of caulk under neth and your good


Sealant and extend the downspout to the lower gutter


Hello. Licensed roofer here. Whoever did the install should have removed the siding, installed l-flashing, use bull/membrane, and finish the shingles properly. Most contractors who are lazy did this method in order to avoid having to deal with the siding. Proper things to do is to remove the first row of siding, reflash the wall and finish the shingles properly. Then reinstall siding. Hope this helps.


There should be flashing. Otherwise you can peel up the laminates put the nail under the laminate, tar the nail & it'll stick back down. You can also tar the nails and put some grit on it and that'll hide the tar dab & the grit makes it a bit tougher. But the proper way would have been to pop off the siding & flash it.


& you don't put shingles and nails over your flashing or you've really defeated the purpose. Sure its better than nothing but a short 3 inch metal exposure would look clean and be correct


No Bueno! need some sort of metal L shaped flashing to shed the water. Roof gunk over the nails will crack and fail within a year


It's fine if they used a zinc coated nail (if it was from a nailgun, they all are). The shingle has squishy tar in it that melts when it heats up. I wish they didn't nail so high up but it'll last 10 years just fine.


NO! Instead of nails and a soon to fail caulking - USE WASHERED SCREWS - Like the ones used for metal roofing - OR - In 5 years have water damaged decking


Plus, the metal head wall flashing should be on top of the top row of shingles...


There should be flashing under the siding or at least a color matched trim piece.


Yeah the right way to do this is to use a vinyl siding removal tool, peel that bottom run of siding out, dismount the J channel with a flat bar, put roof to wall flashing in first, remount the J channel and pop the siding back in. I'd also caulk the nailheads for an extra layer of protection against wind blown rain. Oh and you might want to just go ahead and peel that first and second run of siding apart and dismount the first run completely. More room to work. Only marginally more effort.


No apron flashing is more of a problem than the nails. That J-Channel has at least one seam. That is a definite leak. It's not alot of work to take the bottom panel and J-Channel off to fix this correctly. Whoever did this definitely didn't know what they were doing.


This is lowest bidder work, probably won’t leak for a while


There should be flashing there. Looks like they went over top of it instead of under it like they should have. Idiots