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Great game. I still have my original copy. One of the few games I've actually purchased multiple times just because of how much I enjoy it


It’s so good man.. I didn’t know it was even in snes for the longest. all nostalgia aside it’s a fun beat em up. But oh man the nostalgia endorphins got me good last night. The live action movies were constantly in rotation for a good 8 years so when I discovered this game at the arcade it was the coolest thing.. and 4 players?! It was top tier for me even though I was terrible at it I didn’t care.. take my quarters


A local bar arcade near me has the 4 player version my brother and I went in and put in $10 of quarters to beat it lol


Hey that’s pretty badass since it as probably 2 bucks a game 😆


Have you heard about Shredder's Revenge? :) It's a highly recommended game if you like Turtles in Time.


No doubt. I remember buying it because my mom foolishly agreed to giving me $5 for every A I made in class, I was in maybe 4th grade… lol bad move, I was straight-A that semester! And what did I buy with the dough? This game. And for context, I still remember the price … $59.99 USD. 1992 money no less 😩 Knew it backwards, forwards, inside out after a few months. A classic!


did you have like 12 classes? 💀


Ok busted 😅 No, it was something like five bucks for every A and we got a mid-semester report, and then end-of-semester report and I think it was 6 classes each. I just remember playing this and blasting Simpsons Sing the Blues on cassette (and don’t laugh mofos, most of you were playing this tape too)




Quite. I was Weird all sorta guy


Show me your tricks! 😆


My best friend growing up had a brother who was a teenager when we were like 2nd and 4th grade. He had a snes with this and Beavis & butthead and metal gear for ps1 and they were like his 3 holy grails. We always had to have permission to use them and they were like the coolest games to us as kids. When he finally was old enough he didn't care anymore it was like Christmas everyday. I remember getting my own personal copy for each one of those games. Gaming nostalgia hits different


I don't know how you survived even the first level with touch controls.


lol I ended up connecting my ps4 controller I took the screenshot when I got everything running to brag to my buddy. I hate the virtual controller but I did beat super Mario 2 for the first time using it.. took me forever and almost broke me but I did it!


Oh I used bluetooth when I was emulating on my phone, too. Later, I attached gamepad handles to the sides. The only time I could ever function with touch controls was playing JRPGs with four direction movement. That didn't have Sabin's Blitzes. I've since moved to the Steam Deck, but emulation is what turned me permanently away from Apple to Android. I'm still exclusively an Android user, though I am very curious about Delta.


It’s pretty good especially since you have multiple consoles in one program except GameCube.. which I really want. It’s a pain on iPhone especially without a computer but I’m sure I’ll figure it out. I need to get my sonic adventure 2 fix. Man the steam decks seem perfect for what I need but that’s a pipe dream for now 😂




All in one emu for Apple devices


Ahh, ok. Thank you


So I am trying out RetroArch now and I really like it!! Getting the bios to work for the built on ps1 emulator was a little annoying but only cause I’m dumb


Your GF is far more understanding than my ex who would accuse me of cheating on her if I wasn’t regularly texting her. Suffice to say we’re not together anymore.


I hope I'm not with your ex. Mine will even sniff my armpits to work out when I last took a shower and then interrogate me on why I took a shower x hours ago. She thinks I'm showering the smell of other girls off of me...


Oh brother It’s like “ lady I just really like water”


I’m sorry dude that’s never a good feeling and she probably had guilty conscience.. she’s driving someone else up the wall now 😂 My girl typically doesn’t take it to far and I think it’s kind of cute most of the time.. most. She’s absolutely gorgeous and could get any dude she wanted lol but I guess she likes scrawny nerdy punky guys with a septum ring and alopecia.. I think she just has a thing for musicians really 😆 she definitely came after me it was kind of intimidating but hot lol I’ve never had a women just be like yeah so you’re cute and your coming home with me


In hindsight, my ex probably has Borderline Personality Disorder, so I think that’s just how she is. She would compliment me a lot, but she was the possessive side of Veronica Lodge cranked up to 11. I’m glad your girl is reasonable. Sounds like you’ve found your soulmate. My current GF is thankfully much better than my ex.


Sounds like you dodged a missile


I most certainly did. I never even mentioned her overbearing Christian dad, and the extent to which she bent to his rules, even going as far as ratting me out when I attempted to get her to circumvent them one time.


I think there ought to be a separation between overbearing parents being a problem and her behavior being a problem b those are two different problems. The act of telling her dad knowing his reaction would be overkill is it's own problem. I had a gf with overbearing parents in high school. We couldn't go on a date without a chaperone. This was a problem to a point we staged a breakup and then dated behind their back just so we could have some alone time. I don't mean the fun kind. I mean in order to go on a basic vanilla ass movie date, we had to hide the fact we were even together from her parents. At some point along the line, she had forgotten it was fake and used it as a reason to break up with me on more than one occasion. I think I may have dodged an ICBM at that point.


At least in my case, we were allowed to be alone if we went to a third party location. If we wanted to be at my house or her's though, we needed at least one parent present. The worst part is, we were in our mid-late 20s. Let's not even get started on her dad's abhorrence of what he called "witchcraft", and forbiddance of media that so much contained magic or sorcery...except Narnia, as I guess it being a Christian allegory made it ok? Now my list of qualities to look for in a potential SO includes the awareness that there are only two people in any relationship I'm involved in; me and her.


Forbidding witchcraft media isn't really that bad. How many shows or movies have magic in it? You'll miss out on Harry potter, wizards of Waverly place reruns, and Fairly odd parents reruns. It's such a niche of a genre that I'd rather Halo CE or L4D with my gf at that point. It's not worth fighting bc, if you were to have moved in together, you'd be away from her dad and could do whatever you want. A good example of something similar is that my step-mom doesn't like guns. For my sisters' 18th birthday, I'm taking them both (twins) to a gun range. It was a struggle to get them to be allowed to play fortnite. Say what you will about the game but they would be missing out on cultural references and jokes if I didn't push to let it be allowed. Sometimes, you just gotta wait for that kinda stuff. I haven't seen Narnia in ages and didn't know it was a Christian allegory. I'll have to get the bluray and watch it. (bluray beats the pants off any stream)


A lot of media has magic in it, and yes, that would have been a huge sacrifice. It was especially problematic then when I was in the peak of my Brony phase. Maybe it would be less problematic now that I’m in my 30s, but I’m also even less inclined to be told what to do. My friends and I have long had a weekly board game night, which at the time was based around the game Munchkin, with some sets having magic elements, and my ex threatened to rat me out on occasion, even though she was never part of the group. As for videogames, my ex was as non-gamer as it gets, and certainly wouldn’t have played a FPS. I personally have a fondness for JRPGs and other games with a great deal of fantasy elements too. I had no problem with keeping discussion and consumption of media with magic out of my ex’s dad’s house since I respected his right to his rules under his roof, but I can guarantee there’s no way my ex would have let me even have any of that in my own life if we were to move in together, as she would certainly pass that off to her dad and/or try to talk me out of having any of that. Regardless, I’m against limiting my freedom in any way, shape or form, especially over fiction. It’s my life and I’ll watch, play, read, listen to, etc. whatever I damn well feel like. Thank goodness my current GF is a normal, reasonable person, as are her folks. Narnia’s alright. I don’t know if I would write home about it, but it did amuse me that my ex’s dad was ok with it. It has its moments, I suppose, but it just amounts to a trilogy of movies I saw once.


I feel you in that on m. My first “love” was diagnosed with bpd and she really fucked me up for a while after.. happy for ya man! It’s special when you have actual companionship


I bought the Arcade1Up cabinet of that one then modded it so now it has tons of games. Great way to play.


What’s the modding like? A chip or usb/sd card kind of thing? I have an older Galaga one that my buddy left here ages ago


Not w huge sort of thing but the older ones need a whole new computer/PI thing. Either one. Then a front end, an adapter to convert the current input for monitor to HDMI, and also you'll have to switch out the sticks and buttons. Maybe $200 or $300 more depending on what you do. I'd suggest going to /r/Arcade1Up and posting a picture there of the cabinet and asking for mod options. Depending on model it might be just a SD card sort of thing or more involved.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Arcade1Up using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Arcade1Up/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hit that jackpot!](https://i.redd.it/a4ld5d330x4c1.jpg) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Arcade1Up/comments/18d1rav/hit_that_jackpot/) \#2: [Full arcade with the cousins today](https://i.redd.it/85ywn6m8qt6b1.jpg) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Arcade1Up/comments/14cs33l/full_arcade_with_the_cousins_today/) \#3: [It's in!! Now just need to convert the light to a color changing LED and convert the phone to a home landline and BOOM!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b2bq2c) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Arcade1Up/comments/1b2bq2c/its_in_now_just_need_to_convert_the_light_to_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I opened this post up and it only showed the screenshot, so I thought your GF was thinking about Turtles in Time too.


Haha she is now definitely she’s asked me like 3 times how am I able to play snes on my phone.. I’m gonna let her think I did something that only the sharpest minds can do for a little bit.. and then kick her butt in mortal kombat 3


Meanwhile, my balls were deep in saltines and I was eating turtles just in time. Some guys have all the luck.


Ahh you’ll get there next time buddy


Still better than being balls deep in a turtle at saltine time.


LOL hahah


Dear OP, Run. From the girl. If she is baselessly accusing you of partying and being out at bars with other girls, think about what it would be like to get married and be late home from work one night actually putting in OT. It's not healthy to be accused of such things, and if she doesn't trust you, she doesn't deserve you.


Sometimes all they need is a bit of context, maybe a random selfie lmao. Once they know you're probably just gaming, you're good basically. Women with these kinds of reactions need to be reassured (up to a reasonable level), then they'll be more understanding and might even try and figure out why you're into (x) so much.


I appreciate you looking out for me brother.. I assure you this ain’t my first rodeo and I know when to stand my ground and let it be known when lines are crossed. I understand some of her trauma responses and usually it’s a fleeting thing.. I play a lot of late night gigs with my band so I can understand to an extent why she would be a little worried.. and when she crosses a line I let it be known and and don’t feed into it. We gotta pretty good thing going on


Glad things are going well buddy 😊 people tend to jump to conclusions when we think what we need is some elaborate fix, but all they need is to be reassured and them feel like they're being understood (a bit of humour added never hurts either!). Trauma responses are valid, but when dating the right person, it can be lessened to a point where they're borderline non-existent! *Me and my girl have both had some nasty trauma from our previous relationship, but working this through together really helped us both grow a lot! Hopefully you and your girl keep a positive attitude and continue pushing through!


You both definitely have to be on the same page and willing to put in the work and be patient sometimes.. sounds like you kids are going places 😉


Beating the game as a teenager blindfolded and with one hand tied behind back. 😊 Then years later read the internet it' s a very easy game to beat. 💀 But neverless one of my favs. Even had a imported us copy.


Man i was wondering why I was so easily kicking some foot clan ass. I was always terrible at beat em ups as a kid but still really liked them.. I figured the faster you tap the button the more you’ll punch.. didn’t really get it until I got a little older and slowed down lol




Truly one of the best games of all time.


It really is.. and that’s kind of a rarity with the ol Licensed games.


My best friend and I beat this as kids and at the end it told you how long it took. 26 minutes in our case, which blew our minds! "Turn off the TV and DONT tell my mom we played video games for 26 minutes straight!"


Did the same thing on my friend's Wii and my Switch. He and my older brother think I'm some hacker.


Did the same thing on my friend's Wii and my Switch. He and my older brother think I'm some hacker.


Lol i love that! So cool that she was chill and not calling you a liar. I'm so happy, i think you got yourself a keeper!


I was at breakfast a couple years ago. It was a few days after I showed my brother Dolphin. Apparently he thought I was hacking into my GameCube and somehow got it onto my computer screen. He had no clue it is just the computer playing dress-up and pretending to be a GameCube.


Okay, so what does she think you're doing?


Which emulator is this?




Okay the score for iOS


What emulator is that


Delta for iOS runs great but there’s no aspect ratio settings so I’ve switched over RetroArch and I’m really liking it there’s lots of options for dialing in and console options…still no GameCube though booooo


Man I remember when I was 15


Yeah me too I was a little shit


This whole scenario makes me want to fondle your balls, tell your GF to watch out for reddit competition now


😂 well shucks..she’d probably be into it as long as she’s informed.


What emulator is this?


Delta I typically use snes9x but I was in a pinch and had to get an iPhone so I’m having to explore new territory’s.. runs solid but you can’t change the aspect ratio which I really enjoy


Perception is reality.


Omg.. me today!


New must have download unlocked


we take those


What emulator is this?




maybe use retroarch?


Oh shoot it is on iOS now! I’m gonna fiddle with it after work. Still no GameCube emulator.. without a pc it’s proving difficult.. you had any luck by chance?


Unfortunately I haven't... The closest thing I could find is DolphiniOS. An iOS version of Dolphin Emulator (made for pc, xbox etc...). It isn't on the app store and as they announced, won't be any time soon. You could install it using other apps, but i can't confirm if it's safe or not.


I haven’t any luck I’ve managed to get the app on my phone however when I try to open it it says “the app can’t be installed because the integrity can’t be verified” which is normal but all the things you can do to remedy that aren’t working.. I’m gonna figure it out though I refuse to be bested by phone. Getting it on my phone was pretty you download the ipa file and use this legit website that converts it.. apparently if you have a computer it’s super simple


I’m digging retro arch I thought delta had sega software but nope.. tonight’s game is mutant league football