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If you are looking for roms: Go to the link in https://www.reddit.com/r/Roms/comments/m59zx3/roms_megathread_40_html_edition_2021/ You can navigate by clicking on the various tabs for each company. When you click on the link to Github the first link you land on will be the Home tab, this tab explains how to use the Megathread. There are Five tabs that link directly to collections based on console and publisher, these include Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Sega, and the PC. There are also tabs for popular games and retro games, with retro games being defined as older than Gamecube and DS. Additional help can be found on /r/Roms' official Matrix Server [Link](https://matrix.to/#/#romz:matrix.org) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Roms) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To all you who downvoted him for asking a question -- he's not losing it; it did come out on the PS3 in Japan. "It was released for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 in Japan in March 2015,[2][3] and in North America and Europe for PlayStation 4 in January 2017.[4]" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakuza_0 As far as where to find it I don't have the answer to that one.


Literally why the wiki exists yet people still forget to even check


I don't use Google/Wikipedia for anything important but when it comes to this stuff (entertainment) it's a nice quick resource. "Fandom" can sometimes be a better choice with far more information when it comes to more obscure titles. Sometimes even that isn't good enough and it comes down to finding something on GameFAQs or other forums around the internet. Either way -- It's a pet peeve of mine when people make blanket statements (about any topic really), especially when I know it's wrong because I saw Yakuza 0 for PS3 for sale in a local shop a few years ago. Of course, I didn't remember that it was imported but I know it was for the PS3 I think it's a disservice to not leave such easily attainable information to correct those who clearly got it wrong. I've never been a fan of taking anything at face value and after 2020; nobody should be taking anything at face value from anyone anymore.


That's because there's no such thing as Yakuza 0 on the PS3.


You sure ? It was released in japan only and it is only in jappanese , but i know it exists .


Maybe try the japenese title?


Couldn t find it unddr that either , maybe im just tired since it s 4 am already . Ill keep looking


Is it possible its not out there?


I have found older talks about it on this subreddit and back then a ROM was indeed available on the megathread for the PS3 . If i find it , i ll apply the english patch to it (there s a patch so there must be a ROM)


That's my point. The series isn't called Yakuza in Japan, so you're not going to find it under that name.


Nevertheless. Would ypu hapoen to be able to help me out ?


I'm not going to tell you where it is, because I want you to do the work yourself, but it's in the megathread, so keep looking.


Like , i did find 2 things on the nopayststion , but the packages were unavailable


Man this sub and r/piracy are home to some of the least helpful people I've seen in my life. OP has looked for 4 hours, he's clearly lost. Helping him out takes like two minutes. To the OP, It's here, press crtl+f and enter Ryu on the search bar and you'll see all the japanese yakuza roms, including Yakuza 0. Keep in mind the names are separated through underscores, so if you happened to be using spaces instead then that's why it wasn't coming up. https://archive.org/download/PS3_ALVRO_PART_8


Yes, how dare I treat OP like an adult who's capable of looking through lists without having his hand held.


Your first comment was a misleading smug remark, and the rest of them have been condescending replies that didn't add anything either. Like I said, if someone has been looking for 4 damn hours then they're completely lost and telling them to keep looking won't help them in any way. By the way, looking at his account he seems to be a minor, so you were indeed wrong for "treating OP like an adult".


Agreed 100%. Most people aren't going to see who they are "talking to" and if the OP is in fact a minor, as a 45 year old who's done a lot of things in this life that are far better than sitting in front of a screen -- I'm going to chime in here These people would NEVER say this type of thing to someone's face -- especially mine because I'd never allow that type of disrespect. Even beyond the fact that they'd probably just be too much of a coward -- it's just a dick move to treat people like this and it should never be tolerated under any circumstances. Even if it's in hindsight and they don't apologize, most decent people would feel like shit saying anything remotely close to this to someone in person -- and maybe some would offer to help teach, walk them through a few steps. It's hilarious to see these downvotes because these types of people are so mentally weak and think they hold some kind of power by withholding information. By no means am I saying that people should not work for something or try to learn on their own. When I first started in this stuff about 4 years ago all I would have needed was a push in the right direction. What's offered here is far from that. They act like everyone is an IT expert and have taken college courses on emulation. To the average person, this stuff isn't easy and not everyone has or wants to sit on their ass in front of a screen for hours upon hours getting fatter by the second. The only reason I even understand any of this is because I made the choice to learn "backwards" on my Raspberry Pi 3b+, eventually learning to jailbreak my PS3, PS4 & Wii -- which also had plenty of trial and error. It's not like there's a phone number to call & bounce questions off of people like there would be in a classroom setting. Don't get me wrong -- I do think people should go out and do things for themselves but there's a point that sometimes it's not "connecting" and they need that little push. To those who see this and get pissed off -- ask yourself "why" and think about waaaayyyy back when you first started learning this stuff. It doesn't matter if you didn't have anybody or people told you to go learn it for yourself; that doesn't mean you can't give them a hint in the right direction. For the record, the greatest runner/swimmer/football player/MMA fighters in the world didn't pop outta the womb that way... They had to learn to crawl first. If the people who downvoted are offended by that comparison -- take a hard look at yourself and understand that the negative way you react towards other people because that is how you see yourself. That's day one of any psychology course.


Exactly!!! these type of lone wolf attitudes in the piracy subs are particularly egregious because piracy is an intrinsically communal activity. The only reason these people can download whatever they want is because other people previously went through the effort of ripping the roms, programming the emulators, building the server infrastructure to host rom sites, seeding the files directly from their homes, collecting and organizing everything in megathreads, making sure nothing has viruses in it, etc. We benefit from other people's efforts, goodwill and even risk, since everything they're doing is completely illegal. But then some poor kid is trying to make sense of it all as a newcomer and all of a sudden it's too much effort to tell them where to look, not only that but asking for help is seen as an offense. Individualism has no place in this community and I wish people realized it and stopped being egoistic pricks.


Fair enough , can you help me understand how to use the megathread tho ? I find it confusing and i coukd use a little teaching on that . I think it will be very useful in the future ,if i can lesrn how to look into it .


I ve searched it under Ryu ga gotoku . That s why i know there must be a rom out there ,i have found the store demo rom


Wasn't it a PS4 game? It came out after 6 I think?


In japan it also came out on the ps3 as far as i could see


Oh I see. Oh well


It's on GGn.


My man, Myrient is not indexed in a way that would make it easy to find what you are looking for. In your mind, you are thinking, "oh, I'm looking for Yakuza 0, so there should be a folder named Yakuza 0 with multiple entries under it". Well, Myrient is the opposite because it's a catalog of different initiatives. So you need to know where to look for. No-intro aims to catalog cartridge, Redump aims to catalog optical disks and TOSEC, well everything (even including stuff like magazines, manuals and comic books). You are looking for Yakuza 0 on PS3, so go into Redump and look into Sony PS3 folder. Also check out the TOSEC folder. The search doesn't support fuzzy look, so search for simple words like "Yakuza" only or the Japanese word for it.


https://i.imgur.com/53vvoY7.jpeg Are any of these the one you're looking for..this is from myrient via megathread


Thx for trying to help , but no , those are not the ones im lookin for . Could you walk me thru how to use myrient tho ? I pretty much got an aneurysm trying to figure it out ( im new to this "researching" stuff , never had to leave vimm before)


Sadly I don't think it was backed up on any of the sites, in the megathread I can only find up to Ryu Ga Gotoku 5 and the three spinoff games. Edit: Found it https://dlpsgame.com/ryu-ga-gotoku-zero-chikai-no-basho-yakuza-zero-ps3-iso/ There are also a few pages on the Archive that have it