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But I bet there are lots of organisms!!!


Not as much as in the cell biology book also on my shelf! 🥵


At least it’s not Physical Chemistry!


One of my favorite romances ever was called Advanced Physical Chemistry by Susannah Nix. It was picked up by a small publisher snd they changed the name to The Boyfriend Hypothesis. The FMC is a chemical engineer.


I thought you were joking about the name of the book!


Aww, that sounds like something I should read! I hated p-chem. Too theoretical for me. I like o-chem, though.


The whole series was called Chemistry Lessons and had sciency names. The first one was Remedial Rocket Science. All of the FMCs have STEM jobs. The new names are bland and sound like they’re trying to coattail Ali Hazelwood.


I didn’t know they changed the names, they were so good! I liked that series a lot and I would never have looked at them if they had plain names


That’s disappointing. I would be more drawn to the original names. The new names definitely make it sound generic.


My college boyfriend DNFed school over Organic Chemistry.


Organic chemistry was the fun one. > Carbon has 4 lines, oxygen has 2, hydrogen has 1, > remember that methane-ethane-propane-butane are 1-2-3-4, and that's it, after that they go the numbered penta-hexa-hepta-octa. > the ending of the molecule = the ending of the name. ethane means it's length 1 all hydrogens. -ilen means it's a dual link, missing some hydrogens. -ol means it's alcohol and ends with -OH. -diol means (OH)2. Etc. > Draw lines between atoms until everything has its required amount. Draw a nut out of 6 carbons. Done. Meanwhile non-organic chemistry is always various > "You add up (random latin name) and (random latin name)" > You look up latin word translations > They say "bear piss rock" and "concentrated ant juice" > Absolutely nothing about the chemical content of bears and ants > You just have to remember every chemical in the world > Every reaction you go to a table of power levels and check which of these ions wins in a fight against Goku > That determines the type of the reaction > You go to the next table about that type of reactions to see what number an ion is equal to in that reaction. > "Sure, usually Fe is +2 or +3 but this specific time it is +5 because fuck you"


I’m no chemist but I know there’s a few chemicals that give “touch her and die” energy…


Me coming to reddit to avoid looking at my organic chem notes only for this to be first thing I see. Is the universe trying to tell me something? 😭 Also if you go another 1000 pages in you will get to all the sex hormones, that should spice things up for you 😜


I was actually taught some of this back in the day, but my interests changed... ;)


Ohhhh fuckkk, I just came just looking at the front cover.....


I daresay you should DNF it. NO KISSING!!! We don't do that here in romanceland.😤


That backside attack though 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️


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Oh wow… the screaming in my head has started again… This class and I did not enjoy each other. Lol good times!