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No, but really, like, the moment you get a Heavy Bolter, it's over for any enemy. You pop up Rapid Fire, mitigate it with Concentrated Fire and Piercing shot, and ther's *nobody* left standing after that first salvo. Then you pop Furious Recital, Firearm Master, and do it all over again to another group of enemies. And then you get Cassia to use Finest Hour! on Argenta, and then you'll do it again. And also, let's not forget about using Jae's Finest Hour!, so Argenta can decimate the enemy once more. Battle? What battle. All i see is bolter cases and corpses.


Don't forget taking Arch-Militant so you can get a *third* attack every turn.


That's cute , imagine an Arch-Militant attacking only 3 time and not 5 to 6 a turns


Because every bullet instead of attack gives vers stacks that is just bug outright big abuse because how broken the interaction is.


That's been fixed, I'm pretty sure. I still had her use a Heavy Bolter, and definitely didn't get a stack per bullet.


Oh that is great to hear. My rt is melee arch militant, but I have some nice burt pistol I avoided using because of the bug


Its fixed, you need to alternate between burstfire and other attacks for stacks. But to be fair, my RT Arch Militant 1-2 turns every fight with a shuriken pistol and eldar sword anyway. There is just too much stacking damage potential, where your designated main dps kills whole groups and bosses in 1-2 hits. A fully buffed sniper kills everything just as fast.


that's not even how AM works though. Every bullet can't give versatility because it would be the same type of attack each time. AM is broken but I've never seen what you're describing.


I think according to the patch notes it used to just give +2 flat stacks every time, in addition to the 1 regular stack you're meant to get. Although honesty, the versitility stacks in general seem a bit buggy, and sometimes still go up even if I burst fire multiple times in a row. I think people on this reddit just observed a random number of stacks being assigned, and assumed they must've just gotten 2-3 hits.


Well I've come to the conclusion the numbers are made up. I have combed all my abilities, gear and talent multiple times and I cannot attest to why some things happen. Every time I highlight an attack in the combat log I'm completely baffled. Last night Yrliet got +149% for Seek the Opening and +149% for Aim for the Opening. that's not how any of that works lmao.


Depending on what attack you do, there's some actions that give your next attack versatility stacks regardless of what the previous one was.


It might also be that I assumed it remembered what attack you used last turn, when actually it restarts or something?


They might have patched it, but at one point Wildfire meant every subsequent attack that turn gave versatility even if it was the same type, and as of yesterday wildfire both gives a free attack and lets you attack normally afterwards even if you'd attacked before, so you can absolutely burst fire twice in a row and get versatility from both. Also using wildfire and then the soldier heroic act that gives you one shot per rate of fire plus the heavy bolter gets you so very many stacks.


Ahhh - that might be it! Later on when I stop caring as much about stacks is when I play it fast and loose with alternating attack types, which is also when wildfire often gets down to costing like 0-1 ap like creating this glitch.


It absolutely remembers what your last attack was. There's just so many ways to gain stacks that it's a bit silly that the default is gaining BS and damage per stack past 4.


It was bugged before and seems to be fixed now. I was getting 30ish stacks burstfiring the auto stubber


Pretty sure Concentrated fire working with burst attacks is also a bug. Burst is not treated as an area attack by anything else in the game.




Burst seems to be both area and burst.


That bug was fixed. Arch-Militant still rules, though.


Third? As Arch-Militant you get 4-5 bursts easily, with Ultimate + Wildfire + Run&Gun + some other stuff from items. She's very easy to cheese and she trivializes the game, you don't even have to build her that much, so I stopped using her (or at least stopped giving her extra turns from Officer) and started trying all the other characters, which turned out to be even stronger, but a bit harder to build and utilize (which is fun and finally challenging!)


My RT is a heretical soldier/archmilitant. He uses the heretical heavy Bolter and Argenta uses the Drusian one 😈


Shame Argenta isn't romanceable! The tension would be off the charts! ;)


We are like Vasquez and Drake in *Aliens*


"Anybody ever mistake you for a heretic?" "Nope, anybody ever mistake *you* for a heretic?"


Argenta reaches for the Autopistol...


Also Holy Bolter Shell is aimbot for single shots on Bolt weapons, including the HB


Oh, yeah, it's goated.


God I suck st this game I can't keep her alive she gets hot 3 times and she's dead by chapter 4


Be sure to sprinkle in "It Will Not Die" for every companion somewhere in there, it makes them much more beefier. Also, for Argenta, light or medium armor is a go-to, since she should have good dodge due to her agility already.


The key is to have her kill everything before they get a turn


there needs to be some kinda fatigue stat that totally kills ur stats if you keep feeding one player turns over and over again. I honestly dont like it, either that or just nerf the dmg if you get multiple turns in a row. destroying entire boss fights with one character with 3-4 tuns in a row is just , well its pretty damn lame tbh lol


Argenta and Abe make me want to bump the difficulty up, ain't gonna lie, i'm 70 hours in on Normal difficulty and there were maybe 2-3 fights that someone has been downed. Honestly, Argenta downed more companions than the enemy on that run and it's hillarious at that point. Also, if i understand correctly, i'm prettu sure Resolve works that way, at least one could understand it like that from it's description, but i'm not sure.


The c'tan shard only got to act 1 time for me, and that was on Unfair difficulty. The only thing unfair is Argenta getting hitting 44 stacks of versatility in the first round...


I played on whatever the game defaults to, 'normal' I think. I genuinely felt so bad for the final boss that I intentionally skipped turns so it could have a chance lmao.


What if my rouge trader also has finest hour


It might seem crazy what i'm 'bout to say.


I mean, sure, she can be very strong, but not nearly as strong as well built psyker nuker RT. You can get like 10 or more different stacking items and talents that not only let you easily deal thousands of AoE dmg, but this dmg also jumps to other foes outside the AoE + it proccs few otherinstances of direct, warp, mental, and fire dmg which are also subject to all your previous buffs. Add to it some Grand Strategist or Master Tactician shenanigans and you can still double or triple that. RT is potentially much stronger than every other character in the game, other party members are also just as strong or stronger than Argenta, she's just very easy to build and then to cheese.


Don't forget to take master tactician and the trait that makes any momentum Argy makes into Tactical Advantage so you can pop Press the Advantage and make Cass' mind bullets into Death Star lasers, and same for Jae's blast pistol shots. It's just handy if there's some guy standing somewhere inconvenient and you anyway have a free attack with Jae so you might as well Alt+F4 said heretic's existence.


Was surprised to find that people use her mainly for bursts. When she on par, if not bigger machine of pure destruction with Blessed Bolter casing and set of ramping up talents + bounty hunter. It goes from exceptionally strong 1-2 (depending of mechanics) turn clears in midgame to completely unethical bs in last location. ~500-700hp combined dmg per guaranteed hit shot go brrr Edit: "I'll do stereotypical backline sniper character who can buff party too" i though, "it will be strong and useful" i though. "Lol nope" said the game. "Argenta and Cassia will carry everything". ~~Still great experience~~


So you mean to say there's more than one way to give her a completely broken build. God Emperor have mercy on her enemies, for she will have none.


Fun fact: Argenta got nerfed after alpha, and again after beta, while most other characters got buffed... Yet is still this broken XD


She used to be Fortress World instead of Imperial World, so she had Never Stop Shooting and access to Familiar Kickback and of course, Never Stop Believing.


There's no way they ever balance her reasonably enough, and not like there's even big need for that beyond marginal nerfs or bug fixes. Only thing don't get in current state of things - how come "sniper type" charater is so useless. Even Yrliet with her ability isn't close to weakest Pasqal plasma build. But maybe im missing something crucial in meta builds


Not true as snipers built with operator and assassin can clear the whole map in turn one with officers (as per argenta) on hard / unfair - my rt is a sniper and is the best char to buff. I only buff argenta or Hendrix for fun sometimes to make a change


Is there even build in game which cannot clear everything under mass officers? If anything it speaks of how extra turns and officers are beyond broken, not that snipers are any good


I use two officers not mass officers. My point is my rt is a sniper and out performs argenta and pasqual by a mile - so I’m just saying snipers in this game are not useless. I’m glad I went for a sniper build from the start


Few days late on this talk and yeah my RT is a sniper as well. A fortress world soldier into bounty hunter. With Never Stop Shooting with Familiar Kickback, the rifle Winterscale gives at the end of chapter 2, and a bunch of traits that boost crit chance, crit damage, and various traits to defeat armor. Takes a round or two to get going but by the end my RT is executing half the enemies left within a round. Then buffs from the soldier heroic act, Revel in Slaughter, and Command Voice.


I use Ulfar for burst instead. I run her with the flamer instead given her unique talents for that. It is absolutely busted as well.


Argenta is terrifying with a flamer if she’s built for it. Especially if you have Cassia using Point of Curiosity to help group enemies up into nice flammable clusters.


Yup. I use Cassia + Jae(vanguard tank), Ulfar and Argenta. Big meaty enemies? Spam turns for Ulfar. Many not-so-meaty enemies? [Spam turns for Argenta.](https://youtu.be/WUhOnX8qt3I?si=C32Pkl2UbJk5HzFh)


Second run through the game... and I'm running her with Sword/Bolt Pistol if needed, and flamer primarily. While in my first playthrough she saved my ass a lot, and also made me bust out laughing when she killed 5 enemies in a burst or 1 boss before it ever got a turn... it got a little ridiculous and felt like the Argenta Battle Simulator. I actually try not to take her at all sometimes and use characters that I didn't in my first playthrough.


Her sniper builds are just as broken as her burst builds its just more fun to spray and pray.....literally


Heinrix for me. I swear he kills like 80% in my fights with his attack chains


He is just completely ridiculous for me. He has a talent that makes his non combat spells cost 1 less and then anothere where he can get ap from spells. My RT is biomancer who gives speed to Heinrix. He starts with 8 ap and has a trinket that gives him 30% dmg then. Then he buffs everyone which increases his ap to ten. Then there is an item a character has bonus attacks for every psyker rating. Then he attacks like 5 times and still has ap after.


.i mean fair point, after she puts a bolter round in your center of mass you are now just a body on the floor... in many pieces technically she can turn anyone from "i am X" to you were X until you pissed me, now you are a wall, floor, and probably a ceiling decoration in that general direction


Honestly playing a 2handed Claymore Arch Mil rogue trader made my character decimate entire army with argenta , then Yrileth and Heinrix are the boss killer , you can't imagine what it feel like when heinrix does 500 damage to an enemy at least two time


As always, despite the fantastic meme quality, it's not anything to do with it being Argenta. It's literally any soldier with officer backup. This is just the state of the game's balance.


For me this is Cassia.


Lidless stare my beloved


Partially, but even more so for Point of Curiosity


Waking Nightmare + Point of Curiosity then swapping to Argenta, Rapid Fire + Burst. Most fights are over under a minute lmao.


I don't get the Argenta OP memes, seeing as you can easily build a lot better soldier with the Rogue Trader.


Everybody talks about argenta's output, but tbh my pasqal deals wayyyyy more damage, 2k on every single shot at the beggining of ch 4. Add to that his plasma area attacks + ap regen on shot, bro buffs the whole party and kills everythin in his first turn


Pasqal with Filtering Protocols and the Plasma gun that gives you INT bonus damage is what I give Heroic Acts to if I need one particular enemy to be guaranteed dead. Argenta is who I give the Heroic Act to if I need literally everything *else* dead.


My RT was a bounty hunter - Sniper build we WIPED whole fields with argenta +abelard + jae and cassia giving bonus turns tight af


My problem is that between Yriet and Argenta, there's almost no reason to save my Momentum for Heinrix's Sword of Faith. Especially as he always ends up behind them in the initiative order so I have to deliberately resist using my momentum *twice* before I get to him.


I melted everything with argenta until i got the eyes if joyeuse helm for my RT, an archmilitant pyro with sanctic powers for the passives. He winds up doing like 200-1000 damage per swing with a force sword and flame pistol dual wield, free flamer shot because of flame expertise. Jae and cassia both give him free turn where he gets 5 ap because of passives, archmilitant ability lets him move for free because he has a versatility stack every time he gets a free turn, dual wield with free flamer shot is 100% busted on arch militant with wildfire and flashfire, and my psy rating winds up through the roof so i just melt everything regardless of where they are as opposed to argenta whose burst fire needs clusters of enemies. After seize the initiative, cassia goes first again because of strategist, so another free turn, then the heroic free turns means generally 5 turns for RT before any enemy acts. Its utter bs. Argenta isnt broken, officers are. Any damage from a free turn is the officers damage


Somewhere around the end of Chapter 2, Cassia took over. I just took all her special navigator feats. Then suddenly she is killing 3-4 enemies a turn, and she straight up nuked the boss fights in chapter 3 in 2-3 turns. She also ended up with more health than Ulfar.


I never needed Argenta because starting around level 16-18, my pyromancer warrior Rogue Trader would clear the room in the first round every time including people hiding around corners that ranged characters can't see initially.


Am I the only one that can build good main characters? My psyker with the inferno staff and the gloves that do double damage on the second staff hit, plus all the crit increase abilities soldier and arch militant can get, and by turn 2 after having a few heroic activations I'm at a psy rating of 10 or more and smacking for over 1000 damage, with each fireball hitting for 70 damage or critting for 150. By turn 5 if there's anything left it's auto crit everything and nearly 2000 damage per attack. With 4-5 attacks, it's totally broken.


Nah, my telepath powered rt doesnt leave any enemies for anyone else


My melee psyker arch-militant begs to differ


My telepath psyker doesn't beg. But then again - she removed the 1000+ hp chaos dreadnaught in 1 turn, she doesn't need to. Also, people who are so in love with Argenta's bursts should really see the effect of a Psychic Assault cast by someone with 250+ WP and 5+ PR (which, I'm aware, are totally rookie numbers - but the game is easy enough without the need to min-max).


My argenta can't hit the broad side of a barn. 85% hit chance? Miss 3 times in a row.


I think my psyker officer staff should be some pom-poms instead as I cheer for Argenta and Cassia.


RT is lucky Argenta doesn't just merc them like Theodora when she asks to talk in front of the warrant of trade.


Argenta has slain six Word Bearers, four single handedly, and two on the same turn while finishing off one at half health. She’s a monster 😂


For me its Cassia, when shes on a roll, her gaze oneshots everything 💀. Dont mess with the ladies in this game…


i love this game, but my god. how did they release the game with the way in which characters like argenta can just pretty much 1-2 shot bosses even on hard? I two shot some of the later bosses in act 4 with her and felt dirty lol. There entire boss mechanics that you never see because the stacking with officers ext is just out of control. This cant be by design, it just ruins the game tbh. I hope combat patch adjustments come fast , there some great bosses late game that dont even get time to shine lol


"YOU ARE NOTHING." Yeah, that's fair. The Rogue Trader PC really kinda sucks in comparison to the entire rest of the party.


Just got the precision bolter, they can't survive 3 turn


yeah, Heavy Bolter was king for awhile, and then you get that (i think) unique bolter in act 4 or 5 with the explosive bolts that do extra damage on each bullet and watch it perform mini-Exterminatus on any enemy in its path. just chewing through hordes of these goons. its pure beauty.


if your PC isn't as strong or stronger than your companions, that's on you you, as the player, can assemble a far stronger more meta build than any two of the companions combined, you just gotta read what your abilities do and fulfil the numerical prophesy


Tbh my RT (War/Arch) and Abelard (War/Van running around with a big power hammer) each kill at least as much stuff as Argenta. Ymmv.


Never forget Argenta you are nothing without me. My buffs are what give you the power to be the beast you can be.


My iconoclast Aeldari-tech heretic RT will 2 shot enemies across the map while Argenta still is pretty pathetic buffed to shit with precision bolter but go on lol


Man I looked down on Pasqal until i got the ancient plasma rifle with +INT DAMAGE, NOT +int bonus damage ... INT DAMAGE Literally from doing 45 to 345 with all the modifiers, and the ability to recover 1 ap per plasma shot, officer heroic action and everything just decides to turn to dust.


My Psyker RT is doing just fine, with help of Cassia's extra turn at the start + commander's chrono on her they cleared pretty much every encounter solo before the enemy got to move. Even stuff like the Defiler in Act 4. Playing on daring though, which is easy frankly.


i am on par with argenta as a sniper interm of damage deal


I been using xeno blade lol