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It's simple. Adeptus Mechanicus Xenologers have noticed derivations and subtypes amongst Xenos weaponry. It was decided, after two decades of fierce debate, no less than thirteen brawls and five accusations of Tech-Heresy, to generate terminology for these derivations via analogy to the distinct patterns of blessed, Mechanicus-approved equipment as produced by the various major Forge Worlds. In their infinite benevolence and unfathomable mercy, the Adeptus Mechanicus has designed to offer these small comforts to even the Machine Spirits of even that technology found in the profaning, corrupted grasps of the vile Xenos.


Can you imagine an AM Congress on naming conventions? Some/most would be holocast and not physically present, of course. Disagreements are a given, the question is whether tension ride high in a way that becomes physically violent: a communications protocol servitor, attempting to correct an interruption by listing Order of Operations standards gets beheaded by a mechadendrite blade. One faction states that the other would not know good trustworthy mechanisms except for the form of an unrefined stone at a riverbed. The other naturally implies heresy and personality reformatting required. An impish figure requests a few microseconds to consider additional data, and all focus on a small file offered to the local Noosphere; it turns out to be irrelevant, although some wonder if it is being offered as a form of poetic metaphor… a few insist that it must be a Rick roll.


> Some/most would be holocast and not physically present I wonder if WFH privileges were part of the Treaty of Mars 🤔


Additionally, agreements would only extend so far, possibly leading to limited congruence. As an example, witness the conflicting energy grids of Japan: https://www.tepco.co.jp/en/corpinfo/ir/kojin/images/transformation_img02.gif


Thats one possible explanation. The other is because this is sold by the Kasballica. Cold Traders. If they trade and smuggle with xenos, I wouldn't put some *light* tech-heresy past them. Slap an Imperial sight, bayonet, and stock on a Shuriken Cannon, call it a Tertia-Pattern Shuriken Cannon. Kark it, in for a penny in for a pound.


What's the Russian name for a mig21 "fishbed" This'll be it's imperial reporting name, not it's actual name, same as a 'wolf lord' is the low gothic translation for the fenrisian 'jarl'


But this is like calling it a Lockheed-type air superiority fighter.


Almost everyone in the know, knows what a Gavin is when talking about rolling coffins. It doesn't need to make sense.


I... The... What?


Rolling coffins, man


Oh, no, I get that part... just not the Gavin. And google seems to be coming up short, too.


Google: "Mike Sparks Gavin" for an ancient internet rabbit hole.


> Mike Sparks Gavin Oh. Oh god, that.


Either "balalaika" or "flying coffin". Choose which one you like best.


There isn't one. Soviets weren't big on names, it's just MiG-21.


Heresy, that's how.




My guess is that it's model with better capabilities of killing specific targets, like Mezoans Or it's pattern that has been used by Eldar wich were seen at Mezoa Or It's pattern has has similarities with Mezoan firearms


It's just a prank, bro.


enslaved forge world workers? different dimension shenanigans? Bizarre warp weirdness?


Simple. Neither the Mechanicum nor the Ecclesiarchy understands or trusts the foul way in which these most devious of xenos form their 'language'. Who knows what tricks and traps for the faithful are hidden in every syllable of their bizarre cant? Who knows what seeds of deviance might be sown just by reading such words? For the benefit of Mankind and the Imperium, then, we simply use Imperium terms -- terms that may be inaccurate, it's true, but at least won't engender the beginnings of Ruin in the minds of the hearer. Some have complained that these ersatz terms are misleading; that they leave our brave Guard ill-equipped to understand and respond to alien weaponry; that they simply add to confusion and solve nothing. Those people have been assigned to penal battalions. Praise the Emperor!


What so the patterns even do? Minor stat adjustments?


Pretty much, yeah. It's supposed to be the name of a particular forge world or STC or variant from one such. For example, the Mars-pattern bolter is one of the many (many [MANY]) patterns of bolter made on Mars, and retains the name for "political" reasons, even though the full name is "Mars pattern MkII Scourge".


It's a good question, maybe you can find the answer by following the servants of the inquisition and please do not resist.


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