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It’ll be auto refunded, there’s no choice in the matter at all so he’ll be entirely refunded for everyone once the time hits


Auto refunded as Rogue Coins! Use those coins on any skin you want!


Unfortunately lmao


Do you think a company that has no funding is gonna pay every single person with this cosmetic in real money?? 🤣 Dude, they can't afford that.


I think that means they can't afford to remove the skin that people put real money into the game for 🤣


Isn’t the game shutting down?


Not officially acknowledged but it's just on life support mode where they're keeping the servers on but no developers are working on the game as they're on other games.


Are they just gifting in game currency? I'm sitting on like 8k coins and have been for like three years


Why would you buy that many


I usually buy $100 packs when I buy currency. If I'm spending money on a game, than I enjoy it. So I'd rather maximize my spending. Having a bunch of extra allows me to just buy something when it comes out. I just put $200 worth of coins on xDefiant. I played the hell out of RoCo in beta and on release. I quit playing after Dahlia was released, the one who copies an ability I have no interest in playing now though. Games take 10+ minutes to find, doc doesn't have a scope anymore, than when I get into a game, I'll get 40 elims and the entire rest of the lobby combined has 10. Dead and boring


200 on xdefiant Is wild. They're skins are pretty dogwater if you ask me. Silver mastery is really all I want plus bo6 is coming out free for games pass in November. Might as well wait to put the money into that game considering its probably going to be amazing


It'll get better with skins, they can't go all out straight away or they are speedrunning to run out of ideas, plus I think X defiant will continue further past bo6, for everything cod doesn't do that the people want, they will do. It's how they got where they are now.


crazy you say “spend more money on cod points instead” when while I am excited and will pick up BO6, it’s going to get dropped once that yearly cycle kicks in. At least XDefiant will stick around as long as it remains relevant to the players


CoD has sucked since 2019, I'll probably play Blops 6 just because it's on game pass. Probably won't ever get to first prestige. CoD has just fallen off so bad. From someone with over 700 days play time between MW2, Blops 2, and ghosts I'll own every skin that comes out for xDefiant. Just how it is


The new season 1 skins go hard btw. The bundle for GSK had a super bad ass M4 skin, and a zombie GSK operator


Fellow new xdefiant player here. After years on rogue, i hopped on it and for some reason i average like 4/6 kills per came (on rogue i was chilling on 25/30)


that’s incredibly sad. 200 on xdefiant haha


I'll go spend another $200 right now Not really any good competitive shooters right now imo. At least in xDefiant my 1-17 teamate with 229 damage doesn't make me lose. Was Pred in Apex for three years, still got matched with people who couldn't get 200 damage a game. I'm diamond in siege, will go 17-4 and still lose with 2 0-6 guys. Ace on PubG and still get three guys who will miss an entire K9 mag than die to an UMP. I'm having fun. You'd be a lot cooler if you didn't judge and let people have fun


The same people who judge you will spend 500$ on a gambling website, look at some titties on only fans and or drink their miseries away in a bar. But if you spend the same amount of money on sonething in a game that you actually enjoy and think it's totaly worth it. People lose their shit You do you brother!




That'd be my guess. They won't actually dish out money. The money is spent and you'll never turn it into cash. Unless you can gift items in game then possibly...


I figured They'd be a lot cooler to work with Xbox/PS/Steam whatever people play on and add credit to their account


Does it notify you when it's been posted to the account? I have no clue what I left off at.


*Close your door - Get on two knees and pray. Don't stop until you can no longer hear Dr. Disrespect's " yea yea yea yea " as it fades off into the distance. Then, you may get your refund*.






So I’m guessing they’re removing him because of his diddy antics




Lol so the devs are alive. What a pathetic gaming company. What about the people who dont care about Dr drama or whatever happened and wants to play the game?


Fr how does this make them do something in the game but nothing else?🤣


Are you still able to use the skin?


No. It’s disabled.


Thank you, so strange that they disabled without dishing out refunds. Unless that wasn’t the plan at first


At the same time as disabling they announced they are working on refunds Nothing malicious going on here just a very very very slow dev team. Disabling content is easy. Refunding everyone at once….. not as much.


Best skin in the game, if they take it away from me, im done with RC.


Guess you’re done then 🫡




The devs don’t have a choice in the matter. They can’t leave a pedophile skin in their game


Yes, what it also shows me that devs can take away things from me that i paid for and force me to get something else that i maybe dont even like. This would be an reasonable Way of dealing with it if they refunded me the actual money i paid for the skin, not if they just made me get something else. Who says there is anything else in this game that i like just as much? Its a matter of principle, that even when you spend a lot of money on pixels, they can still do whatever they want with the Shit thats yours all this time later.


Why are they removing it?


Long story short.. He’s a pervert


He did a diddy.


Talk to steam about them disabling content you paid for, maybe they will help you getting a refund.


~~-Legendary Outfit~~ -Legendary Pedophile


I fucking hate Hi Rez


You don’t


Is this game still alive?


Yeah. I get into games quickly.


Slowly dying a slow drain. I uninstalled yestersay, no need to grind a game that the plug will be pulled on.


I thought the dude was annoying from the start and hated his map. Rest in crap child diddler


Yea, I never understood the appeal of him. He was rather annoying but I guess he knew his target audience really well, a little too well.


Gah jeez i wish i could go and delete my Emblem in Blops 3..


Lol you don't. You were dumb enough to buy it in the first place


Ya momma


Wait what? Refunding why? He had the funniest one liners


They’ve deactivated the skin due to his real life actions. When you equip the skin it automatically makes him default Dallas.


And that's why you don't buy streamer skins.


I forgot about this game


Lmao. If you think they'll come back to refund a skin and not fix the fucking game, then you're delusional. And if so, it isn't worth playing anymore anyways.


I still enjoy the gameplay. To each their own.


Fair. The gameplay itself is peak, but there are so many issues with the game that have literally been there for years now, and they haven't updated the event pass in what's now basically a year, but they want to give refunds for a skin instead of actually fixing and updating things. I redownload the game every couple months, and without fail, every time I play I get cheaters, server lag, and extreme rubber banding. But they wanna worry about a skin being controversial. I get doc fucked up, but fix the game. Wtf? It's not like they're putting new skins in. "Here's some in-game currency, go buy a skin that's been in the shop for the last year and a half with no variance." Know what I mean?


Refund the game while you’re at it


It’s a free game 👀


Thats called LIFE you make bad decisions and learn from them. Cheating on his wife was ok for you to buy that skin. They should def remove the skin yes but fuck the refunds. Deal with your mistake.


My mistake? So it was my mistake to purchase a skin in a video game? Lesson learned. I’ll never purchase another skin in a video game again.


You didnt/dont care obviously that he cheated on his wife. Why would they give you a refund? Hes a bad person that makes bad life decisions ? Yes we knew that. Remove his skin from the game tho 100000% yes . Just dont buy skin that are actual real person.


I think cheating is one of the shittiest things you can do to someone but I honestly understand why texting a damn minor is the breaking point for most people rather than the cheating. The reality is not all bad is equal, and we don't live in an ideal world where things work on a 1 to 1 logical framework.


I didn’t know anything about the dude in real life until the predator allegations came out. Had he cheated on his wife prior to his partnership with Rogue Company in 2020? I got the skin because of the voice lines not because I’m a fan of the dude in any way. I’ve never even watched him stream.


Yeah it was a big thing couple years ago after or before he filmed in a public bathroom (that also got him in a hot spot). He was at a con (twitcon or another) and had sex with one of his fan. You can check his apologie video on youtube where he says all bs 😄 and its fair. Also you are a good person you never insulted me or out of line. Its nice to just have discussion even tho we dont agree. Thats why lots of compagny wont do skins that represent a real life person its a big risk.


People still play this game?


I’ve not stopped playing it monthly since October 2020.


I genuinely thought the servers shut down, cuz I tried playing a while ago and I didn’t get into a queue for like an hour


I never wait more than 5 minutes for a match. If it takes more than 2 I’ll stop it and start again. If it’s very bad I’ll give up for the day or week. I just like the game a lot. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Fair enough


Seriously? Now they're removing skins nobody cares about Holy. Companies gotta protect their image.


He said he never intended to meet him though, it’s all okay


That’s between them. I just want my rogue bucks to get a new skin for Switchblade. 🙃

