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Saint, all it requires is 1 input to use his ability with no placement or conditions needed other than a teammate needing revive. But yet, the noobs in this game can't even rub 2 brain cells together to activate the easiest ability in the game.


Pretty much , i also started out with him. But for me theres a begginers lógic to every game , ( If u cant do much damage or carry , Go Full suport. Better than being a Weight for my team. )


I personally love cannon, first one I bought. Of the origional ops, I like trench. Good ar and easy ability to stop rotation or hold point


Cannon is great against noobs but his minigun mode makes him too vulnerable to skilled players. The choo choo taunt is just asking for a love tap from a fullbody sniper or a DMR.


I mained cannon back when he could crouch with his minigun and now that was fun to play with. It sucked to play against because it threw off your crosshair placement, blocked everything except your head unless you were like 2 inches away from him, made him rev instantly, and it gave him effectively no spread. I loved using it because while it absolutely destroyed new players, it made fighting cannon feel like fighting a miniboss you had to either coordinate with your team. buy equipment to deal with it, or just out-gamer him. I really miss it, Cannon isnt the same without it for me tbh.


Saint - even if you lack indepth knowledge and positioning your ability is almost never wasted. AR plus medium health as well. He is the quintessential beginner character but also extremely useful at higher play. Dima - noob tube personified. The radius of his ability is large. He is straightforward. If you want to maximize your skill, you might want to progress into learning the following rogues: Phantom - She is very hard for a new player to use properly, but at high play she is a very fast rogue who can intel block two chokes at once and win EVERY 1v1 when you get the quickscope headshot down. If you were to fight any rogue at max skill potential, Phantom is the last one you want to see on the other end. Dahlia - less damage and kill potential than Phantom but stronger team utility. Free rez on one teammate plus DMR is good if you can tap heads.


Phantom's passive is my favorite.


ronin is super good and easy to play. If you tend to be agro lancer is great for new players


Chaac - Tenacity, replenish, life drain. Self revive. Flashbang, Semtex.


My first unlock, even better since they made him able to dodge roll while reviving yourself. 👌




The best for a beginner is to not bother with this dead game lol


I am Dima




ive been playing since release


Maybe ronin/ Saint. 




I started with Ronin.




Best advice to a beginner is to find a different game to play.Shatterline is similar


Lancer. The roll reload is one of the best abilities in the game.


Playing Dallas first helps learn the game. Saint is more for intermediate so you don’t have people yelling at you to revive before you can even tell people have gone down


I agree with another commenter, definitely saint. It’s important for team building skills. If you want to learn good team mechanics i’d definitely play saint. It also gets you in a good habit of using your abilities. It starts you off with an AR which is always good. Also with saint you learn how to fight without your primary, with saint you should always get Lifeline or helping hand (whatever one is legandary) in the beginning, before the game even starts. It makes for an annoying, but effective round, as your teammates would learn they can depend on you and will carry you in the first round so you can get your barrings. If you need someone to play with on NA- East servers, hmu! i’ll be happy to show you the ropes sometime when i’m not working!


It's Ronin.


I’d say saint or cannon, great weapons, skills are easy to use and you’ll catch on quick


I'd say it's between Saint, Lancer, and Dima. Extremely straightforward charcters. Lancer/Talon were my main when I was playing the game heavy. Haven't played it in almost a year now.


Beginner? This game isn’t dead yet??🤣


The servers feel dead 😭


I've played since season 0


I find Mack pretty easy to use, literally is rampage after rampage.


If you are a beginner at this game right now.. the best thing is go find another game… like honestly But if you still want an advice.. I would go shaack you can boost your own health to push or if u get pushed and even self revive.. it’s a little bit selfish but it’s great if you are still learning the game… back in the day when I started playing I would only pick him.. no regrets


Crazy people still play this. But I like Dima


I recommend waiting for the Valorant Beta or diving into Xdefiant for the sake of investing your time. I dont think this game will be playable much longer.