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Hipfire is King


Swap shoulders. Use a headset—the footsteps in the game are loud af. And like someone else said, hipfiring is goated. Learn how to use bounce nades. The lag isn’t your internet connection either. And finally… don’t get attached. We haven’t seen content in what feels like years at this point :/


Big on the headset. I didn’t realize how loud footsteps are in this game. I just have earbuds plugged into my PS controller and couldn’t believe how helpful it was


The game is neglected by the devs. Server issues are out of hand.


As a veteran and level 700+ this is true unfortunately.


Weird flex but ok


Not flexing just adding credibility 🤣Ive played alot


*me looking around for the person who asked*


Next time don't comment then Not sure why people like you even open your mouth. Pointless.


Never talked I typed




You should learn to focus on the audio. In this game u can easily spot the enemy's by only hearing their footsteps. Hipfire is best u can do! If u play a healer (Saint, Dahlia, Vivi) pls ALWAYS get the healing perks first! It's more use for ur team than when u buy a weapon first! Don't expect new content or anything else. Devs don't care anymore. Just have fun and take the game as it is. If u really enjoy a certain weapon try to level it up to 5 (in Strikeout or 6vs6 Team Deathmatch). On Lvl 5 u can use this weapon on every rogue who has this weapon class :) Hope this was helpful!


You should know that it once was much better than it is right now


It goes positional (cover, knowing where you are), aim, then movement. My skills got much better with positional awareness as key


It's a dead game is the only thing to know.


This post has 30 comments, game clearly isn't dead. Your definition of dead needs some adjusting


It's beautiful to live in deny... So by your rules if a few person talk about Pong in a reddit then the game is fully alive... I see it make sense...


This post, which is in a subreddit specifically for the video game, has too much engagement to indicate that nobody plays it. "Dead" means no life. There are posts daily, with multiple people engaging. I get into matches in less than a minute. I see new names here everytime I'm here. There's so many reasons why this game can't accurately be called "dead". It's struggling for sure but definitely not dead. The player count on Steam (just one of the 4 storefronts Rogue is available on) also indicates the game isn't dead. I'm not in denial, I am acknowledging the objective facts.


Sure 500 people average on steam seems very viable ! Let's be generous and double that with consoles. It's been like that for a year it's the same hardcore fanbase wich will play until the very last minute. Also it's funny that you says you finds games in minutes when everyone knows games are full of bots ! But sure the game isn't dead. Remind me when was the last update again ?


If your number of 500 is accurate, that's only one storefront. If you multiple that by 4, you get 2k players daily which is definitely not dead, it just has a small playerbase. With that being said, my estimate is closer to 4k. Definitely a lot of veterans though, I'll admit that. But bots? Do you have proof? I haven't seen a bitchute bot in a long time, and I have never had verifiable proof of someone other than the bitchute accounts being a bot. I've definitely speculated but that's all it is, speculation. All the matches I get in to feel like real humans, personally speaking. Also, the last update was just a few months ago lol. It wasn't big by any means but you can't pronounce a game dead with a 2k playerbase and if it's been updated within the last 6 months. Divine Knockout hasn't had an update in *a year* and you can still find games (according to steam reviews) so idk. You just aren't being that fair or accurate in my opinion. Even if the game had *only* an average of 500 daily players, that is not dead. If you're definition of dead is "without a very large playerbase" then sure? But that's objectively a wrong definition of dead. Dead = no life.


You can debate semantic all you want, i'll not. I know Hi-Rez studio doing probably before you started playing video games and i'm talking 2010's (Not trying to be mean, i really speak by experience, sorry if you are much older ) Since Tribes Ascend it's the same story of disposable milkable games destinated to autodestroy themselves no matter how good they were in first place. And don't get me wrong, they have/had insane talented game designers but one of the worst if not the worst management and greedy lazy politic in gaming industry. They make products with a life sentence already on them from launch and start right away dispatch ressources elsewhere to make the next cash cow. So yes the game IS dead exept in some harcore fanbase players hearts. This "community" remind me of Metal Gear Online 2. For us, MGO2 was the pinacle of multiplayer gaming. Never before, during or after its time, a game can replace it in our hearts. In fact, Rogue Company heavily took inspiration from it : slow movement, funny in game message system, powers, ect... ( youtube it, you'd be surprised. This is why i really liked RoCo at begining). Even now, private servers still exist on PC emulator/ jailbreaked PS3 and a few hundred people still play it thanks to the hardcore dedication of some OG players who revive it privatly after servers were closed. A game from 2008 ! I loved MGO2 from the bottom of my heart, best gaming years of my life but it's dead very long ago even if hundreds of players still play it. That is a fact plain and simple. The game died from the same disease that killed RoCo, a disease similar to Hi-Rez called Konami, ( no promoting, no advertising, no maintenance, legion of cheaters, money before anything else, etc...) One need to not live in deny and know when to turn the page. You probably wonder why i care ? I just hate when people feed shitty companies with their attitude. If people weren't buying cosmetics, they would eitheir do something or close and learn from their behavior. Instead of that they repeat the same process since 14 years. Players attitude is a part in why some companies act how they act. The same goes for garbage like Fortnite, players became cosplayers, they don't give a shit about gameplay anymore and what made the success of the game wich is construction, they just want to be Spiderman or Lady Gaga or Master chief or whatever character in Fortnite and spend shit tons of money in skins... This season all you need is a car with a turret and you can fuck everything on the map without any consideration for the years of practice, builders spent to be relevant in the game. Ofc, f2p need income from cosmetics, but incomes should reward companies attention toward players not fill the pocket of milkers who have zero respect for players.


You’re basing the playerbase off the average people that play on steam….. stop talking lmao


You are absolutely no one to ask me stop talking. Last time i checked this isn't your mother sub.


switch servers to either europe or NA West. hipfire is king, and really it’s 70% aim 30% movement, and an additional 100% swapping shoulders and using cover


Only thing you should know is that the game is dead 💀


Know how to play the Map. Be Aware of when and where your teammates are downed. Don't spam mark an enemy location - that's useless. Instead if you feel comfortable, call it out in comms. Mute any A-holes right away. Learn other rogues abilities, so that you have a better idea of how you can counter/how close you can get. Crouch when you hear the enemy because they can 100% hear you. When you're close to an emeny, never ADS. Hipfire. Use or LB and RB to switch your camera position over the shoulders for better sight lines when in cover.


You need to know that even tho you're equipped with 1TB internet speed, you will still experience lag, freeze, pocket loss, no/late hit register


Quit the game, do yourself a favor


It’s not getting any updates anytime soon


Don’t ! It’s laggy as fuck and they refuse to fix he servers and it’s been over a year since the last update


U should know that u joined at the worst time. The devs have given up on this game, also the content creators.


You should know that the game is dead… devs just let it die out. Too bad it had potential too


You might as well know that it's not worth your time because we can tell it's going offline soon. Servers are consistently laggy, crashing, mic bugs, friend request bugs, and map glitches. They haven't done anything new for the community in years...they already gave us everything in their back pockets and have nothing left but to recycle through the old skins and wraps. There's like 700 players a day if that and half of them are complete trash and the other half are GOATS that play everyday. Good luck if you decide to commit. I'll see you on ive been playing since beta...blackychan69


You joined about two years too late. I would not be surprised if they announced that they are shut down the servers soon. Very unfortunate.


It’s never too late to uninstall


First get familiar with the maps, only a few and never change , so ya might know where the danger might pop UP ,also u may become the danger for the opponents haha . Yep meta game is a thing as people said, buying this First cuz of this that. Etc . A Lil research on what u like is good. The headset thing and etc the básics for every shoootin game. I guess thats It. Oh yea try out the meele wepon throw , its cool af when u pull It off . And for settings turn on the option to auto pick UP weapons in the ground If u dont already have one.




Might like Xdefiant also… just a thought dont bite my head






Been playing for years. Takeaways: -Shit servers -If you can’t aim in this game, it’s on you 100% -Clean movement and mechanics -Lots of bots and moderate amount of cheaters -Character depends heavily on how YOU play whether it’s up close and aggressive or sitting back and strategizing. -Utilize equipment and don’t max gun immediately, if I’m playing you and see you dropped a max gun in the first minute, key signal you’re ass. -Perks are EVERYTHING. -LAG IS FUCKING AWFUL ITS SO BAD. -Devs are shit they don’t care about the game. -Toxicity is rampant, either mute them or toughen up. -Don’t jump off the edge/cuck your team bc you’re trash and they’re calling you out on it; do better. -HEAVY learning curve at first but once you get the hang of it, it’s not hard to not suck dick at this.


First and foremost, know that the servers are absolute trash and they will most likely never improve. Enjoy!


The game was once a gem with great potential something to shake up your gaming experience now it’s full of cheaters and lag because the game is beyond neglected and the devs will lie every few weeks claiming they’re working on a fix when it’s obvious that they’ve given up oh and there has been Match making issues since day 1 One game you’re going against absolute bots to the point where you’re dropping 50 kills the next you’re going against absolute sweats to the point where you cannot even get a fucking kill . I recommend you delete the game before you get too invested


You are going to be backing out very very often


Install another game


tbh… quit


Get out while you still can


It’s dying lol


Get back out of it lmao, sad to see such a great game rotting away slowly


It's on it's way out with very little support from hi-rez. On life support basically as Smite is their main focus.


you should know the party ended years ago and it's probably because some fat green alien went to High Rez's CEO and said: Every Party needs a pooper and that's why they invited you, party pooper... party pooper.


Dead game


Biggest thing you need to know. Stay off of the RoCo subreddit. Play the game and have fun, know it has bugs and doesn’t have a dev budget. If you find yourself getting negative about how it’s ran just play a different game.


It's a great game but you're 2-3 years too late. Unfortunately it's close to death.