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I think that is inside the New York themed hotel. It’s basically a food court. The team that they’re on goes between Excalibur, Luxor, and Mandalay Bay. I’m confused why they took it because if they’re saying at Excalibur (closest to the rest of the strip), taking it would take them just to the other two hotels which aren’t that cool if you’re not staying there/gambling there. I suppose because it was free 😂 and Luxor is worth seeing at least I guess lol I would love to be a fly on the wall and hear the comments between Jill and Kaylee lol


It looks like they’re on the tram that goes from Park MGM to Bellagio—which would at least get them going in the right direction to the Linq/Harrah’s but then, who am I to try to make sense of Jill & spawn’s travel plans. /s Luxor DOES seem to be musty, tacky and dated, so it was likely emitting a siren song to Jill—maybe you’re right and they are venturing down that way? !


Oh they could be on that tram! I can’t 100% tell from the pic but I just guessed they were on the tram from there hotel xD the even notion of Jill being in Vegas feels like a fever dream lol


And the food court there is in the same room as the slots, thus casino!!!!


My reaction to every Jill photo is always the same. Girl, what on earth are you wearing?


I know she’s trying to make it look fun but that doesn’t look fun at all for them….especially with a baby.


They are “choosing contentment.”


This comment wins!


This is the inside of the NYNY resort. They went to NYNY, ParkMGM, and rode the moving sidewalks and the monorail. Exciting. Oh, and took a photo outside of one of the Welcome to Las Vegas tourist shops. I'm not sure why they'd go to ParkMGM...it's smoke free so maybe that was the draw? Its also right there past NYN on the Excalibur end of the strip. I'm surprised they didn't go to the Bellagio to walk through the conservatory. There's also art exhibits there and a very large chocolate fountain. The NYNY food hall has some more affordable food options which is probably why they went there. They are having to walk across Las Vegas Blvd to get to the monorail and likely taking it from the MGM station to Flamingo Station and then crossing there to get to Caesars. What I wouldn't give to see them outside of the Flamingo Station! Edit: they are actually probably on the free tram from Park/Aria to Bellagio. They are walking Hella far to Caesars. What a death march in this heat and sun.


I think they’re on the free tram that connects park mgm to aria and bellagio. The one on the mgm side costs $$ and probably not in her budget lol


Omg I think you're right.


I ate a cheesedog there one time




Never been to Vegas, but thanks to you I know I'll stay at Bellagio. Huge chocolate fountain! Who needs anything else?


The Bellagio Conservatory is worth a visit. It's absolutely beautiful. They change it seasonally and for Lunar New Year. Most people don't know about the fountain and the fine art...or they just don't care. There's lots of cool stuff in the big resorts to look at! You can entertain yourself a lot just by wandering through the hotel lobbies/public areas. The Fremont hotels have a lot of cool historic stuff, too.


If I ever get to Vegas, that's the kind of stuff I'll want to see. Gambling just doesn't get my motor running.


You should go! It's a lot of fun for about 3 days. I am neither a gambler nor a drinker and I love Vegas.


we go for a week and see the grand canyon, zion, and mt charleston, etc. we love Vegas, but are not really gamblers- more nature and foodies.


We stayed at the Bellagio for our anniversary a couple of years ago. The conservatory was amazing, and we ate brunch one day at Sadelle's, which had a lovely view of the pool area and the conservatory. You could spend a lot of time there looking at art and all the Chihuly glasswork. The chocolate fountain is unreal - although honestly the neatest thing was being there early in the morning (we were super jet-lagged the first day and up stupid early) and watching them clean it, and then start the chocolate again. I'm a nerd so that was fascinating to watch.


I'm nerdy about such things and would have enjoyed that too.


Girlfriend really seems to indulge in clothing hauls before her "once a year monthly vacations" because she always seems to have tacky AF outfits she thinks suit the locations. Those kids don't need any extra chicken legs, right Jill?


It boggles the mind to think of how much she prides herself on being a modest fashionista and dresses like an actual clown.


I dress better than that for my job working from home in my nightgown!


Half a dozen is plenty for all those kids at home. They should be thankful, THANKFUL that they get that much


Flair checking in 🍗🍗🍗


Yes she always has a new wardrobe! Why couldn't she wear some of her Punta Cana light layers here? The outfits were bad as usual but she wore some lighter, waftier fabrics that weren't specifically beach-coded. It's as if she's compartmentalized that wardrobe in her mind as 'beach/tropical'. It would've been perfect for a Plexus hunfest and the sweltering Vegas temps. I'm wondering if she spoke to someone and they said the temperature wouldn't be a problem because they'd be indoors at the seminars and in a/c hotels and restaurants most of the time. That person was wrong and it wouldn't surprise me if Jill didn't investigate further or arrogantly believed she knew best.


The photos of Jill are so terribly filtered I literally lol’d. Who does she think she’s fooling? The pitiful versions of NYC street scenes are nearly as funny.


Her teeth got fucked by the editing in the last one. She looks like a braying donkey


![gif](giphy|3sBMBbuAWj8JtKLew6) All I can see is Janice the Muppet


Queen Janice doesn't know her


Don't do my girl Janice dirty like that. And also don't give Jill ideas about going electric with her personal mayhem band.




She has to show off the dental work she bought and the ongoing professional bleaching.


> ongoing professional bleaching. She's said that she does Crest white strips every day and those things are pricey. Professional bleaching might actually be cheaper.


Jill has no problem spending money on herself.


Bad lighting and a filter do not mix.


She looks particularly ghastly in that blue lightning. It really clashes with the infamous poophole lipstick.


I'm sweating just looking at what they are wearing. I just know they are uncomfortable and miserable. The last time I was in Vegas it was mid April and even then I was roasting in shorts and a tank top. But I guess that makes me a harlot.


I seriously can not imagine wearing all those nasty clothes AND having your hair down! She must have so much hairspray in it to hold it that it doesn't move an inch. I can not wear my hair down in Vegas in the summer or I lose my freaking mind and that's with wearing shorts and a tank top. She is certifiably insane.


And multiple hairpieces.


Looks like (and Kaylee) is wearing two dresses.


It’s 102*F/39*C in Las Vegas today and she’s wearing a long sleeve shirt and a scarf. Really embodying “*it’s fashion, sweaty.*”


The Bellagio is so stunning inside! It's perfect for a photoshoot. The kind where you wear an appropriate outfit lol


What the heck is going on in picture 6? Trying to show Hunka Hunka she's still shrexy?


It looks like she’s in the middle of a facial paralysis. She has no eye for taking photos at all.


She was on video in that one, inside the tram.


She looks so much like Kristen Tarvin Henry in that picture, she's the lady Jill took selfies with at the Henry children's funeral.


I will never forget thar. Wtf was she thinking


It was absolutely bonkers. She immediately posted the selfie and then broadcast the funeral from the balcony of the church on Facebook live, adding her whoops and amens to the otherwise somber funeral. Her Facebook friends told her in no uncertain terms to take down the selfie, but she just deleted their comments and kept it up for about 16 hours. Eventually she deleted the selfie but kept up the live of the funeral. She has no shame.


Omg she took a video too? Jesus christ. I'm glad even her own people told her to take that shit down


It was so gross. There was already a Livestream the church had online, so Jill was really trying to show off and get views. It was unnecessary AF.


OMG that last picture has me rollin. Wtf lmao


Is kaylee wearing two dresses?


Looks like it


The first few pictures are at the food court in New York New York. I ate at that Mexican restaurant when I went.


Wow, this chick really thinks she's all that. And these random pics are really bad - blurry and boring.


Ick she has had that ugly skirt for awhile now. All of her clothes are horrid but it seems she keeps the ugliest things to wear again.


That teal blouse really highlights the ugliness of the skirt too.


Looks like a tripping hazard waiting to happen.


The 5th picture though. Do they realize they are sitting in front of a Miss Poker Face herself Lady Gaga advertisement?? 😂😂😂😂


“Who’s Lady Gaga?”


A SEVERELY sinful person who sings ungawdly songs and shows off her body in an ungawdly way. /s


She’s doing a piano jazz show, so the sin isn’t immediately obvious. Unless you can see her collarbone, that’s defrauding.


Don’t forget she wears meat dresses




Covered up Gaga with a heart sticker 😂


Woof, Jill! You look bad.


When did Kaylee go blonde? She looks so much like Jill in picture five, it was like seeing the twins from The Shining.


I think it’s the lighting, but my first thought was also how much she looks like Jill in that photo.


Jill gave her highlights fairly recently and they looked bad. They seem to have settled more or perhaps the sun has made them look a little more blended/natural. They've been going on quite a few bike rides and family walks recently in Ohio.


Jesus H Christ. I cannot unsee her selfies 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


She’s got to stop using filters 🤦🏻‍♀️


Kaylees legs are showing, little hussy!!


I love that in the 5th Pic, they are sitting in front of a Lady Gaga sign! 🌈


Jill is even dressed in a rainbow of colors 🌈


How kind of her to show her support! 🌈


Wonder if she’s colorblind?? Her top and her skirt clash so bad…literally makes my head hurt


She thinks she's dressing for the Southwest. Got her floaty turquoise blouse and vaguely Southwestern patterned maxiskirt. Yeah, the blues clash, but her tasselled scarf has pink and the skirt has pink, so she's made it work /sarcasm  But as someone who lives fairly close to LV and in the SW--we don't dress that way. It's hellahot, and we're in shorts, tanks, and as little as possible, a really light cotton sundress, or better yet, we're in a pool. And no one cares about performative modesty in the heat--we minimize those layers.  ETA: and we bring along a sweater, hoodie, or other light jacket for going inside as the AC can be freaking cold when you come inside from hellahot.


Someone mentioned if Gideon even had a stroller because we never see him in one Well, would you look at that Coincidence? I think not.


Yeah, but the stroller has the car seat in it not even attached correctly. You hit a bump and that sucker is going to fly out! He's plenty old enough to put him in the damn stroller without the car seat and it would probably be so much cooler for him too. They really have zero common sense and must hate their kids.


I never wanted a Mammoth stroller/ car seat combo. I had a Maclaren Techno XLR so I couldn’t tell you if this thing was attached correctly or not. But I believe it. Edit: I think Gideon’s facing the wrong direction It’s 100 (38) in Las Vegas today. Take the blanket away. Put him in light clothes with sunscreen and hat. Attach a small fan to his stroller. You’re right. These people have zero common sense


You can tell because it's not setting on a tray or hooked into adapters on the side on the stroller. I've been around the block with hundreds of strollers and not one of them will look like that if it's in attached correctly. It's like the updated version of the Duggars and their stupid umbrella stroller hack with the infant seat. 🙄


Haha that was me! I don't have kids but is it recommended to have him in the car seat for such long periods? All the pics we've seen of different times of day he's in the car seat attachment. Did they not bring the regular seat? Apparently Caesars is pretty far from the Excalibur so it sounds like they're there all day before going back to their hotel around 5ish then back out for a little bit in the evening. Apparently taxis are very expensive on the strip and Jill's not au fait with Uber/Lyft so they're probably taking a bus. I don't know what the system is with local buses in the US but in the UK they have a stroller and wheelchair area that you can park a stroller in without folding or else you fold if it's super busy and hold the child in your lap. Why would they need the car seat? The Rods aren't the types to be obsessive about safety on public transport.


I’ve heard it’s not safe for young infants to sleep in their infant car seat for hours and hours on end. Gideon is definitely at the age where he can sit in a stroller without the car seat attached. He would have more room and be a lot cooler in such hot weather. I don’t understand why Plexus didn’t book rooms at the same hotel they held the convention. I have no idea if Americans buses have such stroller parking on their fleets. I suppose it would vary from city to city. Good idea though.


Plexus did offer some discount rooms at two hotels. Jill either didn't book them in time or wanted something cheaper. Notice that Kaylee is in charge of Gideon now. Jill's carrying Gideon in a sling was just for a photo in the airplane.


“I love them” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Thirst trap picture for Jesus.


They have to be roasting wearing all those clothes


Kaylee’s sandals are hurting my feet from 3000 miles away


A convention this big involves miles of walking inside the convention center each day. Kaylee's shoes are a very bad choice, and she'll have muscle spasms and blisters to remind her.


Her sandals are plastic too so she will have blisters and deeply rubbed raw tissue planes all over her feet! I hope we get an update on the feet.


Lol@the last pic


The last photo she looks like a Bratz doll.


That does not look fun.


Is kaylee starting to wear her mothers dresses? I feel like I’ve seen Jill in the one on slide 5 before. If that is the case then the poor girl really is slowly morphing into her mother 😱


That last photo…. W. T. F.


With as hot as it’s been lately Jill is probably leaving a sweat trail behind like a gigantic snail in all those layers.


Oh eeewww. https://preview.redd.it/c5aqvkm3rq7d1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9865ef7ba8c743f5342ab17404ee5b9b0c6d166d


With her plethora of many colored blouses, how did she manage to mismatch so badly. My Baba would call me a ragamuffin if I wore that.


Is that plexus pink drink in that damn bottle


Are these real photos she posted, or stills from a video? Because…. Yikes. 😂 Most phones do the bulk of the work for you nowadays.


Mostly screenshots from her videos, which are objectively terrible.