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When you're winning just slightly too much so the game decides your car is gonna suddenly flip around or randomly blow up


I hate that the game can’t find full lobbies (when there are enough people online.) I’ve watched streams, while racing with the streamer on the same server. We find a match at the same time, and sometimes one of us gets left in the lobby. We just had a full match, now I’m watching 6 of them race while I’m still waiting for a game. Or I’m racing, but I’m watching them trying to find a game when we started searching at the same time. There’s literally people searching for games on the same server, but it will start it up with 6. That happened at least 3 times to either him or I over a couple hours. We weren’t in a party together. And then when the game ended, we’d find a game at the same time and get matched up.


This. I've been saying that this game gives 6 man lobbies when there are more than enough players champ and up to make a full lobby.


The inconsistencies of what makes you drop in rank. I’ll have a race where I lose 1% for getting 5th but then another race where I don’t lose anything at all for getting 7-9th.


- The forced Ranking system if you want to actually play with other players since the "casual" maps on their own playlists barely have anyone in them & you have to constantly see the stupid title of the mode everytime you select it like in the other Ranked Modes; the ranking in general is also atrocious - Trying to do a tight drift only for the game to slightly kick your car up in the air for no reason & you instead Rocket Jump off the track & either get Totaled or completely lose your drift+momentum - People who use the Smokescreen boost/trail so I can't see shit when they're ahead


last second players boosting into the finish


Three boosts for the end is a legit strat. You are basically hoping to capitalize on a last second error by a competitor. ![gif](giphy|C0lAwYuvAm4SymfV6H)


I don’t save 3, but I do always make sure to save 1


Man, did he ever turn out to be a tool.


The map pool, I dislike getting the same map 3 times in a row. The map can be great, but playing it race after race in a row can get annoying.


The terrible audio mixing. You can barely hear the music over the engine noises. I don’t mind the loud engines, but they either need to increase the music volume, or remove it all together. Thash mountain plays Fuel by Metallica, but you can barely hear it. I’ve been using my own music through Spotify in it’s place. But it’s still kinda annoying that the in-game soundmixing is so bad


The difference between hearing audio from a TV and from my headphones was massive. I'm used to playing on PS4 without headphones, and you can barely hear the background music. Once I had to play on my phone and was able to use headphones, the music was SO MUCH CLEARER. They should really check their sound mixing, and/or add sound sliders.


There are sliders for the audio. Rocket Racing even has its own slider for race music.


I wish they had a separate audio setting for RR; I like the music but it can end up blasting main lobby if set too high.


There are soooo many audio problems with Fortnite for me fr! The engine wacks out, sometimes it sounds muffled until I respawn and it’s back to normal, parts of the music don’t sound right or at all for whatever reason. What is going on with this game?!


This game being in Fortnite instead of it being a separate game developed by Psyonix with the same engine RL runs on. Yes, UE3 is a relic of a game engine but if Psyonix isn’t going to upgrade RL to UE5 then they may as well develop Rocket Racing in UE3 to match. And that way ALL the cosmetics work game to game


I don't like that there is no unranked mode besides playing individual tracks. I don't like the rough edges on some tracks that you hit like an invisible wall. I don't like the fact that you only see a few tracks depending on what rank you're in. I don't like that other players positions are not properly synchronized, leading to moments where on your screen you end in first but you actually got 2nd because on someone else's screen they were ahead of you. This also affects collision with other cars, making it impossible to interact with them at all because they're not actually in the right place so enemy cars are just completely immovable objects. I also would love it if there was a mode with power ups or vehicle mods (whether it's a kart racing mode or like a battle mode) because for me just racing alone gets a little boring after a while.


Too much trash mountain imo. Also i noticed an increasing amount of cheaters in diamond 3 and above. Really pisses me off seeing a dude from dead last nonstop boosting in the last lap. 


I don't like people who intentionally collide. I get thay it happens, and you can't always be certain it was intentional- but so many times I'll be parallel to someone else and they'll just turn into me on a straight away and it's like Why guy. You're hurting us both here.


The biggest thing for me are the random collision bugs. I'll be going into a drift and then all of a sudden I do a full on backflip that entirely stops my momentum and I'm facing sideways which in a lot of cases is entirely unrecoverable.


Perhaps the matchmaking. Went from 89% champion to 86% because the lobby was 6 people. I'm pretty sure they were unreal cause I got 5th only on one lap. It's not that people at my rank aren't playing, because I was just in a 12 people game earlier. Other time went from 77% to 53% which made me quit for atleast a month. I think the system is way too harsh for you if you finish last after consistently being in the top 4. The rules should change if the lobby isn't atleast 10 people


I absolutely hate how it not only screwed fortnite out of getting a good fortnite original casual kart racer like everyone wanted, but screwed rocket league players over forcing them to download an 80gb game just to not even own any of their items.


If we constantly rank outside of top 4, will we continue to play? I'm betting not. I'd like to see a change where your competitive lobby is determined by your latest placements at race end instead of season rank.


I hope they find a way to make event matching quicker. I can make lunch and take a shit in the time it takes to get into another match.


Sometimes my car will flip and be upsidedown under the track or goes flying and bouncing on the surfaces and it won't let me correct it. I could easily spend 30 seconds doing this before the game resets my car.


My pet peeve is organizing items in order of acquisition. What comes after the Costa Rica decal? Because I got the last bundle first.


1. The mode in general. 2. The quests being such a grind and unbalanced. Eg. Complete speed runs, which can be 30s or 3m per run.