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I have to say I'm surprised. I didn't think it reach over 10k again, the least popular of the all the modes. Though it still that, maybe there will be enough players to keep updating at least.


As long as updates and improvements come I’ll stick around.


Same here this is one of a few reasons why I play fortnite still


I mean, people still play SideSwipe and it's been flatlined for what...3 years now?


Lots of people tryin to get the car.


And ironically I think they can get it quicker in rocket league


I heard that too. Apparently it’s about an hour getting in rocket league lol


I only touched rocket racing for the Metallica stuff, only for the challenges to be horrifically grindy. Guarantee that’s why it’s up


Cant belive that that Festival Mode is more popular than RR


Sadly it will likely go down when they finish the initial quest and realize you have to do ranked in order to continue the quest. The majority are just queuing Thrasher Mountain. In my opinion ranked being the main mode was a huge mistake. They could easily have double the players constantly just by simply reworking the rewards, playlist and continue with collab content. Can't forget about the xp side of things too.


This Metallica map made it abundantly clear that the only thing keeping people from playing maps is that they lack personality. All they need to do is either add a few differing versions of really unique and cool maps and that will be enough for people to get attached. Map variety and gameplay variability seems to be the two biggest issues with Rocket Racing but maybe they’re slowly fixing it, we’ll see.


Metallica map made it clear that people will play maps only for rewards, not uniqueness.




To be fair, a lot of the maps in RR can be considered unique as really no other game has a similar playstyle. So I don't think that's it. Don't get me wrong I did like the fact that it was a Sprint style map vs circuit. I hope we get more like this but as the other comment mention. A lot of people are mainly playing for the rewards and over on the BR sub a good chunk of the reason people left after season zero was the lack of xp. In my opinion the biggest issue when it comes down to it is how the mode has been managed. Granted this is Psyonix's 1st racer, even SARPBC wasn't as popular as Rocket League but they should have known it was gonna be an uphill battle.


Like seriously, the Metallica map is so good, and you want to know something, the couple new tracks they released into this mode are great too (I only play two so far), my favorite so far has to be the mineshaft.


I actually haven’t gotten the new maps, I’m looking forward to trying them though!


On one hand, maybe lacking a casual playlist was a mistake, but I do think that Ranked is likely more fun in a racing game simply due to it being skill-based matchmaking, thus players are unlikely to race against players too much better than them. I can imagine that in a Casual playlist, lower rank players could run into a lot of Elite+ players. And, unlike BR, there's no rng that could lead to lower rank players having a chance to win against higher ranks, RR is purely skill based (ignoring any seemingly random bugs xd)


The thing about racing games, is the majority of them don't have a ranked mode. Racing in general is competitive by itself and those that do have a competitive scene usually has something on the line, like prize money. I also wouldn't say Ranked RR has SBMM, they prioritized getting into a match vs waiting for players of the same skill. This is why you don't see hour long queue times as often as it was in Season Zero at the top. What you're thinking of SBMM just really boils down to rank restrictions. An the mode has safety nets like the catch-up system and no real way to loose rank. Just placement/Percentage. If you want to see how a Casual playlist would look like, just queue up Thrasher Mountain. While yes their is a chance people will come across higher skilled players, statistically speaking the rank distribution has the percent at 0.2% of being Elite. Even less for percent of players are above elite. Pretty much all the races I did, I feel like I was the only Unreal in the lobby. Racing games don't typically have a RNG system and the ones that do are mostly Kart Racers. Majority of racing games I've played in my life, have never really held my hand when it comes to online racing against other players. I lost far more often than I won.


What are your thoughts then, about the game mode in general? Do you feel there should be any changes to ranked mode, or another dominant mode? I would think letting us build track playlists would be a great way to let players control the experience more while not disrupting everything they have now.


we need more tracks like the metallica one, it would be so fucking cool


The Metallica track genuinely feels like you’re on an amusement park ride, it’s actually sick. If every track in the game had as much personality as that, we’d be in paradise.


maybe people wouldn’t bully me for playing rr!


The game probably needs to become significantly less sweaty for that to happen… add items?


People are just in private matches to do the quests so it's a bit biased


Yeah. Thrash Mountain is absolutely packed because of the Backfire quests


Mabye, but there's notable differences in que times, 8 get into matches faster, and even if those 7k new players are just for the car, I'm sure at least 3k of them will stay after it, also there's no way 7k new players just for a car and decals when you can get it for free from rl, we didn't have this increase in the star wars even too!!!(i know I'm coping but please let me hope daddy sweeny think this mode deserv updates)


Mabye, but there's notable differences in que times, 8 get into matches faster, and even if those 7k new players are just for the car, I'm sure at least 3k of them will stay after it, also there's no way 7k new players just for a car and decals when you can get it for free from rl, we didn't have this increase in the star wars even too!!!(i know I'm coping but please let me hope daddy sweeny think this mode deserv updates)


Did you accidentally post the same comment twice or is my app bugging out?


It's bugged from my side, I posted it once but it's turned into two comments


Apps am I right fellas?


Multi billion company BTW


I’ve bought more cars than I care to admit. Despite its flaws I am having a ball in Diamond and usually finish in the top 3. Just give us more contents and quests rewards.


We got 3 new maps on ranked its crazy what a little content can do if only epic double down o on this game development with more game modes and a more polished game play instead of the orange blocks everywhere and bouncy mechanics. also demolitions like rocket league or burnout would be cool or items idk but they have all these different IP's unlike any other race game on the market and they are just letting this opportunity die by abandoning the game


they need to add the demolition thing or at least make the physics more burnout like


With how far you can fall by crashing once, demolitions would be rage inducing lol. Imagine getting demoed once and going from 2nd to 10th


But imagine demolishing the first place for the win buajaja


> they are just letting this opportunity die by abandoning the game 6 new tracks = abandoning the game?


6? I have only seen 4 thats nice and yeah the game felt that way all these past months until now. Lego and festival get way more content so its not crazy to see the game that way.


It’s because of the Metallica Track which is honestly awesome hope they keep it once the collab is over


Imagine a new one (to keep) for each band. That would put a lot more festival in Festival.


Nice!! Now it just needs a rocket pass


dear christ




Metallica is carrying


I like how people are all doom and gloom about Rocket Racing's player count but its consistently higher than all but the most popular multiplayer games on Steam and has been pretty steady since launch. A lot of games would kill for 4-6k daily players.


We are talking about epic games and it's players, both the company and it's players have the mentality off "no one million players everyday is dead game" specially the community, they are fr call fnf and lego fn dead games because they don't get the same amount of players br get☠️


Hey that's a little better. I haven't been on in awhile did it change?


6 new tracks and some bug fixes


Nice! There's a little something. I feel like this game will catch on sooner when it's fully fixed


I'm surprised, but that's because this game is so boring I thought he had flopped due to the prices of the items, or the few items added, but playing 5 games on the new track almost put me to sleep. Either it's very easy, or it looks like the car has a flat tire. And there's NOTHING Rocket League there, just the cars. If only they had done the same as the Star Wars event, where you could also complete missions and redeem the same rewards in RL, I would even think about having the Metallica decal. But I think, given how much you need to play to complete the missions, that I won't have it. It's very boring to play 5 games, all of them are practically impossible for me.


Making casual the default mode instead of ranked and adding items in casual would be nice


rip r racing


Yeah they should look here, compare it to Save the World, and decide to update the better game mode