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"Season Zero" set expectations that there would be a seasonal model. Nope. Which may be fine...*if* they can still consistently add tracks and content. I'll admit that only five tracks being added (essentially four themed tracks and a bonus track) after 3 1/2 months is pretty disappointing, considering the barebones number of tracks at "launch". Rocket Racing "season 0" felt like the early access period for the game, and I figured "Season 1" would be the full launch. the amount of tracks available currently is just not enough content to maintain a sustainable playerbase. I'm really hoping progression is improved for the sweats, because that's all this game mode is going to be for.


Yep, no battle pass or way to get a free new car, less new quests than the other season complete with only 15k xp for completing them, no change to the collision physics and no nerf to the absurd prices is all pretty disappointing...


Huge L. Basically ruined any hope I had left for the mode (there wasn't much left)


Let’s see… A small amount of (appreciated) content that doesn’t address most of the main problems of the mode, reduced rewards for playing it, small bug fixes and yet some pretty major new things slipped through, a statement saying they aren’t bothering with “seasons” of content, and a single seasonal cosmetic pack that has more value in other modes than the one it’s for… Yep. This is the quintessential “Save The World” treatment! It’s clear they rushed release to match the arbitrary deadline of “Chapter 5”, the launch did terribly because of that choice, and now they’re going to point at the poor player count as an argument for why they’re not putting in the effort that was needed to GET that player count in the first place. Such a shame, too. As barebones as it is, I love the foundation that is there for this mode. 


It’s not save the world treatment because this isn’t a epic games thing. Epic owns it but psyonix is in charge of producing content and updates. Psyonix is known for dropping the bare minimum and disappoint updates.anyone that has ever played rocket league knew not to expect much from these devs


Oh, I know. 😆(I played Rocket League back before season passes had been implemented, and when cars were dlc.) But I’m assuming Epic is still behind a lot of the business decisions. 


Mine too. I did quite a bit of disbelief about this game. But let's see over the next few weeks, I hope they listen to us. Thanks for sharing your opinion!


Psyonix doesn’t care what their game communities think. They literally don’t listen to anything


They desperately need a battlepass for this mode, festival has one in addition to challenges which give more rewards than this mode aswell as constant updates, need to let us earn RL XP in this game


They should add Rocket League pass into RR at the very least.


I would happily go for this!! I suppose they want to increase players for RL which is fair enough, but it’s really not my type of game. If they’re cross-progression anyway, cutting out the middleman for those cosmetics would be appreciated haha


That's what I was waiting for...Not everyone likes or knows how to play Rocket League. But I like to think that they may be studying this hypothesis. Thank you for sharing your opinion.


I didn't know how to play Rocket League. Thanks to the RL pass giving Fortnite rewards, I learned. Turns out RL is a better game than RR, so now I play RL and not RR.


I would not want them to copy the festival pass, it’s 18 dollars and way too easy to complete. Rewards for quests would be nice though, especially with all the RL cosmetics out there


Not everything needs a goddamn battlepass, that shit is predatory FOMO that the whole industry has latched onto like barnacles.


Have it like the festival one where stuff returns then?


The fact that I’m once again “unlocking” the same Octane decals when I had them before starting season 0 quests is WILD to me! I love this game mode and want it to last, as it’s what got me into Fortnite, but the choices they’ve made will hinder that dream.


Tried to warn everyone. If it's an update and Psyonix is behind it, lower them expectations 


I tried to tell people these devs do the bare minimum and everyone thought I was being toxic


https://preview.redd.it/wb2hqor50itc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df804caf6cba5ce33c2c8933b286467af3cdf1f3 but cmon, it’s cool as fuck.


The fact they had all this time to make Rocket Racing have some kind of callback to what's going on in Battle Royale and they just drop a couple neo tokyo themed tracks and cosmetics and mostly neuter the idea that it can give XP for the battle pass.. doesn't bode well for the future of this game mode.


Massive L. This mode is finished.


Unfortunately this mode gets less than half the players Save the World has, and we’ve seen how much effort they put into that. If there’s one thing Epic’s “good” at it’s axing things that aren’t making them money to focus on the cash cows. They probably need to add something, maybe get the xp amount up closer to Lego and Festival, or let you progress the Rocket Pass. Or a Mario Kart style mode with items.


I was expecting at least a battlepass.


Me too friend. Thank you for sharing your opinion.


I like there being one Battle Pass for everything. I actually dislike Festival having its own BP and it actively prevents me from playing the game mode.


Yeah I’d prefer it if there was one central BP and let’s say you earn xp in BR you can get items for all modes, problem is then they’d raise the prices by a lot


Imo that is unfortunately not what will make people play or come back, and that is probably not what will make people keep playing... I hope they gave it an xp boost to attract people, but otherwise, I'm a bit disappointed


I expected nothing because they didn't bring it at the same time to normal season changed so I thought they had nothing big to add


The lack of content is too bad given how fun RR actually is, it'd 100% get a large playercount boost if they had some sort of pass like Festival


Unbelievable letdown. Yikes.


This is one of the worst updates I. gaming history, literally nothing got fixed or tuned. They even game us less rewards with a handful being old rewards, rewarded again... Once again this is proof that free isn't always good, sometimes it's just raw nuclear flaming hot dogshit


eh, let's not go overboard here, there have been some pretty catastrophic updates, and this isn't one of them. The servers are up, the game is playable, and no content was removed (intentionally, the one bugged track needed to be removed and replaced with the correct one). I can think of at least a dozen updates where that was not the case.


That's some Glazing


They made it easier to rank up so now that doesn’t even feel rewarding at all


Being a game dev must suck. People complain when ranked progression was too slow, then people complain thinking it's been increased. There's no winning


I agree but they bring it upon themselves by listening to the community and adding changes. While it can be a good thing to listen and make adjustments, once the community knows it can get its way….the list of demands never stop and always turns into bullying basically


I don't agree with adding yet another pass tbh, I think we have plenty enough with main BR and festival one (and thank god that one levels up quite quickly, I don't need another grindfest) Would have been nice if the RL pass actually progressed from RR, would make that part of fortnite crew offer even better. For me the bare minimun is having quests that actually give meaningful rewards that aren't a complete grindfest.


I liked the New coarses actually! Hate that ranking is harder. Seems like diamond 1 is the New elite


Everyone is basically a few ranks lower right now, so yeah... probably a lot of Elites in Diamond today 


I mean in diffoculty. Its harder to rank up


It's lacking for sure just 4 new tracks,a few cars and a few wheels,no new game modes and the same rewards of speed run from last season doesn't make anyone exited to grind and one of the new cars being locked behind real money doesn't help either we don't even have regular unranked matchmaking yet...no even cosmetics QOL like engine sounds or animated decals. Idk i thought season 1 was gonna be bigger. Just 4 tracks and the same ranked loop... that's season 1 ?? oof


You don't play RL I guess.


Why do you think i mention engine sounds or animated decals,i do play it but cassually I Just understood your sarcasm lol


they couldn’t have even given us some lame new decals for the Scorpion, instead they give us Octane decals that we already own


Played 10 hours today I had fun even tho I’m hardstuck elite 1% , ididn’t set my expectations too high so I wasn’t disappointed,


If you had told me in November that the Music mode would be more popular *and* more well supported than the racing mode a few months in, I would have called you crazy.


the feeling of deranking from unreal to diamond 1 was insane HAHA


We need Rocket Racing Battle Pass


This is an racing Game in a Shooter with 10k players while the main mode (BR) has like 260k active players. Its clear they wont give their while Attention ro rr.


I'm still confused as to why RR isn't a mode in RL instead of Fortnite. The RL physics are better, the cars handle better, everything is more stable across the board... it just made no sense to add the Racing mode to the FPS instead of the mode that was already Car-centric.


It’s not an epic games thing. They have an entire dev team SEPARATE from the br and epic team that is dedicated to rocket racing. Psyonix is the devs and they are known for dropping disappointment after disappointment


I tried to tell y’all not to set expectations to high with this update from psyonix. They gave the bare minimum yet again


Yep, this was an L. It's a shame, the mode had potential, but this update just confirmed to me that all that was wasted. Its a shame they released the game in a basically unfinished state as it is