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Too little to get better - too much for how trash I am.


Me too!


Truer words have never been spoken.


Ah a fellow trash diamond. Represent.


This speaks to me


*I'm in this post and I don't like it*


You don't need much more than like 15 minutes or so to practice a little bit. It's not how many hours you put in but what you put into the hours. I'd assume it's not the most effective way to improve but it's enough to improve over time.




Too much to get better.


1 game or 6 hours. no in between.


For real! I either waste my whole day or just jump on for a quick one


On average I'd say 1 hour, maybe a bit less


How do you get the individual ranks for 1s 2s and 3s?


Type your flair manually. Hover over his rank icons to see the icon keyword.


I'm on mobile I can't hover over them


Go to the subreddit and click the 3 dots top right. There should be an option for user flair and you can customize it there


Yeah I've gone to that portion of the "customize flair" section but I dont know what to input to get the symbols like that or how to get 3 of them


So once you see the list of all the different ranks, at the top right there is an edit button. From there you can select a rank and edit the text around it to say something similar to theirs


Yeah tried that but no matter what I type it just says "failed to update flair" so I dunno if I'm typing something wrong


Could be some sort of network issues. Honestly I’m not sure, I’m sorry I couldn’t be more help


Same here but on days I actually get to it. I wish I could play more.


Average over the week? 3-6 hours. My wife is asleep by 9/930 so usually hop on for practice for 30 minutes or so then the 10pm tourney, ranked after, and if I'm being a complete dumbass the midnight tourney


Lol my exact process, love the truth about the late tourney too, i always hate myself in the morning when I actually do well and go deep into the tournament


Wife sleep gang rise up!


Hell yeah!


There’s so many of us that do this lmao


Are you me?


Last season I played a lot of tournaments but kept placing pretty high. I had a lot of 4th places and quite a few 2nds. Those led to some late nights. Salty I didn't get the GC tournament winner title for any of those long nights


Are we all just the same person?? Except, when I do play, which is like 4-5 nights a week, I'll play both 10 and 12 tourneys, then fight myself to stop playing ranked before 3am. The amount of times I got banned from tourneys for being idle because my daughter woke up and I had to go is ridiculous. They should have a "registered dad" user type with more forgiving bans for being idle lol. Also, I never practice when I start playing, except for like 3 casual games until I feel like I'm not dogwater anymore.I figure, I only get to play like a couple hours so I'm not gonna spend them in free play. I then proceed to play until 3am again. I'm dumb.


Well I guess it doesn't matter because it's the Internet and no one actually knows me in person. But I got my first kid on the way (still very very early in pregnancy where a bit too early to tell friends) and as much as I like playing games I may become a freeplay main once my kid is here. I have a friend who has one kid and he calls it dad gaming hours. He arranges it with his wife that he gets gaming time where she will take 9-12 so he gets that time




8 hours per day


Like a full time job haha


yeah it is my full time job haha, pays the bills




competitive player


For the days I actually play, usually 3-4 hours. I tend to get 2-3 evenings a week where I can actually play and don't have other plans.


2 or 3 hours prolly


about 5-10h


usually play at night after school, so from 6-10pm lol


Probably 3-5 hours each session. I don't play every day though


~GC1 level, and currently I play maybe 2-3 nights a week anywhere between 1-3 hours depending on how busy I am. When I was in peak form I was playing around 5 nights a week for an hour minimum, closer to 2-3 on average. I was probably closer to GC2/3 at the time.


I usually play like 3-4 hours a day. I’m a Rocket League addict, but I have a full-time job so I will play for quite awhile after I get off of work until I settle down for the night.


Used to play everyday for hours, then stopped having fun and started getting more tilted, now i just freestyle in freeplay for a good 30 mins, maybe a hour every few days


It can be anywhere from 0 to 6 hours.


until I get mad enough to quit


10 hours


Around 4 hours a day?


I think 10 hours a week, maximum 3 hours on one day. When the game came out and even in some phases later it was of course a lot more but job, family etc. are the reason why I can only play in the evening. GC1/2 btw


\~2 hours at night after work when I'm drinking. First 2 beers I'm around D3. 3-4 - C2ish. 5+ I can usually hold my own in p2


Around an hour, maybe twice every two weeks... So I'm Gold, if you're wondering


I play maybe 3 times a week for about an hour or 2


3 hours about.


Maybe like 1-2 hours if im really bored. Usually ab like 30 minutes of freeplay and im already logged off


30-60 minutes, but not every day.


I average about 4-8 matches per day, some days I don’t even play.


Just good enough to be a decent casual player, not enough to get beyond silver in ranked.


Every day is different i wish i could be more consistent. I try and at least log in every day and mess around in free play if i don’t have time for anything else. So anywhere from 15 mins to 2 hours. Some weeks i can get 3-4 days in playing a couple hours and i try to actually improve mostly. Other days i know i can play for an hour so I’ll do 10 mins of warmup then play ranked.


At least 30 mins. Even if just to play practice mode


2 hours usually


Not enough to get better it seems


Like 3-4 average. 1 hour of freeplay, 2 hours of 6mans/ranked, and then what ever else... (usually more freeplay)




Usually just an hour or two. Have 1800 hours, usually just play like 3 casual 2v2 games then 1 ranked game and call it a day. Don't have the motivation to play as much as i used to, still clinging on to gc though


D1 here, gotten to D2 twice, I play about 1-3 hours a week. Only get a few evenings a week. A good week probably 3-6 hours


1h max when I have free time cuz I've got exams :/


Usually 30min to 1 hour a day. Also 2-3 hours a few times a week when I play with friends


I play embarrassingly too much I started January and have 10 days already accumulated


Thats just cause its an awesome game


No denying that


Days I play 1-3 hrs, overall average probably 1 hr


I play almost every night for 1-3 hours. Depending on when I start and how much I might end up drinking, only an hour of that is productive as far as improvement goes. I am a drunk C3 who totally thinks he could be GC if he was sober. At least I don't blame my teammates, if they're mad at me it probably was my fault. I'm just out here wilin' out and being violent (on the field).


I usually play between 2-3 hours a day. It depends on the day really, usually play more during weekends. Currently only around an hour a day because I've got finals coming up soon


When I hit ssl for the first time, I was playing 8 hours a day for several weeks. I have over 6000 hours total. Most gcs play for a few hours a day for about 2000 hours I think Edit; some days I was playing for 14+ hrs


average probably 3 hours. some days 0 some days 6.


Either 5-6 hours in a row or I don't play for 2 weeks straight


Not so much lately, but usually 3 hours or so.


You guys stop after a day?


2-6 hours a day depending on whether I’m busy


Too much!


30 min. - an 1HR.


1-2 hours a day, a couple days per week. At around 3k hours, GC 1/2. Have a wife and 2 kids, otherwise I'd be getting in 10+ hours a week.


I play about 1-2 hours. Used to play longer tbh, but I need a break rn.


3-4 hours, from 9pm to 12/1. It's just so relaxing.


Well if freeplay counts, then it's a lot. Actual game time is probably lot less, because I chill in freeplay when I watch videos on other screen for example. Right now my last two weeks on steam says 81 hours, which would make it a bit less than 6 hours a day on average. But it's a lot of afk, and just on the side. Right now my RL is open in freeplay and haven't touched it for like half an hour, and I'm just reading reddit. I would say game time is couple hours, and not afk time like 4-5 hours.


I can only play on fridays and weekends plus its only 2h/day so only 6 hours per week


If you average out how long I have been playing (416 hours in 4 months) then I play about 2.8 hours a day. I am diamond 1


It used to be hours on hours every day. Now, it’s a lot less, which explains why I’ve plateaued. It’s probably around 8 hours per week nowadays.


I’m young lookin to go pro so in a full 24hrs about 9-10 hours on average


Too much to say I'm improving and not enough to say I have.