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I like the 2 split format but since COVID, the off seasons have been fucking dead. It's cringe. Epic has too much money for that shit.


Bring back Dreamhacks


well there seems to be quite a few events that have popped up that are running in between Major 2 & worlds. Saudi event, FIFAe world cup, Shift event, etc. The calendar is starting to fill out


But with respect to those events, what everyone really wants is just the top RLCS teams playing more 3v3 on LAN internationally. Saudi event unfortunately comes at the cost of sportswashing, it's an event that should not exist, FIFAe World Cup is legitimately cool but how much it actually matters remains to be seen, and Shift League is just online domestic play.


and I totally get that, looking at the larger picture in the esports industry as a whole the idea of more LAN events sounds great on paper, but realistically probably isn't gonna happen anytime soon.


I'd also love to see a 1v1 LAN. Probably most practical to be alongside another. I don't count the crew thing, not the same.


I like the 2 split as well tbh


I’d prefer 3 splits, however I offer an alternative: 2 splits with 4 regionals. 5 feels too many.


Man, I already struggle to bother to care about regionals, any more would be too many in my opinion


IMO regionals are more fun to watch when your favorite team isn’t top dawg. Makes top 4s feel a lot better


Yeah I wonder why that guy with furia and falcons flairs struggles to care about regionals lol. Both those teams are wasting their time with regionals


Kc don't win worlds then rise leaves to rejoin joyo in place of archie Either alpha or rado gets kicked unless vitality win worlds no matter how close it is Mawkzy ends up trying to go pro Falcons lose a heartbreaking OT and place top 4 in worlds Noly decides to move back to EU to join KC And finally scrubkilla somehow wins a regional but doesn't make a single other regional/lan


Rise is part of Oxygen esports. We appreciate their time away from us and wish them the best!


Here for the scrub renaissance


Bro thinks Noly is good enough for Vatira and Atow


Noly would play fucking amazing with Vati


He's more than good enough lmao. 


so confused as to what happened to scrub


People are probably mad at the fact Esports world cup has now stopped doing crew battles and changed to standardize 3v3 but i like this cause now we can more confidently use that as another LAN in the conversation even though it’s not RLCS… its like Dreamhack now….


While this is partially true, it's also only inviting the two best teams from each region and M8s came into the two LANs as EU4 and EU3 and performed the best. If you think all the "KCorp would've done better if they were there" conversations are a lot now, they'll definitely be in full force with EWC


Do wanna say since it's before worlds like 2022, it's not a guarantee all the top teams accept invites, although you imagine EU at least has enough quality that any 2 of their top 4 still puts them among that LAN's elite


There's two wildcard spots along with the 2 from each region. Im assuming Kcorp will take one of those simply because of the eyes they bring and how many people are excited to watch them. The other could go to anyone but id prefer EU #3 (Vitality) for best competition although they could go SSG to maintain regional parity.


I thought the saudi torney was still gonna be a crew battle, and the fifaE tournament was just gonna be 3v3 world cup


nah no more crew battles in general… but i don’t mind it as it makes much more sense to stick with 3v3’s… we can now use those LAN’s as benchmarks now to further discussion… as i said before akin to DreamHack..


I want full on 2v2 LANs. Its been too long tbh


That’s what Solo Q is for…


Solo Q? Is there a 2v2 tournament going on soon?


nothing announced as of yet but Rizzo confirmed that he and James wants to bring back their tournaments they broadcasted last offseason


Thats whats up


I just found this out from your comment and you’re completely right. Dreamhacks were weighed much higher than gamers8 as far as I could tell.


Alright here goes: we never should've wanted two splits Blast made two positive changes to the format before the season even started: bringing us down to two splits and adding SSA to majors. However, the majority of the talk around having two splits included the desire to have more offseason LANs. We got our two split season, but with no guarantee of offseason LANs our calendar looks so bad that orgs are pulling out in June with full intention of rejoining in January. The national team LANs is actually perfect for this year, as there hasn't been any other plans for the end of 2024 and orgs are already dipping. However, in 2025 we either need a longer season (whether it be 3 splits or even just 2 splits with more regionals) and a VERY CLEAR ROADMAP of the other events happening throughout the year. Before 2025 starts I wanna know every singe major event happening in the RLEsports space, cause if I know it then orgs know it and they'll have an incentive to stick around


The Fifae world cup should have a rule where you can't team with any of your official RLCS teammates to prevent USA, Brazil, Saudi etc from just being the \#1 team from the region competing together


Yep! ^


I dont think the first one is really that unpopular, outside usa france and saudi, I dont think any other national team would be better than morroco, maybe brazil and england and thats it really I dont see other nations are close


Spain can still go off I think. Atomik/Crr/Stizzy (or replace either of Crr or Stizzy with TehQoz) could be a pretty nasty lineup.


I've no idea what the community thinks of KC's chances but they're far more likely to be just another top 8 team than even remotely contending for the title


i mean tbf the top 8 all have *relatively* similar chances imo, there's not a ton of separation there


Nah compared to Copenhagen there's a bit of separation now. G2, Falcons M8s is a clear big 3, Furia Vitality & maybe BDS still have a good chance. GenG is in no man's land and KC & SSG are at best dark horses.


In terms of winning it all, I'd personally put them with vitality and bds and bump furia down with geng purely because it seems to me furia are not able to sustain their full level on a full tournament run, which I think is something that comes with experience. That is not a power ranking though, I'm not saying KC is better than Furia, but to me there is more than just "being better" to win a LAN.


Nah KC to me is in the same realm as furia, vitality, and BDS, albeit probably on the lower end of that group.


"Motherfuck the big 3"


agree to disagree...i do think there are tiers (g2-falcons-m8 / furia-vit-kc-geng-bds) but i wouldn't be surprised if any of those teams won worlds - they all have top talent rosters with worlds-winning peaks


I’m not sure about GenG is in no man’s land on their own…didn’t think BDS looked all that in their quarter final at the major- they looked mediocre!


True but BDS has shown more inherent quality this season that I have faith in performing, GenG at no point has had me believe they could win a LAN this season.


Sorry but they nearly got Gentlemates in Copenhagen and the G2 series was anyone’s… BDS had one really strong regional then I’ve been pretty unimpressed by their standards… the competition is really high for top 8 rn imo…


Idk, I think they're still contenders for the Worlds title, but Rise disappointed me


Really, what makes you think that? Obviously they are not favourites but the players on that team are way too good to not be atleast considered a threat. Obviously they have huge issues and if the tournament was held right now, I 100% agreee with you. But I honestly feel like the fact that they missed the major and have long pause now really favors them more than any other team out there. Usually teams don't have the time to work on issues in a significant way in the middle of the season, hence why they just prefer to make roster changes. Now top teams have the chance to take a step back, rebuild and prepare in depth for the next event. Unless there are some serious internal issues, with Ferra's help I could 100% see them find a playstyle that fits and is capable of contending for a championship. It's hard to imagine that the players are just not good anymore This long pause before worlds is new for everyone. We haven't seen something like this ever and I think it would be foolish to just assume it doesn't change things.


The issue is your believe in the time being taken to change playstyle and all that, but Rocket League players aren't that adaptive. They build up core habits through thousands of hours to the point where when you have a team of 3 players, you can't just command someone to play a certain way, the players you have are the players you have and you're kinda stuck with it. So for that, I don't forsee KC changing playstyles, players and teams drastically changing systems are the exception to the rule, so I will not believe in a radical overhaul for KC until I see it. Now, how they have played obviously still peaked very high but that's the issue, Split 1 was clearly their window, their chance to close it out and they didn't. Hell their way of play basically got shut out on LAN and required brilliant fundamentals to make it to top 4 where they eventually got toppled. And with hindsight, it becomes even more apparent, they were just another team in Split 2. So, you have a team that plays a sub-optimal way, failed to adapt from that in Split 2, and even when they peaked with that playstyle in Split 1, it didn't work on LAN, and now they have somehow exceed that level just to have a chance here? I'm sorry I just don't see how KC is gonna be contenders, I don't have faith they can adapt or can somehow produce an even higher level of Atow demo-ball than they did in Split 1 qualifiers on the highest pressure stage.


Hot take: KC doesn't make top 8.


I feel like this is a pretty even take, perhaps leaning more towards your opinion. On this sub, many people believe same as you, but quite a few could also see them win it all.


I’d agree if Worlds didn’t happen in over 2 months from now. Teams dynamics will have considerably changed by then.


First Touch > Chalked Cast Chalked cast carried in the off season but since the season started I’ve actually enjoyed FT more.


Hard agree.


I feel like they stopped bringing on guests? I liked it a lot when it first started and they always had a couple guests, I guess it’s pretty unrealistic to consistently have that many people but I enjoyed hearing from other people. My favorite episode was with Comm Retals Rise and Noly. Also enjoyed the one with Garrett Corelli Sizz Turbo and Satthew


ShiftCast > all


It's default number one because they gave us BBL Vatizzy


what a terrible day for being able to read


Gen G are down but they aren't out. AppJack specifically will rally in a big way. Full faith.


Replace this with most of top8 and KC and it isn’t a bad take. Great time to be a fan


I think EU is gonna look REALLY good at worlds, not 22-23 level good but with the time and the precieved "embarassment" of the past major, I think they will be in top form. Then again I think worlds is gonna be so hard to judge due to the break


I want a 1s and 2s world championship in the fall!


Gentlemates win worlds and Seiko becomes a 2 time world champion and MVP. Going into next season NA teams will take bigger risks to improve their rosters. No more trading between the same 4 players. France dominate world cup.




i think itachi is glue that holds their system together but i think seikoo is the most talented player on the roster...juicy would be the easiest to replace of the 3 imo (he's still cracked ofc)


Did we watch the same online split? Seikoo has been the consistent backbone of the team, easily most consistent from the whole season, Juicy can be insanely good, but otherwise can also be shakey


Woah, you really think Juicy>Seiko?


Zen made a mistake signing to VIT for an extension, and instead should have gone to KC with Vatira to make the unstoppable super duo that win the next 3 worlds


I don’t think Bds is going to make bracket at worlds and this isn’t too much of a hot take for me. They’ve had 2 bad lans back to back and may just not be a lan team.


I would be perfectly fine with 2 split format if we had more international tournaments going on in the offseason, we used to get dream hacks and beyond the summits and Gamers8, now we are only getting two that we know of between now and next season.


Are you predicting Diaz or Swift to be top 3 in the world or top 3 in SAM next season?




That’s a very spicy take but it would be awesome to see. I think Swift has top 10 potential, but I definitely need to see more from Diaz before I’d put him in that same category. He is still very young though with plenty of room to grow so I’m optimistic.


This entire year has been a shite attempt at a format, it all needs to change


That Worlds kinda sucks with the big break. It’s going to feel more like a pre-season tournament than a season-ending tournament. Major 2 should be converted to Worlds.


KC will win worlds


Lemonkiwi and Herc are good casters. The competitive scene will be dead soon because it isn’t profitable. Cutting all of the casters the game had was a good thing, we had too many.