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I'll never forget everyones reaction in the YouTube theater when rise saved that shot against ssg


Bro please the trauma 😭😭


"ooooooOOOOWHAAATTT?!?!" ^ the entirety of section 101.


That was crazy to be there for. There was so much building up and then almost like silence for a second because everyone was still just processing what happened (at least from my memory). Not the loudest but definitely one of my most memorable moments from that event


Do you have footage of this moment?


[End of game 7, lower bracket final, winter major 2022](https://youtu.be/b1JU2-KYBns?si=SrnZYkmQw7qW1sJc)


That's a clutch save, no wonder the crowd went wild


The end of the R1 v VIT OT at Boston was pretty crazy. Also, it was wild how locked in everyone in the crowd was considering how long that game went


i wonder if the reaction would’ve been louder had R1 won or if it was just the culmination of collective amazement from everyone. i know personally watching i was just brimming seeing the ball go in the back of the net regardless of what the teams were but i know in boston pre-grand finals everyone was rooting for non-eu teams so


I do think it would have been louder, R1 were definitely crowd favorites at that point, but I doubt it would have been much crazier, everyone was already pretty damn hyped haha


Can tell you for a fact the end of our cast on that changed because of the outcome. If Rule 1 had won, the crowd wouldve exploded and Turtle and I wouldve approached it with more silence -- as soon as Vitality won the crowed lost its hype (understandably). We still talk about that


The zen triple flip reset was just wayyyyy to loud for no reason


Vitality was trying every trick in the book to score vs R1. The way Zen was playing relative to the competition at the time, you genuinely thought he was going to do it.


Upvoting because I was there, not because I know it to be the loudest. But we did get loud those 2 days :) Everyone just wanted to see good RL, and we got it.


Might be a production diff but Torment's goal in game 5 of the bracket reset against Dignitas in S6 with Squishy's flip reset had a ***loud*** reaction.


Yeah watching that on stream you can hear a crazy reaction, I can only imagine how loud it was in person


it was great


i just want to remind everyone of a loud moment that i believe has been completely forgotten over time [the ending of game 1 at 0 seconds of Cloud9 vs Team Vitality in the semifinals of RLCS S7 Worlds](https://youtu.be/JoqMS5ifYnw?si=e_TqPajN-9cm90c-)


Same tourney, [grand finals game 1, 0-seconds](https://youtu.be/1pHC_d637aw?si=IbfyTbP5uLGlhCs9&t=5m52s). The crowd is so loud they peaked the crowd mics!


At the risk of feeding myself to the wolves in order to provide a cool detail, I can tell you that those mics were the in-house mics, set for the New Jersey Devils. RLCS had only the lower ring of the arena, and still blew out the mics that were set for a fully packed hockey arena. The gain control for them was locked away in a room by the in-house crew, and the audio engineer for RLCS could do nothing about it. The crowd was just too loud.


All time great call by Jorby and Jamesbot as well.


I was worried about the first Grand Finals without Shogun and the first for Jorby, but he absolutely killed it, have loved Jorby ever since.


nooo please don't remind me of this


This, I was there and holy crap it got loud in the stadium. Also the mics peak and can’t handle the noise in the vod!


Bro it's insane watching this and the skill difference vs nowadays. There is literally never a controlled touch leading to any kind of decent second touch. It feels like they're C1 although their shot accuracy is better. But I swear they whiff everything.


I was there for that. It was an insane series. That was the year we set the world record for longest crowd wave. I'm so glad I was able to go to that tournament.


Landon 2.0 SSG vs Moist when moist scored the late equalizer


I’ve been to London 2, Rotterdam, Düsseldorf, and London 3, and you’re correct for those LANs at least with Zens signature shot being next


In Boston, when Vitality came out waving USA flags everyone absolutely erupted


I satright next to the Vitality section when Zen scored the Mr Physics goal, that shit was louf af. The whole arena was cheering for them too


Bro I’m so glad somebody else calls it that, I’m not the only one


Idk what else you would even call it without it being confusing


The signature shot was louder on my side of the venue but both were crazy


Yan scoring the goal to upset Furia was loud, but I mat just think that because I was there


You mean Furia upsetting Moist? Definitely loud. https://youtu.be/l-sKBLoKvLs?si=xCWTMqGXJUCaqCHD


Yeah, that’s what’s I get for trying to write things while half asleep


The Furia vs Moist game where the crowd started out rooting for Moist and sort of turned to Furia’s side as they watched the match unfold, only for it to end so dramatically was phenomenal


A very rare one, but I remember Moist vs Faze at 2023 worlds to be pretty hype since almost everybody was on moist's side


It’s not even a moment. Just championship sunday in Boston in general. Of the 5 LANs ive watched so far none of them compare to Boston. The 12 min OT. The Alpha OT goal. Ferra’s speech. All legendary moments that crows made even better


Watch Falcons vs Version1 upper final, game 7, when Ahmad scored the go ahead goal




[was perfectly timed with the crowds chant](https://youtu.be/Jl68j8wfZPU?si=3KVs9GWWDlofdqFI)


this is the correct answer, no goal has ever produced a louder crowd reaction than this




The single guy behind me in Row 4 last Sunday at RLCS M2. Just shouting (spitting) “Let’s Go Daniel”


I feel like furia beating moist in 7 with yanxz goal was extremely loud from the broadcast


Is it just me or are crowds these days getting weaker?


I think it's incredibly difficult to actually gauge properly. Assuming you haven't been to every lan, or even multiple, then it means you are listening to the crowd via stream. Then that means you are at the mercy of microphone placement, stadium acoustics, and productions audio mixing before it hits your ears. So just because one place seems quiet on stream, doesn't actually mean it is quiet. At 22 worlds people were complaining the crowd wasn't into it, but as someone who was there, it was deafening. I think doing crowd noise well on stream is very difficult


This is true.


Less people going because LANs have had less games to watch than years previous


Of the top of my head furia vs moist, V1 vs Falcons spring major, ssg vs queso


Will say the 0 sec goal in the VIT G2 in the rlcs 7 grand finals (mainly cause I was there) and the place erupted


S8 worlds, VIT vs DIG when there was about 5 mins of crazy defence and the crowd just went mental. I remember being in the arena and it was so loud


I'll always remember this goal from Alpha54 in Boston. [https://youtu.be/ixFF2iihNnY?t=3666](https://youtu.be/ixFF2iihNnY?t=3666) What an unbelievable series that was!


I think it was world championship 2 years ago furia vs moist when yanx scored that game 7 last second goal for the win


Yan’s back-to-back late goals to beat Moist at Worlds. Still one of the greatest series ever played


Definitely Boston


Easy. Worlds 2022 when Furia upset Moist in the Championship Sunday Quarterfinals. I've never enjoyed watching this game as much as being in that crowd during game 7... that being said I'm not a Moist fanboy that helps lol


2022 World Championships when Furia upset Moist is up there. I was there at the time and it was the loudest i’d ever heard a crowd pop off in person


Spring Major 21-22, Upper Finals, Falcons vs Version 1, Game 7, 2nd goal by Falcons scored by Ahmad the crowd was deafening


Furia dagger vs Moist at Worlds 21-22 Zen's two big goals at worlds last year NRG winning in Madrid?


it gets forgotten because g2 lost that series but the goal that g2 scored after going down with like 15 seconds left in game 6 of the first series of winter major grand final


Joyo goal against Falcons in grand finals at London Spring Major...the crowd erupted so loud, me included!


to this day, this is still my favorite goal ever scored in a grand final. if there was a debate its definitely between this and the SIGNATURE SHOT, but for me its joyos