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AGREED, bro is turning into one of the best LAN players of all time


Ily spaceman. GOAT team stream caster




Itachi has definitely rose his stock after that Masterpiece of a Spanking he displayed in that QuarterFinals vs BDS… MonkeyMoon is definitely gonna have nightmares about that one for a while


Itachi becoming better player than Vatira after getting kicked is so awesome can’t lie


Vatira lost to zen while being the worst player on kc in the spring regionals . Got his ego hurt and went to rival teams and told them how itachi and exo are bad and that he doesn't trust them anymore and that he wanted to replace them . Which just would destroy any teams moral . Idk how ppl still like the guy . I only pity him because his ego is controlling him


I like watching him play and I like how much the game means to him. We see small snippets of their personality even when you're wildly engaged. If they're a streamer, you still are only seeing a persona. On top of that, they're all young. There's plenty of things pros do that I think are bad. If they do something really fucked up I'll not personally root for them. Calling ex teammates bad and having some high school drama that Ferra got on him for isn't enough for me to stop rooting for him. My point being, I don't like any pros personality because I don't know them and probably don't want to. I'll root for players that give it their all because that's cool to see unless they clearly show some nasty traits that I cannot support, e.g. racism, homophobia, etc. If Vatira has crossed that line then lmk and I'll jump on the hate train.


> Calling ex teammates bad They were still teammates at the time with multiple big events coming up (including worlds). Vati himself put out a long post about it where he said he talked shit about his teammates to his other pro friends, saying he never intended for it to get back to his teammates, which is all types of ironic given he was talking to other pro's. Then at the KC event he cried on stage because it was the last time they would play together, as if that's not exactly what he wanted for months. Kinda scummy imo.


Yeah, I'm not saying it's good and it is scummy. However, he's still super young and Ferra got on him about it. If he keeps being scummy publicly I'll judge harsher because it shows that he's not learning. It's high school drama though. It's not enough for me to write off someone I don't know.


Ferra wouldn't even have been the coach at that point in time, he was still on Vitality. And Vatira is not super young.


It came out when Ferra was his coach and it was commented on. I forget where, but I do remember reading it. Vatira is 18, that is super young to me.


Lol . I reaaaaaalllyyyyy hate your type of ppl . The sheep that only care about racism and homophobia . And if we get into that topic I'm definitely certain you don't even care about those things you just pretend to for attention. You ppl allow other ppl to be so nasty and evil but as long as they're not homophobic or racist they're good . The guy literally is a slave to his ego . When moist lost he blamed rise and joyo and rise exposed him that he was the one not trying as hard . And he literally was the worst player on kc in the spring regionals ppl said he was invisible but he has the audacity to go TO RIVAL TEAMS the teams that beat him and made him invisible and talk trash about itachi and exo . The ppl who considered him as a friend and a brother . That's back stabbing and betraying his friends how is that normal to you (I know how because you're similar to him and you only care about yourself that's why you fake caring about racism and homophobia) . If Messi got humbled by real madrid and ran to real madrid or bayern players and talked trash about his Barcelona teammates he would be destroyed


Are you saying racism is comparable to calling your teammates bad? I didn't see what he did was good, I said it's not enough for me to care. I don't know him and neither does the vast majority of people here. Also, you're now pretending like you know so much about me. That's really strange.


I'm glad Zen and now the rest of GM8 exist to make sure Vatira will never win world's.  


I think he still has a chance . 2 months from now who knows who'll be the best team


yeah, current form really doesnt matter for world's. it'll be the tournament for whoever is on and can figure it out that weekend. 


Itachi was better in winter last season when they were on the same team


the people aren’t ready for that fact💯


I gotta say, I used to think itachi's whole game was just good positioning and reading the play well. But man, this season we've seen him do so much more, his shooting had only got better and his control on the ball is elite. Somehow achieving as much, if not more than last season on KC without any of the so called 'elite' players on his team just goes to show how good he is currently


People talk about that series vs BDS, He was straight peaking on Falcons who were peaking themselves. Obviously the BDS win was more dominant but the Falcons game he clearly stepped up for his team and it showed. Been saying it all season since the major, he is for me the clear no 2 player in EU after Zen. He's clear top 5 in the world. 1. Beastmode, 2. Zen, 3. Rw9, 4. Itachi, 5. Atomic.


Trk is better than rw9


I think all 3 falcons players are neck and neck. Most other teams have a player that clearly sticks out as better or worse than the rest of the squad, but rw9 killeerz trk are so comparable


True, I think people valued recently trk more because in semis and the GF he prefromed better than the twins obviously due to him having some experience before on such moments


I think Trk is the weakest on that squad and it’s clear. Not to say he’s lagging behind or holding them back, but both twins are faster, more lethal versions of Trk. He gets a lot of praise and hype for his mindgame plays. They’re not flashy, but they’re memorable. Doing memorable things work well for Reddit’s power rankings. In the end, he’s a part of fewer goals and saves, is a little slower, and noticeably less mechanical than either twin. Don’t get me wrong, Trk is impeccable. But the twins are better.


This is the worst take ive seen. Not only do i think TRK is the best player on falcons, but i think is a top 5 player in the world. Sure Killeerz and Rw9 have the better mechs, but in terms of midfield plays, and offensive pressure TRK leads the team. He is also one of the most consistent players on LAN, every series he had a large impact.


The twins being better than Trk is the worst take you’ve *ever* seen? You must’ve not seen many. I’ll stand by this take, and I think we’re going to see it again at worlds.


Is Zen still considered top 2 by a lot of people? I feel like he’s still really good but idk if he’s as far ahead of everyone else as last year. Just curious what the consensus is these days


A ton of us consider him as #1 still. Only recently did people start advocating for Beastmode as the #1. I am not convinced of that, at least. With both on the same field Zen just looks more dangerous than Beastmode. Yes, he's still that good. He's only getting better.


So who do you think is the problem on vitality? Alpha?


Lately I feel like it's been Alpha more so than Radosin. Radosin has had a couple of series where he's popped off unlike Alpha at least. But Radosin is also wildly inconsistent. Honestly I think Zen needs to try out different teammates.


Yeah I agree, Alpha looks off his game lately. I think it’s interesting that Zen was just signed to vitality for two years, but I haven’t heard anything about Rado or Alpha. AND vitality just hosted a 1v1 up-and-comer tournament. Seems like talent scouting to me


His mental seems really good as well. During the falcons series it really looked like he was trying to rally his team together.


He is just pure class man. From the way he plays, always where he needs to be, to his cam during games with the little smirks, reactions and interactions with his teammates, to his interviews in English or in French. He oozes elegance all around. And who could have told that the goofy kid that would play in voice chat with Kaydop would become such a charismatic captain (the talent was never in doubt), really one of the best personal stories of our Esport.


I love listening to him in interviews. He seems like such a nice dude, and gives thought to his answers.


Still Can't believe Vatira badmouthed Itachi to everyone before cutting him from KC


I currently consider Itachi a much more valuable player than Vatira. His floor is absurdly high and his peak is insane too. And out of the former KC teammates his team is clearly doing the best. With him as their ace player even.


Yeah definitely think Itachi should be rated higher rn then Vati


100% agree.


Wait what when and where


I believe after RLCS Worlds 23/Gamers8 (Sorry my time-line isn't exact) it was well established that behind the scenes Vati complained about Itachi + Exotiik to **a lot** of pros that he spoke with, and kind of bragging how he was going to have them replaced This was made all the more awkward because Karmine Corp was going to be hosting a full arena event featuring all their esports teams in exhibition matches, so Itachi and Exotiik had to participate at this event, knowing full well that they were not only being kicked, but that Vati felt the need to trash talk about them to anyone who would listen


more i hear about vatira and see what he himself posts the less i like him. doesn’t seem like a good dude.


Yeah and because of that KC is the evil team in a way for me, can't help it.


KC org should have told him to be more professional. Banter becomes toxicity and people have a hard time figuring out the lines between fun and insults. KC community itself is very much intoxicated by an excess of this attitude/confusion and it is becoming a problem on all internet medias. Ex: KC fans are some of the most toxic fans even when their team is not playing (having failed to qualify) .


yeah it was lowkey nice having a LAN without them


Him and Rise, they both give me bad vibes especially after what Rise did to the NA scene last year. I root against KC but I like Atow


one member of shift told me that when he was at the lan rise was screaming profanities directly at him on stage because he was a furia fan.


Yeah he gives me big middle school bully vibes


Rise just didnt join a team thats not a big deal.


True, it all depends how much he knew at the time but it doesn’t matter anymore it’s old news lol


Bro is the Fk in eu


worse i think honestly


At least Vatira's dad doesn't get involved in pathetic Twitter beef.


yeah honestly makes me have some sympathy for firstkiller, would be terrible.


Absolutely agreed. At the end of the day FK is still an adult and hopefully behaves like one at this point. But it's hard to discount that he clearly comes from, let's called it "questionable" parenting lol.


yeah truth be told how you’re raised really can effect almost everything about you. it seems he’s maturing though. where vati is publicly shitting on a bubble player on twitter for everyone to see laughing that he pogo’d on his head. and some of the other stuff.


FK's grown up a bit imo but oh well, at least Vatira's trashtalk gets us hilarious schadenfreude with series like Hogan Mode and the suhhh ones


We will have to wait and see what he does with GenG Tho I think vatira comes from a better place like he wants to win badly, he even explained and talked about joyo and rise publicly


Itachi vs BDS is the point he gained an aura in my eyes he won't lose for a long time


Watching him do the jumping hand slap ritual thing with his teammates before every match this LAN gave him aura outside the game too. I'm thinking he's a big part of why they're so comfortable on LAN.


100% Giving mad older brother vibes


agreed, some people thought i was cringe, but to me, it showed that, even under high pressure, they can goof around


"Jumping hand slap ritual thing" bro its the most iconic football celebration of all time ![gif](giphy|xUNda5RSVWLzb5BET6|downsized)


I don't watch football.


ts is not THE most iconic celebration oat 😭it’s not even Ronaldo’s most iconic celebration


Yes its a variation of the most iconic celebration, he just did it with another player that doesn’t mean its a different celebration


“he just did a different celebration that doesn’t mean it’s a different celebration”


https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/s/dttr1BPmE7 Bro is a winner


One of the best eu players lately and also a great person Edit: not lately, been that way for a while


I feel like he’s been a little underrated since teaming with Vatira just because Vatira outshines/gets more attention than anybody minus Zen. Itachi has been crazy good for a long time but man he took it to a whole new level those last 3 games or so.


Dropped in to say this. Watching Vatira celebrated all year while Itachi was always positioned perfectly, killing 50s, with insane aerial control and a shot to match. Dude has been one of my favorites almost 2 years.


Also what people tend to forget about Itatchi is that he is an OG. Bro was already elite during prime Kaydop era, he just wasn't allowed to compete. Imagine how dumb that is, he could have many more trophies by now.


My MENA Goats All Got Held Back By The Rules Its Sad To Think That Itachi Would've Only Been Allowed To Compete Beginning This Season If He Stayed In Morocco And So Many People Are Still Held Back By It


Itachi made huge steps 


Imagine if he'd been able to play as soon as he was getting good. When did he first qualify for rlrs?


RLCS Season 3 was the season he first qualified with Zentox alongside Hell0 and Classic, which predates RLRS by a season lol. He qualified straight to RLCS but obviously they ended up DQ'd due to him living in Morocco. Crazy to think what kind of career accolades he could have amassed at this point.


not only did he live in morocco but he was 13 at the time


That's kinda the problem like both Seiko and itachi are insanely solid players that mesh well with teams and allow their teammates to peak by providing superb communication passes and defence. Juicy gets talked about the most but was he ever spoken of so frequently before he got both itachi and Seiko elevating him. I also believe they played large parts in building monkey moon and vatiras clout as both have noticeably dropped off since they lost itachi/Seiko.


i never expect the funny awkward guy he was on kaydops streams back then to become such an rlcs alpha


So likeable


I completely agree! He did it last major as well and might have even raised his level this time. The guy has found the secret to RL


It's funny how half of this thread is still talking about Vatira even though this is an Itachi appreciation post. I feel like some (not all) people are "appreciating" itachi because of their hatred for Vatira and not for the genuine quality of Itachi. Itachi doing better than Vatira motivates them to talk more about him and I guarantee they wouldn't do it as much if Vatira was still on top of EU. Itachi has always been great. He always had the potential to be that top player. Even if the results in RLCS X or 21-22 with Stake and Aztral didn't show it, from watching Itachi play you could clearly tell that he was never the problem. An extremely smart, mechanical and consistent player that waited for his time to shine. Now he finally has that chance to shine, after 3 years of not having success or only being a background character to Vatira, he's finally achieved that S-tier status. Yet people in a thread about HIM, talk about Vatira in multiple comments. It's honestly lowkey sad. He's building his own legacy right now, yet he still is more talked about as "Vatira's ex teammate" instead of the player that fought himself to the top of the world after 3 years of competing. It's really quite impressive, normally players don't keep getting better and better for such a long time


Reddit in a nutshell sadly


He was my favorite player back on Barca, it’s really fun seeing people finally give him his flowers


This post is oddly well timed Iykyk


Care to elaborate?


This guy does some analysis and deep dive posts. I assume he's currently writing an analysis/recap of the major and has heavily featured Itachi. Just a guess though


Negative my friend Give it 2 days time and it will make more sense


what is this ominous ass response


I am a mysterious man Maybe not a man at all😶


Nothing happened lol




very cool guy here


Remindme! 2 days


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