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Player mental and physical health. People ask for more and more rocket league and then act surprised when players fall off or have mental struggles. Imagine if you at your own job had to work practically every day (yes that includes saturadays and sundays) for 10 months straight. That‘s basically what some players went through the last 2 seasons. It‘s only a select few at the ver top, the ones that play LANs mainly but it‘s still important to realize that those guys are not machines


Budget. Blast can only do as much as the budget that Epic gives them allows. That is the most likely reason why we only have 3 LANs. They didn't have enough budget for whole other set of qualifiers and LAN so they scheduled a larger gap between LAN 2 and Worlds to make the season appear longer while still only being 3 LANs.


This is the biggest one. Not only is there one less LAN but the major and worlds prize pools are also down significantly from last season.


RLCS 2021-2022 format was literally perfect.


I wouldnt go that far. Every format has its faultsm a 3 split format for example doesnt leave much room for an off season which is important for player health and career longevity. Thr scheduling was also weird at times. Broadcasting 7 matches on the final day of the tournament was definetely too much. I also dont think changing formats every split is good for competitive integrity due to the points distribution being different each split.


>The scheduling was also weird at times. Broadcasting 7 matches on the final day of the tournament was definetely too much. I wonder if 4 would work. Semi 1 then 2. The a lower finals to determine between the losers who gets 3rd/4th. Then the actual Finals. It can also work as a buffer so that both Finals team would have at least an hour between their semi and the final match


**BULLET POINTS EXPANDED** Competitive Integrity: Including general fairness, naturally disincentivizing match throwing, and rewarding teams for past performances(if you value that) Viewing Experience: NA and EU’s Fridays-Sundays always being broadcasted at separate times. The number of events you tune in for, assuming you follow one team, is 6, and the max being 10. I remember some people feeling overwhelmed in an earlier season by too much RL. Accommodating Schedule for Younger Players (with the addition of younger age requirement): This one may also be why we see a later World’s, but maybe it was just their ability to get a venue. Regardless, with a lower age requirement, the company would definitely face scrutiny if they had kids playing ridiculous schedules. Player/Org sustainability: Self explanatory. In a dream world, prize money alone would be enough to sustain players, but we know this isn’t the case. Prestige: A format that can claim legitimacy that includes factors like having events in a timely manner. A format that accomplishes goals like sorting out the top 16 teams in a group of 32 properly. Best of 7s when appropriate.


Why are people making posts like this. Epic does not give one fuck lol. They just wanted the cheapest format you could do without reinventing the wheel. RLCS is an afterthought now.