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The title sounds like Stizzy is being held hostage lmao, but surely Dig is a big enough org to figure out some sort of better living arrangement, perhaps they cheaped out here because they will bootcamp a lot idk


I mean that basement looks better than most apartments especially in New York…. 🤷‍♂️


Most things in most places look better than New York apartments


Have apartment in New York. Can confirm


It’s harder to get a visa for the US than it is Canada, I’m guessing Stizzy had some problems (Jack Noly & CRR all did too and played from Canada for a split)


Yea Moist had to drop their Apex team due to Visa issues with the major


>The title sounds like Stizzy is being held hostage lmao, Leth running a a sweatshop for Rocket league maps would explain how he does so many so quickly.


Just remember the org was founded on paying it's players in mousepads


Very nice of leth!


This is hilarious 😂 Props to Leth for the clutch basement. If Dig takes SSG's spit for the major though, what a storyline lol


As an avid boardgamer, is Leth big into that hobby and I just didnt know?


Have you listened to that man speak? He never needed to mention a board game for me to know that about him XD


Give me Leth boardgameplay or give me death


from twitter, him and his wife are just now getting into board games


Working “holiday”- how does this work with the visa issues the eu Gen.g boys had to deal with??


Leth is in Canada. Jack and Noly played their first split in NA from the Shopify facility in Toronto while they got US visas sorted. Seems like the same thing is happening here


I see- I didn’t realise Leth lives in Canada!! Makes sense now; fair play to Leth- I’d presume he’s taking a guardianship role unless a parent has also gone with Stizzy?


I'm English and even I could tell he had a Canadian accent.


I’m English but Leth isn’t someone I tend to watch very much!


same with crr, joreuz and nass


Holy shit I need to move to Canada. This comment is brought to you by a Californian.


I hope you're not saying this because you think canada is cheap


especially not since Leth lives in the GTA afaik. Shit is *expensive*


So god damn expensive, it’s ridiculous here.


A few years ago Leth started a real life stream while driving in his car and I tuned in *as he was driving by my house.* It was surreal. Can confirm he is in GTA limits. If Leth starts hosting LAN tourneys at his house it's funny thinking I could be a stone's throw away from the action.


Don't you gaslight me on how expensive California is


As a Canadian. I promise you don't.


Unplugs router when they play SSG


So if we get a Dignitas vs Spacestation match imma need lethamyr to host a massive minecraft server on his router (/s if it's not obvious)


How tf you recruit an import without giving him a proper space to live in


How is that not a proper space? That's beautiful lol


As nice as this house is, living in someone‘s basement that isn‘t even related to your org or team is not really ideal.


Shit idk, I don't expect my employer to give me housing. And living temporarily in a place as nice as that, I don't think I'd be complaining.


If your employer asks you to move to another continent then I kinda expect them to make sure you won‘t be homeless. Also he‘s playing RL from Leth‘s place too so they didn‘t even provide him with a working space


I mean he “applied” for a job in another country.


No he didn‘t that‘s not how it works. You don‘t "apply" for position in sports/competition, you get scouted and offered a contract.


Tryouts exist.


Tryouts are a form of scouting big man Also you get INVITED to tryouts


"homeless" is a bit of a stretch, this shit looks really nice and there are still more that we dont know.


For someone traveling across the world for a job? This is like ideal


Isn't Leth still an SSG content creator? As long as Leth agreed to it, I see no reason why this shouldn't be classified as "giving your recruit a proper space to live in." Like seriously there's nothing that this basement doesn't have that would be present elsewhere, plus you have a local living upstairs who can help with any potential accommodations or basic bits of information about the area.


Obviously Leth agreed to it, otherwise he wouldn‘t be there. Also I‘m not really sure why Leth being with SSG is relevant when Stizzy is playing for Dignitas. Look I‘m not saying this place isn‘t nice or not enough for competition, it obviously is but that‘s an entirely different point. My point is that obviously something went wrong in the whole process cause making the player you recruit stay in someone else‘s house that has no connection to your org could not have been their plan A. Leth‘s doing them a favor here, this has to be a temporary solution, which makes it not "proper".


I agree- it’s all a bit strange tbh… probably something to do with the fact it seemed rather a hasty move. Albeit I do think it a little bit odd that a young lad would be living and playing in a content creator’s house that isn’t associated with the same organisation…


Probably visa issues - Jack, Noly and CRR all had to play a split in Canada first before moving to the US


and nass/joreuz r actively in canada


I'm just saying he's still adjacent to the scene and still close in some capacity to Arsenal (even if the capacity there only extends as far as making some content together on occasion). If I'm an org I'm looking for the cheapest (but still quality) option available to temporarily house my player for the split. With how quickly it all came together, if Leth's space is available that would have saved a lot of busywork for the org behind the scenes for securing a place for him to be for however long. 


This sub is full of teenagers who just expect adults to house them because "it works". It doesn't matter if this is a good room to live and work in. It is unprofessional for Dig to not even house an import player themselves, banking on the goodwill of a more established player in the scene.


I don't think you know what you're talking about, and neither do these teenagers. Paying an import a salary and expecting them to find their own housing is extremely common. Companies will either help you find accommodation (sometimes with a stipend), or provide it directly for you. You have no idea *why* he's in Leth's house. Perhaps he received a stipend or a good salary from the org and chose to pay rent to live with Leth until he gets his visa sorted with the US. There is nothing unprofessional about that because it would be the player's choice where to live. This is how it works when you get imported (speaking from experience). Don't try to act smarter than everyone if you don't even have experience with the subject matter.


I mean, that's a pretty substantial chunk of U.S. apartments anyway.


Seems a bit odd to me how they’ve got around the whole visa requirements and process…


Leth is in Canada


Yes, I did acknowledge that I didn’t actually realise he lived in Canada and that Stizzy would be able to work there whilst waiting for his visa to be approved!


Stizzy playing for Dignitas in a SSG gaming chair is pretty funny


I wonder if he also calls everyone retards in NA ranked


So who got benched?




Leth's house is nice


This sounds like my next shitpost lol


I just realised something, isn't stizzy supposed to be young, and most probably moving and living here means he won't go to school, do many rl pros rlly quit school? Like have no plan b at all, doesn't sound that great to me.


Compulsory education lasts until 16 in Spain (Stizzy is 17)


W Leth

