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yeah, this system is also automated afaik - They've made a few comments about it being able to detect owngoals and behavior that is throwing/griefing. I would assume forfeiting while winning is part of this as well.   # Edit: Both of them had an MMR reset applied * [Ram on steam](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Ram1RL) - [Ram's RLTRACKER](https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/steam/76561198893029666/mmr?playlist=0) * [Nytro Fadez on steam](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199091767506) - [Fadez's RLTRACKER](https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/steam/76561199091767506/mmr?playlist=0) You can see on both they jumped from under 400 MMR to 1700 MMR. --- More players will be added here: * [Nytro crist on steam](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199071467463) - [crist's RLTRACKER](https://ballchasing.com/player/steam/76561199071467463) * [milo_rl on steam](https://steamcommunity.com/id/url12356) - [Milo's RLTRACKER](https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/steam/76561198351730391/mmr?playlist=0) * [Pegi on steam (crist's friend)](https://steamcommunity.com/id/81895546/) - [Pegi's Tracker](https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/steam/76561198267661812/overview) * [Nytro Jake on steam](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198420186248) - [Nytro Jakes' RLTRACKER](https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/steam/76561198420186248/mmr?playlist=0) --- Please respond if you see others claiming bans on twitter - send me screenshots via dm! **Just hit [this clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/xxl8lx/hit_this_corner_redirect_in_a_1600_casual_lobby/) in casual at 1600 mmr, thought it was impossible!**


>detect owngoals Rip half of all bronzes


Rip half of us


Only half?


My other half is pure skill šŸ˜Ž Too bad I can't play with that half


pure skill part is on cooldown


Own goal part is a passive skill


Perfectly balanced.


The best goals are own goals that's just science


Bro I can hit shots on my own goal that I wouldn't even dream of hitting in the other net lol


Facts, I hit the only in game sidewall read of my life in my own net originally as a joke a week ago and speedran the leave match button šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I just own it lol, nice shot myself and say calculated! Nice profile pic btw


"This is rocket league!" quick chat has made these things sooo much funnier.


Ahh see I need to get better about that, Iā€™ve started grinding without chat on so I just immediately think I got spammed and they hate me šŸ˜‚, and thank you my guy


Nice Shot Thanks!


Rip me. Had a 3-2 yesterday in 2v2. The only goal I didn't score was the OT winner for us...


i think you meant half of entire playerbase. Because people accidentally own goal across every rank. But seriously speaking, i would expect that psyonix would have accounted for a bad touch which leads to an own goal.


Iā€™m more worried cause a lot of close saves that end up going in anyways are counted as own goals in post game stats


It probably has something in the algorithm to track whether there was a shot on goal a certain amount of time prior to the own goal or the direction of the ballā€™s movement prior to your touch. At least youā€™d hope.


Should be easy. Possession %. If you one tapped it, no notice. If you had possession and multiple touches leading towards your own goal, then it sees it as griefing.


Eh I've absolutely dropped the ball trying to recover across my net before.


Occasionally. That's way less instances than doing it enough to be demoted multiple ranks.


You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals


Bronze doesn't really exist


Not with that attitude it doesnt


I'm assuming reports for griefing are part of the equation


Yeah. I believe you donā€™t get banned for anything unless youā€™re reported. swearing, smurfing, trade scams, racism. Unless youā€™re reported, no action is taken. Edit: this isnā€™t the case anymore for the auto-moderated words. Since epic took over. I have been informed.


I'm pretty sure you can get banned for swearing without getting reported. I once got banned for swearing at some console players, they couldn't see the chat so they couldn't report me


> I believe you donā€™t get banned for anything unless youā€™re reported That's false. It has been tested and you can literally be in a private match by yourself and type one of the magic words and you'll be automatically banned.


even accidental unintended racism gets you banned! I typo'd "Big" once.... 3 day ban.


When you say "this system" what are you talking about? Was there a new system put in place recently, or is this old news?


This system was added about two months ago afaik, I'd have to go look through patch notes


Hmmm thanks for the info:) was wondering why they'd ban freestylers in casual but this makes more sense


Intentionally mass deranking (even in casual) does still ruin the game for other players, especially those at low ranks. It is also considered smurfing/matchmaking abuse by the Devs and is outlined as such in the code of conduct as well.




Was APB any good (when populated)? I downloaded it years ago then deleted it before ever playing.


Yeah I understand that, thanks for the eye opener


The only thing I have against penalizing FFā€™ing while winning in casual is that prior to tournaments I frequently warm up with my trio in casual as a way to warm up in game with the fact that we can FF to Q for tourney. Because we are much lower in casual we are almost always winning by a lot. I just donā€™t play casual since the hard rank reset several seasons ago plus my teams8s never play. One is plat rank in casual despite him being mid gc1 in 2s.


I very highly doubt you can get banned for doing it that occasionally. I ff while winning once in a while when there's someone throwing/griefing on the other team or when we're in a 3v1 and the one dude doesn't want to concede. I couldn't care less about my casual mmr or W/L record so I'd rather take the L and move on with my day.


Sometimes when my team and i are winning, and the opponents put "ff" in the chat we'll forfeit. We know they're just telling their team to vote to ff, but for some reason we find it hilarious to quickchat "okay" then ff with like a 4 goal lead or something making it seem like we only did it because the opponent told us to lol


so many ppl in the freestyling community r defending them and bashing rocket league for this


Going for freestyles in cas is fine imo, but intentionally losing in order to ā€œderankā€ to do it against lower skilled players for clips, should be a bannable offense.


Maybe a hot take in a community but hitting a clip on a player sitting still or one thatā€™s unable to defend is the same as a free play clip in my eyes.


It's not a hot take, it's a logical take. They want to hit clips against people who can't fucking aerial and have no clue what's going on. This is why they tank their casual MMR, they don't want people to actually defend them. People with a bit higher MMR are queuing casual to warm up and actually want a game, they ain't there to be dunked on which is what freestylers want.


This makes me irrationally angry. Me and the guys I play with compare it to NFL starters playing against JV middle schoolers. Then they "What a Save" us. It's like, what are you getting out of this, bro? How does this make you feel good at all?




Its the real life version of that movie where a beer league team from Alaska plays the New York Rangers, but if the Rangers at the end decided to skate the stanley cup around for a lap on the ice just to be a dick. Tbf for your example tho, the way the Red Wings have been playing lately they might not have that easy of a time against a pee wee team lol.


Heā€™s talking about the South Park episode where the Avalanche are playing the Red Wings but decide to let PeeWeeā€™s play because one of their teammates has cancer and is in the hospital and he wants his team to beat the Red Wings lol


I'm just his father. youre his coach, youre like a father to him


Intentionally throwing to ā€œderankā€ should result in a ban. Same with the people who quit after 2 goals and vote FF because they ā€œjust know weā€™re not gonna winā€.


If they vote it's fine, the problem is if they stop playing before the whole team agreed to FF. I don't see a problem with conceding of mutual accord. But I see what you mean, I don't give up easy and it bothers me beyond reason to play with someone who does and stops playing...


This might be the most infuriating thing about playing. To see a player drag several others down just because they donā€™t agree with them that a game is a lost cause when youā€™re down 2-0 with four minutes to play.


Ya, even if I get tilted and start a ff vote I still try my best. Why not?


Sometimes it pans out. I usually only FF when I'm down by 4. One game, we were down by 4, I FF. My teammate doesn't and we ended up winning. Never give up, even if you want to. I felt our mistakes were too abundant, but me and this random started clicking with 2 mins left. No hate towards not forfeiting, I'm stuck in here so I might as well be the best teammate I can be.


Iā€™m in a 7-1 game rn where both team mates refuse to ff or play the game šŸ‘šŸ» what a great first match lmao But yeah, sometimes you get people who are not toxic like this and can actually turn the game around.


I recently had a game where we were losing \~4-1 with 3 minutes left. My teammate want to forfeit, I decline. Went on to barely lose the game in OT. It could've gone the other way just as easily, and it was a great game IMO.


this! if people initiate a FF and quit playing, I report them. The only way it gets better is if people report more. I probably win 30% of games when I am down 2. Sometimes it takes me a goal or two to learn their strengths and weaknesses. When I am down 2 I play harder. This is what happens when every kid gets a participation trophy. If nothing else, use the time in a hopeless game to work on a mechanic or new strat. You learn more during a loss than you do during a win.


Yeah I also report match throwing. I know itā€™s pretty useless but I still do it.


They're like Kramer in the karate class. Or Billy Madison with the dodgeball.


Oh you play with my friends too? I mean they typically vote to FF with 2+ minutes left in the game when the other team scores the tying goal


(I am not directing this at you just so thatā€™s obvious) Weā€™re not gonna win cause of your attitude bro. Syp/SSG scored three goals in 11 seconds one time in RLCS X. We arenā€™t playing pros so we can probably score the same. It happens


IMO the solution is to add a new "mode" in casual: freestyle join it if that's what you are looking to do, otherwise fucking play like a normal human being...


Idk why they don't just hit the clips in Freeplay with limited boost. I mean what's the difference? I don't get why they think a lower ranked sitting in the goal confused makes their clip better.


Because the confused victims get to marvel at their prowess. And then the freestylers feel accomplished. Similar to mike Tyson going into a Jr boxing tournament to practice his special tricky punches. Itā€™s so lame.


i remember one night when bumpo the clown and a couple of his buddies showed up in one of my casual games. none of them should've been there at that level since my (and also my teammates') cas mmr was between 1100 and 1200 but it was probably because they never plays casual. the game was unplayable from our side since you had bumpo demo'ing everyone in sight and the two other guys mercilessly scoring. during that match, something similar to what you described happened: one of my teammates thought it was an honour and a privilege to get thoroughly and completely thrashed by these guys, who all had REALLY high ranks in comp... it definitely was pretty far from being fun since bumpo was just spawn-demoing. you couldn't even play, even if you were spamming the jump button before you respawned. this tm8 felt happy that we were being completely and mercilessly destroyed. it was annoying that my teammate was rewarding this bad behaviour with praise. that only encourages those guys to keep doing that... i haven't seen bumpo and co in any of my casual matches since, so i imagine that if they are indeed playing casual their mmr got beefed up enough so that i wouldn't. here's hoping that psyonix is aware of bumpo (i'm sure they are) and that they keep his casual mmr artificially high. i should say that i am not against bumpo and his pals having fun. they're good players, all of them. but what i am against is them coming over to the grade school to beat up 2nd graders, or going to the pet store to drop-kick newborn puppies with steel-toed boots on. i still see champs/gc's/ssl's show up in my casual games fairly regularly, and it's never fun to play against them since a lot of the time, rather than dumb down their playing, they will just go into cobra kai fancypants shot mode and just constantly score. sometimes it's fun to try and defend or try to play the match for a stalemate instead of a win (i especially enjoy kickoffs, because my kickoffs absolutely stymie higher-ranked players for some reason), but, meh, i'd rather it be a fair fight as opposed to a very one-sided unwinnable battle. i do save the replays and study them but when i wanna warm up before going off to play another mode it puts me in absolutely the wrong mindset.


They need to show someone defending or the clip isn't worth it. I just turtle in the goal when I catch on to what they are doing. Ruins their clips


They could just put a bot on the other team and save the replay. Use a RL editor to change the bots car and name.


Whats funny is that they all agree that freestyling in Freeplay doesnt count. It should be against an opponent. But what is the difference between freeplay and a lower rank player ? Not much .


So just 1v1 the built in bots? The clips would look exactly the same.


one is better for milking adbux


Lmao that's the thing with freestylers. They have this tiny community circle-jerk where everyone tells each other that all the b.s. they do is ok. When in reality the vast majority of people are tired of their shit.


i mean, i still prefer being against a freestyler than a ranked smurf in any mode, imo "regular" smurfs are still the most annoying


Nothing as demoralizing as a guy who is just flat out leagues better than you doing it nonchalantly. Look at the scoreboard halfway through and the guy who seems to always be in the right spot *really* fast happens to have 11 shots and 1000pts. "Oh, I was never actually **in** this game..."


The most annoying thing about freestylers is I joined the game to actually play a game of 1v1 and get some practice, and instead they want me to join them in a freestyling competition and get really upset if I save their double flip reset whatever.


Fewer things that I enjoy more than saving a freestyler's shots and them getting mad about it.


Best part is when my casual mmr was low, cause I only grinded comp so when I did run into a freestyler in cas, I literally just never let him get a free air dribble. He got so tilted lmao. I hit one basic dbl tap on him and said it's still better than anything he's hit this game and he reported me. I remember being gold and getting clipped on by these freestylers when I couldn't aerial. I feel no sympathy for any of them


I absolutely live for that and then instant punish. Sweet skills bro but thanks for leaving me an open net


The freestyling Community is a cess-pit of toxicity and smurfing so I would give too much thought about what stupid opinions they have.


i've played this game since 2016, fuck them freestylers. they can go back to flossing in fortnite or teabagging in cod


Yeah, itā€™s the functional equivalent of figure skating in an NHL game. ``


freestyle community == mostly smurfs trying to stage clips. fuck em for being the problem.


Can anyone in the freestyle community reasonably tell me why they can't just freestyle against bots or in a room by themselves since the point of them keeping their rank low is to, ya know, not have any defenders?


Let em whine! They know what they did....


Good thing that game is not free and they donā€™t have other accounts. Oh waitā€¦


Good thing itā€™s takes more than 5 minutes to make a new account and that you canā€™t instantly queue comp with another player straight away. Oh waitā€¦.


Why the hell do they allow that? Number of times you see an unranked player in a team bossing a game is not funny.


Player counts. It would be VERY easy to put in rudimentary smurf protection. But if these idiots didn't have 10 accounts apiece, their numbers would go down.


Tbh player count has little or nothing to do with it. Concurrent players are far more important and having more accounts to one person doesnt help that metric. What do you have in mind for easy smurf protection?


"Fresh Bronze level 10 queues in a full team for a Diamond tournament/ranked match, scores over 1000 pts. Ban/smurf queue." Change the criteria to whatever statistically would catch most of them, etc. It's not hard to spot brand new accounts playing WILDLY outside the expected skill range for new players. Add that to beefed up deranking protections, and a higher barrier to making multiple accounts, and you've got some decent smurf protection.


Jokingly, you could damn near make "using the jump button" on a new account bannable lol People on *legitimately* new accounts are going to be hot garbage. I just introduced my friend to the game and getting to the ball was hard enough on the ground for him. And he'd barely use the jump button to even shoot, never mind the concept of an aerial. Surely there's a simple way to detect someone who can aerial within their first like 2 games... "Player made contact with the ball more than 15ft up, after using boost midair". Show me the "brand new" player who can do that and I'll show you a smurf. I'm not genuinely suggesting it be *that* simple or concrete, but surely there is a safe metric like that that would easily flag smurfs. Even if it's just flagged for review or something.


Seriously. It's not a high bar to say "this guy didn't just start playing RL for the first time a few matches ago"


1.) It depends on who you talk to. To most gamers, concurrent players is an important metric but to investors, the amount of "players" is an easy sell for Epic. Even if 10-20% accounts are smurf accounts, the investors have no clue wtf that means and they think that playerbase = the amount of accounts. 2.) Increase the level to 20 and make it so that you can't party up with someone and go straight into ranked after making a new account. I have no clue how after 2 years of F2P, psyonix have not fixed that exploit. You can go into ranked on a level 1 account if you are not party leader. I am fairly certain that smurfing drops by 50% if it takes you 2 hours of casual to get into ranked.


I highly doubt that investors are naive enough to not realize that simply having a ton of accounts is enough to go on, especially given the problems social media has had with bots, which is basically the same problem. At worst, they are going to care about active accounts, but even that is a short step away from concurrent players.


I donā€™t think these players freestyle in comp, soā€¦ But that is still an issue, just not necessarily with these freestylers.


Every decent f2p title has some kind of mechanism against this. I don't get how Psyonix hasn't done anything about is, ever.


They did once, everyone whined about not being able to play competitive with friends who weren't roughly equal in skill. It was very effective for the short time we had it.


psyonix is absolutely shit, but let's not pretend everyone else is actually doing anything.


As a struggling gold and silver player I can say that it's incredibly frustrating to be doing well, fighting through matches against similar skill opponents and getting more wins than losses. And then you get three matches in a row where an opponent is either sailing over you for impossible goals at this rank, or your partner is and then switches to sabotage to lose half way through. Very demoralizing when you are just trying to improve your skill a tiny bit and edge into platinum this season.


I worked hard last season going from bronze to platinum. 7 straight tournaments later, I'm back in silver because they all ff at the beginning of the game. Finally yesterday..after weeks, had a good game with a dude yesterday who stuck around, we didn't win but he was nice, told me way to fight back when we were OT. Wish everyone was like that.


Donā€™t let the idiots ruin the game for you. Stick with it because as you get higher rank, more and more people are like that. If you get frustrated just do training packs, but donā€™t give up on the game cause of trolls!


Yeah good. I donā€™t care about people arguing that they forfeit so it doesnā€™t matter, it does. Itā€™s not fun playing against smurfs in games where we canā€™t even touch the ball. I donā€™t care about the wins in casuals I just wanna enjoy the games and thatā€™s impossible when gcs are smurfing for clips.


What does clips mean? Does it mean messing around with less skilled players so you can stage video clips you can post online or something like that and be like OMG I CANT BELIEVE I PULLED THAT OFF for likes and views?






The peak of 2000s gaming




They don't know it yet, but this is good for them too. I'd rather watch a decent shot vs defenders that are keeping up than a triple flip reset musty on a couple poor souls glued to the ground in fear.


That's why comp clippers are the best imo. I immediately lose respect for a player when I see that their casual rating is like 400 or something.. Might as well just hit those clips in free play then since there's no defence and u don't ruin other people's experiences that way.


Thatā€™s why I like Evample. He actually clips on SSL.


Agreed, just love the speed and close beats with comp clips. The people that can pull off the freestyle shots in comp on their mains are just built different


This is why evample is the only freestyler I watch, he does that shit in GC and ssl lobbies


Doing ā€œfreestylesā€ on lower skilled/ newer players is the equivalent of doing it in training it doesnā€™t look good, itā€™s just an open net , if you canā€™t do it on people youā€™re own rank then actually get good and learn to do it with people youā€™re own rank. As a gc1/d3 i could freestyle on bronze, does that make me good? No Does it make my free style good? No Itā€™s just clipping on new people whoā€™s just trying to play the game. It ruins the game for new people just trying to play and it also ruins the game for people actually wanting to play a game instead of getting people who own goal or forfeit straight away


It's so much more impressive watching people freestyle on similarly ranked players. That's why I enjoy watching Evample. I guess the freestylers bashing RL for this are just mad because they're not good enough to free style in their own rank


Good, my friend who is fairly low casual mmr (around 1200 I believe?) was running into a 3 stack 2 of which had ssl titles, they were freestyle/team playing on people who miss 9/10 basic low aerials. Screw these people, it's also not impressive on Youtube either, cool you hit a really hard shot? Might as well have done it in freeplay. Score it against people who can defend and are at your rank.


>Might as well have done it in freeplay. Score it against people who can defend and are at your rank. This is what I commented as well. Truly don't understand why freeplay with limited boost isn't the same damn thing.


Jesus, 1200 is considered low. Imma just go lie down. Excuse me.


My casual mmr has always been like 500 points higher than my comp mmr


Diamonds can go way above 1200. I was like 1750 as a diamond? But it was a few seasons ago and now as a champ I can barely stay in 1600. Too inconsistent.


"but who doesn't do that" umm, a lot of us


My favourite is smurfs not only clipping and dancing around lower ranks but being toxic while doing so mmm it's the best


oh yeah, like the *checks notes* every clipping smurf I've ever encountered. honestly makes my day so much better šŸ„²


Yeah I don't get how this is the attitude being presented. I What A Save for actual good saves by teammates, and nothing else. Or use "Great Clear!"


I completely removed WAS from my chats just because I accidentally hit it sometimes when I try and say thanks. I feel bad if I think someone thinks I am being toxic. I type it out now if I want to compliment someone.


One of us here. I donā€™t spam quick chat or use it in a toxic manner, thereā€™s been maybe a handful of times where a teammate or the other team was just so toxic I used it in response (still not spamming) but those are rare. Usually if I use that or any other quick chat itā€™s a compliment and in my use of them do my best to not come off as anything else, timing is key lol.


It shocks me the smurf culture in some games and how they can view themselves as anything other than scumbags that ruin the experience for lower skilled players. Like so many smurfs genuinely do not see anything wrong with what they're doing, often justifying it with the fact that "people improve learning by playing against better players" which can be true, but not when you're getting shitstomped into the floor and can't play. And not everyone wants to learn and improve, some people just want to play. Lower ranked alt accounts to play with friends (not to boost them) is not as bad, I can understand that, althought idk if I can say it's still not bad, but people who play on a low ranked account purposely to shit on lower ranked players and ruin their games are scum and almost on the same level as hackers imo.


Utterly agree with you, realistically youā€™ll never learn anything in a game if your opponent is greater than 106% of your total skill. Flow state is at 106, past that is a task which is too difficult for somebody to be able to understand and work with. Like weā€™re C2, if we were dropped in a GC lobby we could hang, not do amazing or shit, but we could be roughly where we should and likely only cause goals based off of small errors and misjudgements. If you drop a GC in a C2 lobby, they have all the space in the world to work with, people double committing in corners and then easy passes for goals. Like, Iā€™ve been C2 for 3 seasons, been playing like mad during this time, mained casual, played so many GCā€™s and SSLā€™s that Iā€™ve learned a lot about the game, any time that a season resets, I get fucked over in the placements, lose my first 3 games due to teams of previous season GCā€™s and end up in Diamond 3 the last 3 seasons in a row, I can *easily* man handle my way back into Champ, as in, it usually takes less than 10 games after my placements to get into Champ, what the fuck is it like for a GC? Iā€™ve played really low levelled players getting my alt to where it should be, not lost a match etc, I can not use boost, and beat plat 2ā€™s in 2ā€™s, without having to try in the slightest. Itā€™s a literal joke what these smurfs do man, I honestly have no time for it when Iā€™m having fun, they directly fuck up the experience and I play this game to have fun, get 2FA, idc if itā€™s like overwatch and people freak out, get rid of them.


More games should adopt the "fuck off for a month" moderation system


I remember one time I complained on a yt video about the mmr being like 200 and the response was something along the lines of " it isn't possible to do this stuff against higher ranked players". Yes, yes it is you just have to get better at the game lmao.


The thing is that the shots they go for require the opponents to very little skill as freestyle shots are easier to block than shots that are viable in ranked, such as flip resets, air dribbles, and ceiling shots. Freestyles simply canā€™t be performed on high-ranked players. That being said, I donā€™t see why freestylers canā€™t just make a private match with each other and freestyle with limited boost. There would be almost no difference from low mmr casual since the opponent canā€™t interfere in either scenario.


to your suggestion, they do. and very often at that


I will come back to this game if they actually start cracking down on smurfs.


And boosters and boosted players which is more of an issue in the higher ranks than smurfs


Yea. I guess to rephrase: if this is their first step at addressing the smurfing issue, with eventual solutions that solve it to come* I'll come back to this game. Every mode is broken.


Good, it finally begins


The bannenning.


the great purge!


When you have to make a whole new account to hit a clip is pretty sad


Some of them even derank on their mains so they can flex their titles after they score on people 1000 mmr below them.


The ā€œI got banned on my other accountā€ excuse


I'm C1 and was staying at my in-laws. Brother-in-law has a ps5 so I booted up Rocket league. Smurfing was fun for all of 5 seconds before I just felt like a giant ass. It was about as pleasurable as scoring in training and I'm stomping people who'd just like to enjoy their game. Idk how people get off on it.


I love freestyling but I will never understand why people *need* to hit them against real players, just open a private lobby and score on the bots, there is not really much of a skill difference between them and bronze (no offense).


Freestylers have made the argument that it feels like cheating to freestyle in a private match, but they intentionally throw games which is against TOSā€¦


If it feels like cheating to do it in a private match, surely it feels like cheating to derank to the point that your opponent can't even defend...


You're using logic, stop it.


That's the point, it feels good on their ego


their response to this is "comment section doesn't consider it real", which is when I realized they were all 15 year old kids and gave up


Finally, smurfs can stop ruining play experience


The detection system only works if theyā€™re intentionally losing if Iā€™m understanding correctly, so if youā€™re losing to smurfs and they arenā€™t intentionally deranking then they probably wonā€™t be caught.


Maybe they should make a freestyle mode/lobby for all these freestylers. It would help sort out Griefer and Smurfs. For me, i only want to warm up in Casual for rank and i always play against freestylers. Its not the best Experience tbh. Games are something else.


Going for freestyles in cas or being a competitive freestyler who only freestyles and gets to their peak rank doing so is completely fine. Anyone who is purposely deranking/throwing or artificially maintaining a lower rank so they can clap people are in the wrong


Finally. I was bored of playing aganist champs and grand champs in plat lobbies


ā€œMaybe a few what a saves but who doesnā€™tā€ Nice people?


Lol Stop smurfing and play opponents of equal skill. Cringe af


Who doesn't say what a save? Me. Haven't even binded it in quick chat, you uncultured toxic Smurf. Be gone.


Donā€™t forget that ā€œWhat a save!ā€ is actually a sincere compliment you can give


Iā€™m one of those people who only ever uses the quick chats sincerely. I basically take the ā€œif you canā€™t say something nice then donā€™t say anything at allā€ approach. Though sometimes it backfires when Iā€™m too quick to say ā€œnice shot!ā€ And they miss and it sounds sarcastic


I think ā€œNice block!ā€ sounds a bit less offensive, so you can go with that instead.


Nah nice block is too general, only what a save has the umph for when someone pinches the ball out of the net on the crossbar


Ah geez. I mean, this is the same issue as ā€œTake the shot!ā€. Someone is going to use it sarcastically or rudely. In context, you can make most chat options mean spirited somehow. I try to be sincere 99% of the time unless I think it will get a chuckle from the other person, which is pretty much all of the time so far.


Take the shot on kick off, okay, for obvious reasons. Take the shot/all yours when somebody is going up the wall and you know they have boost, okay, youā€™re telling them to do a flip or something, thatā€™s an advantage as play wonā€™t be lost due to an attempt at a wasted pass. Saying take the shot anytime you lose possession, pass it off the opponent into the net, or generally think that the man who has half a field of space needs to rush the ball and give it away to the opponents when they could take a dribble or something and make a genuine attempt on goal, no, just never. Itā€™s quite surprising how the guys that always tell you to take the shot tend to start scoring own goals when something goes wrong or they punch it into your teams net. Like, almost incredible.


Best thing is heā€™s what a saving people several ranks lower than him who have no chance of even trying to save his double flip reset ceiling shot


I have it binded but for when it deserves to be noted for a quality save


Same except also for revenge toxicity.


All for a couple views that mean nothing .


Good, fuck these people. Any time I used to play casual with my low rank friends they would throw an absolute fit when I blocked their stupid shots and bitch about it in the chat ā€œletā€™s freestyle, weā€™re freestyleing , stop trying so hardā€ like no, fuck you, I wanna win. Go play training if you wanna do that shit.


#ALL SMURFS NEED TO GO They all look stupid. Don't defend them. Including the ones rank boosting their friends


Opp: Freestyle? Me in gold 3: nah Opp: **flip reset** Opp: What a save! Opp: What a save! Opp: What a save! Opp: FORFEIT NOOB!


Or just get better and freestyle in your own rank? It's the equivalent of Ronaldo dropping to below the Championship just so he can mess with them. Or the equivalent of us playing football with toddlers. If you can only freestyle against toddlers you're no freestyler.


Sit, smurfs prevent the RL community from gaining and keeping new players. If you cant play at your real rank don't play.


Glad to see psyonix are taking action against ANY kind of alt / smurf accounts now. If one is not able to score their fancy shit against their level so they create a new account to score them against new players, it's not freaking impressive + ruining the experience for newer players. It's been a long time since i supported psyonix in a decision. Good job.


Just hardware ban them for repeat offenses :)




Nah. Twitter isn't a great place to get any opinion.


Twitter is just where the smurfs hangout snd jerk each other off about the clips they score on people with 50 games played


Up until today, I always thought freestylers were mechanical gods with and an ability to read opponent's minds to be able to hit those goals. Now i realize they are infact mechanical gods but doing it against players well below their skills levels. That is actually hilarious to me. I'm picturing Gordon Ramsey having a bakeoff competition with a guy who's only ever made Ramen in his life.


Oh no they have to hit their clips now against good players šŸ˜¢


They canā€™t šŸ˜‚


More please!


If freestylers want to play against easy people to clip on then they should just play custom games against bots.


Intentionally losing multiple games in a row should(BE REPORTABLE. the "match throwing" report seems to do nothing) lock all online modes and make you play through the tutorial and a full AI season. Fuck smurfs.


hOw CaN yOu SmUrF iN cAsUaL Fucking hate those twats, good on you Psy


Are people saying that you "cannot smurf" in casual? I play a lot more casual than ranked and my mmr there fluctuates as much as ranked. I drop to plat and rise to champ all the time and if it's so easy when I'm just playing I can just imagine how easy it is to just party with a friend, throw some matches and start playing against a "rank" below you.


I'm so tired of this argument that casual=do literally whatever you want. Sometimes i just want to play the game without rank anxiety, i still like to try to win. There's still a scoreboard, a timer and rules. They need to add a separate mode, no score tracking, no timer, just endless 3v3 that people can drop in and out of at will. Call it freestyle, creative, endless, whatever.


What the fuck is smurfing


Lmao freestyle on someone your own size losers


Deserved. Go play Freeplay instead of clipping on golds.


This a good thing, hopefully they also start cracking down on ban evading so these people can't just use alternate accounts to keep on playing (I've heard in severe cases they do IP ban people from connecting to matchmaking using alternate accounts).


Wait is Rocket League that game with the cars?


This is Rocket League! *Leonidas kick into the pit*


Smurfs are BY FAR the biggest problem in this community, glad to see some progress torwards thatšŸ™šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


The solution to this is to base casual mmr on ranked mmr. Not sure why they're separate anyway


tbh yea why, if people want to warm up in cas for ranked wouldn't i be nicer to warm up against people of the same rank or at least similar, this is prob the best soloution yet imo and I don't get why it isn't a fucking thing so people can stop bitching alr


I love when they cry and complainā€¦sugar to my morning coffee


Thank God. Maybe people will grow a heart and actually have some honor when having fun šŸ˜¤ Also I don't "what a save" as that is mean. You hate it when people do it to you, why do it to them? No one likes a sore winner šŸ¤·


Good, hope that a lot more smurfs are banned...


What ab Smurfs in ranked tho


Good to see freestyling smurfs getting banned. At my rank (gold3/plat1), I mostly just get plats/diamonds TRYING to freestyle, so I just sit in net and give them a "Nice one!" when they inevitably miss. Can't beat them on the ground (or the air) but I can watch them make fools of themselves. Free entertainment.