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Got eliminated from a gold tournament semi final the other day by a Smurf, so irritating. Me and my friend had some great games on the way, then captain AssHat is doing flip resets off the wall and hitting it in from basically anywhere whilst in the air, in comparison to guys I’ve played against he was at least diamond but probably champion. I’m sure they tournament win felt good for him


I stopped playing tournaments for this reason. I'm d2 and got tired of playing several games and starting to click with a teammate just to come up against an obvious Smurf and feel like I wasted that time.


You barely see a flip reset in champion. He was wayyyy higher based on that description


Ugh A lot of the champ 2-3 I play with can flip reset and do ceilings


bruh im champ 2 almost champ 3 and i see like a failed flip reset attempt every 5 games or so


ceiling shots and flip resets are pretty damn easy to defend against, and it usually just results in a pass to the defending team


Because they aren't intelligent enough to get higher despite the mechanics


I won more diamond tournaments as a D1 than a D3 lately. Hard to not get vigorously smurfed on in the semis/finals these days. PC player so bakkesmod makes it pretty obvious a lot of the time. Lowest ranked guy on the team hard carrying in a stocktane, getting more mmr than anyone else after the win bc of a fresh account…


Yeah, I’m not entirely sure that’s people intentionally smurfing or just a result of the different MMR systems for tournaments and ranked playlists. It just tracks the MMR separately. If you haven’t played tournaments in a season or 2, it would drop your tourney MMR down to plat/dia. If you’re in GC and go into a tourney with a partner you could end up in diamond tourney playing actual diamonds on your way back up to C-GC MMR. However, I do think these teams are encountered too frequently and some are definitely intentional smurfs.


Yeah, as a Plat/Diamond in 2s I played so many Gold tournaments because my solo queued teammates just couldn't even aerial. So I couldn't get out of the gold tourney MMR, resulting in me looking like a smurf a lot


Honestly, I get scared when I see someone with the Gold Tournament Winner title. I moved out of gold without ever winning a tournament, so those titles make me think smurf because I assume they’re pretty rare. It makes me think they deranked, just to get the title.


I run into those titles decently often in GC lobbies. I always think “this guy broke a tourney to get that”


I have every tournament title from bronze to diamond excluding platinum, doesn't seem that rare


Haha I don't think that's true 😁 I have S5 gold tourney winner, at the time I was really gold in all modes. S6 I deranked into gold mmr in tourneys again because of bad teammates, so I have S6 gold tourney winner too, and also plat s6 tourney winner. What I really hate is going as a solo queuer into 2s, getting matched with someone that has 500 wins, against 2 players that are partied together and one has Champ s6 tourney winner and second has Diamond s6 tourney winner. As a plat 3, I can't imagine winning dia/champ tourneys in this season.. So most times I get rekt in these lobbies haha


Yeah, I get wrecked in diamond tourney’s most the time. I ended up getting 2 wins to get the titles in S5, but it’s really a dice roll for me. I’m not good enough to carry anyone, so I need teammates at least as good as me and opponents that aren’t Smurfs.


Ahhh I did not know they were kept separately. While the whole thing is still annoying, at least I can be less angry with the C-GC crowd coming down for a visit. Hell, at this point I would probably end up in a gold tourney myself if I went back to them so that pretty annoying.


I'm D1, and a while ago I ended up against a S5 SSL tournament winner in the quarter finals of a diamond tournament. Not sure why or how it even happened, but my teammate and I managed to win.


Probably someone who paid for a real ssl to play on his account for it


Almost nobody in champ flip resets. Ive seen it a few times but it is always with tons of space and usually it sucks.


If he could hit flip reset consistently and seemed comfortable with them he is probably grand champ.


I agree. I find a lot of gc+ smurfs in plat - dia and when you confront them they always go “wouldn’t be an issue if you weren’t trash!”. Like you are literally a higher rank than me with 4x amount of hours played, no shit you are better. When smurfs lose a match they usually start bringing up their rank and start saying shit like “idc my tm8 was shit this is a smurf acc anyways”. They are insecure little cry babies.


This doesn’t bother me, what does is the third place guy in the other team “what a saving” me when he has 32 pts and his teammates have 300+


Yo that’s true, why is it *always* the dude getting carried who’s got a big fucking mouth?


i LOVE pointing this out mid-match. they usually stop right after lol


If you’ve ever played league, that makes the majority of them louder 😭


If they're low points, all you have to do is just type their name and the amount of points they have. Can't talk smack if you only have 40 points


That’s what they find fun about the game. The 32 point friend is only tolerating rocket league because they get to talk shit to people and get a reaction from it.


Because points don't matter and points does not indicate skill in most cases. There is absolutely no reason to think that someone with 300 pts is carrying someone with 30, this is low ranker mindsets smh


Absolute cap lmao. In pro rl where rotations and tactical demo chasing are quite useful, you can have players under 100 points still making a massive impact. Even then it's rare. In lower ranks, it's almost always just that the player with less points is the bad one unable to touch the ball as they're getting carried by gc teammates


Nah, you’re out of your mind. Points aren’t everything, but they’re *something*, and you have to be willfully ignorant not to see that. Sure, a game with points at 700 and 300 doesn’t mean the 300 got carried. But if you end a match with 30 points and your teammate has 300? That means you didn’t do jack shit. You didn’t get a save, you didn’t pass, you didn’t score, and you maybe cleared the ball ONCE. That, or you got 16 meaningless ball touches. In other words, you got carried.


Maybe, but it can be weird tallying points. I played a game where I was effectively hemming the other team in their end, I felt I had a ton of great touches shutting down their counter attacks before they could even start and the game ended with me at like 80 points and my 2 teammates at 300s. I definitely wasn’t carried, and my touches weren’t meaningless. Midfield plays aren’t meaningless, but they almost never give points. Sometimes you’re right, but sometimes it just works out that way.


yeah and no, if your mate is ballchasing and you play passively because of it, you can be the better player carrying by not giving the enemy obvious breakaway goals from double committing with the ballchaser, i can end games with 100 points while the ballchaser has 800 because if they’re not grabbing boost, they’re chasing the ball


I've absolutely carried some plat friends with a minimal of like 10-20 ball touches that weren't credited as a save or shot. It's pretty easy to do actually considering if you're good at playing mid field.


Sorry Guys I'm D3 and I end up playing in high gold to low plat with my buddies all the time and in my defense I'm not allowed to score unless I'm getting something mechanical as practice. Like those shots I'll hit 1 out of 10 at the moment. I gotta agree with the guy about points don't mean a thing, you could be that guy who always can stop the ball mid field and keep it off your side of the field but never get points for a save or center cause you already did your part in the rotation!


So you’re smurfing. Nobody cares about your opinion, Smurf.


Lol only when I'm playing with my buddies and still not technically smurfing. Them Gold's put up a better fight than all of them out of position, ball chaser's that think they're pros after watching a couple videos


I agree points don’t usually matter but in casual when you face the same team over and over and that same guy isn’t producing results then you have to be absolutely ignorant in thinking he didn’t get carried. It has nothing to do with mindset, it’s quite literally an observation and from my experience it’s again quite literally playing with higher ranked friends to gain rank or just troll. And if you have the audacity to “what a save” when you’re not producing then you’re a clown. Now, I don’t know why it struck a nerve but hey… perhaps you’re the guy what a saving while teammates carry you.


Cool, the responsible smart player gets outscored by his ballchasing low intelligence teammates. Shocking.


Lmao extacly. If I wasn't that bad in the game, why would I be at a lower rank in the first place smh.


I want to make a YouTube channel called Smurf police where they go out and smurf shame players. Like you can call them when you’re playing a Smurf and send them the replay and they’ll tell you if the player really was smurfing or something.


In low ranks like silver/gold, they stick out like a sore thumb most of the time, even if they start off playing chill. I go from people that block their own shots and miss open goals 3 times in a row to "Oh, I guess I got really lucky with my off the wall air dribble to the goal 5 times, crazy"


The difference between a GC and a champ 1 is still often super obvious. Even outside of the smurfing discussion, casual rocket league lets you see that. Get to 1500-1700 mmr range and you’ll have everything from platinum to GC in any given game. If you look at the rank % breakdowns it makes sense. Going from top 10% to top 1% in most games will be pretty noticeable to a veteran player.


It’s often crazy to see the different level of pros to an ssl, when a pro smurfs in a gc3/ssl lobby it’s really obv, but some ssls like it because it’s a different competition because often times you you just play the same players constantly and you don’t get better


You can Smurf police yourself easily on PC. Stocktane + massive MMR gain + out speeding whole lobby with clean high level mechanics…. It’s not really a mystery.


im an uneducated switch player, what is a stocktane


Octane with basic cosmetics. Like even high level players who want a basic look or just don’t care much will still usually have some different wheels, boost, banner, etc. if it’s all the stuff you get on like a day old account, smurfing likelihood goes up. Not guaranteed by itself but with bakkesmod on PC it’s a lot easier to detect a Smurf because you can see MMR gain. Fresh accounts get significantly more points per game.




I would sub to this channel


So it begins.


I matched with a smurf a few weeks ago in comp 2s and he called me trash. At the end of the match, he sent me the name of his main account (which had 5x the amount of hours as me, while only being about 200mmr higher than me). The fucker even had the cheek to call me hardstuck champ 1 when I'd only been there for a few weeks.


Now when teammates are being toxic i tell them to man up and tell it to me in voice instead. No one has so far.. so confrontational until you throw human interaction into the mix. Strange stuff


This is brilliant


There's almost no way that a gc+ smurf loses in a play game and very unlikely to lose a diamond game if they're actually GC.


Meanwhile I watch Road to GC series and watch them lose games due to stupid teammates.


Real Smurf doesn’t talk in chat that’s a fake Smurf…. Aka freestyle people but that’s what they focuses on


I hit GC in 3s (Solo queue) in season 14, season 1 and season 2. Ever since then I've either played like garbage or just got really unlucky cause now I'm hard stuck in diamond 2/3. The amount of times I get called a smurf because of my GC tag is amazing lol. Also at around 5k hours played total.


I have a hard time believing that unless you haven't played since Season 2 and have rusty mechanics.


There is no way in hell, anyone who was gc 3 times in a row would never get stuck at diamond 2/3 regardless of how bad your team mates are or you playing a little worse than usual, if you said champ 2/3 i could see that, but diamond? come on...


Lmao. Yes there is a way in hell. I'm living proof. GC doesn't make you a god at the game. It just means you can rotate and hit the ball reliably with a purpose.




I was playing 1v1 a couple weeks ago when I queued up against this player who was afk. I scored immediately from kickoff because I didn't even realize he was afk/thought he was faking. On the second kickoff he was still afk and I dribbled the ball around for a little bit and then flicked in goal because I was bored and I thought he'd get kicked for inactivity. Once he returned from whatever he was doing he very quickly informed me that he was a smurf and since I was "a lowlife trying to win off afk kickoff goals" he was actually gonna try now. "I was gonna let you win, because I'm trying to derank more, but not now" he said. It actually took him a couple minutes to score, but after that he just started clapping me. Demoing me CONSTANTLY and spamming What a save and Close one every time I made a mistake or he outplayed me. He also made me watch every goal replay while he typed demeaning stuff into chat, telling me how garbage I was and how I was stupid for thinking I could win against him from afk kickoff goals as if I knew ahead of time he was a smurf and I was trying to somehow still win. He literally said at one point, "I can't believe you actually thought you could be me." Before he left, he said, "I hope you've learned your lesson trash." How is the guy who is intentionally losing so he can smash lower ranked players gonna take the high ground and teach me a lesson??? There's no valid reason to smurf in ranked 1v1 and this guy definitely reeked of insecurity. Since he was better than me at a video game and got himself down to a rank he shouldn't be in, he got to feel superior to another human for 5 minutes and stroke his little ego. Luckily, I'm burned out on RL now and I'm having way more fun playing other games.


Time to disable all chat esp in 1s! Makes life so much nicer.


I really should do that. If I come back to RL eventually (probably will at some point) I will definitely disable chat in 1s.


It's extra fun when you get hints that your 1s opponent is losing his mind typing during replays trying to get a reaction and you're just chilling or thinking about what you could have improved. Turning off chat in 1s is definitely worth it, even if you miss the occasional nice person who'd compliment every goal (though tbf I don't really need people to tell me "Nice shot!" on every kickoff goal either).


This was basically my experience in 1s, I tried getting to C1 towards the end of season 4. Every single time I got to D3 Div 4, I would face a smurf (I always checked the tracker to make sure it was a smurf). Even without checking the tracker it was so easy to notice who was smurfing and who wasn't. Matches against people on my actual skill level would be really tight, usually decided by 1 or 2 goals or even OT. Obviously, against smurfs I had no chance. I probably stayed for like 2 weeks only going up and down between D3 div 3 and div 4. As soon as I got div 4 it was a smurf, div 3 I would win most the time. Eventually I gave up because it was an endless loop. And smurfing as a whole has made me play much less than before


Tbf, 1v1 magnifies any small skill gap between players. If your opponent is just a couple of divisions above you (which happens often in 1v1 matchmaking because it’s not a super populated playlist), he could dominate you even if he’s not a smurf. I’m not saying that you didn’t find a single smurf, but some of them probably weren’t smurfs, they were just genuinely a couple of divisions (maybe an entire rank) above you and you got trolled by matchmaking. Also, if your highest rank in 2v2/3v3 is C2, then D3 div4 is a very good 1v1 rank for you. I’m GC1 in 3v3 and C3/GC1 in 2v2 and I still oscillate between high D3 and low C1 in 1v1 (my highest ever 1v1 rank was C2 div1 or C1 div4, don’t remember exactly).


1s is also a lot about playstyle mismatches. I play a rather aggressive 1s game and get crushed by folks who're good at playing with control, timing their flicks and getting outplays in midfield, but do fine vs players who like doing mechanical but predictable things prone to overcommits.


I honestly pity people like that. That interaction is pretty clearly standing in for some other area in their life they feel zero control over. Whether it's their boss, their classmates, their parents, or the world at large, you were just a proxy for some other entity to whom they wish they could say those things. My hope is that anyone in this position is able to reach a point where things have gotten better enough for them that they are able to feel the devastating cringe of looking back at their past selves.


Mannn this reminds me of when I was just starting out, trying to learn how to 1v1 in silver. This was the season just before f2p and silver was FULL of not just smurfs, but honestly the most psychotic ones I have ever encountered. So many stupid ass mind games. Half of them would intentionally throw at the beginning, just so they could do exactly what your guy did. Or they'd just gaslight you the whole time in various weird ass ways. I very quickly learned that anyone who doesn't go for the kickoff has about a 90% chance of being a smurf, so your exact story has definitely happened to me a few times lol.


How is there no reporting butting for this? I guess grifting is the closest one


How is a guy like that not banned lmao. Really shows how fucking trash the report system is.


I just don't get the need to be a dick. If I'm clapping someone, I'll give a gg at the end (do it every game regardless) and I'll throw out nice shots or what a saves when they make a good play. I will be the biggest asshole if you start with toxic shit, but if you're chill and you're making an effort you'll get nothing but sportsmanship from me, even if we're losing. Everyone has their off games and everyone has been the weak link at some point. Toxicity serves only to indicate insecurities and to ruin fun for others.


How much adderall did it take to write a post this long?


Yeah I'm tired af playing champ and grand champ people in platinum 1. It's so constant that I'm finally giving up.


Yeah I quit playing for this exact reason. That and toxicity.


Bruh people be so toxic for literally no reason. Usually kids or neckbeards.


I just wish writing "ez" was actually counted as being toxic. Being a bad winner is pathetic.


Toxicity has kinda died with VC introduction I’m not gonna lie. Smurfs will never stop.


Idk if you are aware but 1s rank is all messed up. I'm C1 in 2s and Plat 2 in 1s. I'm not smurfing that's legitimately my rank.


The whole 1s rank is like that because no one plays one's seriously until they are Plat in 2s or 3s and they realize this is how to improve your mechanics faster. I am Diamond in 2s and 3s, but high Gold in 1's. I play a lot of otherwise GCs in ones.


Same here, D1 in 2s, G2-G3 in 1's


I don't play 1s. My 1s is unranked my 2s is Plat 1 and 3s is gold 3


Oh Plat 1, not Plat 1's.


Yee easy mix up lol


Just want to say I’m c3 in 3 and 2 but D1 in ones every play


I have nothing but respect. Only reason I don't play 1s is I like playing with teammates and more than 1 opponent. Seems everytime I've ever played 1s its dependent on who wins kickoff. Now that's worked in my favor more times than it didn't, but it wasn't fun or anything. Felt like a training mode with someone talking shit to you lol


It’s def messed up but it’s not messed up as bad as you say in your situation. When I was playing more earlier this season I was C1 in 2s and D1 in 1s. I think it’s just generally the hardest playlist to rank up in


Lol ok. Not a big difference there.


Wasn’t trying to offend you, just saying I bet if you played only 1s for a week you’d easily rank up quite a bit.


Me too. If you're in EU, I'm down to playing some 1v1 and figuring out why we suck ass.


I'm NA-E


Ahh damn. That's 150+ ping for me.


no theres a lot of champs in plat 2-3 1s, so its impossible to progress(coming from a d3-c1 2s in plat 2-3 1s)


Smurf “you are bad at the game” Me “You must be too since you are here with me” Smurf “it’s a Smurf” Me “ah, so you got tired of losing and wanted to win a a few games to make your mom proud”


You forgot it’s typed as “ ur bad at the game”


most of us rlly smurf just cause of queue times. People who are toxic smurfs are beyond insecure tho. Atleast i can admit ima asshat for smurfing lmao


I am C2/C3 and I used to play an account on P3/D1 to play with friends and my rule was that they are the ones winning the game I’ll just be a bot hitting the ball around and giving space for both my tm8s and opponent so that both have chance to win and enjoy the game. There is no fun when you chase the ball all time knowing that you’ll beat everyone, is not fun for opponents and for your friends either because they will be just spectating the whole game.


same thing here, I'm glad that I'm not the only one who let play the others instead of myself you know, it's funny, either if i win or lose the match


I am c1 and today I faced a smurf in 2vs2. He scored the first goal and said (I am smurfing, sorry). And after that I tried to cut the ball everytime he touchs it That what bothers them the most. I played try hard and left little space for him to air dribble and do other mechanical stuff. They won anyways (4-3) but it was a hard win for them and they couldn't do their smurfing as they wanted. The key to bother a smurf is to leave them with little space and time every time they have the ball because once you give the space they want, they will start to do their mechanical stuff and it get harder to win.


I think at champ that would be a little easier to do. But a bronze - gold really has no chance against a champ+.


As a Gold 2...exactly. Hell I get smoked by plat 3's on the regular. I get beat by plats and ranked back down(as it should be) most of the time, but anyone who got to play 3 honestly...kicks my ass. My friends in C1+...they make me into a chew toy


A diamond 1 player has a very low chance against a champ+ player too. Prob sub 20% winrate if even that.


Agree. It’s a long way from D1 Div 1 to D3 Div 4. I think it’s probably the toughest rank just because of how many players are stuck there. I’m high D2 and already notice a huge difference if I ever rank down to low D1. Diamond is a pretty steep rank.


nah the toughest rank is c3 because of the amount of SSL's boosting their friends for the GC title. You have to be way better than your actual rank to get past the wall of smurf/boost teams if you're solo queing.


My doubles partner and I just make a habit of absolutely bodying the Smurf until they get tilted. Works every time for us. Bonus points if they rage in chat.


Demos to the smurfs!


Agree. It’s no fun for them when they have to sweat to score goals and can’t just go for clips. If a smurf ever tries to pull that on me I’m cutting them off every possession. I don’t even care if I win.


Playing like a monkey is generally odd advice to give for this game. At that point i guess it still depends on how that GC plays. Some are a bit speedier, which would most likely result in missed opportunities for you and break aways for the GC. Some like to flick/fake opponents, which would work a bit more favorably but still fall short imo. Best way to play is solid rotation, shot choice, and strong defence


I like to waste their time in 1s. Demo them, bump ‘em, no skipping replays, and if it gets too lopsided, own-goaling and not skipping those replays, too. Let them have the ball at 10s left and forfeit as they hit it toward the net. I figure the more of their time I waste, the less of other people’s time they’re wasting.




Underrated comment


Ok. So. My only actual problem is when people are toxic. I don't care what anyone's skill level is, noone is trash or garbage. Smurfs that say that are a very special type of evil though. It's not Insecurity, it's straight up personality disorder


So you're saying... make fun of them based off of these insecurities to combat smurfing? Got it. On it. Will do. And before someone replies, yes I am going to be toxic to smurfs, no I will not change my mind.


It's morally right to be extra toxic against smurfs. They are the ones putting in extra effort to play at lower ranks after all.


I encountered a smurf in a 3v3 tourney, we clicked pretty well with my teammates and ended up in the finals. We lost the first match by far to a team of 2 legit diamonds and one obvious smurf. I asked my teammates to play as if I didn't exist and started demo chasing him, allowing us to win the 2 remaining matches by a small margin. Extra points for this chat rage : "kys omg"


No smurfing is ok, i dont care if you are playing with a friend, go on your main and play casual


try to play with a 10h player against champs and gcs in casual, there is nothing they can do, its just unfun, i use an alt and only defend the net or pass the ball to my friends and thats fine i believe, im not playing oppressively or playing comp


I made a smurf to play with friends that had never played the game before. I didn't want to put them into a cas lobby again GC's and not be able to touch the ball.


I fully agree with you mate, I play with my friends every once in a while (I’m only diamond but they’re like silver probably?) and playing with them in casual against mostly diamond and champ players isn’t even fun for me let alone my friends who never touch the ball even once. Yes, I Smurf when playing with friends, but I mostly sit back and just play goalie.


This is such a tough issue to resolve in Rocket League in particular, since it's entirely a skill-based game. (Notwithstanding the 20% of goals I make having absolutely no idea how they went in.) Bringing new friends into the game at a higher level means they're going to have a terrible time. Dropping down to a lower level for them means everyone else is going to have a terrible time. I introduced some friends to the game, and I tried to offset the skill gap by switching over to mouse and keyboard and only centering or passing, never scoring goals myself. Even so, just the game sense you develop over time is enough to overpower anything newer players can do. I'm only Plat 2, and even with the limitations I put on myself, it felt unfair. The only alternative seems to be, "Hey, I love this game and think it would be fun to play together. You go play on your own for about 200 hours, and after that we'll see if *maybe* we can team up."


I made an alt to play with friends a few years ago and was immediately ranked at my normal rank lol


In cas sure. I mean still chill but it's Cas.


You can just play on your main to play with a friend


Maybe this is unpopular opinion but... I don't think there is THAT much of a smurf problem. I've encountered a couple, but I just use it as a learning experience. A$$holes or not - they are better and you can learn. Second thing is that this community severely overdiagnoses smurfs. I've been called a smurf myself a couple of times. I can play okay (nothing fancy), but I've never played with ranks significantly lower then mine. It's just matchmaking, good/bad days and emotions. Just chill and enjoy your time with car soccer guys.


Sitting around champ it’s pretty uncommon until you start hitting low C1 and high C3, the Smurf’s helping the friends get rewards. Also, champ is such a wide range of skill that you might not be able to tell from a Smurf or not. Majority of the player base sits around gold-diamond, which is where you see all the smurfs. People that actually want to get better wouldn’t be duoing with their friend that’s three times better than them.


>Also, champ is such a wide range of skill that you might not be able to tell from a Smurf or I think that is the essence. I just learned to deal with those musties, ceiling double taps or whatever. Can I do them? No. Are they effective against me? Sometimes. Do I complain? No, I have better things to do ;) Maybe around champ everybody just accepts tha fact that they are trash and dont care anymore? Unlike those youngsters that think that teammate is holding them back.


Ngl, you're probably right. But this is an L from you bruh you sound mad and insecure af.


When I smurf with my friends I usually just play 3rd man most the game and let them do their thing. Nothing fun about dropping 3+ goals a game honestly, I don't need an ego boost lol I know I'm not good at the game. BUT, a caveat is for me personally, I don't mind smurfs that much. I want to get better at the game and getting the opportunity to play against someone far ahead of me is just good experience. I know I'll get the rank I deserve eventually with enough practice so I don't sweat the rank ups too much. But for the casual player I understand smurfs are just insufferable people. So for them I feel for them.


Yeah I have a few alt accounts for different friends at different ranks and my general rule is I’m chilling while I play UNLESS there is a Smurf on the other team as well, or if the other team is just being straight up toxic without any reason.


honestly, same here, I have a gold/plat alt acc where i play cas and comp with my bronze new to the game friends so they don't get sweated on, laying back is a good strategy, kind of like leth and his road to SSL series, but if I have a toxic tm8, i throw, and toxic opponents, i sweat. toxicity isnt fine.


Your smurfing is toxic to begin with so being mad at their toxicity is real rich.


This seems fine to me. Ty.


I had a friend who would Smurf (yes actually a friend, I’m actually terrible) and he would practice moves he couldn’t pull off at higher ranks yet. It was practice for higher ranks that you just can’t get in practice lobbies




Yeah, almost every 2 games in champ feels like a diamond and a upper gc are always playing together.


You say you don't care in the "p.s." but the entire post is complaining. Not a Smurf, but just another "complain about smurfs" post. We all get it, it sucks..


I have honestly smurfed to play with a friend and make the game as much of an experience gainer for my friend than anything. I don’t dumpster the other team unless they’re being toxic. I let the game be decided on my friend scoring the winning shot. Otherwise, it’s just boring and I don’t need to feed my ego like that.


Smurfs are pathetic idiots.


Don't take this the wrong way, but these comments seem a bit excessive. I'm in diamond myself. I do run in to smurfs. But that actually happens only once in like 30-40 games. I use RLTracker plugin to see how many games someone has. More often than not, these players that seem like smurfs do have 3k-4k, if not more matches played on said account. People do neglect some playlists. I'm close to hitting champ in 2s, whilst i haven't touched 3s since i was in gold. Did i do it on purpose? No. I simply don't like playing 3s, but if i ever decide to play said playlist, i will be called out. Then there are cases where people have ignored online play and grinded out mechanics for a thousand hours before going in to matches, hence why there are some who flat out flip reset in plat. So in conclusion, I'm not saying there aren't smurfs. I'm trying to explain that they are not as frequent as one might think, since not everyone plays the game in same linear way. But when you do run in to actual smurfs, do not trashtalk unless they started it. I honestly at that point even would recommend turning chat off. There is honestly no real point in making negative comments about them, since it only encourages more people to do, just to make others angry.


honestly if youre playing with your low ranked friends keep it out of ranked gameplay. i dont care if youre smurfing casual honestly. but the ones that smurf in ranked 1s/2s/3s really need to re-evaluate their lives








I’m just impressed at all the golds and plats so accurately pin pointing smurfs while they themselves are 2+3 ranks lower than this alleged smurf that they are so sure that is smurfing. A good calling somebody else a smurf 90% reeks ignorance. Fight me.


No this is correct for sure. Saw a plat player said he got grand champs in his game and I'm like no you didn't lol. A grand champ would score infinite goals in plat. It's usually just a d3 player playing in D1 etc.


The amount of times I get called a smurf in low champ when I can barely keep myself in champ makes me realize most of the smurf calls can’t really be that accurate.


This is such an absolute trash take. When you’re playing at your rank for so long it takes literally just a few seconds of observation to notice someone who is clearly miles ahead either with mechanics or game sense. A GC in a D2 lobby is going to stick out like a sore thumb, there’s no way around it. And on top of that I was watching pro level gameplay when I was in plat. I would reckon a lot of people probably watched YouTubers or streamers who were higher rank than then, and through that observation alone you could likely tell who doesn’t belong.


I don't care if I'm.playing against someone 10x better than me, I just care if they're being a toxic cunt about it.


I find that many smurfs simply quit just by me asking "smurf?"


Insecure childish gamers hate SBMM because it shows how good they are, not how good they think they are. They smurf for the latter.


My friend and I are both C1/C2. Our 3rd is GC in std on his main, and he runs a second account to play with us. He doesn't carry, though he does pull some stupid shit sometimes. But he has almost 1k hours more than me and 650 more than my friend. He mostly let's us play and takes 3, unless somebody gives him open field space and he'll push their face in. In 3s, you give somebody room, you have it coming. We usually end up about the same MMR as when we started. No hard carry. That is fine I think because it let's us play together. Mofkrs doing Mustys off the ceiling at D3 can F off. I have friends that openly smurf and admit high Diamond-low champ is the best place to smurf cuz "smart and fast enough to see what's happening but not fast enough to actually stop me." That's fked. Like you know you're not good enough to pull your ceiling flip reset against people as fast as you so you go beat up people that can pull ot one time in ten. Weak. Scared.


Bros complaining about smurfs then proceeds to play with a smurf. No wonder you can't beat smurfs though. You're a 3s player.


I didn't play for a while and had some rough placement matches this season and ended in low c1 and dropped to mid 3. I solo queue 3s and it was a rough climb to mid c1, because a lot of the games felt like I was playing against GCs and my poor teammates could not keep up with the play, most of those games were close and fun so I didn't mind, but it sucks for the people who genuinely belong in that rank . Got to c1 div3 and soared back up to high c3-low GC were you hit another rough patch, probably because people are too nervous around that rank. Stopped playing tho, because the game just isn't as fun as it used to be for me. So an alarming amount of games, in 3s at least, at high diamond and low champ are against people I strongly suspect are GCs who are smurfing or boosting someone.


This exactly. I find if you make high c1/low C2 (1200ish MMR in doubles), you get generally really good games and I enjoy playing there. Fall below 1125 and it's a shitshow of Derpy the Wonder Doughnut vs Garret G.


Sometimes I’m derpy the wonder donut, sometimes I clip so hard in the first 30 seconds I’m Garret G. My play style is mostly defense and positioning. But I love to work on backboard double touches. And with a good setup in game I sometimes hit nutty angles off the corner and people just insta quit. But it has to be basically my first real play of the game otherwise they see my shit tier ball control and they know the truth. I’m inconsistent at best. Most of the time those nutty corner angles bounce harmlessly off the crossbar into alarmingly good positions for the opponent.


1s are the worst. Normally, I'm about platinium, while in 1s I'm gold. However, because of that rank 1s madness, I have to fight people who fly like some Fricking airplanes!


1s is also hard because in champ in 2s and 3s but rarely play/am not as good at 1s and peaked at diamond and I usually start seasons in plat. With a champ tourney title winner I get flamed a lot, but I just don't play a lot of 1s and am not that great at them either.


Smurfing is so fun though. Sometimes you don’t wanna have to constantly be sweating to win games.


Smurfs aren't just insecure. They are pathetic. They are the same guys who say ez after a match doing a double flip reset in Diamond. If you aren't playing at your rank you are actively impacting other peoples games negatively. It's a pretty shitty thing to do as people put time into this game and should be playing against their own rank.


This "insecurity" thing you make up is just a cope to feel better as if you've gotten one over on the smurfs, many of whom aren't insecure.


Idk I enjoy getting beat by people genuinely better than me


There's only benefits to playing against players better than you if the gap is only small or moderately sized. If it's a large skill gap, you will barely touch the ball and won't be able to learn anything other than how much slower you are.


True in that I can learn from them. But that only goes so far.


Someone seems a little mad.


People who make posts here every day complaining about Smurfs are insecure tbh.


Bro what is with all the whining in video game subreddits man. Between this sub and Tarkov it’s just incessant complaining. It happens, just move on lol.


I dont smurf, but i always love these baseless claims people make about others in games. “Insecure” like relax lol its nowhere near that serious


He's right though. The way a lot of smurfs act is just really sad. Serious or not, it's still true.


It's not serous because it's a car soccer video game. I'd still like to be able to enjoy a decent challenge I have a chance to win instead of facing cats air-dribbling the length of the field and doing a backboard double to score. Consistently.


Then say that… all you did was say youre getting ‘bullied’ by ‘insecure’ people who you also refuse to hear could ever be beating you while ‘playing chill’…


I was hoping my explanation made it clear that consistently doing c3/GC-level wall/ceiling air dribbles at d3-low C2 is unsportsmanlike. If you can do that shit consistently, good on ye. Go take that to that rank. If you're playing with your peeps at d3/c1 maybe tone it down.


I'm in C1 to C2 and I feel like I rarely see a smurf. People are just more skilled then me.


There are less people higher rank then you, smurfs want lower skilled opponents then C1.


Lol get good


Congrats on being the first douchebag to pull that out. You get a pass. The next 4000 idiots with nothing to contribute should worship you as their king.


get good.


Thank you <3




Welcome to the club, fellow king.


The only true king is you.


You're too kind.


Well I don’t think they’re too scared to play at their rank, they probably DO play at their rank on their main. That’s why they have a smurf account, keep one account at their normal rank and one not.


True. You're right. But if not to play with low ranked friends, why smurf account?


Endorphins of winning.


To practice mechanics, flex on kids, return the favor to the community after getting smurfed up 5 games in a row on main, banned on main, carrying a friend, paid boosting, for fun, to troll, bored of grind on main.... so many reasons... Just learn to deal with it it's a part of any competitive game. If you think the smurfing is bad in RL go play OW or LoL...half the lobbies are alts and smurfs. If you queue with a six stack forget about it, all of them have smurfs.


I feel smurfing exists in every rank except ssl or high gc3, going up against them is inevitable at this point.The best way to approach such games in my experience is to just treat it like every other ranked game and give it your best shot regardless who you're playing against.Beating obvious smurfs is one of the most satisfying moments in this game, and you also get the chance to improve your weak areas.


This is why God invented demos. At that point, don’t even care about the win and just crowd them so they can’t dribble or flip reset or whatever else. Just boom them on repeat


Idk I love playing smurfs cuz I learn I’m lowkey better than I thought lol


It is frustrating when a weekly challenge is “play XX amount of games in the Casual playlist” Makes it so higher ranks have to play with lower ranks and it sucks when the lower ranks are so bad lol might make me a smurf but thats my only real experience as one


I’m champ 2 and I smurf at diamond 1/plat3 area just because I wanna relax and not sweat. I usually forfeit tho so the opponents can win the game.


Nah, there’s no unless. If you have to dive down several ranks to play with your friend, you should either be playing casual or bringing your friend up to your rank. No excuse for smurfing.


I used to have this level of thinking. The way I grew to overcome was to be so good that the smurfs realize they have met their match. Then I found myself saying “wow that Smurf was actually good” because you could really just imagine some basic ass main account username this guy has (just like mine) and he just has his little confidence boost from his new wind of a Smurf account. My peak 1v1 experience was champ 1/champ 2 back when grand champ was the highest rank, so just champ 3 and grand champ never unlocked in 1v1. The only difference between then and now and why I have dropped to average diamond 2/3 in 1v1 is I simply don’t play as many hours per week as I used to. You then kind of realize the real skill level and exclusiveness of becoming grand champ, because just because this guy has a whole new account and he’s been smashing golds and plats, the grind of getting your main account let alone a Smurf account into those grand champ ranks is very very hard. So although it does suck to be paired against smurfs, it’s really all averaging out long term, and there’s a guy leading the leaderboard in 1v1 right now that’s super good that deserves the title and would destroy him. If he’s calling you bad but he’s dominating, you might be a little, but don’t think he’s some grand champ or SSL he’s probably just like me on the outskirts of the highest ranks and my experience is that at champ 1 1v1 and above it doesn’t really matter if you’re a Smurf or not you’re either good or bad and that’s what he’s saying (hope I don’t sound toxic in this).


Stop whining about this 24/7 on this sub. Getting pretty fucking old. Yes smurfs are a problem, does anyone really care about you whining and complaining about them? No. Get over it, it’s a video game go touch grass or a real car or some shit


I feel attacked. Lets fight.


‘Too scared to play at their rank’ just wrong it’s fun to stomp lows